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Alot people forget that this game is new...


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What's up with people like this, who says they do not want to play the game. Yet wants to rant about it on the forum. Do you think this will help in any way? Do you think people will think you're cool? Do you think people will flock to whatever game it is you find better? I'm baffled.


SW:TOR has great contents. They focused on the levelling up process at first. This is EXCELLENT compated to WoW. Now they're focusing on adding more end-game content. This is great too.


I've been 50 for quite some time now. I'm almost fully geared, and yes I'd love some new content. But I had that same feeling in WoW. You just reach the end, and then there just ain't that many options.


I hope SW:TOR will create a lot of options for endgame fun. But I also see them already doing it, so I don't see why whining helps.

I share your gameplay experience as well as your optimism.


As for the people you mentioned who say they don't want to play the game yet want to rant about it on the forum ... Folks are entitled to opinion, constructive criticism and making their recommendations to improve the game. What they are not entitled to is vitriol, flaming (others or the game) and carpet bombing a thread so positive feedback and dialogue can't a get a word in edgewise.


Unfortunately, we Kama'aina have had to deal with smear merchants using denial of service style attacks to bash the game in the most popular threads. Fortunately, rooting out this viral community (some who operate with multiple accounts to avoid being shut down) will be brought up at the Guild Summit. There is a strong core community here, and BW is working hard to keep it that way.


Until then, well met! :)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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What's up with people like this, who says they do not want to play the game. Yet wants to rant about it on the forum. Do you think this will help in any way? Do you think people will think you're cool? Do you think people will flock to whatever game it is you find better? I'm baffled.


SW:TOR has great contents. They focused on the levelling up process at first. This is EXCELLENT compated to WoW. Now they're focusing on adding more end-game content. This is great too.


I've been 50 for quite some time now. I'm almost fully geared, and yes I'd love some new content. But I had that same feeling in WoW. You just reach the end, and then there just ain't that many options.


I hope SW:TOR will create a lot of options for endgame fun. But I also see them already doing it, so I don't see why whining helps.


a) Everyone has a right to voice their opinion

b) Everyone who has been disappointed by this game has a right to want to see it fail to discourage industry from making more games like this in the future

c) New players who are looking for information about the game on the forums should have access to both negative and positive posts to help them make up their mind

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See it fail?


I should hope not. This game isn't a wash. It has plenty of areas where it can improve, certainly. It also has strengths I would consider outstanding. The hope is the devs improve where the game is lacking and create something truly great. The only thing that will do that is time.


I see nothing wrong with releasing a functional product to recoup some investment and continually improve as you go along. That's what everyone does in software entertainment. Personally, I'm very happy with TOR as long as development continues at the pace it has.

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a) Everyone has a right to voice their opinion

b) Everyone who has been disappointed by this game has a right to want to see it fail to discourage industry from making more games like this in the future

c) New players who are looking for information about the game on the forums should have access to both negative and positive posts to help them make up their mind

Posting in these forums isn't a right, it is a governed privilege that comes with membership. If you want unfettered opinion privileges that allow you to actively discourage the industry from making more games like this, then start your own blog.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Funny being that majority of whiners comments are ironic too...... No it was not polished i played and i experienced it. It took a good 5 months before the release of hammerknell to be fluid and yet they ****ed up a entire class (mages) great job............


Edit if your classing my irony because i slagged off rift and TOR then IMO tor have done a far better job on release than trion. BW have be allot more active in communication with the consumers than trion have ever been. You would barely see a trion post even after 6 months from launch.


Vague generalities and marketing speak are not what I would call communication. Sure, it creates an illusion of communication, but it isn't really communication. That's why I find the whole dev tracker recap blog to be hilarious.


The difference is that raids in WOW present a challenge. Only very few guilds clear them within days of their release. In SWTOR the content is so trivial that it was nuked through by any semi-decent guild 3 days after their first 8 people ding 50.


But that's pretty irrelevant either way. Most people in this thread are not complaining about content. They're complaining about the dismal UI, terrible game mechanics, clunky game play and general problems associated with bad quality WOW-clones (stealing the game concept but doing a really terrible job at it).


Thank you. I don't know why people think the complaints are centered on content. Sure, many are concerned with the poor implementation of content, but that is in the same vein as the problems you listed.


I'll say it one more time: a simple market search. . . BW can't/didn't even do that. How much more basic do you get?

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Bioware had about 3x the budget of any other MMO launch in history. For them not to have currently expected genre-standards like a combat log, dungeon finder, and some way to assess the combat effectiveness of different builds is disappointing to say the least.


Rift had a budget of only $50M and managed to have most of that and more in at launch. Their auto-matching didn't come until a little later, but their UI was also MUCH more intelligently designed overall. And if 1 person entered the dungeon you could automatically be summoned to the entrance when they walked into the instance, which saved a lot of time.


ESPECIALLY when you consider the fact they decided to put all of the flashpoint entrances on the fleet when most people are not going to be there. To not have a more effective system in at launch is inexcusable.


Judging by how little they thought of tester input during beta (which is to say no value at all), I really wonder if they even realize how badly they've bungled things so far.


