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Stunlocking, any end in sight?


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I play 3 different classes, two of which have the ability to stunlock till death.

When is the resolve issue going to be fixed?


On my lvl50 geared Op i can kill someone before they can react.

On my lvl44 Scoundrel i can do the same, it isn't very hard to take someone from 100 to 0 in the course of two CC's. This needs to change.


The reaction times are getting better, responsiveness is getting better. But none of this matters if you cant react before you die, then you rez and the exact same thing happens again.

I derive no joy from doing it with my Op or Scoundrel, but its the tools i have been given so ill use them untill HOPEFULY bioware sees the light and hotfixes the resolve issues plaguing this game.


It should be, receive 1 stun then u are immune to stuns for 3-5sec.

Receive a KB then you are immune to KB's for 3-5sec.

Getting Sapped? Then you are immune for 5sec.


One Op/assassin being able to single handedly keep 1-2 people from capping without putting himself at risk is bollox and bad game design.

People should have to think before trying a KB on a carrier, because if they send him flying the wrong way then he is immune, the same with stuns.


The way it is now multiple people can have you bouncing all over the map like a ping pong ball, where is the skill there? People are stunning carriers at the wrong time, but its no problem because someone else can stun them again straight after that, and then seconds later when there is the tiniest bit of gey showing on the resolve bar, bam another 4sec stun.


This truely needs fixing asap.

Edited by triangulate
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I'm starting to find that a lot of PVP is centered entirely on CC abilities. I find this style of game play boring on both offense and defense. Sometimes it seems the game should be called Star Wars The Old Stun Lock.


Not sure if there's a fix for it or if the player base as a whole would want it changed, but personally I'd like to see a reduction in the amount of CC that comes into PVP.


Replace it with more things that set people on fire!! :D

Edited by Buckit
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Stuns are fine for the most part. Most of them generate quite high amount of resolve. CC is fine too - Sorc Whirlwind maxes out resolve and makes you immune, as it should.


The problem is knockbacks, roots and slows. They each need the amount of resolve they generate to be doubled at least. Also, WHILE UNDER the effect of root or slow, your resolve MUST NOT drain. All too often I get knocked back with high resolve, but knockback has a 5 sec root on it. And I'm standing there for 5 seconds while my resolve is draining, so we can CC me again. That's just not right.

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I play 3 different classes, two of which have the ability to stunlock till death.

When is the resolve issue going to be fixed?


On my lvl50 geared Op i can kill someone before they can react.

On my lvl44 Scoundrel i can do the same, it isn't very hard to take someone from 100 to 0 in the course of two CC's. This needs to change.


The reaction times are getting better, responsiveness is getting better. But none of this matters if you cant react before you die, then you rez and the exact same thing happens again.

I derive no joy from doing it with my Op or Scoundrel, but its the tools i have been given so ill use them untill HOPEFULY bioware sees the light and hotfixes the resolve issues plaguing this game.


It should be, receive 1 stun then u are immune to stuns for 3-5sec.

Receive a KB then you are immune to KB's for 3-5sec.

Getting Sapped? Then you are immune for 5sec.


One Op/assassin being able to single handedly keep 1-2 people from capping without putting himself at risk is bollox and bad game design.

People should have to think before trying a KB on a carrier, because if they send him flying the wrong way then he is immune, the same with stuns.


The way it is now multiple people can have you bouncing all over the map like a ping pong ball, where is the skill there? People are stunning carriers at the wrong time, but its no problem because someone else can stun them again straight after that, and then seconds later when there is the tiniest bit of gey showing on the resolve bar, bam another 4sec stun.


This truely needs fixing asap.


5.5s of stun with 2GCD spent for stun and IF your opponent has his CC breaker on CD is still too much? Seriously, what do people want? No CC at all?


Btw, there is simply no way you can kill someone in 2 globals, or he is naked.

Edited by zqsd
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5.5s of stun with 2GCD spent for stun and IF your opponent has his CC breaker on CD is still too much? Seriously, what do people want? No CC at all?


Btw, there is simply no way you can kill someone in 2 globals, or he is naked.


I can kill anyone but a Tank in my 2 stuns unless they are far far better geared than me.

On my scoundrel in lower lvl PvP its a piece of cake to kill in the two stuns.


About me not wanting CC at all, did u even read the post you quoted?

I want resolve fixing OR immunitys putting in, lets make this a game about skill ffs instead of the mindless CC fest it is now.

