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Poll: What do you think about the new changes made to global cooldown UI in 1.1.2?


What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2  

3,457 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2

    • They're good!
    • They're terrible!
    • I don't care either way.

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Canceled. Failure to acknowledge the existence of people that this game has made ill and not even giving us hope that there would be appropriate changes allowing us to play again before the next billing cycle is not a good way to be treating your customers.


There is no way for any of these people to prove that this is actually physically effecting them so there is absolutely no point in bringing it up.

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Its utter crap


Used skills are lit up behind the shaded layer and when a skill is 9/10ths done it looks like I can use the skill but I cant so I'm spending valuable time mashing a button that's not working and all because for all intents and purposes the button appears to be active when its not...


Skills on CD should be fully shaded until CD is finished.


I don't mind if the active skills remain brightly lit behind the GCD Shaded layer all i ask is that skills that are actually on cool down remain fully shaded for the duration. i would prefer a numeric countdown over the button if i had my way.


But apart form that BW, you are never going to please everyone with a single UI offering...

The clue for you today is the word "OPTIONS" yes provide a number of options so your customers can fiddle with their UI and make it how THEY like it


And for Gods sake don't just shove some random development at us after 3 polls and a couple of back-room Dev meetings - Actively discuss what you are intending with your community to get a feel for the reception your UI project is likely to receive and change tac accordingly. It would save many tears and rage posts if you would just learn to do this one thing more.

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I don't mind the blue ability wipe, in fact I like it. I still despise not being able to know during gcd whether an ability will be available after gcd because everything is grayed out until it's over. Not a fan of that part.


Oh you mean proc triggered abilities?


Yes, I agree with that. I like in RIFT that if a proc triggered an ability, that ability's icon appeared above your bottom toolbars for the duration it was able to be fired.


I do kinda miss that.

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I wanted to also address concerns about the Public Test Server. We're working towards enabling character transfers so you can move your own character across and test new patches. Other ideas to allow the testing of high-level content have been explored, but ultimately character transfer is what we want to allow for everyone.




This is, IMO, definitely needed to increase the patch coverage on the Public Test Server.


I have created characters on the PTS but because I had to start from scratch, I've haven't reached a high enough level to have filled one set of action bars. I just recently got my live character to 50. The UI changes didn't bother me with 1/2 a bar of spells on the test server but I do notice a much larger effect with 4 full action bars on live.


Testing of high-level changes (like Ilum) will definitely require character transfers.





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I like the idea of doing polls at the log in screen. That would really make sense. However, I don't know about the people complaining about the new flashiness of the UI. I didn't even notice it until playing for atleast an hour or so, and the only reason i did then was because it became really buggy. However, Bioware, you should just put an on/off button in the preferences. Make this easier on everybody. Simple solution. I like the new UI, minus the getting stuck using one ability or something.
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I don't like the change to UI, but I am more interested in another thing - why does Bioware spend time fixing such an unimportant feature of the game that was working more or less from the beginning of the game??

OK, 100% of the players do use the UI - but it was working well at the launch. It may need improvement, but it works. But then there are hard modes, specifically puzzle boss in EV. Maybe 1% of the population reached that level, but that boss is buggy as hell and you spend 2 hours killing it just because you need to get lucky and not bug out, while every attempt requires reset of the instance (meaning you have to clear trash again). Why not fix that in the beginning? Why spend time improving something that already works, when you can fix something that is almost fully broken?

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I wanted to also address concerns about the Public Test Server. We're working towards enabling character transfers so you can move your own character across and test new patches. Other ideas to allow the testing of high-level content have been explored, but ultimately character transfer is what we want to allow for everyone.


This would go a LONG way towards have more beneficial and effective testing of updates. I would be more than happy to hop on the PTS and test new patches if I didn't have to invest a substantial amount of time leveling characters on there. I'm sure there are other people who feel the same way.

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Clear visual indicator of CD on specific abilities = good

Every single ability flashing white when GCD is up = ***?!?


I'd say either a much, much more subtle visual indicator of GCD, a separate visual indicator (e.g., a small GCD bar that refills alongside bottom bar), or none.


Personally, I strongly prefer a CD numerical countdown display on each ability used as in many WoW addons, but many people don't - putting it in as an option would be absolutely outstanding.

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1,485 vs 1,972


42.96% vs 57.04%



Pretty damn even.



I think it's time for a toggle, Bioware


I dunno, many of us didn't even get to vote, mainly because I rarely come anymore to these forums. Almost 10,000 posts pre-launch, now I'm having too much fun to come here, hehe. I really like the way they are now. We just need proc'd skills to show better, is all.