Beta testers are pretty much your most loyal future subscribers. And if they perceive something as a huge problem, it doesn't matter if you don't see it the same way. Their perceived reality is that it IS a problem. Therefore it IS a problem for you. Since you're trying to please them and keep them subscribed.



They ignored general beta testers throughout testing and let us know we were basically there for stressing, and they knew best. The concerns we had with the game are now concerns paying customers have and we tried to tell them, but were ignored. Now they're in damage control mode trying to put those features in that we were concerned and we thought needed to be in a newly released game (standard features in an mmo these days too, mind you). They're spinning it as if "they are listening to the customers", and some people will buy it. Those of us that were in beta know differently. They could have had a customizable UI and numerous other things, but they chose to ignore testers opinions and put it on the back burner, so they could introduce it later in a patch or expansion as if to say "We are listening to your feedback customers". They seem to think their customers are a bunch of mindless fools.

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Posting in these forums isn't a right, it is a governed privilege that comes with membership. If you want unfettered opinion privileges that allow you to actively discourage the industry from making more games like this, then start your own blog.


Your post misses the point badly.


I never said posting on the forums was a right, I said being dissatisfied and wanting to see the game fail is a right.

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Your post misses the point badly.


I never said posting on the forums was a right, I said being dissatisfied and wanting to see the game fail is a right.

So passively being dissatisfied and wanting to see the game fail but not actively voicing that in a post is what you meant? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Your post misses the point badly.


I never said posting on the forums was a right, I said being dissatisfied and wanting to see the game fail is a right.


I do agree that everyone/anyone has the right to want the game to fail. I don't. I want the game to thrive. That is why I, and so many others, spend so much time on these forums hoping that the devs will come to realize that GZ doesn't know what he is doing when he says that player feedback doesn't matter. Oh, sure, the marketing department is smarter than that; they like to toot their horns about how great BW is at listening to feedback. The thing is, they only "listen" when the feedback fits with the plan they already have. GZ, everything else aside, was at least honest- our feedback, input, and opinions don't matter; we simply generate numbers for their metrics and decisions are based on that.


What that plan neglects is human emotion and psychology. There is a reason that a craft store will have 100 different colors of paints or sewing thread when 80% of the sales come from white paint or black thread: customer perception. Customers want to feel like they have options and choices, even if they don't exercise those options. If they don't have them, they will go elsewhere. That doesn't show in pure data form gathered within the confines of sales numbers (or in-game metrics).


Metrics will also never allow you to reach potential. Another sales analogy: if I order 6 of a new item and put it on the shelf, and reorders are done by a computer based on sales, if I have sold all 6 of those items by the next week's order cycle, the computer will order 6 more (without input that is beyond the raw data). Those 6 sell. It orders 6 more. Those 6 sell. It orders 6 more. After an interval of time passes, I look back and see that I can reliably sell 6 of those items per week. What I don't see is that the other store that stocks the item, my competition on the other side of town, also sold a bunch of those to my would-be customers. They wanted more than 6, but I never had them.


Metrics and data without human feedback are worthless. Without listening to your customers who say "I want more of this" or "I want other color options", you miss the sales. But hey, at least GZ was honest with us. . .


In a provider-customer relationship, the only reality is the customer's perception, no matter if it is accurate or not.

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So passively being dissatisfied and wanting to see the game fail but not actively voicing that in a post is what you meant?


His original point was why bother posting on the forums.


I said: A) you have a right to be pissed off, B) you have a right to want to see the product/company fail as a warning to others in the industry (maybe I should have phrased it differently: e.g. You are RIGHT in wanting to see it fail as a warning to the industry) and c) It benefits new players to have both types of opinion on the forums.


I never said Bioware didn't have the right to censor their forums. I am quite cognizant that it is their private property.

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What that plan neglects is human emotion and psychology. There is a reason that a craft store will have 100 different colors of paints or sewing thread when 80% of the sales come from white paint or black thread: customer perception. Customers want to feel like they have options and choices, even if they don't exercise those options. If they don't have them, they will go elsewhere. That doesn't show in pure data form gathered within the confines of sales numbers (or in-game metrics).
So true. Just wish adding features to an MMO was as simple as ordering thread in a variety of colors. And GZ (as well as JO) make me a little nervous too. Edited by GalacticKegger
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So true. Just wish adding features to an MMO was as simple as ordering thread in a variety of colors. And GZ (as well as JO) make me a little nervous too.


I think it all comes down to poor planning. I know I harp on a few specific examples, but they really do illustrate how backwards things are at BW Austin.


Instead of a working on a search function for the market, the UI team spent time going back and forth with fog-of-war and redesigning the map to have a hex-grid. Frankly, I'd have rather they left the mini-map as it was in July/August (no icon options/toggles) and worked on the market UI. . . or the companions closing windows issue. . . or the overlapping UI parts. . . or, ideally, putting in UI customization- let me move more than just the chat box (which has nowhere to go since nothing else moves) and allow me to scale the UI so it works for my set-up.


But, we got a drop-down (pop-up?) icon toggle list for the mini map, fog-of-war, and a hex grid instead.


(Oh, and what is so hard about having weapons show in the item preview if you have gear showing already? I guess it's just too technical for these professionals.)


They prioritized the icing before the cake.

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