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Let's Get Ready to Play Huttball! On Different Maps!


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I like the format of Huttball because it only takes a small part of the team playing the objective to have a chance of winning.


Civil War and Voidstar takes the whole team playing the objective to win the game... that is hard to do in a pug.


Huttball on the other hand is great when you just get a few people willing to do the right thing and actually play the game instead of deathmatching in the middle.


More maps for Huttball games would be great.

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What an awesome idea!


And am I the only one who thinks they should have elevators, or moving platforms, or something to get from the pit to the upper levels in the current huttball arena? Knight's force Leap and Vanguard's Storm give those classes a ridiculous advantage when they get knocked off! Even consulars have a speed boost! Us poor smugglers and commandos have to walk around the long way :(

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+1 nice idea.


-1 for scoundrels/operatives with no utilities (knock back/push/pull/spring)


Its already like ping pong already for us. Wouldn't like another map for that reason.


Well a different map would add a different demension to the game so there may be other ways to allow getting around easier, even without a movement utility. I dunno, it would depend on the map design I guess.

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I would love to see a Huttball themed map for every Planet!


This would be pretty awesome.


Tattoine themed map: Sandy, some dunes, rock formations.


Alderaan: A little more "open field" than most. Maybe some buildings tossed in.


Quesh: Swampy areas which don't poison you, but do slow you when walked through.


Huttball is my favorite map, and I would love some variations of it.

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huttball as a concept is great.


I think the pit is not very good and when it goes rated people will see how poorly designed it really is.



They need to design a signature huttball map that is made after they see how huttball works in a rated environment. Along with some rule ability changes when in the game.


See I think that a rated huttball environment will be fantastic. I'm foreseeing near RTS levels of metagaming going on in terms of strategys and class compositions.

How many people do you have in the center?

How many do you have setting a pass line along the walkways?

Do you simply try to brute force and run with just one carrier?

How many people do you leave on defense to disrupt their pass line?


You suddenly start seeing uses for snipers/gunslingers as defensive points or stationary intercede points. Stealth classes hanging around unseen in some odd spot to purely be a middle point to pass it to. Powertechs and warriors for intercepts (seriously can you imagine having people intercepting passes with charges intentionally... and as a PT grappling someone out of the blue circle as it is getting passed to them is hilarious).

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See I think that a rated huttball environment will be fantastic. I'm foreseeing near RTS levels of metagaming going on in terms of strategys and class compositions.

How many people do you have in the center?

How many do you have setting a pass line along the walkways?

Do you simply try to brute force and run with just one carrier?

How many people do you leave on defense to disrupt their pass line?


You suddenly start seeing uses for snipers/gunslingers as defensive points or stationary intercede points. Stealth classes hanging around unseen in some odd spot to purely be a middle point to pass it to. Powertechs and warriors for intercepts (seriously can you imagine having people intercepting passes with charges intentionally... and as a PT grappling someone out of the blue circle as it is getting passed to them is hilarious).


I concur, as with Starcraft back in late 90's and early 2000's, Huttball is also in it's infancy stage with really basic strategies emerging thusfar. One day we may even see a SlayerS_`BoxeR` in Huttball who destroys everyone with his innovative play and awesome micro. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Dear Bli..er.. Bioware, Huttball is my favorite PvP game in SWTOR. Would it be too much to ask for more hutball maps? It's like playing Counterstrike on only 1 map over and over again, and while de_dust it awesome, it's more awesome getting a full compliment of maps to cycle through! Plus, would this idea really be all that difficult to implement? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! GET TO IT! :D




It surprises me, but I agree with you.


When I first started playing Hutball I thought it was absolutely horrible:

  • I didn't know how to maneuver it or what the objectives were.
  • It even took me 7 matches to figure out there was a "throw ball" ability that I could use.


Yup, love it today.

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huttball as a concept is great.


I think the pit is not very good and when it goes rated people will see how poorly designed it really is.



They need to design a signature huttball map that is made after they see how huttball works in a rated environment. Along with some rule ability changes when in the game.


Oh no, I wont need ratings to be on the line to appreciate the fact that falling into the pit sucks :)


and more huttball arenas would be excellent!

Edited by islander
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