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Alot people forget that this game is new...


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I am really sick of people attacking other for pointing out the flaws fan boys are unwilling to see.


I'm not a star wars fan boy btw. I guess I have to repeat myself for you to understand. I have no problem with people pointing out flaws, and most of the time I agree with them. It's the WAY people are doing it that disgusts me.


Making constant threads about the same topic and trashing bioware is childish. There are much more constructive and mature ways to get your point across.



EDIT: To clarify on the fan boy thing. I DO like starwars. Casually though. Never was a fan boy. I think (Though I'm not sure) that I would appreciate most any theme they decided to go with, because I enjoy the cutscenes and well done story line to the different classes. It being star wars is just a casual perk (For me anyway).

Edited by mavsynchroid
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what the heck is all this talk about a LFG tool? hellooo! it's an MMO say something, or respond to a lfg shout that's what general chat is for. look under WHO to see who's flagged as lfg.. it's not hard we all have a mouse just point and click fer cryin out loud.
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"In Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’re fusing BioWare’s heritage of critically-acclaimed storytelling with the amazing pedigree of Lucasfilm and LucasArts, and adding a brand-new fourth pillar to the equation – story. At the same time, we will still deliver all the fun features and activities that fans have come to expect in a AAA massively multiplayer online game. To top it all off, Star Wars: The Old Republic is set in a very exciting, dynamic period in the Star Wars universe."


No gurantee anywhere - not even a mention - about all the fun features and activities that fans have come to expect in a AAA massively multiplayer online game being in place at release or even close to it. Some choose to read things into what's printed then platform them into instant expectations. That's too bad. They're only beating themselves up when they do.


Seriously? That is your argument? That they said what would be in the game, but didn't specify that it would be in the game at or near launch?


"Come play our game! It will have this, this, and this in it!"*


*Features listed will not be in the game at the time you purchase. Nor will they be in the game while you are paying money to play it. All features listed will be implemented at some unknown point down the road. . . But be sure to get it now!



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BS yourself... TOR is a Sci Fi MMO...
No, star wars is far from sci-fi.


Where are the elves?
not sure on this. The pureblood sith are the dark elves

Where are the orcs?
Well, the republic has greenskins.


Heck where is anything fantasy in TOR?
half the people use magic swords and use magic.


To be strictly honest, TOR is a space opera western MMO. Theme is separate from mechanics when deciding genre.
No, space opera is very different


I remember back before 2004 everyone said the MMO market share wasnt big enough to support a game with a million subs... "There are arent a million subs in the whole world" was the common reply. Then WoW hit the market and proved them completely wrong. Just like now. The MMO market share is growing exponentially every year.
In 2004 lineage had 3.5 million subs...
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Perhaps you missed the part about being patient? If patience defines a fanboy, then many of us are fanboys in most everthing we do. We'll roll with it while you rush on ahead and get hit by the bus.


When is enough enough? Patient till when? Its 2012 aren't you tired of settling. So

X developer makes game for 300 mil releases it bare bones then says be patient we'll get it up to 2012 standards eventually but keep paying that sub. You have to be kidding me this is what you call a fanboy...willing to accept "anything" devs say and will defend it tooth and nail even if it make 0 sense. Wake up and smell the coffee what message are you sending...I'll pay for crap as long as i can swing a light saber and hear some starwars theme music. Any real MMO player knows this game is extremely lacking. Defend this crap all you want but i promise you this all you fanboys will be the demise of this game. All you guys want to do is kill the messenger because he's being honest. So when everyone leaves when the next flavor of the month comes out all you fanboys can play your bare bones game on empty servers with the dev's when this thing goes f2p you'll only have yourself to blame.

