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Test on the PTR and stop the QQ


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WoW didn't even have PTR's for the longest time and still have one of the longest content rollout calendars to date


Absolutely pointless to compare with WoW and ill tell u why.


Nobody, and i mean absolutely nobody ( including you ) is gonna sit around here for 7 years waiting for BW to get their act together.


With GW2 just around the corner, BW and EA are in big big trouble and they know it.


The desperation is clear for all to see with such schemes as


" Sub for a month and get a shiny title ".


And now :


" Mako misses you, re-sub and continue your adventures.... don't let her down "


Pathetic BW, may as well just close the doors now and save yourselves further embarassment.

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PTRs are the biggest scam in MMOs. I pay you to work for you, WHAT? In what industry does that work out? If they do not offer some sort of incentive to test their game, like maybe free game time, then only a fool would do it.


a proper PTS can both work ways. for example I can test a class and see if it would be fun at 50 (which would save me time), just test pvp or take a look at future content.


it is however not my job replacing their internal QA.

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how are we supposed to test 50 content when we can't get copy's or premade characters? Every mmo has a way for you to get mac level characters for testing....oh other than tor.


Literally none of the stuff is testable unless you want to spend hours leveling a character on the test server. Except the cd change which we all said was fail and terrible, but they pushed it live.



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So you care enough about the game to post about how much you think it sucks but have nothing constructive to offer about how to make it better?


And for the record, PTS is an evolution in a long line of ways in which game companies get the community involved early in tested to garner new feedback on features. Standalone non-subscription games do this as well and people complain there too. No one wants your feedback if you don't want to give it, just stop complaining that no one listens to you when you stand on a soapbox and cry for 6 paragraphs about how crap is broken.

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How are we supposed to test 50 content when we can't get copy's or premade characters? Every MMO has a way for you to get Mac level characters for testing....oh other than ToR...


I'll stop you there since ToR is not this game. Try playing TOR and then come back here and post since these forums are for TOR :) (not for ToR)

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Let's take 1 basic thing as an example.


I start WoW Launcher, I get a button that says "Play" and right next to it a button that says "Public Test Realm". I click on that and I am taken to the page where I can download 100Mb client that installs PTR using existing assets, it is never larger than a gig, and a link to a PTR character transfer page, that allows me to transfer any one of my existing characters to the PTR.


I start SWTOR launcher....... that's pretty much it. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that they even have a PTS. Nothing. That's just pathetic.

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Funny how that launcher with the PTR option didn't come along till well into Wrath of the Lich King, their second expansion, and event then, it was towards the end of that expansion just before Cata.


Let's also try to keep in mind that the game has been launched for a little less than 2 months and that despite that, we already have a new flashpoint and an expanded second raid, to say nothing of what is coming in the future.


Let's also remember that before character transfers, WoW PTR's were just as archaic if not even more so than this and they were one of the first companies to do this after they successfully pioneered their open play beta.



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Let's also try to keep in mind that the game has been launched for a little less than 2 months and that despite that, we already have a new flashpoint and an expanded second raid, to say nothing of what is coming in the future.


Let's also remember that before character transfers, WoW PTR's were just as archaic if not even more so than this and they were one of the first companies to do this after they successfully pioneered their open play beta.


your point being?

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I have seen it in EVERY MMO I have played for the last 12 years.


TL;DR Pay me and I will test untill then deliver a product worthy of my time and treasure!


And yet you continue to pay to play MMOs...curious.


I see a lot of posters on this forum who I suspect have been through this before with MMOs, and yet here they are again, complaining.

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This ^


Also, why should I HAVE to test this game for them now that it is launched? Why has the player base become the pool of BW testers (this is an age old problem with ALL mmorpgs).


I pay to play not test. IF BW/EA wants to PAY me to test instead of play I would be more than happy to do this. Until then we are all stuck with short cuts that this industry makes. Period. I have seen it in EVERY MMO I have played for the last 12 years.


TL;DR Pay me and I will test untill then deliver a product worthy of my time and treasure!


hmm could it be that they cant possibly hire 25 thousand people just to test with ?


could it be that some of this stuff CANNOT be tested in-house and rather needs to go through the servers along with the other players, so you can see the effect of the variables?


could it possibly be, that you know jack squat about how this works and are making baselss QQ ? hmmm i think so!



i agree with not having 50s , thats a no brainer bioware, but to say that they are supposed to test all of this by themselves so YOU dont have to see one single bug ever its not only unrealistic but an extremley childish and limited position to take..

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Wait they actually dont allow premades or charactor copys?


what a *********** waste of a server resource


Which we are PAYING for ?????????


Unless they give level 50's they will get literally **** all feedback from that waste of money PTR

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hmm could it be that they cant possibly hire 25 thousand people just to test with ?


could it be that some of this stuff CANNOT be tested in-house and rather needs to go through the servers along with the other players, so you can see the effect of the variables?


could it possibly be, that you know jack squat about how this works and are making baselss QQ ? hmmm i think so!



i agree with not having 50s , thats a no brainer bioware, but to say that they are supposed to test all of this by themselves so YOU dont have to see one single bug ever its not only unrealistic but an extremley childish and limited position to take..


