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Is Empire full of frustrated people like the one I met?


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As for LS siths I, for one, run around with my toon in the Sith capital with the title of "Honorable" on his head :D

I once was asked, "hey, how did you get that title?" lol


I don't know how many ppl play LS siths, but take a look a this thread about a companion for the SW. ( I don't say more b/c that contains spoilers )

I know I'm not the only one with a LS sith.


I wear my title "The Pure" with some degree of pleasure, since I have yet to see any other Sith running around with it. I started the game with a friend as a (LS) SI and he a (DS) SW, then rolled the other's class and ran through the content again with me (LS) SW and he (DS) SI just to see what changes our choices brought to the main storyline. It made the content more enjoyable second time around.


@OP, there seem to be more Imps than Republic players on my server at least, and with more players come more chances to run into jerks. Put them on ignore and and play the way you want - it's your $15, after all.

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IMHO choice of ingame faction have no effect on how social fellow players are


When I started to play this I rolled on RP server despite my two RL friends also playing the game are not willing to re-roll. From my experience, RP servers in most of MMO's tends to have more mature, friendly and tolerant community than casual PVE & PVP servers. Of course, it gets a certain number of jerks, haters and trolls but their numbers are somewhat limited to causal server standard.


In past two months or so (I am here from the game ofic. start) I grouped with a hundred of ppl ingame and run into only a very few jerks.


Btw I am also trying to avoid gamers from my own country as our gaming community tends to be asocial, hateful and frustrated to extreme due to large prejudice against gaming around here...


my approach can be a bit strange, I admit, but it works for me

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I play SWTOR because of a long time-friend that is playing. He's always wanting me to press spacebar (which I don't if it's the first time on that scenario) and I'm always getting on him for his "light-side" choices. We both play sith characters and "light-side" just seems wrong. But just like me not doing spacebar, he does his thing. We know it's going to happen, so no one is ticked off. It's our playstyle and we accept it from each other. I don't do Flashpoints/missions in pugs, until I find out if they are going to rush it or not. I don't mind rushing, if I've done it before, but the first time....
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After levelling a Jedi Guardian to 50, both by questing and by doing FPs, I decided to try a Sith Marauder, and today I did my first FP there (Black Talon).

We start in 4... 2 leave at half, without giving any reason and after needing on stuff they couldn't even use, but the "best" specimen of the group is the one that decided to finish the FP.

We did the whole run, with him continuously hurrying me to press space bar, even if I stated that this was my first time here and that I wanted to enjoy the story.

We arrived at the general, and I chose to spare his life and imprison him (light choice).

After that, he wrote to me "gay" on the chat... At which I replied him "finish the run by yourself, ******e", then I left...

I didn't know that the FP was over, and if I knew that, probably I would have swallowed my reply and just report him for being offensive after the run. Instead, he also mocked me because I left when the run was finished.

Obviously I added him immediately to the ignore list, but, just to know, is that the average level of the people rolling Empire side character? Because I never experienced something like that while levelling on the Republic side...


Light side sith = fail.

People run BT a lot and dont want to waste time with people busting their cherry on it. It is easily soloable (with a companion) for most classes at like level 12.

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Light side sith = fail.

People run BT a lot and dont want to waste time with people busting their cherry on it. It is easily soloable (with a companion) for most classes at like level 12.


Unfortunately, this is the kind of player I run into on the Empire side. I play empire because I truly like the characters better, the skills, the gear, etc. But I find that many of the players think that the kind of mentality that creates posts like the one I quoted is the way to talk and act in MMO land.


I've gotten to the point that I turn off /1 in Dromund Kaas because the conversation is disgusting and depraved and misogynist.


I'm not saying that the higher level planets are as bad, because they aren't. But I generally find the Empire side players to be harsh, abusive, and very hard to keep the conversation out of the gutter.

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Light side sith = fail.

that's your narrow minded opinion. fail.


People run BT a lot and dont want to waste time with people busting their cherry on it. It is easily soloable (with a companion) for most classes at like level 12.

if it's soloable, then it's soloable for those who don't want "waste time" too.

if they're tagging along just for the social points, then they have to work for them and be "social" (oh, the irony !).

they have deal with the fact that not everyone plays the game the same way they think they should. shocking, i know.


players like you make the social aspect of mmo a bad one. thankfully, i haven't encountered many. so there's hope.