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When is enough enough? Patient till when? Its 2012 aren't you tired of settling. So

X developer makes game for 300 mil releases it bare bones then says be patient we'll get it up to 2012 standards eventually but keep paying that sub. You have to be kidding me this is what you call a fanboy...willing to accept "anything" devs say and will defend it tooth and nail even if it make 0 sense. Wake up and smell the coffee what message are you sending...I'll pay for crap as long as i can swing a light saber and hear some starwars theme music. Any real MMO player knows this game is extremely lacking. Defend this crap all you want but i promise you this all you fanboys will be the demise of this game. All you guys want to do is kill the messenger because he's being honest. So when everyone leaves when the next flavor of the month comes out all you fanboys can play your bare bones game on empty servers with the dev's when this thing goes f2p you'll only have yourself to blame.


Methinks you make too much sense, be careful!!


What I meant is: QFT

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Seriously? That is your argument? That they said what would be in the game, but didn't specify that it would be in the game at or near launch?


"Come play our game! It will have this, this, and this in it!"*


*Features listed will not be in the game at the time you purchase. Nor will they be in the game while you are paying money to play it. All features listed will be implemented at some unknown point down the road. . . But be sure to get it now!



There is no argument other than interpetation. I personally choose to interpret nothing when there is nothing there to interpret. If they didn't come right out and say when (which they did not) it then I harbored no expectations for a deadline. Simple really.
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what the heck is all this talk about a LFG tool? hellooo! it's an MMO say something, or respond to a lfg shout that's what general chat is for. look under WHO to see who's flagged as lfg.. it's not hard we all have a mouse just point and click fer cryin out loud.


The problem is that that isn't always enough to get a group in this game.

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Defend this crap all you want but i promise you this all you fanboys will be the demise of this game. All you guys want to do is kill the messenger because he's being honest.




also to OP - I've forgot that this game is "new" long ago, mainly because of lack of oh-so-future-feature like hi-res textures, it rather looks to be old, kotor old i mean.


don't get me wrong - I love this game, but getting it out without basic stuff will be their demise if some things won't get fixed asap


and I blame EA for that, not BW

Edited by Mike_Bluesky
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When is enough enough? Patient till when? Its 2012 aren't you tired of settling. So

X developer makes game for 300 mil releases it bare bones then says be patient we'll get it up to 2012 standards eventually but keep paying that sub. You have to be kidding me this is what you call a fanboy...willing to accept "anything" devs say and will defend it tooth and nail even if it make 0 sense. Wake up and smell the coffee what message are you sending...I'll pay for crap as long as i can swing a light saber and hear some starwars theme music. Any real MMO player knows this game is extremely lacking. Defend this crap all you want but i promise you this all you fanboys will be the demise of this game. All you guys want to do is kill the messenger because he's being honest. So when everyone leaves when the next flavor of the month comes out all you fanboys can play your bare bones game on empty servers with the dev's when this thing goes f2p you'll only have yourself to blame.

Ya ... fun part about being patient is watching impatience lose its cool. I'm fine with how the game is evolving. If others are not fine with my being fine, then that's fine too.
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When is enough enough? Patient till when? Its 2012 aren't you tired of settling. So

X developer makes game for 300 mil releases it bare bones then says be patient we'll get it up to 2012 standards eventually but keep paying that sub. You have to be kidding me this is what you call a fanboy...willing to accept "anything" devs say and will defend it tooth and nail even if it make 0 sense. Wake up and smell the coffee what message are you sending...I'll pay for crap as long as i can swing a light saber and hear some starwars theme music. Any real MMO player knows this game is extremely lacking. Defend this crap all you want but i promise you this all you fanboys will be the demise of this game. All you guys want to do is kill the messenger because he's being honest. So when everyone leaves when the next flavor of the month comes out all you fanboys can play your bare bones game on empty servers with the dev's when this thing goes f2p you'll only have yourself to blame.


Lol I'm sorry but this is ridiculous.



Patient till when? It's been, what, 2 or 3 months since the game came out? A little bit more patient than that.


The game isn't BARE BONES. Yes, it's still missing some features that will make the game better, but to say it's bare bones is silly.


