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marauder 400k plus damage?


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I'm a Anni spec lvl 50 marauder in champ/centurion gear. Main hand is centurion and off hand is champ saber.


I consider myself as a pretty descent pvp'er, but some Marauders claim 400k plus damage. Is this boast, better gear or I'm I doing something drastically wrong? I can almost always win a 1 vs 1 fight, but I'm no where near 400k plus.


What am I missing here?



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May be difficult to break 400k if you don't have a decent team in your warzone, or at least decent healers. If you keep dying you will never break 400k, but if lets say you're not going to die at all during full duration voidstar match, and will be nuking ppl 100% of the time, you'll find yourself doing 500k or close to it. Also a matter of getting CCd often or not. If you will be dying or getting CCd all the time, there's no way you'll break 400k, may even have problems with 300k. Also depends on if you ignore specific warzone goals and just go for dmg, or if you want to help your team with objectives.


If you want to measure how much dmg you can do, get yourself a good pocket healer, hope for another good healer in your team, and hope for voidstar, then just nuke nuke nuke, and if the match will last it's full duration (neither of the teams will get to the datacore), you'll have over 400k easily. How much damage you do depends on many factors. Sometimes in Alderaan warzone i finish with 100-150k if i defend alot and there is not much fighting, sometimes getting below 200k on hutball if i try to score/prevent enemy team from scoring alot, and sometimes im close to 500k on voidstar if i just feel like nuking ppl and happen to have a good team with good healers. So my advice would be keep playing, if you end up in a proper setup in warzone, preferably voidstar, you'll break 400k if you do your things right. Also, read all the guides and tips you can find on forums, it all helps.

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I've had numerous 400-500k matches without a heal bot. Just depends how the other team treats ya. Buncha people on my server know me so it's pretty rare i don't get focused hard.

Get some bm gear and get you some surge.

Edited by Kricys
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I've had numerous 400-500k matches without a heal bot. Just depends how the other team treats ya. Buncha people on my server know me so it's pretty rare i don't get focused hard.

Get some bm gear and get you some surge.


would you please post your spec and opening rotation? I would like to study it.



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From what I've read, I think a lot of it has to do with stims and adrenals too. That's why I started leveling biochem yesterday.


Yeah im pretty sure its stims and adrenals putting people over 400k I dont have biochem and seem to get to 360k at most in a full round of voidstar even if i have heal bot or not.


Theres so many varibles in pvp though like how often you die, how spread out and where the fighting is, there expertise, how long the game goes for etc. If they have healers you tend to do more because the targets are staying up longer while you wail on them.


I tend to finish on 260-310k on average. Usually its top sometimes theres the odd 1 or 2 people above me. I wear pve gear, my pvp gear is lacking, im only valor 42. I get 2400 more hit points with my pve gear and alot of stats over what pvp gear i have.

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400k is granted if the other team is not a VERY good premade and the game lasts full duration. Also, your "healing" is somewhat relevant, it shows how many times you popped beserk (roughly), you should get he 75k healing medal. That is an important aspect because its roughly 12-15% of your health + regurlar crits. The key is really to staying alive. Dying not only gets you downtime, it also means your fury is wiped(in some cases it might or might not be relevant).


Also, remember, marauders are more "rogue-ish", come and go, switch target a lot (applying 3 different deadly sabers mean 3 x more chance to heal, same with rupture procs).

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I average 350k per match with a few matches at 400k+ with Annihilation spec. I NEVER run with a pocket healer (aside from those randos in the party that actual do heal you). It all boils down to who is on the other team as well as your team and what gear they have. It all comes down to your bleeds and bleed crits really. Always use Beserk, do everything you can to get bleeds off on multiple players.


Though, I have not PvP'd since the latest patch (lazy to get to BM after hitting Champion; I've been playing my Jugg alt much more).


To me, the main contributing factor is your team and their team and what gear each has.

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