Edited by wainot-keel
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Light side sith = fail.

Then why is it an option in game?



To defy the laws of tradition...Is a crusade only of the brave.

DS Sith *is* the traditional path. Your attitude and quotation are contradictions. Glad I can avoid players like you.

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Definitely not. I started on the Empire with several friends, and while there is of course the occasional jerk, it's actually a pretty decent community (Sith Meditation Sphere, I'll give it well deserved accolades) One of the great things is that the pvp on SMS is pretty even most of the time too. We win some, lose some, and occasional get rolled or do the rolling.


Recently I went to a republic server (with those same buddies) and I'm disappointed greatly in the republic server. Maybe it is an aberration compared to others, but from what I see in /general chat, a good number are a bunch of elitist snobs, and worse, they have no reason to be because they are absolutely horrible in pvp. Nobody talks to each other, nobody even attempts to come up with a plan (as limited as they can be in the warzones) and nearly every match a player or two will leave before it starts if we aren't filled with mostly level 40s.


All-in-all, I think it's all pretty random of who plays where and in what faction, but speaking for my Empire server, most are a pretty decent bunch of people. I'm not a "typical" player of what most people would think play Empire either. The average age of an Empire player is most likely a good bit younger than Republic players...but that doesn't apply to me :) I like both sides of the story equally, and I'm a grandfather :)

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Light side sith = fail.

People run BT a lot and dont want to waste time with people busting their cherry on it. It is easily soloable (with a companion) for most classes at like level 12.


Posts like this are like silver platters of bantha poodoo: All it does is gather more bantha poodoo.


That being said, BT is not soloable at level 12; check your hyperbole.


The only time I run through BT with a full group is for social points, and there is no reason to rush it. I happen to enjoy what other character classes/races say in dialogue, then again I rolled on Kath Hound, an RP server.


And that reminds, me OP. You should come to Kath Hound. It's a tightly knit RP server. I know just about every major player and crafter on that server who have been there since beta or release. A couple friends and I recently started a new RP guild, The Proxima Initiative.


Kath Hound is a relatively mature server right now. We have our stupid people, but not as many as the higher populated PvE servers. We could always use more mature (or maturely behaved) players, especially in our guild.


My toon's name is Azhal (50 Operative), I'm the guildmaster, drop by and give me a 'tell. We'll get you rolled.

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Light side sith = fail.

People run BT a lot and dont want to waste time with people busting their cherry on it. It is easily soloable (with a companion) for most classes at like level 12.


Sorry pal, I'm light side sith, and I am not fail :)


Random cruelty, kicking puppies and such...juvenile. You can still be the avenging hand of the Emperor crushing all the opponents of the empire without being cruel just because you can. The dark side is about an overwhelming desire to accumulate and wield power, and not inherently evil, unless you allow yourself to be corrupted by it.

Edited by Kheldor
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Problem is that - BT is one and only way easy to get plenty social points, after dozens BT runs it's easy to become antisocial or worse :mad:

I found all other FP and heroic quest really unrewarding in social point aspect :(

Edited by Urukkhan
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I've tried 3 different servers, both sides on each.. And some people I run into are decent, some are horrible,.. and some are really fun!

Some are chatty, and some say nothing at all...


It's all random.


You can't base your opinion of a whole server of people because of one experience with one or 3 people.


Like was mentioned before,.. just remember the names of the ones you don't want to party with, but also make sure to add friends when you run into someone who makes the social side of the game that much more entertaining. ;)


Have a good one!


[edit for typos]

Edited by Dycer
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that's your narrow minded opinion. fail.



if it's soloable, then it's soloable for those who don't want "waste time" too.

if they're tagging along just for the social points, then they have to work for them and be "social" (oh, the irony !).

they have deal with the fact that not everyone plays the game the same way they think they should. shocking, i know.


players like you make the social aspect of mmo a bad one. thankfully, i haven't encountered many. so there's hope.


LOL. Actually I am a decent guy. But expecting people who are playing the 'Evil' faction to be good seems counter productive. The whole story/lore of the empire, and especially the ways of the dark side/sith are to be a dick...in every imaginable way. I am just playing the part of the side I chose. As are many others on the Empire side.


