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SWTOR is nearing its second month of release... do you think it has staying power?


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Yes or no?


Yes, I doubt it will rise to the popularity of WoW, as WoW got so popular due to timing and mistakes made in the development of many competing MMOs that will not be repeated (or at least to the same degree). WoW will, in my opinion, slowly lose players, stabilizing at 5-6 million if the new Blizzard MMO isn't released by that point. If it is, I expect it to drop further but still retain millions of subscribers, the majority of which are from China. SWTOR I expect to hit 2 million players and have a very slow growth rate from there.


Are you still having fun?


Yes. The PVP is very fun, especially for Vanguard troopers (so much mobility and utility, such as harpooning people into the Hutt Ball acid pit and freeze grenading them), space combat too. Questing is the best I've seen in any MMO, and the flash points are very well done. Operations (I've only got a level 40 trooper as my highest character) seem to be entertaining but short lived.


Have you seen a population drop in your server?


It feels as though the population has remained stable, if not a bit higher, on my server, the factions have gotten better balanced (though the Empire is still the majority), and that people are online more frequently.


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


Last MMO? I played WoW a long time ago, a little bit of SWG, along with a few short stays on some other MMOs... I find that it is far more entertaining than any of them, with a much greater attention to detail being paid to everything (I love the huge amount of different animations) and a better launch than any MMO I've played (WoW's was awful, SWTOR did pretty well, though the vocal minority on the forums blows the RELATIVELY small number of glitches out of proportion).


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

-I'd like larger (not too large), siege type PVP arenas, possibly with vehicles. 16 players max on each side, possibly with companions enabled or some NPCs, would be wonderful. Something like Alterac Valley (when it was good and not a zerg fest, though it would have to be shortened substantially) crossed with Isle of Conquest (I use WoW terms as they are the most recognized, don't be hating). Something that seems like an epic battle out of one of the movies.

-A DOTA style arena would be pretty cool too.

-Other, less significant stuff would be cross server pvp, flashpoint finders, more difficult operations, a fix to the animation delay bug, some big credit sinks, guild ships, PVP space combat (even if on rails it would be pretty cool), synch armor to chest, LOTS of new armor models, and mods that can make oranges equal to level 50 purples.


Realistically I'd just like the level 50 purple equivalent mods, a fix to the animation delay bug, and synch armor to chest.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?




No population drop at all. Actually an increase.

I want to think it has the potential to be better then my last mmo..


Things I would like to see

-Combat logs with a option like the profanity filter. If you don't like them, then don't have them on

-Dual spec..not dual class, u picked what u wanted to be at lvl 10 for a reason. Reroll another character if u don't like it, which hopefully u figure out before 50.

-Fix the current issues in game and toss all "new content" out the window for a week or two. I can live without legacy, combat log, new fp/op, etc.. I can't live with being unable to loot in ops, no credit for wz wins, professions being nerfed to match other professions that aren't great (aka, make them all have their own special "whatever" that only they can do and make it worthwhile), etc.. Fix whats in game now, worry about the new when the current has been handled.

Edited by Teraclon
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No, not if Bioware continually shuts down it's servers for 6 hours at a time just so the 9 players in Ilum can get Valor. I'm alredy tired of paying for a game that's offline EVERY OTHER NIGHT! I want a refund for that time. Count it up. It's a freaking lot! I'm NOT KIDDING!
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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

-Sadly no, I went out to buy a WoW timecard an hour ago. I didn't intend on returning to WoW but there is just no way I can continue playing this game. Most of my issues with it can't be fixed with a mere patch.

-No real way to tell thanks to the instancing. Intentional?

-Last game was WoW. Swtor has more lore, more interesting characters, and a more interesting conflict but... it's incredible linear (The themepark excuse is bull. Outside of class quests it's the same damn "ride"), the stories are kinda dull, PvP is screwy, melee classes are weak.

- Leveling content. Who was the genius that thought every class doing the same quests for the entire gosh darn game was acceptable?


Overall this game isn't vanilla it's a freakin' beta. Yet again EA has let their greed screw themselves. What was the point in buying Bioware for it's reputation when you're just going to crap all over it?


(The forum is changing "God rhymes-with-lamb" to gosh darn. Why am I not surprised something so stupid has been added)

Edited by ShardTosk
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The primary driving force of its popularity is the story.


If I have more people I knew personally to level with I might play more, but as of right now as soon as I finish raids with my guild I'm unsubbing.


There are "Technically" 8 story lines in this game.


To me there are two stories in this game.


Why only 2? Because in order to level from questing your class quests form only a small portion of your experience gain. This means I'll also have to repeat a large number of the non-class quests if I choose a new class in my faction. The non-class quests were alright, but not engaging enough to merit running through them a second time. Instead I'm leveling a Jedi Guardian now that my Powertech is level 50 and geared in full T2. Once I finish leveling my Guardian (he is sitting at around 45) I'll be leaving TOR and not looking back until there are some major changes in the overall focus of the game.



