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Poll: What do you think about the new changes made to global cooldown UI in 1.1.2?


What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2  

3,457 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2

    • They're good!
    • They're terrible!
    • I don't care either way.

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That is largely what I'm saying yes..


I am saying that I believe that some of the people complaining are overreacting, too involved, and in some cases playing up what is going on, to the point that they are experiencing symptoms.


Not saying everyone is, not saying you specifically are, but that in my opinion some people are overreacting.


The force is strong in this one.


You should use your force ability to differentiate neurological versus psychologically induced symptoms of unknown persons from vast geographical distances for good. Volunteer for doctors without borders.


the superflash disco ball UI doesn't bother me much. But it is distracting. But again, the lack of functionality regarding proc based or reactice powers is a big issue, depending on the class.

Edited by CFourPO
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The force is strong in this one.


You should use your force ability to differentiate neurological versus psychologically induced symptoms of unknown persons from vast geographical distances for good. Volunteer for doctors without borders.


the superflash disco ball UI doesn't bother me much. But it is distracting. But again, the lack of functionality regarding proc based or reactice powers is a big issue, depending on the class.


He needs to get out more. The fluorescent light tube weapons he's playing with have mercury in them and mercury has a rather detrimental effect on ones mental faculties.

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They don't care. They're going to put a patch up on the test servers sometime in the next day or two and then test that, then patch to live game. It'll be at least a week before there's a change to the UI and tbh, there's no guarantee that they're even considering people that can't play the game because it's made them ill. There hasn't been a word from them on that issue in the slightest. So at this point I've personally lumped them in with the idiots who are calling us liars. I no longer care when or if they fix their UI. When my account runs out it'll not be renewed.


do they really need public test to revert the change? no. do they care people are getting sick? no. Here is an email I got from them on my complaint:




Thank you for contacting us regarding the issues you are experiencing with the user interface and the health concerns you have regarding the strobe and flash content in the game.


However, as per the Origin website if you follow the link below there is a warning relating to such flashing images on the game.




Thank you for giving us your feedback and bringing these concerns to our attention, they have been passed onto the relevant department.


Thank you for your interest in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and if there’s anything further we can help you with please don’t hesitate to let us know.




Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


basically: "we have lawyers. sucks for you."


Keep in mind I did not threaten to sue them or anything like that.

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And this is precisely why Bioware needs to hurry up with user add-on support. Everyone has different preferences, the default UI will never be "good enough". Quite honestly, I'm shocked that you're even wasting resources on it when you could be freeing up said resources by allowing players to do the work for you. The same could be said for internal testing; not having a level 50 pre-made generator or character copy system in place for PTR is horrible. Every single weekly patch seems to introduce unwanted changes that sometimes get reverted/hotfixed (resulting in even more downtime) and even more bugs.


To be rather blunt, it seems as if there was a real lack of foresight.

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Have they announced the emergency hot fix for this yet?


no. doubt they'll make one either. If the game suddenly made you ill, you're sol. Cancel your account & vote with your money. If you just don't like the UI you're on your own until they get around to fixing it.

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Global Cooldown is what? 1.5 seconds? Why not just put a simple animation into the character portrait to reflect the gcd if they really think folk cannot time that in their heads.


Just does not need to be Sky Bright Blue on every icon including your medpack and speeder bike icons.. it was an effect that was done to death and then some. All those icons animating will increase ui lag too, ditch it and make something more suitable.

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do they really need public test to revert the change? no. do they care people are getting sick? no. Here is an email I got from them on my complaint:




basically: "we have lawyers. sucks for you."


Keep in mind I did not threaten to sue them or anything like that.


Their reasons for not commenting were apparent to me from the very beginning of this fiasco when they didn't say a thing. This is pretty much the equivalent of BW giving us the finger.

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The question is:


It was fine at release, then they "fixed" it...... then they "fixed" the "fix".


The way it currently is right now is retarded.

Who the hell is in charge of this crap? They need to be fired.

Operationally it's fine, visually it's the WORST hotbar GCD I've ever seen in an MMO.

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LOL. Like I said, I play the game. I see it with my own eyes. I dont need to read every post by every crying complainer on the forums. I understand ppl are saying the flashing is annoying. There is a certain type of personality that will complain regardless of what is done. I certainly hope Bioware does not start catering to them because they are here in very large numbers and once they get their way once it will never end.


The complaints about the new cooldown animations are not valid. They serve the purpose they were designed for: to clearly show what abilitis are on CD.


Luke...the ignorance is strong in this one!

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So, i guess they don't want us to vote? Won't let me.. I Vote I HATE the new cooldown. I have a peice of tape over where mine is on my screen so I won't have a damn seizure just trying to play. The greying out is stupid too.
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This is what I understand:


I am having no issues.

You are because you are unable to adapt.


The end.


