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No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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Forcespeed lasts for 3 seconds. If you let them get in position to make 3 seconds of speed allow a goal, you messed up for the other 60 seconds it took for them to get down the field.


Forceleap/forcepull etc. require skill and team work to set up properly. Just because you have been running with people who don't know how to play together doesn't mean the people that do should be penalized. Guess what, if they were to remove all of that, the baddies would still be baddies and the people that play together would still wtfpwn you. Then you would come on forums and QQ saying they should remove throwing the ball and we should only be able to run it. Seriously...L2play


Hello, hows your sorc/sage doing?


Try playing another class and get back on this forum about huttball.

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But yes i do agree.


The Ball carrier shouldnt be able to:


Leap / Charge to enemy players

Leap / Charge to friendly players

Force speed.


When carrying the ball you should be vulnerable and move slowly, your team's job is to keep you safe, not doing things solo. This is the huttball i'd enjoy more.


I've been in numerous games where 2 sorcs do everything while the rest 6 just deathmatch at center.

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whats it got to do with sorc, so what they have force run, force pull into fire, or force leap from pit is just as effective. some of you must be a real bore to be around irl. Lets get rid of every skill that makes things interesting and dynamic. You guys really do need a WZ thats only objective is kill count. Edited by Sgt_shades
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Darth Allister

Sith juggertank

Ven Zallow


Still part of the problem,

You can completely skip all the defenses. (fire traps, ramps) by just using one ability


I do see an angle where it is fun, but I personally dont find this version of huttball fun. How I see PvP should be in an MMO is that everything has to be achieved by a TEAM OF PEOPLE instead of individuals charging through fire traps.


<- Vanguard tank so i know how stupid charging is.



Removing the ability to CHARGE WITH THE BALL wouldnt remove the ability for players to charge on the otherside and -ANOTHER- player passing the ball to you. As it should be.


Now it's Charge, run CC break on resolve pop defensive CD and SCORE, 99% of the time unless someone pushes you off just when you charge in.

Edited by Piriste
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I totally agree with you OP. Movement abilities would still be useful to let teammates get in position to receive passes, but right now the classes with these abilities make carrying the ball a joke. I can't believe BW intended for scores to happen so easily. It's cheese and makes Huttball come down to who has more of the good Huttball classes.
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Or, let's see, you could NOT put yourself (this probably goes for the people who don't read forums or know anything about games or sports or tactics) in a spot where someone can take advantage of you.


I play an Immortal spec jugg. The ONLY use I have is my ability to sustain massive amounts of damage and leap. I keep a healer in my pocket and walk around waiting (not long) for stupid people on the other team to stand above me on the ramps so I can use them to avoid fire traps, and when someone is smart enough to knock me down, I wait for one of them to be stupid and run directly toward me from their spawn. At that point I leap to them and walk, albeit slowly, to the goal.


Were they smart enough to run up the middle ramp and come at me from a different angle, that would stop me from scoring 50% of the time.


Next you need to be smart enough to stop using resolve bar filling stuns at the wrong time (while I'm in your end zone). You fill my resolve, I pop CC breaker and walk in. You fill the resolve bar of my teammates waiting on your endzone and then no one can PUSH them back into the pit to avoid my passes or leap.


Lastly, you need to kill sorcs, because even if I have exhausted all 2 of my leaps, my pocket healer is going to pull me.


And that's the story of why people get mad at me for not passing but we still generally win games. Because OTHER people don't know how to play. BTW, next time you get mad at a jugg for not passing, ask yourself: does he have a sorc healer with him on vent? If he does, then that guy isn't going to pass until all 3 leap/pulls are exhausted and he's got less than 40% health.

Edited by Vastian
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Still part of the problem,

You can completely skip all the defenses. (fire traps, ramps) by just using one ability


I do see an angle where it is fun, but I personally dont find this version of huttball fun. How I see PvP should be in an MMO is that everything has to be achieved by a TEAM OF PEOPLE instead of individuals charging through fire traps.


<- Vanguard tank so i know how stupid charging is.



Removing the ability to CHARGE WITH THE BALL wouldnt remove the ability for players to charge on the otherside and -ANOTHER- player passing the ball to you. As it should be.


Now it's Charge, run CC break on resolve pop defensive CD and SCORE, 99% of the time unless someone pushes you off just when you charge in.


You wouldn't score like that against any decent team. All the knock backs would be used on the people that try to run ahead and the ball carrier would be forced to walk his way through a gauntlet.


Every game would drag on forever because no one would ever get 6 caps and a good majority of them would be scoreless. When I queue with my battlemaster friends and we end up against another battlemaster team it's already hard enough to score as it is. This change would make it impossible.

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I really would like to see the disabling of charge, force speed, lifegrip, etc. ... the only problem is this game's lag is so horrible that people will pass to others who will cast in synchronization with it just so the ball is caught a fraction of a second before said ability is cast.
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