What do I mean by the real focus of the game?

The story is nice, but has none of the real choice or variability that was demonstrated in KOTOR and KOTOR 2.




Moral Choice in KOTOR:


Situation: You come across a man on the streets of Taris, he is being accosted by a pair of thugs for paying off a loan from a hutt:


Mild LS response: You engage and defeat the thugs, and send the man on his merry way to scrounge for a way to pay off the loan before more thugs arrive.


High LS response: You engage and defeat the thugs, and send the man away after giving him enough money to pay off his loan, preventing more thugs from being sent after him.


Mild DS: You simply stand by as the thugs accost the man, beating/killing him.


High DS: You get offended by the thugs, kill them, take their money, and then accost the man yourself, taking all his cash.




Moral Choice in TOR:


most LS options: Don't kill someone


most DS options: Kill someone, usually for some mindless reason.



Ironically a lot of the LS choices are the MOST pragmatic. In Kaon Under Siege choosing the darkside option when you observe a rakhghoul infection actually leads to a pointless, time wasting pull for your group. Light side choices should be generally the safer, more positively motivated responses, while the less moral/dark choices should be something pragmatic with a chance to incur detriments to your overall objective.



another Moral Choice in TOR:


Situation: having defeated the reassembled HK-47 on the false emperor's space station, you approach the engineer running the space station's defenses.


LS option: Convince the engineer to turn his guns on the stealthed fleet, betraying and destroying the false troops.


DS option: Kill the engineer, with no benefit to yourself or the attacking allied fleet.



Not only does the LS option incur higher loss of life, and thus undermine being "light sided", but the dark side option makes your character look like a rash IDIOT.

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Yes or no (does it have staying power)?




Are you still having fun?


Sort of.


Have you seen a population drop in your server?


Yes, although not dramatically. It's more the attrition of good players in my guild.


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


It seems significantly less solid than WoW.


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


I think it's just a doomed product. Nothing could make this dinosaur look like a modern MMO at this point.

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They have enough momentum to last them until they begin to show geniune improvements to known issues. They may see a dip in numbers in the next 2-3 months though.


What will be really telling is how the game is performing at its 1 year anniversary.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


1) Not really - miss my community from WoW

2) Yes

3) Pretty much the same as WoW, we lvl, we gear, we do dailies.....

4) I can't really pinpoint 1 think but if I had to pick 1 thing, it would be the UI. Its not very nice.

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Ok, So i have 12 days left on my subscription, I've decided not to resubscribe because I this game is just super boring at the end.


Background - First MMO game ever,

A lvl 50 Juggy

a lvl 13 Op alternate that will probably not be lvl 50 by the time my script is up, I just want to see the story.


This game was great, I wanted to really enjoy it (I sound like a broken record), Pvp was not half bad, but the main problems are:


My server has NO ONE doing FPs, heroics, it's a ghost town in every planet except the first two. I play on a Heavy at prime time US west server.

The end game is boring! I don't care about the best gear because I can't even get it, even if I am epic geared so what?


My next game will be Diablo 3, till then I'll just MW3 or BF3 it. If in a couple of months this game comes around and there's great new content I'll resub.


But i doubt this game has real staying power. I'm not enjoying the lack of players.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?



1. Yes, Having a blast.


2. Population has actually increased.


3. SWTOR has been more fun and engaging than WOW has for the past number of years. I'm more excited to do things with my level 50 toon in SW than I have been with my 6 year old main toon in WOW.


4. Bug fixes of course but if that is a given, I'd like to see some limited duel spec.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


im on my 9th character now. im leveling them all at the same time.


and, i had not been playing ANY games since a year because i was bored of gaming. (Spent last 15 years with gaming heavily).






the word is not 'staying'. you should have used 'growing'.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


Not for more then 3 months


Slight, but I think once other AAA titles come out it will be more drastic


Comparing this game to my "last" MMO is a bit silly since I guess my last MMO was WoW and it has been out forever. I think a better comparison would be the last new release MMO I played, Rift, in which I never ran into the amount of bugs and glitches as I do in this game. They also didn't have an emergency patch almost every week, and imo had some more interesting content like the public questing ect. I did quit Rift all the same after getting lvl cap out of boredom but that was more because I didn't get into a quality guild first.


I would love to see them fix the incredible about of bugs and issues with this game. People are still crashing, having graphical errors, and it seems whenever they "fix" something some other issue pops up or something else breaks. I'm really just playing now because there's nothing better out to play, if TERA, or TSW or GW2 was already out I'd unsub

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?




Have you seen a population drop in your server?

No it has increased


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


I like it. Its fun and fresh. I really enjoy the stories for the classes.


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

UI customization.

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