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Swtor pvp = SUCKS = QUIT.


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Umm... Healbot was only like that in Vanilla/TBC IIRC.


Addons that SHOULD be allowed in the game would be DPS meters, and customizable UI. A lack of a combat log completely shows a rushed game.




Actually it was like that in TBC and WotLK. Vanilla had Heal limiters to keep people from overhealing because mana was much bigger concern. So players set a percentage to when they could start healing. You are thinking Decursive which allowed paladins just spam cleanse and it would cleanse anyone who had a debuff that cleanse could counter.



In Wotlk overhealing was no longer a problem and people would actually get kicked FOR NOT OVERHEALING...


A combat log is all that is needed. All DPS meters have never been needed and just turned raids into "LOL WORK" . This games PvE has much inline with CoH then WoW and i do not feel like hearing Ops leaders act like the Dbags they were in WoW.

Edited by Venilator
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Do you seriously think that the lack of a combat log means the game was rushed? That implies that they didn't know how to do a simple log showing what is being done in the game (with flytext) that they created. There were hundreds of threads in beta and alpha about why there is no combat log and it basically came down to Bioware did not want people focusing solely on DPS and pigeonholing into 1-2 different classes/specs because they are the most DPS with no regard to utility.


Personally I commend Bioware for not giving into the cries of the WoW players because they didn't copy WoW and put a SW face on it.

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IMO (in my opinion) Huttball is one of the most innovative takes on instanced PVP in a mmo. Quite possibly one of the most fun too.


Huttball is great for Sorcs, BHs, Troopers and the occasional Force Leap. It's garbage for everyone else.


Yes, the idea was good, but like most of the PvP in this game, the execution was terribad. I hate Huttball and can't wait for the filter that lets me deselect it from my WZ queue, and I'm a Pub. lol

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@OP - You could have just left out the wall of waaa and stuck with the thread title. It covered it all perfectly.


Go on and quit, no body cares if you play something else. In a few patches when your friends, if you have some that play, will tell you that its finally been fixed and you can come back.


Your nancy boy crybaby thread is NOT NEEDED.

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All this 'go back to WoW' talk is really making me want to play WoW again..


I mean, what have they added that's so awesome everyone keeps telling me to hurry back to it? It must be fantastic.


You know what?


*cancels SWTOR sub*


*re-subs to WoW*


Great salesmanship guys. :)

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Huttball is great for Sorcs, BHs, Troopers and the occasional Force Leap. It's garbage for everyone else.


Yes, the idea was good, but like most of the PvP in this game, the execution was terribad. I hate Huttball and can't wait for the filter that lets me deselect it from my WZ queue, and I'm a Pub. lol


I'm a sniper. I love Hutt Ball. Hutt Ball isn't about personal dominance, which is probably why you hate and or suck at it. It's about playing as a team, which is why teams full of kill hunters that are chasing dps at 30% health lose, it's awesome.


Like it or not, Hutt ball forces you to work as a team, and when you can't, you are exposed as someone who is incapable of contributing to the group. Thats why so many people such as yourself dislike hutt ball. :)


To add to that. I love PvP in this game, fortunately, it's not for everyone, just like PvP in other games. It's fast paced, it's skill oriented, and it's extremely fun. I am sorry that you don't find it to be the same, but that reflects as much about yourself as it does about the game, if not more. :)

Edited by Celebrus
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I love it. I'm a hardcore PVPer. What's the more superior option? WOW? (lol) Aion? (lol) Warhammer? (lol).


I'd assume you're an ex wow player that cannot play with such a lack of addons coaching you. That tends to be the problem most people are having with this game. They come from EZMODE World of Warcraft then come here and cannot function without a threat meter in PvE or devursive in PVP or healbot in everything.


Truth be told, baddies use addons as crutches. This game has no addons. So baddies have no crutch in PVP and fall flat on their faces. Hence why they think PVP is bad. Reality is, they are just bad.


IMO (in my opinion) Huttball is one of the most innovative takes on instanced PVP in a mmo. Quite possibly one of the most fun too.


I think I'd actually like huttball if I ever got to play NOT-huttball. Sadly there are liks twelve total republic players on my server(Nadd's Sarcophagus)

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Like it or not, Hutt ball forces you to work as a team, and when you can't, you are exposed as someone who is incapable of contributing to the group. Thats why so many people such as yourself dislike hutt ball. :)


You are correct. It certainly is a team WZ. That is why premades rule Huttball, another detracting factor to the instance. You got me there. I WZ solo 90% of the time. PUGs just don't stand much of a chance in Huttball, especially Pub PUGs playing against Imp premades that have been through the WZ 100x a piece.