Anyway, take the poll results with a huge, saltlick-sized grain of salt...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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1,485 vs 1,972


42.96% vs 57.04%



Pretty damn even.



I think it's time for a toggle, Bioware


your a bit unsure about the undecided but you lumped them with positives.... it could be leaning towards the negatives.

the percents are wrong 30% and change to 57% and change with the other 12 % unsure about it.

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As a Jedi Consular / Sith Sorcerer healer (yes, I play both), in PvP I'm often in flat-out heal mode. Every fraction of a second delay adds up over times to effectively missed heals.


I have a hotkey bound to "Next Friendly target". In PvP, I hit this until I come across someone injured (if no-one's injured, I DPS). Then I drop a protective bubble on them, then the heal over time that speeds up the long heal, then the long heal. Repeating this over multiple injured parties, my bubble itself is off cooldown, but can't be used because of the timer on my injured target. This showed up nicely under the old scheme - ghosted when you can't cast the bubble, normal when you can. That way I can see which ability is able to be used, and be ready to press the correct button when my GCD expires.


Now, it's always ghosted while waiting for the GCD. This means I have to do one of three things - assume it's not available, wait until GCD expires so I can see then react to it, or look at those tiny icons above my healing target's health bar to see if the debuff preventing bubble application has expired.


The first two lower my ability to keep my team-mates alive. The last is virtually impossible - remember I'm cycling between team-mates, and everyone's buffs/debuffs are in different places, and trying to check for the *absence* of an icon under those conditions takes longer than the GCD, bringing us back to lower team survivability.


It's not such an issue in PvE where there's usually a much smaller number of people taking damage (typically one or two as opposed to four to six), they're moving a lot less, and I can mostly keep track in my head of when bubble cooldown is expiring. It's still annoying, just not as much.

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People complain so much about it @.@. I play a Jedi Guardian and am at the last level stretch, and honestly? I love the new setup for it. The flashes catch my attention much more so then before so I can notice when things jump out of cooldown now.


I am one of the few who like it I guess, it is very nice.

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From what I read, UI customization will come at 1.2. The UI fix isn't part of that.


From the 'Things to come' video that I saw a while ago their interpretation of UI customization is moving **** around on your screen and making it bigger or smaller. That is not UI customization as we know it nor will it fix the current UI.


I haven't played in almost 3 days except a Warzone here and there. I can't. How do BW address the issue of players currently being unable to play due to feeling ill as a direct result of the new UI? Do they rollback the UI? Reintroduce it after some minor tweaking (can impossible take longer than a day)? Nah, they patch Ilum(!) and go 'someday...'


*** BW, once again you fail at basic communication and validation skills, could you possible screw your player base more? How does an Ilum patch help all of those who can't play because your flashy cluster**** of an UI is messing up players peripheral vision?


Ilum was your first priority? Really? I called it yesterday, still, it just goes on to show how utterly clueless you are as a MMO developer. Since the servers are going down anyway, how hard is it to revert the UI? It isn't, unless you don't want to. So much for the poll and caring.


GW2 open beta invites are 3 weeks away and TERA goes live in May. Let's see how many subs you'll have by then. At this rate? Just the fanboys. And I'm not talking about the Star Wars ones.

Edited by darthtoph
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So basically since the Ilum fix is going out tonight. And we haven't heard word of any kind of solution I'm assuming that there will be no GCD fix happening tonight. And as I see it very unlikely that Bioware would shut down the servers two nights in a row for fixes I think basically Bioware has given the finger to everyone who currently finds the game unplayable.
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Before this patch, it was too hard to tell when the GCD was up without staring at the bar, but I think they went a little too far in the other direction with this patch. The sweet spot is somewhere between the pre-patch and post-patch GCD.


The dark fadeout + the white GCD animation effect is too much, making it hard to even see the ability icons while GCD is in effect. I recommend reducing the amount of the dark fade -- the abilities should be greyed-out, not blackened-out -- and change the cooldown animation to just a line that goes down (similar to how it was pre-patch) instead of whiting-out the whole bottom of the icons. If it's already greyed out, it doesn't need to be whited-out, too. The "flash" effect that happens when GCD is over maybe could be toned down just a little bit so it's not so irritating during repetitive casting. Finally, it would be helpful if individual ability cooldowns had a slightly different effect than the GCD -- a different color, or darker fadeout, etc -- so at a glance you can see the difference between GCD and an ability cooldown.

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