Since you like general statements I am going to have to go with...


If you like this change you need a new monitor.

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Surely they've included a [X] Enable / Disable option so you can just go back to the old system. Just check under "prefrences".


I mean.. nobody would be stupid enough to implement something like this - that affects every single player in the game - but hasn't been tested thoroughly and is known to be liked by the playerbase. Right?

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They just linked the PTS notes for the next patch. No mention of anything involving the UI.


That sort of surprised me. It's approaching the end of the business day in Austin, TX. If there's no announcement today or very early tomorrow Austin time, the earliest we could realistically expect a fix is next Tuesday's maintenance session, if then. My guess (and that's all it is based upon nothing but my opinion) is that whenever the change is made the UI fix will intentionally keep the GCD flash that is causing illness to a large number of players (even if that is a small percentage of the player base) and will instead focus on the legitimate complaints that many folks have with the usability of the new UI display. They're not going to want to admit they made a huge pain inducing error in their game for legal reasons and appearances sake.

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That sort of surprised me. It's approaching the end of the business day in Austin, TX. If there's no announcement today or very early tomorrow Austin time, the earliest we could realistically expect a fix is next Tuesday's maintenance session, if then. My guess (and that's all it is based upon nothing but my opinion) is that whenever the change is made the UI fix will intentionally keep the GCD flash that is causing illness to a large number of players (even if that is a small percentage of the player base) and will instead focus on the legitimate complaints that many folks have with the usability of the new UI display. They're not going to want to admit they made a huge pain inducing error in their game for legal reasons and appearances sake.


This is probably the worst handling of a game breaking issue I have ever seen from a game company. Thanks EA for setting your customer service bar even lower than it was before. And here I thought it was rock bottom to begin with.

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please note that poll was closed with 3457 votes.

Consider that there are other 2 million who instead of participating on forum, enjoy the game as it is. New GCD looks very nice, please don't change it back. :)


You should consider that they changed it initially at the request of people in this forum (I would say fewer people than those who responded in this poll but there was no poll about the old system to compare). So why shouldn't they consult the group they were originally trying to please?


Besides, they don't want to poll 2 million people because that's a vote not a poll. Both sides on the debate were equally loud and they needed a fast way to determine which side actually had numbers. As soon as they saw that the majority were leaning one way they shut it down.

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Both sides on the debate were equally loud and they needed a fast way to determine which side actually had numbers. As soon as they saw that the majority were leaning one way they shut it down.


Having read every post in both this poll and the original thread I can confidently say that both sides on the debate were not equally loud. There were many more dissatisfied posts.


It was abundantly clear from the forums that the majority of people posting on the forums were against the change. I am not saying however that this is a perfect reflection of in game though (but neither would a poll be). The poll was a pointless waste of time which proved bioware does not read threads.

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You should consider that they changed it initially at the request of people in this forum (I would say fewer people than those who responded in this poll but there was no poll about the old system to compare). So why shouldn't they consult the group they were originally trying to please?


Besides, they don't want to poll 2 million people because that's a vote not a poll. Both sides on the debate were equally loud and they needed a fast way to determine which side actually had numbers. As soon as they saw that the majority were leaning one way they shut it down.


Where is your link to a request to change this? I've been a regular on these threads for a year and I never once saw any request to change this.

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Having read every post in both this poll and the original thread I can confidently say that both sides on the debate were not equally loud. There were many more dissatisfied posts.


It was abundantly clear from the forums that the majority of people posting on the forums were against the change. I am not saying however that this is a perfect reflection of in game though. Just that the poll was a pointless waste of time which proved bioware does not read threads.



Ok, not looking for a fight on this but I got to respond.



I was following the main thread/debate before the poll, as I was at work and unable to see for myself I was relying on the posts to keep me informed, and my comment about being "loud" was referring to the tone and certainty of those posting on both sides. That seemed fairly balanced (at least from my perspective). Were there more posts about people having issues? I think so but I wasn't counting, and neither were BW. And that's what I meant when I said they needed a fast way to get the numbers.


Personally, I felt I was more in the middle on this and posted as much in the original thread. However, if even 0.5% are having negative physical side effects as described then I think it's obvious they need to undo the change they implemented. With that in mind the poll was unnecessary. IMHO

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Personally I can only think of three reasons why they would have needed the poll.


1. They didn't bother reading the previous threads, which strongly showed that most people on the forums dislike the change. (In which case a forum poll only provides the same information).


2. They want to be able to show numbers in case they reverse it and the people that like the change complain.


3. The guy who designed/authorized the change (without making it optional) was still stupid enough after all the complaining to think it was good and they had to start to poll to show him what an idiot he was.


Seeing how if #2 were true they would have done a rollback already (given how long we are waiting they must be developing a compromise solution) I can only assume that they did the poll for #1 or #3.

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