Fact of the matter is that the WZ does favor certain classes. That is undeniable. And your point is correct. It also heavily favors premades with extensive experience in the zone working as a team.


Original idea good. Execution horribad. BW can't give me a filter to get it off my WZ queue fast enough.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I love it. I'm a hardcore PVPer. What's the more superior option? WOW? (lol) Aion? (lol) Warhammer? (lol).


I'd assume you're an ex wow player that cannot play with such a lack of addons coaching you. That tends to be the problem most people are having with this game. They come from EZMODE World of Warcraft then come here and cannot function without a threat meter in PvE or devursive in PVP or healbot in everything.


Truth be told, baddies use addons as crutches. This game has no addons. So baddies have no crutch in PVP and fall flat on their faces. Hence why they think PVP is bad. Reality is, they are just bad.


IMO (in my opinion) Huttball is one of the most innovative takes on instanced PVP in a mmo. Quite possibly one of the most fun too.


I have to fully agree with this guys take on it.


So far I have had a few bumps in the road of PvP in SW:TOR, but nothing that would make me stop playing.

If anything it just makes me want to learn the intricacies of this game more so, to be better at it then the fellow next to me.


THE ONLY thing I would change about the PVP in this game, has nothing to do with the pvp, but has everything to do with the group. The force group drop when someone Q's and enters a match and the other does not. I understand why it happens, but would be nice to stay partied with people even when they are PVPing and I'm playing the Galactic Market.




But its still a very new game, and A LOT of fun really does depend on the server population. And I don't mean by how many people are on a server. I mean the TYPE of people.


The right server with the right people goes a LOONNG way.


If you aren't having fun, maybe try a different server? Or maybe you need still need to learn the game. No offence to anyone intended... I know there are bugs, but really, a lot of frustrated people out there that I've seen and spoken with, are simply frustrated because they didn't know something, or are USED to playing a certain way.


And personally,.. I don't want no easy mode PvP like WoW. I want it to be hard. At least until I've learned my class well and know the ins and outs of the PvP maps.


Just play and have fun! Communicate with people on your server. Set up pre-mades. It goes a loooonnnnggg way to making your time more fun.

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You are correct. It certainly is a team WZ. That is why premades rule Huttball, another detracting factor to the instance. You got me there. I WZ solo 90% of the time. PUGs just don't stand much of a chance in Huttball, especially Pub PUGs playing against Imp premades that have been through the WZ 100x a piece.


Fact of the matter is that the WZ does favor certain classes. That is undeniable. And your point is correct. It also heavily favors premades with extensive experience in the zone working as a team.


Original idea good. Execution horribad. BW can't give me a filter to get it off my WZ queue fast enough.


Was this your first experience with objective based instanced pvp? It will always be dominated by pre-mades, regardless of team, map layout, class balance issues, or other factors.


From arathi basin, to alterac valley, to hutt ball, to voidstar. Pre-mades beat unorganized Pugs. That is not exclusive to hutt ball in any way.\


My point is that every BG, or WZ, or other form of instanced PvP will always favor certain classes with certain tactics and specs. Regardless of all of those factors, pre-mades will always dominate.


You really must not ever get anything but hutt ball to have this misguided concept that pre-mades don't dominate everywhere.


My point? Either get with the program in PvP or take the issues to your pillow.

Edited by Celebrus
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the pvp in this game is great. ilum will be fixed in a day. go play your wii.


The pvp in this game is garbage, it will never be fixed. Playing a Wii is more complete and competitive than this Fischer Price MMO.


Fixed that for ya.

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You people are in such denial, running the same 3 WZ's for the 1500th time to nauseam and standing in a zerg in Ilum is getting very boring very fast. It's only a matter of time, mark my words.


What you wanted some 48 verse 48 maps? Some killer awesome republic verse sith empire battles?


some huge maps that required you to skillfully take down opponents and at the end of the day the efforts of the side effected the outcome of the world to allow something cool?


You wanted objectives that where lengthy voyages?


this game will never deliver. I'm about done as well. I just don't see what sticking around is going to matter. The game cannot handle massive player gathering. The server/client design is fatally flawed.


You'll never see meaningful large scale in this game. Well at least not for a very long time.


Given the flaws in the design/engine you won't see good pvp. Once I am done with the few things in the game worth doing I am out.


I know for sure BM gear is not one of those things I am probably willing to get. For what? To be what?


If I cannot enjoy pvp at 50 like everyone claims. I won't participate. I've done enough to know if its me. So if I see what everyone else sees with BM geared players steamrolling through forget this game.