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Slow should have a different bar and roots/knockbacks should fill the resolve faster. If reslove bar made you immune to slow it would be op, but roots counting as slows is kinda retarded. For some classes root equals stun, not to mention that rooting in the hazards is instagib ability.
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Slow should have a different bar and roots/knockbacks should fill the resolve faster. If reslove bar made you immune to slow it would be op, but roots counting as slows is kinda retarded. For some classes root equals stun, not to mention that rooting in the hazards is instagib ability.


Agreed, i would say if yu have a 3/4 full resolve and someone KB's you then you should only fly 1m instead of 4.

If you have 3/4 resolve then a stun should last 1 sec instead of 4, snares and roots should be the same.


As things stand now, if i hit someone who has a 95% full resolve bar with a 4sec stun, it lasts 4sec, thats retarded.

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Odd, I never die to an scoundrel/operative before i can react...

...and scoundrel/operatives really gotta be the easiest class in the game to kite


Maybe you are attacking people less geared than you are?

People are stunning carriers at the wrong time, but its no problem because someone else can stun them again straight after that...
And then he would have a full resolve and can walk over the fire trap instead of passing the ball over the fire trap... And the bounty hunter / shadow assassin cannot grip him down back into a burning fire trap... and that sniper / inquisitor / juggernaut / mercenary cannot push him down to the pit...


Using the correct CC at the right moment is critical. Don't spam CC on enemy ball carrier just because you can, unless there is a tactical advantage of doing so.

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Odd, I never die to an scoundrel/operative before i can react...

...and scoundrel/operatives really gotta be the easiest class in the game to kite


Maybe you are attacking people less geared than you are?

And then he would have a full resolve and can walk over the fire trap instead of passing the ball over the fire trap... And the bounty hunter / shadow assassin cannot grip him down back into a burning fire trap... and that sniper / inquisitor / juggernaut / mercenary cannot push him down to the pit...


Using the correct CC at the right moment is critical. Don't spam CC on enemy ball carrier just because you can, unless there is a tactical advantage of doing so.


Yup, the main problem is most people don't seem to understand the resolve system. This thread is yet another example of that.


I don't have an issue with stuns or CC in this game. The only time I've ever gone from full health to dead before a stun wears off is when Im being attacked by 4+ people at once and I *should* die fast in that situation anyhow.

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There are enough tricks to get 3 STUNS / Animation locks before your resolve kicks in.

On top of that the other forms of CC which do not count against Resolve.


And to short immunity timer, as much as to fast reducing resolve.

And interrupts.



Not ever class can do this, but those with knockdown can get 3 full lockouts on you before resolve immunity.



Anyone who isn't completely unexperienced can even give you 3 lockouts (and four for others) during 20 seconds.



With two people you can make enemies stand around up to 13 seconds during 20 seconds done properly. resolve kicks in rinse and repeat.



"The most experienced PVP Team". :rolleyes:

Edited by -sasori
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I can kill anyone but a Tank in my 2 stuns unless they are far far better geared than me.

On my scoundrel in lower lvl PvP its a piece of cake to kill in the two stuns.

About me not wanting CC at all, did u even read the post you quoted?

I want resolve fixing OR immunitys putting in, lets make this a game about skill ffs instead of the mindless CC fest it is now.


Unless you are playing some really bad players (like the other guys said basically naked) than this is just not possible post 1.1.1

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Maybe you are attacking people less geared than you are?

And then he would have a full resolve and can walk over the fire trap instead of passing the ball over the fire trap... And the bounty hunter / shadow assassin cannot grip him down back into a burning fire trap... and that sniper / inquisitor / juggernaut / mercenary cannot push him down to the pit....


This is where skill comes in, you cant say stuns are ok because if i time my stun wrongly then my team cant stun them again, that is a BS argument.


Anyone that is Pro mindless CC is obviously a bad.


The way the game is atm, most people have stuns,KB's, mez, snares as part of their rotations. This should NEVER be the case, CC is intended to be used when the need arrises not as part of your rotation.


The perfect example is a Sorc sitting ontop of a walkway spamming lightning, he has a KB on an extremely short CD, he has multiple stuns, mez and snares that he can use mindlessly without worrying about any consequences.

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This is where skill comes in, you cant say stuns are ok because if i time my stun wrongly then my team cant stun them again, that is a BS argument.


Anyone that is Pro mindless CC is obviously a bad.


The way the game is atm, most people have stuns,KB's, mez, snares as part of their rotations. This should NEVER be the case, CC is intended to be used when the need arrises not as part of your rotation.


