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SWTOR is nearing its second month of release... do you think it has staying power?


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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


No, it doesnt have staying power

No i am not having fun

Yes a huge drop in population

Rift was better in some ways, SWTOR had better story

There are 100s #1 things that need to be fixed/added


The way this game its headed, Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3 and Tera will make it go F2P.

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Are you still having fun?


To be honest no I'm bored already,only still here because there's nothing else I want to play at the min,April is the next mmo release.


Have you seen a population drop in your server?


Not particularly although this last week the guild I'm in seems to be rather inactive.


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


The story is ok,but my last mmo was faxion online and I loved that game so no this game isn't as good.


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


The legacy system should have been in at launch

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


  1. In its current state? No.
  2. I am currently having fun, but I'm not quite to 50 yet.
  3. I don't see much of anyone on my server due to horrid sharding/instancing. Dead empty world regardless of the "Taris: 118" indicator above the chat bar.
  4. Too much to list.
  5. Bug fixes/better gameplay experience/client issues (one overall problem really), and they need this last month.


Edit: I didn't mean the pun on Taris. I meant to point out that even though there's people in that specific zone, I never see anyone due to sharding/instancing ...

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No, it doesnt have staying power

No i am not having fun

Yes a huge drop in population

Rift was better in some ways, SWTOR had better story

There are 100s #1 things that need to be fixed/added


The way this game its headed, Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3 and Tera will make it go F2P.


Nope. The forums will also have the same opinion with Guild Wars 2 and Tera.


It's an endless cycle. Promise of the new MMO. Constant hype for a new MMO. Immediate rage after launch. Promise of the next MMO. Constant hype for the next MMO. Immediate rage after launch. Promise of the next MMO. Constant hype for the next MMO. Immediate rage after launch.


You get the picture. You might have your opinion on what you like/don't like but the general forum population acts according to the above.

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Yes or no?

I do

Are you still having fun?

Oh heck yeah

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

No, I've seen the opposite. (Mandalore the Indomitable)

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

My last mmo was Eve Online. Not really comparing apples to apples there... Themepark =/= sandbox

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

Polish the GTN


Answered in red :D

Edited by Thaltom
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As of now - no. It is a copy of WoW with bells and whistles.

No real progression. Everything is thrown together.

They need to dig deeper, stretch the content.

There should be content available for casuals on the go and content which requires gearing and maybe even small weekly attunement tasks for gaining entrance into hard mode or nightmare mode operations. Make every activity count towards the main goal, introduce time-consuming crafting schemes.

And most importantly, interesting atmospheric worlds and instances and rewards that matter.


Only advice to devs: get to know your game better. don't make it a dead commercial product. make it a living art of entertainment.

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yes or no?

Are you still having fun?



have you seen a population drop in your server?



how do you think this game compares to your last mmo?



what's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

more graphic settings



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Yes or no? f2p


Are you still having fun? I have lost the "addicted" feeling and am losing interest steadily


Have you seen a population drop in your server? Yes


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO? Same ol' same ol'


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added? Anything to improve the sterile environments. Sound effects, etc.

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I had a peek in beta and decided that it looks and feels good enough for me.


Since it has been paid, it does not look as good, so I did not get what I paid for.

It was fun for a month and a bit.



But with the current flashing causing migraine for my GF, and this being the second time with this game, I wont resub.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


lol. big fat NO.

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Yes or no?

More than I thought, since each class has replayability value. No, if you don't have altitus.


Are you still having fun?

Yes, but gonna start playing this less now that the Skyrim CK is out...although that will probably lengthen my sub since I will get through the available content slower.


Have you seen a population drop in your server?

A slight drop compared to early January when I first started, but I don't really pay a lot of attention to that, and my server is pretty high in population anyway (Anchorhead).


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

I can't imagine anything more different. The last MMO I played was a small indie sci-fi sandbox similar to EVE. I prefer sandboxes, and SWTOR was never intended as anything but a temporary distraction.


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

A way to group up with higher or lower level players (some kind of sidekick buff/debuff system).

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all i can say is good game terrible endgame raids are so boring and complete ez mode pvp is the same premades win every time. good story line i play it for the rpg section of it but thas it change something for lvl 50s so boring you can't even go farming crap since your companion does everything for you.
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Yes or no?


I don't care. Not my job to tell other people what to think.


Are you still having fun?




Have you seen a population drop in your server?


Yes, it is easily half as large as it was 2 weeks ago. Fleet rarely gets over 75 people (launch, 280+)


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


I don't personally quantify this as an MMO. It is like a Diablo 2 game with optional multiplayer. Any game I can play 90% or more by myself (and more or less be preferred that I be solo) is not an MMO. Therefore, compared to Skyrim... this game is lacking in every category.


