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Is watchman the way to go for pure DPS?


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I'm playing Combat now from Watchman, I'm lowbie, but I've noticed my overall damage numbers are lower, but I tend to kill my target more often. So, less overall damage, but more effective damage. I like it - and my damage can't be cleansed.
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The thing about Watchman is the burns. This allows you to do other things while still damaging them. I often get a gold burning with all my burn abilities then use Force Stasis to add insult to injury. Often the gold is down at least, minimum a third health if not a lot more by the time you are done with Force Stasis.
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In PVE, Watchman is king for sustained DPS. It's the best DPS against bosses as those are generally lengthy fights, where those burns really add up.


Combat gives better burst, making it better for PVP(or so I hear, I play Watchman only).

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400-500K is cool and all but you can do better as watchman AND it has better utility. Also I don't like basing damage on Warzones at all.


agreed lol i break 500k constantly half daydreaming as watchman, i seem to sit around 300k on average as combat though, but the dmg doesnt matter if your not watching those doors! haha

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The best dps spec...is the one you play the best.


The play styles of each tree are very different. I would try all 3 to see which one "feels" the most comfortable.


With our vast array of abilities, the challenge is using them in the right situation, or setting up the situation to use them. If you can master that, it won't matter much what spec you decide to play.

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Combat is fine. One of my guildies plays Combat and consistently hits 400-500k. Problem is it's buggy as hell and more gear dependent.


And your guildmate would do even more damage and heal himself and his team for 100k+ to boot if he switched to Watchman.


Combat is plagued with bugged skills and stuttering. The day everything is fixed, it will shine beyond the other two for PvP by far.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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400-500K is cool and all but you can do better as watchman AND it has better utility. Also I don't like basing damage on Warzones at all.


Cause Watchman utility is so godlike...I'm not saying either one is better, I'm saying people need to stop calling Watchman the end-all be-all for Sentinels. It's not. Is it so hard to admit another spec is viable (admittedly, when it's not bugged) instead of saying "lulz Watchman rulez"? I call 4.7-5k bladestorm crits and 2.5-3k blade rush crits pretty viable burst damage (which is what Combat is for).

Edited by nschlan
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Cause Watchman utility is so godlike...I'm not saying either one is better, I'm saying people need to stop calling Watchman the end-all be-all for Sentinels. It's not. Is it so hard to admit another spec is viable (admittedly, when it's not bugged) instead of saying "lulz Watchman rulez"? I call 4.7-5k bladestorm crits and 2.5-3k blade rush crits pretty viable burst damage (which is what Combat is for).


Yeah there is this culture of arrogance with a lot of these watchman that is just sickening.

Is it a good spec?


Is it easier to be successful with watchman?


Is it head and shoulders above the other two spec?


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Yeah there is this culture of arrogance with a lot of these watchman that is just sickening.

Is it a good spec?


Is it easier to be successful with watchman?


Is it head and shoulders above the other two spec?



Exactly. I play Watchman and like it, but I find Combat is more fun and fits me better. Only problem is Saber Storm and Opportune Attack are bugged talents on my toon so it's basically useless to me. If it wasn't for that I'd switch quickly. Focus is viable, Combat is viable when not bugged. Watchman is not god mode.

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I play a Annihilation Marauder, which is the mirror and I am thoroughly happy with the tree. It's great for pressuring healers, disrupts, 1v1, and single target dps out the wazoo. You won't necessarily see high numbers on the warzone scoreboard in terms of damage, but it's still an effective killer from my experience.


lvl 49 marauder, playin casually since launch and leveling mostly from doing WZ

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agreed lol i break 500k constantly half daydreaming as watchman, i seem to sit around 300k on average as combat though, but the dmg doesnt matter if your not watching those doors! haha


Really? Can you post the proof of this? Hitting 500k+ consistently seems like a stretch nevermind it being snooze mode.

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In PVE, Watchman is king for sustained DPS. It's the best DPS against bosses as those are generally lengthy fights, where those burns really add up.


Combat gives better burst, making it better for PVP(or so I hear, I play Watchman only).


Largest reason Watchman sustained DPS is better is that you can maintain focus without using weak attacks like Zealous strike and saber strike. Also centering builds very quickly and Zen gives a big DPS boost for watchman.


The other trees have their advantages, but watchman will usually outperform them in a raid setting.


