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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unbalanced PvP on unbalanced servers !!!


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I'm speaking for Niman, but friend of mine told me that it's problem even on his server.


Niman is 80% populated by Imperials. What does that mean?


Imperials camped Ilum all the time, farmin Valors with full ilum buff and got many battlemasters that way, always fighting 15-25 rep against ~50 imperials.


Now with the Kill-count bug, Imperials are camping center and farming armaments, which makes it impossible for republic to complete Daily/weekly.


Imperials win MOST of the warzones against republic, having way better gear than republic.


Yet imperials complain about playing Huttball all day but none of them wants to reroll on weaker side.




Any ideas on possible solutions? Free Valor rank boost to republic? Special buff (increased damage or lowered incoming damage)?


My suggestion is that we need Nation transfer asap, otherwise there will be just few reps playing PvE...


This is a serious problem. Most of my friends left this game or server, cuz they realy don't like being bullied in game. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED somehow!

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I don't know how they will, but they have got to do something. The more they ignore the problem the worse it will get.


I think this will work. Make a 3rd Faction that everyone can join if they wish at lvl 50. No need to nerf or boost any classes then.

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That is SO true! I thought about a possible solution. There could be some kind of a Queue on entering the PvP area and the server would let only "pairs" to come in. So for every entering Imperial there would have to be one entering republic player. This would create at least some kind of balance (not exact balance of numbers, as it wouldn't check for people leaving the area), plus it would anger the Imperial players, possibly enough to instead create a republic character creating more overall balance of factions.


What do you think? Does that make sense?

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I don't know how they will, but they have got to do something. The more they ignore the problem the worse it will get.


I think this will work. Make a 3rd Faction that everyone can join if they wish at lvl 50. No need to nerf or boost any classes then.


I think its highly unlikely we will see a 3rd faction.


I honestly see them giving incentives (xp gain, valor gain etc.) to the lower population faction in order to get people to reroll.

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Any ideas on possible solutions? Free Valor rank boost to republic? Special buff (increased damage or lowered incoming damage)?


Im playing on a imps heavy server, you DO NOT get free battlemaster rank in a random "reps graveyard camping", you have even a hard time to do a daily in a bearable time (since you get 95% of your kills only from grappling some reps (while reps do the same for quest) it is still faster to get it from armaments on a low population Ilum instance :)).


However all of this green geared battlemasters are from ILUM KILL TRADING (which is organised by players and have nothing to do with random Ilum battle skirmishes 15 vs 50). Half of our reps are with "War Hero" titles, which is 70+ valor rank, this is lol, since i never saw them on Ilum (since im not participating in any form of kill trading), and meeting them like first time on a random WZ.


You asking for reps free valor, im asking for a half-year ban for all kill traders on both sides, imps and reps :), and this action will equalize amount of battlemasters in %, since everyone need to do a proper WZ pvp for rank and most hardcore gamers get them first, not "world pvp" abusers.

Edited by Wikar
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Im playing on a imps heavy server, you DO NOT get free battlemaster rank in a random "reps graveyard camping", you have even a hard time to do a daily in a bearable time (since you get 95% of your kills only from grappling some reps (while pers do the same for quest) it is still faster to get it from armamnents on a low population Ilum instance :)).


However all of this green geared battlemasters are from ILUM KILL TRADING (which is organised by players and have nothing to do with random Ilum battle skirmishes 15 vs 50). Half of our reps are with "War Hero" titles, which is 70+ valor rank, this is lol, since i never saw them on Ilum (since im not participating in any form of kill trading), and meeting them like first time on a random WZ.


You asking for reps free valor, im asking for a half-year ban for all kill traders on both sides, imps and reps :), and this action will equalize amount of battlemasters in %, since everyone need to do a proper WZ pvp for rank and most hardcore gamers get them first, not "world pvp" abusers.


Ofc Kill trading is another issue but I have to disagree about Ilum. Imperials on our server camp republic base all the time, almost completely ignoring Armaments in center and just camp the base, pull someone and kill. Why? Because they have full Ilum buff and it's totaly worth it. Thats why always 2-3 imp ops camps the entrance and just few randoms collecting center. But ofc if rep goes to the center, the imp wave comes to kill us. So no ... u're not right. Yet if u were right, I would have seen more republic Battlemasters. I could count those on my two hands. I've never seen anyone doing Kill trading on our server, those Battlemasters I know, got their rank the legit way - thanks to the 1-50 pvp warzones when the game started. But u can't blame them for this.


How much bonus Valor does full buff give? 60/80/100? I rly don't know cause I've never seen republic control it and never will.


Banning for Kill trading won't deffinately save Niman. This server is dying. Take a look at population in fleet. This won't help us.

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Warzones could be helped by having ranked matches based on valor level. Maybe just 2 leagues, 1-40 and 40+. Also, premades need to be matched with other premades. If you are queuing up with 4 people, make sure that you are matched up with a group of 4 people.


I realize putting these limitations on matchmaking would increase queue wait time so they would have to implement cross server WZ's to increase the population. This would also help with queue wait times on servers where the population imbalance is rampant.


I don't have a solution for Ilum. On our server it's like 4:1 Imps vs. Pubs and I haven't collected a single armament since turning 50 since there are Imps around the clock camping mid. This might be broken beyond repair at this point.