As for the BT comment, its faster to farm it in a group. Its not even really about the social points. Even if they arent farming it, it might not be their first character and just want to get through it on their alt.


Bottom line. Dont complain about people acting like ***** when they chose to join the dick side. We wont come to the republic side and give you crap for being a goody little two shoes....or whatever.

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Then why is it an option in game?




DS Sith *is* the traditional path. Your attitude and quotation are contradictions. Glad I can avoid players like you.


LOL, the quote more pertains to the Sith as a whole defying the tradition of the Jedi....way back when they split, and embracing the dark side.


that and because Primus sucks. ;)

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Obviously I added him immediately to the ignore list, but, just to know, is that the average level of the people rolling Empire side character? Because I never experienced something like that while levelling on the Republic side...


I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. I've met good people and not so good people playing in both factions. I've yet to run a flashpoint and don't team up often--at least not for long periods of time due to work and family obligations (I'm primary caregiver for my mother who has Alzheimers), so I tend to do a lot of solo play, which is a shame, because, as I've said there are good people on both the Imperial and Republic side.


Hopefully, I'll run into you in game and we can team up.

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After levelling a Jedi Guardian to 50, both by questing and by doing FPs, I decided to try a Sith Marauder, and today I did my first FP there (Black Talon).

We start in 4... 2 leave at half, without giving any reason and after needing on stuff they couldn't even use, but the "best" specimen of the group is the one that decided to finish the FP.

We did the whole run, with him continuously hurrying me to press space bar, even if I stated that this was my first time here and that I wanted to enjoy the story.

We arrived at the general, and I chose to spare his life and imprison him (light choice).

After that, he wrote to me "gay" on the chat... At which I replied him "finish the run by yourself, ******e", then I left...

I didn't know that the FP was over, and if I knew that, probably I would have swallowed my reply and just report him for being offensive after the run. Instead, he also mocked me because I left when the run was finished.

Obviously I added him immediately to the ignore list, but, just to know, is that the average level of the people rolling Empire side character? Because I never experienced something like that while levelling on the Republic side...


Yea you got us. Your theory is correct. Every Empire player is a jerk. All of us. Every single one.

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LOL. Actually I am a decent guy. But expecting people who are playing the 'Evil' faction to be good seems counter productive.


no, assuming everybody will play the game the same way you think they should is counter productive.



Bottom line. Dont complain about people acting like ***** when they chose to join the dick side. We wont come to the republic side and give you crap for being a goody little two shoes....or whatever.


i don't agree with this.

the sith storyline it's just part of a game, nothing more.


if you interact with other players and act like an a-hole. you're just that, an a-hole. period. playing the empire side of the game is not an extenuating fact for it nor an excuse.

you're not a sith, lol.


like i said, the kind of "empire player" you speak of, is a minority. at least on the server i play. thanks for that.

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that and because Primus sucks. ;)


Ha! You just made my day. I haven't listened to Primus in years. After reading that you inspired me to do so. Now my twin toddlers are bouncing around the room like maniacs. :jawa_biggrin:


Anyway, and on a more OT note: On my server (Vornskr) I haven't noticed much difference in behavior as far as being a jerk or not. The Republic side is very quiet but everyone's been very courteous and helpful. The Imps are rowdy but hardly rude - just lively. :cool:


The OP just ran into a bad batch. It happens. Don't let it get to you - most people really aren't jerks, it's just that those are the ones we remember.


Or you could be like my anti-social wife and turn off general chat and never do any group content with anyone but me and/or her brother. :rolleyes:

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Or you could be like my anti-social wife and turn off general chat and never do any group content with anyone but me and/or her brother. :rolleyes:


Now, I have turned off general a few times when it gets too obnoxious. Then I just rely on say when I want to talk to someone close by.

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From my limited runs with Empire, everyone seemed antisocial. I once did a black talon where NOBODY spoke a WORD. I'd ask questions, no response. I'd suggest strategies, nothing. It's so frustrating, I'd rather be in a group of jerks than something like that.


I frequently play with my volume turned off so I can hear my kids and have a chat window with just NPC chat on it so I can follow the story. I'm not saying this was the case here but if I was in your group I might not have even known you were speaking...of course I let people know this is the case ahead of time but still.

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