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Bodyguards: 2 Questions (SCG & KM)


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Hi guys and gals,


I have two questions. I am curious at the answers from the community. Please answer, and and elaboration would be nice. If you think its pertinent, is your perspective coming from Warzones, Flashpoints, Leveling, Operations?


Please do not turn this into a buff this, nerf that, or whatever thread. Please be respectful of other people's opinions.


1) Supercharged Gas: Do you use it every time it is up and there is healing to do, or do you save it and use it as a cool down for burst healing?


2) Kolto Missile: Do you like that it is a manually targeted spell or would you prefer that it was centered on your target?



Thanks for all the answers so far. Keep them coming, I think the diversity and situational info is great for others to see.


Also, several of you have mentioned buffing KM. Midnyt has a great thread discussing that very subject. Please weigh in there: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=277894

Edited by TempestasSilva
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1. I use SCG every time it is up and follow the HS RS rotation as much as I can. I find that there is always someone for me to heal. If the group isn't taking damage, spam the tank.


2. I like that it's a manual ability. I'm able to toss it down in the melee or in the ranged if I'm out of the group cuz of debuff etc. I do, however, want this ability to become a smart heal.

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I'll keep supercharge ready for a moment when stuff is getting hairy. Sometimes I blow it and DPS mobs down, during a OP/FP. Most of the time it stay up ready for use. Except on raid bosses, I pop it whenever it is ready and get the charged screen buff on the tank+ nearby people.


I like that Kolto missile is ground targetable. While the time for it to fire/land is tricky to get it to land where (and when) you want it to, you can position it to hit 3 people. If it was targetted on a PC, you may not be able to maximize the number of people it lands on, as well as who it lands on. It hits the three people closest to the center of your target when it lands, so they better be the people you want to heal.


Also, it is great for showing people where to stand. "Go stand in the green goo"

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SCG use for me is something that changes on the fly, depending on what im doing. There are long stretches where Ill use it as it comes up (as we're just rolling through trash), and then there are times where I hang on to it 'cuse I know I dont really need it this moment, but i might around the next corner. It's something that you just get a feel for, depending on how geared the group is, how well the dps is not taking damage..lots of little variables.


I like Kolto as it is right now..but I would give my left one for it to be smart heal..oh how nice that would be :)

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I usually use SCG pretty regularly, if there's absolutely no healing to be done, i'll throw out a bit of dps with it.


I like that Kolto Missle is a targeted area, and would much prefer it stay that way, I just wish that it could hit more than 3 targets.

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in operations and flashpoints dont necessarily use it everytime it is available but i always make it available as fast as i can if its not ready. Rapid scan is obv but i love getting supercharge ready but topping people off with rapid shots. Basically you always want it ready when u need. Getting it ready as fast as u can once u use it is the trick.



Kolto miss takes getting used to but i like it. When you get really good gear it actually heals for a decent amount and can crit 1 or all 3. I ussually have a plan with kolto missle depending on the group. Throwing it near the tank is fine ussually but also look toward ranged. If you know your ranged will be taking damage, try standing semi-close and throw it down at your own feet. Takes no aiming and you can do it almost instantly.

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1) Supercharged Gas: Do you use it every time it is up and there is healing to do, or do you save it and use it as a cool down for burst healing?


I actually do both depending on the situation. If I know a burst point is coming soon then I save it for that as my initial "vent heat". If I'm already in the middle of a burst point and it comes up I use it right away.


2) Kolto Missile: Do you like that it is a manually targeted spell or would you prefer that it was centered on your target?


I like having to target it since it lets you maximize its effectiveness. If it was centered on your current target, its potential AoE range would be cut in half.

Edited by midnyt
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I'm almost a pure pvp player, just fyi. :jawa_smile:


1. I've heard rumors about the damage reduction on Kolto Missile being bugged, so I tend to rely on SCG for spamming rapid scan when a ball carrier is trying to push through a group or when we win a large skirmish and I need to throw some heals on people setting up passes. I also tend to use it in team fights on Civil War because you wanna win the initial fights.


2. Kolto Missile takes some matches to get used to. That being said, I like the control over where I'm gonna shoot it. Having it be a smart heal would be much nicer, and perhaps increasing its targets hit while in SCG would help it in pvp. I really only use it for small healing and on the run topping off, or when I need to re-position for LOS, etc.

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I'm almost a pure pvp player, just fyi. :jawa_smile:

2. Kolto Missile takes some matches to get used to. That being said, I like the control over where I'm gonna shoot it. Having it be a smart heal would be much nicer, and perhaps increasing its targets hit while in SCG would help it in pvp. I really only use it for small healing and on the run topping off, or when I need to re-position for LOS, etc.


We have a discussion on this here.

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1. I always use supercharge whenever its on cooldown and I have any type of heat built up OR there is going to be a phase in a boss fight where I know I'll dish out a lot of heals.


2. I enjoy the ground targeting of kolto missile, makes me feel a bit more interactive that just clicking on portraits. I also hope they don't make it a smart heal as I run w/ a pretty melee intense group. I would hate for my tank not to get the shield when I purposely target him.


3. I feel we are perfectly tuned for the content currently released.

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From an Operation perspective.


1) Supercharged Gas: Do you use it every time it is up and there is healing to do, or do you save it and use it as a cool down for burst healing?
I keep it until I need it in an Operation, as Supercharge will still passively add 3% healing to you when you have 30 stacks. So yeah, unless I need the increased healing and benefits SCG brings, I'll not use it and will keep 30 stacks for the buff.


2) Kolto Missile: Do you like that it is a manually targeted spell or would you prefer that it was centered on your target?
I like that it's manually targetted and hope it stays that way, but the skill in general is completely awful. It's not a smart heal so it will sometimes ignore people that need healing and just overheal someone else already at full health, it takes 1.5 seconds until I fires then you have travel time involved so you have to aim where people are going to be rather than where they currently are or it'll not heal them, it has 3 targets maximum compared to infinite targets of a Sorc's Revivification (and so forth). Edited by Mooby
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