I'll do some other classes, but then I am out.

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I just wish these so called quitters would just quit and not tell us all about it, 99.999% of them i never heard of or played with so to be honest it won't change my game play experience one bit, it would change my forum experience tremendously :D. Every game aint for everybody i quit WOW 1st day didn't like it, i didn't go on there forums trying to influence there gamers, and they did just fine with out me, as we will with out these quitters. What i do wish is if you quit that you not be allowed to post on the forums with no account, even if it;'s in the stages of quitting.
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All this 'go back to WoW' talk is really making me want to play WoW again..


I mean, what have they added that's so awesome everyone keeps telling me to hurry back to it? It must be fantastic.


You know what?


*cancels SWTOR sub*


*re-subs to WoW*


Great salesmanship guys. :)


See ya when ya hit lvl 20 and f2p is over and you remember why you quit wow in the first place.

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I love it. I'm a hardcore PVPer. What's the more superior option? WOW? (lol) Aion? (lol) Warhammer? (lol).


I'd assume you're an ex wow player that cannot play with such a lack of addons coaching you. That tends to be the problem most people are having with this game. They come from EZMODE World of Warcraft then come here and cannot function without a threat meter in PvE or devursive in PVP or healbot in everything.


Truth be told, baddies use addons as crutches. This game has no addons. So baddies have no crutch in PVP and fall flat on their faces. Hence why they think PVP is bad. Reality is, they are just bad.


IMO (in my opinion) Huttball is one of the most innovative takes on instanced PVP in a mmo. Quite possibly one of the most fun too.


sir, i do very much agree with your opinion on huttball


but i also do see where the frustration can come from regarding the OP. I say we dont necessarily put the OP down because as much as we would like him to calm down and talk civil, he does have some points


i do love this game, and i will not nerd rage and quit because of the bugs


BW will fix them, patience truly is the key


submit your bug reports, and just keep submitting them everytime you run into a bug. period.


let BW sort them out and deal with it.


and i do agree with you on addons as well... that is all

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See ya when ya hit lvl 20 and f2p is over and you remember why you quit wow in the first place.


...why would I go f2p? I've got 4 85s and buttloads of blood, sweat, and tears put into my old account.


And I quit WoW because the content got tired, and Bioware promised me a new, revolutionary type of MMORPG. Obviously they lied, and gave me more WoW. Why would I choose this broken, empty, boring WoW over the one that's been out for 7+ years and plays great?


Besides, I've got 12 more days of coming to these forums and laughing at the blind, naive fanboyism before the sub drops and I get locked out.

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My point is that every BG, or WZ, or other form of instanced PvP will always favor certain classes with certain tactics and specs. Regardless of all of those factors, pre-mades will always dominate.


Hardly. Premades don't always dominate in the other WZs. They routinely take beat downs. And my points about Huttball were particular to Huttball, and are only tangentially relevant to the other WZs. Those WZs are fun. I enjoy them very much. The gameplay in Alderaan and Voidstar is much more balanced. No complaints there at all.


Just give me a filter to opt out of Huttball BW. It's garbage.

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Hardly. Premades don't always dominate in the other WZs. They routinely take beat downs. And my points about Huttball were particular to Huttball, and are only tangentially relevant to the other WZs. Those WZs are fun. I enjoy them very much. The gameplay in Alderaan and Voidstar is much more balanced. No complaints there at all.


Just give me a filter to opt out of Huttball BW. It's garbage.


Yep, first time in instanced PvP confirmed.


Pre-mades routinely taking beat downs in other WZs? I guess your intimate knowledge of that somewhat contradicts your claim to "never seeing anything but hutt ball" which in itself was just whining, but combined with the claim that pre-mades routinely take beat downs in other WZs becomes an absolutely trollistic gem.


I'm just going to advise you to take all of this to your pillow, thats the best place for it, you're not doing yourself, or anyone else any good with this non-sensical rambling.


And fyi, the filter that you're so desperate for has already been more or less offically announced, why you're here crying for something that is on it's way is beyond me. Do a little research ffs.


Besides, I've got 12 more days of coming to these forums and laughing at the blind, naive fanboyism before I resub to WoW and proceed to troll the blind, naive fanboys on their forums.


Fixed for you. Don't mention it.

Edited by Celebrus
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I'm just going to advise you to take all of this to your pillow, thats the best place for it, you're not doing yourself, or anyone else any good with this non-sensical rambling.


Everything I stated made perfect sense. Everything you stated did not. Seriously, *** are you talking about? lol It's one thing to be a fanboi, but you took tangential ballwashing to a whole new level. Pick the hair out of your teeth already.

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