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bring balance to marauders!


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All I want is a push/pull ability. :-)


i am not fond of either/

push i fancy but is completely the opposite if what we need to do.(close distance)

pull would be so great that mara's would be OP'ed


but we and every other class should have a little smth to utulize the enviroment.

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I'll trade you my guardian's force push for your camouflage since force push doesn't work correctly 90% of the time no matter how well you position yourself. Either launches them the complete opposite direction that you aimed them or sideways of whatever direction you aimed them.


it helps but not as much as you think, on aldeeran and voidstar you just by sometime noth else

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A shorter cd on Unleash would be nice to have. Even if it was talented.


My only complaint is about how hard it is to get above 6 medals in wz compared to pretty much every other class, but particularly our counterpart Warriors, Juggernauts. Either I go balls out dpsing everything in sight, but disregard any wz tactics in the process (watching turrets/doors/ball) and get lots of kills, or I chase the pvp objectives and only score 4 or 5 medals (or less in a round of huttball) at the end.


... or maybe i'm just not as good as I like to think I am :D

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been playing carnage from 1 to 50 in pve and pvp since the game was released

always mid in dmg but near the top in kills in pvp

squishy as hell(1vs2 was always quick death for me) but fun gameplay


then changed to annihilation yesterday and played maybe more than 20 WZs

most of the time I hit top 3 in damage(with few exceptions) but mid in kills

plz don't say that I was fighting bad players or without gear,most of them are cent-champ gear and I'm 50%-50% champ-cent gear



I don't know how to play anni yet but I can hold my ground against 2 people and I give them a run for their money usually killing one of them befire I go down




anni spec in pvp--->completely viable

If I can make it work,anyone can

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After seeing this video I am convinced Mara/Sent need a nurf not buff!



the video is awesome i have watched lots if times and i really enjoy it.

but try to watch it carefully and notice the details of every fight .despite how well JT handled all of this situations did you noticed how many dreadfull mistakes most of his opponets made?

they are hard to believe.


p.s. if you can hit really hard and have advanced biochem stuff und.rage and guarded by the force=immunity :D

Edited by darth_billy
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A shorter cd on Unleash would be nice to have. Even if it was talented.


My only complaint is about how hard it is to get above 6 medals in wz compared to pretty much every other class, but particularly our counterpart Warriors, Juggernauts. Either I go balls out dpsing everything in sight, but disregard any wz tactics in the process (watching turrets/doors/ball) and get lots of kills, or I chase the pvp objectives and only score 4 or 5 medals (or less in a round of huttball) at the end.


... or maybe i'm just not as good as I like to think I am :D


my standar pvp is 5-6 medals if am not in a mode to farm medals.

you can get easily 1-2 defender medals.

i swicthed to biochem to have consistenly +1-2 medals for healing.


but generaly is better to chase the obejectives rather than farming

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been playing carnage from 1 to 50 in pve and pvp since the game was released

always mid in dmg but near the top in kills in pvp

squishy as hell(1vs2 was always quick death for me) but fun gameplay


then changed to annihilation yesterday and played maybe more than 20 WZs

most of the time I hit top 3 in damage(with few exceptions) but mid in kills

plz don't say that I was fighting bad players or without gear,most of them are cent-champ gear and I'm 50%-50% champ-cent gear



I don't know how to play anni yet but I can hold my ground against 2 people and I give them a run for their money usually killing one of them befire I go down




anni spec in pvp--->completely viable

If I can make it work,anyone can


i am anhilation but carnage is my fav. The problem is that i do alot PVE and PVp but ataru form isnt working on big bosses it is bugged.

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I'd like Pull back (we had it in beta) but would honestly settle for turning Savage Kick into a knockdown/stun.


This. Both of these actually. Lol, that'd make us so stupid-OP. I really just want Pull TBH, screw Savage.

Edited by Yescek
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A shorter cd on Unleash would be nice to have. Even if it was talented.


My only complaint is about how hard it is to get above 6 medals in wz compared to pretty much every other class, but particularly our counterpart Warriors, Juggernauts. Either I go balls out dpsing everything in sight, but disregard any wz tactics in the process (watching turrets/doors/ball) and get lots of kills, or I chase the pvp objectives and only score 4 or 5 medals (or less in a round of huttball) at the end.


... or maybe i'm just not as good as I like to think I am :D


Not hard...




Considering you'll prob be doing huttball 90% of the time you should be able to get:

75k damage

killing blow

solo kill

10 kills

25 kills

1k defender

2.5k damage


which is 7... unfortunately no more 2.5k+5k heal medals with water nerf :(

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Not hard...




Considering you'll prob be doing huttball 90% of the time you should be able to get:

75k damage

killing blow

solo kill

10 kills

25 kills

1k defender

2.5k damage


which is 7... unfortunately no more 2.5k+5k heal medals with water nerf :(

the medals which our class can posiibly claim on its own power(no heal and guard) are easy for everyone to get even for healers(except 300k dmg)


the 75k is helariously easy to get i think that it should be raised to 150k dmg and the minimun kills for 1 medal should 20-25 and single hit medal should be at least 3000

or 200k this way healers will focus to their cobat role cause from my excperience they are the weak link of pvp on this aspect


there should be medals for 40+ kills and 3-5+ solo kills gennerally there should dps-oriented medals that are not easy to get as things stand right now only 300k dmg is a real challenge

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The problem with Marauders and I've seen this argument in other post is that Marauders are at a major disadvantage on the battlefield because they don't fight on their terms.


Troopers/BH: Knock backs, Stuns, Kites melee. Sloweed when you try to escape.


Sorc/Sage: Knockbacks, Stuns, Cast/Kite Melee - Force pull when you try to escape.


Agent/Smug: Stun/Stealth/Stun


Im not familiar with Shadow and Assassins role as much but they seem to blend melee with Casting and still have more benifits then Marauders.


Unless your fighting another Marauder your not fighting on your terms. Even Juggernauts have a force push that puts you at a disadvantage while they prepare for an attack.


Most of the classes here also have meter at the start so they can start off with their most powerful alpha attack while marauders have to start with really weak energy building attacks and high costing attacks they have to wait for CD to keep rolling. Interfupted by consistant stuns that dont' fill resolve fast enough to make it worth using unleash.


Take into consideration that Annihlation is the only spec that is reliable at all and the fact that ranged can do better dps than your class, have a really gimped melee dps that can turn from fun to sour every WZ match.


I don't have any quams about PvE except you may get picked over ranged dps due to better abilities than you that keeps the group alive. Give us abilities that when available forces them to fight on our terms. Force Scream should mute abilitiy casting, intimidating roar should not be a wake on hit.


These are only my opinions but this is what I assess as a marauder now before you start the lame 12p argument, when teamed with a strong viable team, obviously I shine, but that means im just pure support who adds to the damage, I can't make an impact enough to be a game changer, thats not fun. My only use is team bloodlust and Predation. Lame.

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I can't make an impact enough to be a game changer, thats not fun. My only use is team bloodlust and Predation. Lame.


we are supposed to the ones who eliminate(or at least keep busy) the key players of the opposite team(healers) the problem is that most of the times nobody supports you in this and you end being focused by all the oppontes who want to keep their healer alive.

Edited by darth_billy
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The only healing debuff in the game?


8 Sec Charge? Many tricks in the bag?


healing debuff is unarguably important but its not enough, healers are always guarded and teamates always keep an eye on them. we are the most suitable to take them down but we still need some support.

Edited by darth_billy
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