The perfect example is a Sorc sitting ontop of a walkway spamming lightning, he has a KB on an extremely short CD, he has multiple stuns, mez and snares that he can use mindlessly without worrying about any consequences.


This I agree with you on!

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I dont see any problems with stunlocks at all.


I play a sage healer so i rarely try to go all hero when doing objectives in WZ.

So i go with the player i think might utilize my heals best. usually guildmates that im also on coms with. So whenever im stunlocked then these players reacts accordingly and make sure that the op/sc cant stun me to death.



the game should never be equal 1on1. you should always have to help eachother to win the games. im not gonna say that me and my guildmates are pvp gods.. none of us has reached rank 60 yet but at the same time we dont really fear enemy teams with rank 60´s in them.

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the game should never be equal 1on1. you should always have to help eachother to win the games. im not gonna say that me and my guildmates are pvp gods.. none of us has reached rank 60 yet but at the same time we dont really fear enemy teams with rank 60´s in them.


Nobody is asking for the game to be about 1v1, whether its a 1v1 or 4v1 CC should be there as a tactical part of gameplay not to be used mindlessly.


Just yesterday i was carrying the ball and was stunned, then a BH tried to knock me into the firepit and i landed on the edge. a sorc then bounced me over the firepit, by this time my stun had worn off but an assassin then bounces me off the ledge... all this CC happened in the space of 3-4sec, the last KB happened when i had a 90% full resolve bar and yet i was still bumped off the ledge.


How can this in any way shape or form be constrewed as skilled PvP?

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People do not like not being able to control their character. Period.

Well, people need to get over it. Proper CC use is one of the few things that requires some skill in MMO combat. And CC is very forgiving in this game anyway.


Chaining 2 stuns back to back will easily max your target's resolve. So mindlessly spamming CC at the wrong time can cost you big time, especially in huttball.


I do agree that roots should be affected by resolve in some form. Being chain rooted with no DR or immunity is pretty ridiculous. But other than that, CC seems fine to me.


Compared to WoW where every type of CC has its own DR I feel like I spend a lot more time being "in control" of my character here.

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As I wrote in other threads around it takes months to build the resolve bar and when you are there you have your friendly cybertech there stunning you again with a granade, so that you wait for it to vanish and guess what, your resolve bar has gone empty, so it's time for another series of CCs until you are effectively useless/dead in any warzone.
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I almost always grab the ball in hutt ball. Popping defensive cds and having a guard on me. I get full resolve long before my defensive cd's wear off.


Vent jump while immune. If i don't land on the ledge i pass the ball to my team mate thats high-up-at-the-fire-trap. If i do land at the ledge im still imune to CC due to resolve and can make my way all the weay to the fire trap before my resolve wear off.


I will not cross the fire trap due to the risk of being stunned in it so i pass the ball to my team mate that now moved to the other side of the fire-trap.


Then I knock away opponents that want to cross the fire trap.... and if an opponent made it cross the fire trap i grip him and stun him so he burn (in other words peeling for my ball carrier) before i sprint after my ball carrier and put a guard on him... snaring people running after us and make sure i can be passed to in case our ball carrier fall into the pit.


being a tank and a ball carrier i often find myself being snared, rooted, knockbacked and stunned - but once you hit white resolve you can just walk and score a goal.


I think the main problem is that people think resolve act like world of warcraft deminish returns. it doesnt. in some / alot of cases swtor resolve system give you more control over your character than the DR system wow use.


A out of combat stealth mez from an operator fill your entire resolve bar, making you immune to all cc that cause loss of control of your character. totally immune. In WoW you could be hit by a rogue mez three times, followed by a couple of stuns, a death grip or two, a couple of silence, a knockback from a balance druid and then instant feared away by a warlock... while he cast his real fear and fear you again. Shrug.

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A out of combat stealth mez from an operator fill your entire resolve bar, making you immune to all cc that cause loss of control of your character. totally immune.




And then a Cybertech come, and your immunity vanishes...

Edited by Hett
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The resolve system is so screwball. I cannot believe someone said "ya, well if you understood resolve..."


What a bunch of crap. Resolve doesn't work, make sense or seem to ever kick in.


I am a class that has some CC immunity as a turret. Being rooted by design! Thanks bioware. Everyone knows standing still is the way to victory.


Resolve needs to work and be clear.


When you have to go read a stickied thread on a forum and even that doesn't seem to make sense, well you get my point.


The counter to CCing constantly called resolve is straight up broken. No one likes being rooted and incapacitated.


Anyone saying its fine is just a cc using class whose only real viability is dependent heavily on CC.


Fix resolve. Than I might agree.

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