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Star Wars: TOR - ?300? years before Anakin...this is my pet peeve...


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~ you wind up with the vast unwashed majority holding down everyone else...and people being mostly okay with that because they can recover old/lost crap occasionally which is better.


Which is Why Windows XP is more popular than Windows 7...


Just sayin' :)

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The technology used by Humans, Duros, Twi'leks etc. is all derived from tinkering with and copying ancient Rakata & Gree devices. No deep understanding of the actual science underlying the various machines' functioning exists, so technological development is very, very slow.


Thats not exactly true.


While several races did derive their tech from the Rakata...it was from reverse engineering it which requires you to LEARN it. They turned it from force driven tech to normal tech powered by a normal power source.


So again, Tech is driven by a power source. Once you hit the wall with how much power you can get out of it, it requires a new more powerful source to allow tech to advance much further.

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i assume the constant wars, rebuilding efforts after said war, the need to maintain an entire galaxy from spinning out of control, galactic laws to prevent technological growth in order to keep all planets on the same level and none being able to capitalize on advanced tech that the galaxy itself is stagnant. The constant lack of resources to maintain fleets of ships, or the poor economy of galactic sectors in part to more powerful sectors trying to keep themselves in power.


However when the need arises and these bans are lifted the starwars universe seems to be able to create and innovate at an alarming pace. For example world devastators, matter converters, and even learning to Reverse engineer and master Vong Bugs.

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There comes a point where technology simply can't get any better within the bounds of the laws of physics.


A computer processor can't get any faster because the electrons that carry information can't travel any faster.


A blaster can't get any more efficient because energy loss can't be reduced any farther.


Really look at the tech in this era. FTL drives, self-aware machines, high-powered compact energy weapons, portable deflector shields, artificial gravity, perfect cybernetic replacements and enhancements. . . HOW can the tech get any better? What possible improvements could be made in the following three thousand years?


Logically, there comes a point when science simply cannot advance any farther, because everything that can be discovered has been discovered. Scientists on Earth have been convinced that they were close to doing so several times (though of course, they were wrong each time.) Hell, back in, I think, the 1930s, the head of the US patent office petitioned to have the patent office shut down because he believed that everything that could be invented had already been invented. Of course, he was so wrong its not even funny, but the point I'm trying to make is that there is a finite amount stuff in the galaxy (the universe, being ever-expanding, may be a different story), and as such, there is a finite amount of stuff that can be discovered. Once you've discovered that finite amount of stuff. . . well, that's pretty much it.

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My pet peeve is...technology hasn't advanced...almost at all.


In our world, technology advances every two years...so don't you think that by the time Anakin is born, there would be insane weaponry?


Also...another peeve are laser weapons. Don't give me, "the weapons, i.e. blasters in Star Wars use plasma"...well, since Troopers can use Plasma, Ion and so on...you would think that firing them would create a stream of light instead of segments. Jeeze!


This is a fantasy world with a logic and set of physics all its own. Separate and distinct from our own. Consequently, the the creators of that world have created their own unique rationale for how and why things are they way they are. Rejecting them doesn't invalidate them. The blaster fire bolts of plasma. Deal with it or don't. Either way that doesn't change the official conical explanation for how they work.


As to the Technology bit, its been static for a lot longer than 3,000 years (NOT 300). Its very likely that the Technology plateaued. The fact that our own technology continues to evolve is irrelevant. 1) Star Wars has a distinct set of logic separate from our own, 2) you cant have any conception of the ultimate conclusion of our own technology advancement. We could easily reach our own plateau. Maybe its a million years from now, maybe its a decade. There is also the issue that the SW galaxy has been in a state of near perpetual conflict, going from one war to the next. Knowledge is lost with destruction and loss of life. Even in SW there are instances where technology and information is lost and then has to be rediscovered.

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I am ending this thread right here as this has been brought up time and time again....


Everyone knows the similarities are very close. Bioware even knows this.


If you truly had a game that was based technology and culture that was 3000 years before what you KNEW to be the standard expectation, then you would have a completely unrecognizable game that would look nothing like "Star Wars".


Would you buy a game that called itself Star Wars that had no resemblance to it? No!


It's just marketing and IP recognition. That's it. That's all.



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In the grim nightmare of the far future, there is only WAR, and no technological advancement.


That's true of the New Sith Wars. Thousand years of warfare, disease epidemics and technolgical collapse leave their mark. Things can go backwards and forward march of progress is not guaranteed.

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I think its mixture of what afew people have said before me...


In real life its as said "product recognition" of Star Wars itself.


Now that doesnt excuse writers from being creative and logical with giving in Star Wars why there isnt much tech advancement.


Ingame i think its really that Galaxy with the Force User Wars all 5 of them over last 20k years has really kept the entire place going backwards nearly as much as it ever get forward.

(5? Force Wars of Typhon, Great Hyperspace War, Jedi Civil War, Sith Invasion and later Empire War with Rebellion)


Each has been spread out enough to cripple the Galaxy's advancement (i know Typhon was more planetary but it was first of Force user wars and key to setting up rest of them). Each War would push the Galaxy back into a Dark Age that they'd spend 1-5k trying to overcome and just as it seemed they might, Bam another war.


With gaining and losing of so much Force and Tech advancements its just been 2 steps back and 2 steps forward constantly.

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