You keep calling us fanboys and act like we want this game to stay exactly way it is. Dunno where you came up with that delusion, but we're simply saying that it's going to take time for it to happen.


Should they have added these before release? Probably. There could have been plenty of different reasons why they didn't. What matters now is whether they do or not, and I personally think they will, IN TIME.


Either be patient or don't play. :)

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Ya ... fun part about being patient is watching impatience lose its cool. I'm fine with how the game is evolving. If others are not fine with my being fine, then that's fine too.


Walter Sobchak: "Nihilists! **** me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."

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Lol I'm sorry but this is ridiculous.



Patient till when? It's been, what, 2 or 3 months since the game came out? A little bit more patient than that.


The game isn't BARE BONES. Yes, it's still missing some features that will make the game better, but to say it's bare bones is silly.


You keep calling us fanboys and act like we want this game to stay exactly way it is. Dunno where you came up with that delusion, but we're simply saying that it's going to take time for it to happen.


Should they have added these before release? Probably. There could have been plenty of different reasons why they didn't. What matters now is whether they do or not, and I personally think they will, IN TIME.


Either be patient or don't play. :)


Lol yea its ok bro I know how it feels when you favorite game is a bust. I actually feel sorry for you guys who say your just waiting in hopes it will eventually get better. EA/BW is really taking advantage of you guys and thats just sad. I spent $ 80 on a CE and bought a 3 month sub in advance and this the best they can do give me a 2004 release and say features are over rated lol...come on I thought we were all adults here.

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Lol yea its ok bro I know how it feels when you favorite game is a bust. I actually feel sorry for you guys who say your just waiting in hopes it will eventually get better. EA/BW is really taking advantage of you guys and thats just sad. I spent $ 80 on a CE and bought a 3 month sub in advance and this the best they can do give me a 2004 release and say features are over rated lol...come on I thought we were all adults here.
"Seems like everyone is out lookin' for the sun

Singin' rain and pain on ye who hesitates.

But it'll shine when it shines, you might think I'm wastin' time

But I'm just a good ol' boy who's learned to wait."


Ozark Mountain Daredevlis

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Nah more like right name wrong person.


Some guy with a hunter in WoW with similar name:)


That would be me, stone faced killer, only hunter on our server to have the rare silver/gold dragon elite giggler, the only pet to not be nerfed by the pet balancing and retain its custom skin and red eyes. Kul tiras, anachronos and then back to kul tiras.

Edited by Shingara
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Lol yea its ok bro I know how it feels when you favorite game is a bust. I actually feel sorry for you guys who say your just waiting in hopes it will eventually get better. EA/BW is really taking advantage of you guys and thats just sad. I spent $ 80 on a CE and bought a 3 month sub in advance and this the best they can do give me a 2004 release and say features are over rated lol...come on I thought we were all adults here.


Lol what??? This isn't my favorite game. That's more of your delusions getting a hold of you. Please don't make stuff up if you have nothing of any real value to say.


As for us waiting in hopes it will eventually get better? Right.... You think this game is going to stay the same as it is right now? More delusions. Obviously it's going to get better. They will add content, tweak content, and remove things people don't like.



And if they took advantage of us, doesn't that mean they took advantage of you too? I didn't buy the CE. Sounds like something a "fanboy" would do, though...


If you want to be treated like an adult, please act like one. ;)


You're STILL not grasping that everyone wants improvement. Regardless of you whining in the forums about spending all this money on a game you obviously had no real clue about (or else you wouldn't have slapped down all that money), it's going to take as long as it's going to take for it to come out.


Whining does not equal quicker patches and updates to content.

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"Seems like everyone is out lookin' for the sun

Singin' rain and pain on ye who hesitates.

But it'll shine when it shines, you might think I'm wastin' time

But I'm just a good ol' boy who's learned to wait."


Ozark Mountain Daredevlis



Just the good ol' boys,

Never meanin' no harm,

Beats all you've ever saw,

been in trouble with the law since the day they was born.

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