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Why should you be allowed to make both a Republic and Empire character on pvp server?


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This is the first MMO ive seen that allows you to create an opposite faction character on the same server on a pvp server.


Yeah it is kinda dumb. And to the person who made the smart ***** remark about this being his first mmo, maybe it is, maybe ti isn't. Fact still remains that the trend in mmo's is to NOT allow this. so just because they didn't play the niche underground korean free-to-play game you played doesn't man this is their first mmo. I have been playing mmo's for about 13 years with time in at least 15 mmo's and the trend has always been only one faction per server on PVP servers i any big game of a respectable nature.

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well its by no means the first, it was only really recently did games start doing that (and by recently i mean of recent years)


ill agree im not a huge fan of it but the other problem is the game isnt focused around pvp either.


what i mean is games focused around it like have very big gameplay mechanics around the idea of area control of pvp. certian benifits a faction can actually claim. swtor doesnt have it, swtor is a rpg first, and a pvp game second. while it was built with the intetion of having pvp, it wastn built around the foundation of being pvp.


EDIT: above me. i wouldnt call it a trend either, the thing is the majority of MMO's dont do this, because the majority of them are not pvp games, theya re games with pvp.


a pvp mmo would have been planetside, darkfall, warhammer. games whos entire core revolves around pvp. games like this, are not core pvp games. the core of this game is a story line, pvp was a high priority and integrated at every design level yes, but it doesnt have a core mechanical gameplay effect with pvp. and the majority of servers arent even pvp servers, farther reducing the need for it.

Edited by opticalshadow
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Been playing MMO's since UO in 1997. This is certainly not my first MMO. I said this is the first MMO Ive seen that allows it. I havent played every MMO that's hit the market just every major MMO release. Its dumb at least in a pvp server the fact you can only choose one faction builds up a sort of faction unity amongst the playerbase making pvp all the more fun.
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It should be that on PVP servers you can not roll on both factions simply to stop the trolling and what not. If you want the story from the other faction then make a new character on a new server. Why would you need to be on the same server anyway if you play on separate factions? The only thing I could think of would be a trolling guild that goes around trolling major towns and what not and spamming that their pvp guild is the best and the empire/republic sucks.
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It should be that on PVP servers you can not roll on both factions simply to stop the trolling and what not. If you want the story from the other faction then make a new character on a new server. Why would you need to be on the same server anyway if you play on separate factions? The only thing I could think of would be a trolling guild that goes around trolling major towns and what not and spamming that their pvp guild is the best and the empire/republic sucks.


what trolling could you do one way or the other. i can say the repuiblic sucks on any server regurdless if i have an empire character. why have to move to a new server, if lets say, my guild and its few hundred members all want to play together on both sides. why not just stay on oone server where our guild, and all of our other guid friends are?


in a core pvp game it makes sense, but not for swtor, theres no need for it because theres nothing that will hurt the game from one guy on two sides. its not like on ps where you could sit on vent and give away all of the atk plans of the enemy empire, and with zone limits you cant zerg anything.

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Yeah it is kinda dumb. And to the person who made the smart ***** remark about this being his first mmo, maybe it is, maybe ti isn't. Fact still remains that the trend in mmo's is to NOT allow this. so just because they didn't play the niche underground korean free-to-play game you played doesn't man this is their first mmo. I have been playing mmo's for about 13 years with time in at least 15 mmo's and the trend has always been only one faction per server on PVP servers i any big game of a respectable nature.


Your nifty little rant would have more bite if the most successful MMORPG in the world didn't allow you to be both factions on the same PvP server. But it DOES allow it, so you're just uninformed.

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It should be that on PVP servers you can not roll on both factions simply to stop the trolling and what not. If you want the story from the other faction then make a new character on a new server. Why would you need to be on the same server anyway if you play on separate factions? The only thing I could think of would be a trolling guild that goes around trolling major towns and what not and spamming that their pvp guild is the best and the empire/republic sucks.


Yes, that's clearly the only reason... :rolleyes:

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Uh... why NOT? There is no problem with that, especially if you have a friendly rivalry with other guilds.


Or, in my case, have a guild so big that people want to play on both sides and against each other.


I like it. It makes NO SENSE to make you go to a different server based on faction.

Edited by RSQViper
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This is the first MMO ive seen that allows you to create an opposite faction character on the same server on a pvp server.


its not the first and why not? Its not like you can stop multi-boxing or communication over vent/teamspeak etc...



Seams pointelss to restrict it.

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Yeah it is kinda dumb. And to the person who made the smart ***** remark about this being his first mmo, maybe it is, maybe ti isn't. Fact still remains that the trend in mmo's is to NOT allow this. so just because they didn't play the niche underground korean free-to-play game you played doesn't man this is their first mmo. I have been playing mmo's for about 13 years with time in at least 15 mmo's and the trend has always been only one faction per server on PVP servers i any big game of a respectable nature.


Which ones? lol


WoW, EVE, EQ2, AoC, STO all let you.

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Simply put, since this is a STORY driven mmo, the idea is that weather your PvPing or PvEing bioware wants you to consider the story the main draw of the game. and they don't want to restrict that idea . By limiting you to a single faction they are cutting you off from half the content.

Please don't point out you can go to a second server. The idea is that the Story and server are a single concept, its the same reason they give you 8 slots per server, so you can make 1 of every class. if they didn't want this thinking they would have only given us 4 slots

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Yeah it is kinda dumb. And to the person who made the smart ***** remark about this being his first mmo, maybe it is, maybe ti isn't. Fact still remains that the trend in mmo's is to NOT allow this. so just because they didn't play the niche underground korean free-to-play game you played doesn't man this is their first mmo. I have been playing mmo's for about 13 years with time in at least 15 mmo's and the trend has always been only one faction per server on PVP servers i any big game of a respectable nature.


The biggest MMO in the world allows it, and while I have no strong opinion either way on the subject, it comes off as pretty ignorant of the industry to act like MMOs that do allow it are some kind of niche or fringe case.

Edited by MaximusRex
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