Cause Watchman utility is so godlike...I'm not saying either one is better, I'm saying people need to stop calling Watchman the end-all be-all for Sentinels. It's not. Is it so hard to admit another spec is viable (admittedly, when it's not bugged) instead of saying "lulz Watchman rulez"? I call 4.7-5k bladestorm crits and 2.5-3k blade rush crits pretty viable burst damage (which is what Combat is for).


Focus is also pretty viable for burst. Being able to chain a 3.5 K force sweep with a 2.8K blade storm every 9 seconds is pretty nice (ok, so you can't quite do it every 9 seconds, but twice in 18 seconds, then again 15 seconds later is still pretty good).

Edited by Vodrin
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foucs = 1) burst 3) sustainability 3) surviveability

combat = 2) burst 2) sustainability 2) surviveability

watchman = 3) burst 1) sustainability 1) surviveability


try em all, but that's my experience. I started off watchman w/ DPS pet through 40s, then combat 40-47 DPS pet, then for a challenge I went focus 47-50 w/ doc. Biochem all the way, must have.


What's best for PVP, it depends, but I enjoyed focus then combat then watchman the most.

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Here is my experience: I started as combat and liked it. It was fast, fluid, and relied on direct damage rather than DoTs (I played DoT classes in WoW so I was thinking DoT=slow damage). In FP groups I was in, I felt like I pulled my own weight, and I noticed that as long as I kept my gear at-level while leveling, I was able to complete all solo missions. In short, I was happy.


Then I read all the hype about Watchman spec on the forums. I was dubious at first, but as I was questing in Alderaan, I was noticing that things were becoming quite hard to kill with a lot of down time in between pulls. I thought, "hey--I am DPS, so I am trading high DPS for low survivability. seems logical." But I was curious enough to try watchman spec.


I was *not* expecting it to be any better.


Boy was I wrong.


Watchman, sad to say, is head and shoulders above combat spec in both damage *and* survivability. It's not even close. Switching from combat to watchman was an immediate change from feeling like a punching bag to feeling like Rambo. The damage is better. You have healing. You have more frequent interrupts. You force leap more frequently with fewer range restrictions.


It's faster.


It's more fluid.


It hits harder.


It has less downtime.


It is night-and-day different.


To those still doing combat spec out there, I am *not* hating on your spec of choice. I wish to God that all three specs were just like three flavors of awesome ice cream. But in my experience, that is simply not true.


I know that there are some awesome combat specced sentinels out there. But that doesn't mean watchman isn't better or that you awesome combat sents wouldn't be even *more* awesome as watchman.


An Analogy: Jackie Chan is fully capable of killing a man with a spoon and making it look awesome. That doesn't mean that we'd be better if we went to war using spoons instead of guns. It means that Jackie Chan is exceptional.


I see you combat specced guys the same way.

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There is a joke with my guildies that I call Watchman the "man's spec", mainly because most Sents/Mara are Rage or Combat...


and they are as children compared to Watchman. Have an adult's strength of will for Watchman, its def the hardest of the 3. Even if Combat is ever fixed up, don't think I'd ever switch; it gives too many benefits for pve and pvp.

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There is a joke with my guildies that I call Watchman the "man's spec", mainly because most Sents/Mara are Rage or Combat...


and they are as children compared to Watchman. Have an adult's strength of will for Watchman, its def the hardest of the 3. Even if Combat is ever fixed up, don't think I'd ever switch; it gives too many benefits for pve and pvp.


Watchman is not hard in the slightest.

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It's far more complicated than any spec for any other class.


Not really. If anything Combat is harder because it loses survivability and utility in exchange for higher burst (when not bugged). Watchman is pretty simple, Combat is about the same, so is Focus. No DPS class in this game is difficult.

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Not really. If anything Combat is harder because it loses survivability and utility in exchange for higher burst (when not bugged). Watchman is pretty simple, Combat is about the same, so is Focus. No DPS class in this game is difficult.


As Einstein said, it's all relative baby. Compared to every other class, this class is the hardest, and Watchman the hardest spec of it.


You've been on an anti-Watchman kick this whole thread, but don't confuse Combat's ineffectiveness for difficulty. Running with one leg is hard too, but it's not a matter of the difficulty of running.


And focus...well...is for ppl who like roflstomping one ability for damage and being close to useless during force sweep's cooldown.

Edited by ShiroRX
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