Competent developers make well thought-out software, using proven API's and test driven methodologies that actually provide quality software and competent QA makes sure that it works the way it should work in real life situations with comprehensive test suites which stress the functionality on all aspects.


Lets make a car analogy:


1. Company makes a new car model.

2. Company does not want to spend resources testing the product at all and the engineers have no idea what could go wrong if they, for example, remove the software that controls the brakes.

3. Company sets up a test track to let public drive around recklessly and crash as many things as they can in order to find faults in the product .

4. When those that actually survived the test drive give feedback to the company on whats wrong with the car the company doesn't listen but instead decides to add some flashing strobos on car's dashboard.


Would you buy that car?

Would you go test drive that car?

Would you think the above is a good way to develop a car?

Would you buy that companys stock?

Edited by Perhilion
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That other game used to have the test server available basically from the beginning - for select people.


You had t oregister for it, and you had to have chars transferrred.

And you got info about what was to be changed and tested, and how to report.

And occasionally you met the devs right there too.

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Apparently, this type of attitude is why we can't have nice things. The lot of you who share this ideology have no bias to complain later, because you do not take the time as being part of the gaming community to make things better.


I submit tickets for bugs I find on live.


I'll bet none of you vote either, but will scream till the cows come home on how your "constitutional rights" are being trod upon.


You lose.


I was in beta and tested, and would like to point out to you all that testing involved ALL aspects of game, not just that which comes at 50.


I beta tested since August, and I'm hard pressed to think of any change made because of a bug ticket or feedback suggestion, even on pretty obvious things like artifice trainers having no recipes to make +willpower shields.


Suck it up, buttercup and contribute rather than sit back and complain.


Sorry, they got all the free labor they're getting out of me when I beta tested this game for 4 months. I'm a paying customer now, and want to enjoy my couple hours a night (if I'm lucky) I get PLAYING and not paying them to work for them. I don't go to Jiffy Lube and pay them to let me change my own oil. Maybe you have 12 hours a day to play and don't mind leveling characters that can get wiped at any time, but I'm not going to.


Not sure if you're a troll, or just stupid.

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This ^


Also, why should I HAVE to test this game for them now that it is launched? Why has the player base become the pool of BW testers (this is an age old problem with ALL mmorpgs).


I pay to play not test. IF BW/EA wants to PAY me to test instead of play I would be more than happy to do this. Until then we are all stuck with short cuts that this industry makes. Period. I have seen it in EVERY MMO I have played for the last 12 years.


TL;DR Pay me and I will test untill then deliver a product worthy of my time and treasure!


Erm, because that's what PTR's are for. And that post was so ridiculously bad, you hardly need a TL;DR on there do you really?

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Competent developers make well thought-out software, using proven API's and test driven methodologies that actually provide quality software and competent QA makes sure that it works the way it should work in real life situations with comprehensive test suites which stress the functionality on all aspects.


Lets make a car analogy:


1. Company makes a new car model.

2. Company does not want to spend resources testing the product at all and the engineers have no idea what could go wrong if they, for example, remove the software that controls the brakes.

3. Company sets up a test track to let public drive around recklessly and crash as many things as they can in order to find faults in the product .

4. When those that actually survived the test drive give feedback to the company on whats wrong with the car the company doesn't listen but instead decides to add some flashing strobos on car's front bumber.


Would you buy that car?

Would you go test drive that car?

Would you think the above is a good way to develop a car?

Would you buy that companys stock?



im not even going to debunk this....do you even know how this process works?


that is a monumentally asnine,limited and downright idiotic analogy for an issue wich is not even remotley relevant to the issue of " test on the ptr , otherwise you are not helping"


see , im gonna leave it at this...




thats why your horrible analogy is laughable at best


srsly , stop trying to rationalize your own laziness with a thousand examples, see, im going to remember your name, when they eventually put character copy and premades in , im going to make it a point to quote your complaining back to you when you cant be bothered to test regardless of premades....



also, i feel very little motivation to even pay attention to a person so lazy that they cant even be bothered to select a forum avatar ...

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Sorry, they got all the free labor they're getting out of me when I beta tested this game for 4 months. I'm a paying customer now, and want to enjoy my couple hours a night (if I'm lucky) I get PLAYING and not paying them to work for them. I don't go to Jiffy Lube and pay them to let me change my own oil. Maybe you have 12 hours a day to play and don't mind leveling characters that can get wiped at any time, but I'm not going to.


Not sure if you're a troll, or just stupid.


you are funny! LOL


you are paying 50 cents a day and acting like you are paying 10 dollars a day ..


you do realize that even though you are paying 50 cents a day to play this game .. your character can still be wiped .. as you do not own your character. You are just placing your trust in that they won't wipe your character but they have the capability to do so at any time they wish


all of you are complaining about so little, it's not even funny .. why don't you use all that energy for something with a real purpose that actually means something?


If you are not happy with something in game .. give your feedback and be done with it.. why go on and on and on for weeks about it?


It's just a game that you do not own and pay 50 cents a day to play. A can of soda cost more than that

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