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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Death March that is lvl 50 Pvp


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Funny, I thought the exact same thing in wow. Got to the highest lv and went in and dead dead dead. Ok, let's try warhammer, got to the highest lv went in and dead dead dead. Hmm, gotta be one mmo that's not like this, let's see Anarchy online, oh wait no real pvp there. Actually wow was the worse. Try going into anything without the gear, not only do you die in pvp but you get kicked out of raids that you need to go on to get the gear so you can advance to the higher raids. All mmo's have this problem. At least swtor doesn't have that stupid /kick vote crap like wow does.
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Funny, I thought the exact same thing in wow. Got to the highest lv and went in and dead dead dead. Ok, let's try warhammer, got to the highest lv went in and dead dead dead. Hmm, gotta be one mmo that's not like this, let's see Anarchy online, oh wait no real pvp there. Actually wow was the worse. Try going into anything without the gear, not only do you die in pvp but you get kicked out of raids that you need to go on to get the gear so you can advance to the higher raids. All mmo's have this problem. At least swtor doesn't have that stupid /kick vote crap like wow does.


Hmm in WoW arena has brackets, bgs you do just fine with raid gear.

in warhammer you can enter t4 at rr70 is you wanted to and wear full cheao sov which is more than enough for you to compete.

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im over 500 expertise and i still get blown to pieces as a combat medic commando. heavy armor healer. I can't imagine how frustrating PvP must be for fresh lvl 50's. Even with -25% damage cooldown going, I still can't heal through the damage, routinely seeing crits in the 4500 neighborhood. My 2 sec cast heal (after talent points) with an 81% crit modifier will crit heal for ~3800 in pvp thanks to trauma, yet attacks like tracer missle/grav round are 1.5 second cast and regularly crit for 3-3.5k and demo round/heat missle doing even more. Seems right that one player pressing one button repeatedly can outdamage the healer, sure makes for challenging pvp when you don't have to think about anything but pressing your 1 key 3 times and then your 2 key


i'd love to line of sight but I can't move 90% of the time because everything in this game has a snare or root attached to it, and on top of that my class just isn't a mobile healer


the pvp is trash, and with these hilarious patches creating more problems than they fix I'm thoroughly convinced BW/EA are completely content with their box sales and first month subs. only reason I still log in from time to time is the game card I purchased is 60 days, I'll keep an eye on the game till it runs out but without some SERIOUS work and changes I sure as hell won't be re-upping

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Intermediate for those 50s who are fresh out the box who want to compete and Advanced for those who have the gear and want to take on those who also have the gear.


Continuously farming undergeared players doesnt take skill. Fighting players of the same gear level does.


Getting killed over and over for God knows how long till you get the gear you need to compete isnt fun. And while Ill take my lumps to get there, alot of others wont. Ive heard alot of harsh things being said about the pvp in this game and personally i disagree with alot of it. I think its pretty good.


But being a farm animal to higher geared players isnt a smart idea if you want to retain your playerbase.


Im not asking for a handout, im not asking for nerfs to any class, I can whip them all equally, im asking for a level playing field.



There's a thread on how to spend 8 hours to beef up NON PVP gear that's a bit better than cent gear, and that's your "starting pvp set," get it, compete, pay your dues.


The same gear disparity exists exists in WoW.

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Funny, I thought the exact same thing in wow. Got to the highest lv and went in and dead dead dead. Ok, let's try warhammer, got to the highest lv went in and dead dead dead. Hmm, gotta be one mmo that's not like this, let's see Anarchy online, oh wait no real pvp there. Actually wow was the worse. Try going into anything without the gear, not only do you die in pvp but you get kicked out of raids that you need to go on to get the gear so you can advance to the higher raids. All mmo's have this problem. At least swtor doesn't have that stupid /kick vote crap like wow does.


While I agree with your statement on WoW. Warhammers gear gap was pretty small so I call BS on this.

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I prefer the 50's brax tbh. In the 1-49 brax on my alts, I find that a lot of players don't know what they're doing (more so than the 50 brax anyways), queue up at level 11 and spam their basic ranged attack, lack a lot of their abilities possibly causing one side to be imbalanced. Pair this with me always being purple-geared, I feel like I'm just n00bstomping in the 1-49, so I can understand why the transition to the 50's brax might feel hard. Capping a turret, scoring, or planting a bomb in the 50's brax feels so much more rewarding. People die much slower in the 50's brax and are generally more organized, this means battles last longer and fights are more challenging. 1-49 is EZmode for me, so while I do enjoy stomping every now and again, I'd be lying to myself to say that's where the real pvp is.


Do the dailies/weeklies, do some HMs to gear up instead of writing whine posts. You'll gear up fast enough. Save up 1k/1k + 1 champ bag before 50, you can get a few pieces right out of the gate. You can also run some FP's. Getting champ gear is easy; and BM is not much better than champ.

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