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


I'd like for a cross-faction dungeon finder. The mechanics of this game don't lend itself well to group play in the world... and the shrinking population makes PvP/Dungeon groups increasingly long. I'm averaging almost 2 hours to get into a PvP queue at 50 and DAYS between hard more FPs.

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After you have 50 it's pretty much over. Story? What story? 90% of all quests are same to all classes and even those 10% are happening in exactly same place in same predictable way.

No replay value, no dungeon finder, boring as hell dailies, bunch of bugs and game client that tortures your PC like it was Crysis 2 instead of something with graphics from ten years ago, video card fan already died and every day you expect some other part of PC blow up.

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According to the trolls, No


To me, Yes


Using this logic, if you like McDonnalds, and I don't care for it I'm a troll because I don't enjoy the same stuff as you?


the game only appeals to people who PVP in premade groups, guilds doing loot pinata operations, or those rare massocists that think having a bugged encounter is a refreshing challenge.


I compare my experience to a Star Wars branded machine with one button. Most of the time when I push the button, a boxing glove on a spring shoots out and punches me in the crotch. The rare times when the button did nothing at all I was really relieved.

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Using this logic, if you like McDonnalds, and I don't care for it I'm a troll because I don't enjoy the same stuff as you?


And at the same time, according to the hate posts, because I do not hate the game, I am a fanboi ... Guess it all depends on what side of the fence you are on ...

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Yes or no?


Not sure yet. More discussion below.


Are you still having fun?




Have you seen a population drop in your server?


Haven't really noticed any change, but I only play with RL friends so I haven't paid much attention.


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


Okay, here's the meat of the issue.


Like many other players, my last game was WoW. SWTOR beats WoW hands-down in terms of story. There's simply no comparison there.


Blizzard has slowly gotten better at in-game storytelling but it's been a slow process and something that they don't seem to have really focused on.


On the other hand, Bioware excels and storytelling and has been doing so for quite some time - Mass Effect 1 & 2, KOTOR, etc.


But that is also where the uncertainty comes from. I haven't completed Chapter 2 on my first character yet but when I do... what then? What happens if I complete the story for all 8 base classes?


Will I really be able to stand going through the same side quests 4 times?


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


As a tank, I want a target of target pane.

As a healer, I would like to use the raid frame even when I'm just duoing but it doesn't show companions.

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Right now the 1-50 leveling game is one of the most fun in an MMO ever. Just a good smooth grind free experience that feeds you a great story as you go. So the game is fantastic for at a minimum several months as you work through all of the stories.


As far as long term staying power. That will depend rather heavily on how well Bioware can make some improvements. At the moment for the PvE game, once you hit 50 it's something of a letdown. The good story ends, at least for now. And suddenly the game gets very grindy and a bit more lonely. Your options are daily quests over and over and over (why of why do MMO designers put this half assed mechanic in recent games. Is it some sort of twisted psychological experiment? or do they really think we just like repeating the same three quests over and over every day in an effort to save up enough points for the "must have" gear?) or you can start doing level 50 and hard mode instances and operations. This would be great, just so long as you brought along your own preconfigured team of 4 8 or 16 people who all are specced in the desired ways. Simply put there are NO tools to allow you to exectively find others looking to do group content and hook up with them in any reasonable manner. In a modern mmo this is a long term game killer. It doesn't need something as evil as WoW's automated cross server matching system. Just a simple interface where you can easily mark what you are looking to do, see others looking to do the same and actually meet up and do these things.


A few other issues that will cut into the long term pve gameplay. The companions and crew are a great system while you are leveling. But currently their usefulness dies in the end game (except for the above mentioned handful of dailly quests). The same can be said of crafting, which would otherwise be a major driver of some of the social aspects of the game. Crafting as a public or social function ends at level 49. Epic raid pasterns make bop crafter only gear. Gear and mods bought easily from daily commendations far surpasses anything the best or luckiest crafter can make end game. So as a result there is no reason or pathway for the crafter to sell his goods. Little imbalances like these will erode the pve game and player base within a matter of 6 months or so.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


1) staying power? For me, not at the moment.


2) still having fun - no - subbed for one month, have cancelled


3) population - on Oceanic alt so fine here


4) story is better, otherwise my last (and current again) game (EQ2) is preferable


5) alternate advancement as in EQ/EQ2 so I can funnel a % of my xp there and not level so fast while building my character.

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Yes or no?


Are you still having fun?


Have you seen a population drop in your server?


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

Less single-player oriented and more MMO oriented

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