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Warzones could be helped by having ranked matches based on valor level. Maybe just 2 leagues, 1-40 and 40+. Also, premades need to be matched with other premades. If you are queuing up with 4 people, make sure that you are matched up with a group of 4 people.


I realize putting these limitations on matchmaking would increase queue wait time so they would have to implement cross server WZ's to increase the population. This would also help with queue wait times on servers where the population imbalance is rampant.


I don't have a solution for Ilum. On our server it's like 4:1 Imps vs. Pubs and I haven't collected a single armament since turning 50 since there are Imps around the clock camping mid. This might be broken beyond repair at this point.


Personally i dislike this idea.. i disliked it when WoW came up with it. i generally dislike everything about it, no regard who did this first or last..

The idea is good it self, although think about the people playing their servers..


I can only talk about a WoW scenario here as thats the only thing ive experienced with this particular situation.


I remember when it actually where fun to do play on a server, get a reputation, people knew who you where, like "Omg here comes "x", anyone who have played any MMO without cross server matchmaking, knows what value it has.


By implementing cross server matchmaking, you are not only destroying that scenario, you are completely obliterating it.


I totally get it could help Bioware, fixing their Imp/Repup population issues. Although that would only count for so little a part of the game.


Personally i believe that there is a unknown better way of resolving this, i can't say what as i can't come up with something as of now. but just something...


Cross server matchmaking should not be concidered in my book.


I may get haters for saying this, but i felt i had to say it.



Regarding your premade topic, how is this a good idea?... it destroyed WoW's premades. ENTIRELY! if people want to do premades, let them do a premade where they can get signed up vs a random bunch of players..


It would be so bad for the game if they implemented this.. imagine the foul play that would come out of it.. queue dodging, queue timing, ensuring its the same guys you queue up against, to wintrade and farm valor... see where im going with this?...

Edited by Yunojelly
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I don't know how they will, but they have got to do something. The more they ignore the problem the worse it will get.


I think this will work. Make a 3rd Faction that everyone can join if they wish at lvl 50. No need to nerf or boost any classes then.


A third faction won't help at all. Being outnumbered 80-20 is only slightly more crappy than being outnumbered 70-15-15.

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Personally i dislike this idea.. i disliked it when WoW came up with it. i generally dislike everything about it, no regard who did this first or last..

The idea is good it self, although think about the people playing their servers..


I can only talk about a WoW scenario here as thats the only thing ive experienced with this particular situation.


I remember when it actually where fun to do play on a server, get a reputation, people knew who you where, like "Omg here comes "x", anyone who have played any MMO without cross server matchmaking, knows what value it has.


By implementing cross server matchmaking, you are not only destroying that scenario, you are completely obliterating it.


I totally get it could help Bioware, fixing their Imp/Repup population issues. Although that would only count for so little a part of the game.


Personally i believe that there is a unknown better way of resolving this, i can't say what as i can't come up with something as of now. but just something...


Cross server matchmaking should not be concidered in my book.


I may get haters for saying this, but i felt i had to say it.



Regarding your premade topic, how is this a good idea?... it destroyed WoW's premades. ENTIRELY! if people want to do premades, let them do a premade where they can get signed up vs a random bunch of players..


It would be so bad for the game if they implemented this.. imagine the foul play that would come out of it.. queue dodging, queue timing, ensuring its the same guys you queue up against, to wintrade and farm valor... see where im going with this?...


Notoriety may be important to a lot of players and I totally get that. But right now there is a much much bigger problem. I am honestly ready to quit the game because it is so frustrating to play 20 matches and win 2 of them. Not because of bugs where the matches don't count, but because we can't plant a single bomb in Voidstar because I'm stuck playing against full BM geared imperials. It's not fun to me. At all. I've spoken to several imperials on my server and they say the same thing, it's not fun to not even be challenged to win a game.


The only thing that keeps me here is I'm waiting for my friends to get to lvl 50 so we can do some end game PvE content. Until then, I will roll some alts to keep me busy.

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Cross realm warzones are bad idea cause of the reasons Yuno mentioned. The game becomes unpersonal and the whole point of closed server community is dead.


I don't know any of the people in the WZs now, and I don't really want to know them. I recognize a few names here or there. I'm not in a WZ for a personal experience. I'm in a WZ to kick some imperial butt and take objectives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Niman. Love the server really do, always been a fan of bioware too they make top-notch games. However Ive just tried to Pvp today 8 matches to try and complete a dailey 0/3 so far for Republic that is 8 matches tried 0 won... Seriously can some one link me to a thread where some one who had a part in making the game is looking into this because the servers are so unfair. Im not usually one to rant but this is just painfull I dont want to fork out cash per month for me to have my arse handed back. Think we are all intitled to an even match.


What if...


The servers that are unbalanced gave 24 hrs double xp and pvp tokens to any one that creates a new player on the side of the disadvantaged team. as an insentive to bring new players into that team.


Also mvp is great, love the idea how if you had a loose streak on the warzones say 3/3 loss. You gain extra tokens on your next game to compensate. I know rewarding the noob is just wrong but seriously Its not sportsman like to jump out your spawn on huttball and get fried like a fish finger via the most hungry of Sith sorcerors.


please excuse my spelling as I am in a rush.




Much love :sy_havoc: Easone xXx

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