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Knockbacks! Plz .. enough already!


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Try being a melee DPS class and then you will find out how annoying WZ can be ...


So I force charge in ..


My main concern with knock back is that it also stuns/blinds me.



Sorry mate, you just negated your whole point.


1. I am a melee DPS class .. doh?


2. You have Force Charge ... I do not have any mobility or gap closers! (you too have some Stealth).


3. Some Knockbacks can have snare or slow. I've not seen a knockback that has a blind as far as I know; only Sorc/Sage's Barrier/Shield has a blind if talented .

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really? My first day in huttball, I knew to not kill people on the ramp.


Also, attack lightarmor people. They won't mitigate your damage, so you kill them faster.


Yeah, we know ops are gimped. They still do insane damage. If they aren't, you're either in the 50 bracket, or ur doign it rong,


EDIT: Resolve is working as intended, you just don't like it because you're stunned. In my opinion, you shouldn't use it because you don't want to get stunned. You should use it A: If you're resolve bar is full, or B: If it really really really makes a life or death difference. So if you're being zerged by the team after attempting to kill in the middle of huttball, my advice to you: DONT USE IT[//b]


I also laugh at people who say CC should come with a 2 minute immunity. Rofl. Just lmao. That makes CC 100% worthless in this game.


I agree that roots should give resolve, however that would gimp melee classes, and we know they're already gimped. I guess it also gimps melee as it does now.

Edited by Zunayson
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Well sorry, it is not fine. And those same people will start talking about skill and l2p. What skill is involved in pushing a single button and removing your opponent(s) from play?


BW, are there any plans to address this?


And only morons use knockback when their opponent is positioned in a manner which would negate the knockback.


Well I guess it DOES require some skill to use Knockback "right" then?


Whiners never admit its player skill in question, its always the game mechanic.


Not to mention Operative still have range attack and cc, why insist on melee?


Do you think everyone has charge or pull?


Operative is a hybrid melee/range class, utilize it!

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Well I guess it DOES require some skill to use Knockback "right" then?


Whiners never admit its player skill in question, its always the game mechanic.


Not to mention Operative still have range attack and cc, why insist on melee?


Do you think everyone has charge or pull?


Operative is a hybrid melee/range class, utilize it!


Not so hybrid like the Vanguard/PT. All of their energy efficient damage comes from being in melee range.


EDIT: There seems to be a lot of butthurt here. I don't want to double post, so I'll address it all here.


Operatives Have No Gap Closer!: How do you think they appear behind you out of stealth? Stealth is a gap closer. Have you ever wondered why there are no ranged stealths? Oh, yeah. True, no in combat gap closer. Which, I think, storm from the vanguard should be traded into operatives; Vanguards can dish out some great damage from 10m, operatives only 4m.


No Skill Involved in CC: To use it right, yes. Also skill involved when knowing when to break it. It doesn't take skill to press a button to eliminate your opponent from play? Well then you must be unskillful in the first place for trying to attack a merc or sorc on the catwalks. Wait for them to come down. And besides, it doesn't take skill to grind it up to BM and take less damage and deal more. It's infair. This is gear vs gear, not skill vs skill. Go and reroll. I did. I'm thoroughly enjoying my Vanguard and my Sniper (Get a MM sniper to level 30, THEN tell me you don't like it. You don't see good snipers. You also see them level 25, because that's when most people think they get a feel for a class.)


Knockbacks are strong, regardless of terrain: Operative: Sever tendon. concealment spec will negate force speed. Sith Warrior: Charge (Juggs can reset w/ Push). Assassin: Don't know them well. They have speed too, I believe, so that's a gap closer. Powertech: Grapple/ Rocket Charge (If spec'd tank). So no. Unless LoS has been broken via terrain, every class should have a way to counter any gap. Not at the same speed and efficiency, but then again, Sever Tendon can negate any chance of an enemy to escape. The duration is as long as the cooldown, and a 2 second root to start it off. The Snares/stuns/whatever Will negate only Force Speed (I know theres a talent somewhere, however not sure which AC or tree, that makes speed remove all movement impairing effects).

Edited by Zunayson
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Well I guess it DOES require some skill to use Knockback "right" then?


Whiners never admit its player skill in question, its always the game mechanic.


Not to mention Operative still have range attack and cc, why insist on melee?


Do you think everyone has charge or pull?


Operative is a hybrid melee/range class, utilize it!

Our range damage is pretty pathetic though, you can sometimes position to stop being knocked off but a good player using knock back will make it almost impossible to avoid it.


The main reason it is a problem is that we can't often get back in time to prevent a goal, at least with most other classes you have a pull/jump/speed boost to get back in time to defend.


Most games this is not a problem, but when they start putting in rated wz and you are facing decent premades regularly it will gimp the class out of selection due to this disadvantage.

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Operatives REALLY need some movement skill. They are the only class without any, and that's especially hard for a melee class.


Both Warrior classes get Charge

Assassins have Knockback + Sprint + Pull if Tank

Sorcerers have Knockback + Sprint

Mercs have Knockback

Powertechs have Pull + Charge if Tank

Snipers have Knockback


Operative doesn't have anything besides a Stun and a Mez. They really should have at least a sprint.


How is knockback a "movement" skill? I knock people back. Im not moving.


As a commando I cannot stealth, I cannot sprint, I cant even interrupt, Dont have grapple, rescue or leap. Only utilityskill I got is knockback. Thus the only use i have in huttball is to keep the elevated areas clear. I do it pretty well, and you come here and complain that a class uses the only utility it got? Your job is to stealth around and gib people, my job is to keep you stuck down in the pit.


In a vs, the only counter I got against operatives is knockback. After their opener, even if I break out from the gib and CCs, they will be able to break out and finish the job pretty easily. knockback is my only defense.


If you get a gapcloser, I want an interrupt :p


The game is what it is.

Edited by Niconogood
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How is knockback a "movement" skill? I knock people back. Im not moving.


As a commando I cannot stealth, I cannot sprint, I cant even interrupt, Dont have grapple, rescue or leap. Only utilityskill I got is knockback. Thus the only use i have in huttball is to keep the elevated areas clear. I do it pretty well, and you come here and complain that a class uses the only utility it got? Your job is to stealth around and gib people, my job is to keep you stuck down in the pit.


In a vs, the only counter I got against operatives is knockback. After their opener, even if I break out from the gib and CCs, they will be able to break out and finish the job pretty easily. knockback is my only defense.


If you get a gapcloser, I want an interrupt :p


The game is what it is.

Except ranged classes don't need a gap closer to do well, you know, because the gap is rarely there between the target and your weapon :rolleyes:


If I had all my main damage skills from 30m range i'm pretty sure this thread wouldn't be here right now.

Edited by Manigma
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It's funny because the operative has the greatest amount of CC in the game. I won't like whirlwind because the sorc already has a ranged 1-man stun, and it needs to be casted. Both of the agent's cc is instant, allowing for use in emergencies. Be more tactical with it.
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Well I guess it DOES require some skill to use Knockback "right" then?


Whiners never admit its player skill in question, its always the game mechanic.


Not to mention Operative still have range attack and cc, why insist on melee?


Do you think everyone has charge or pull?


Operative is a hybrid melee/range class, utilize it!



It requires little skill frankly; just some brains cells to position yourself.


Ranged Attacks? We have Explosive Probe which adds some burst but can only be used while crouching down. Real ranged? On the run, we only have auto attacks, a grenade on 6s CD and a lousy dot. Hybrid ranged? LOL do you know what you are talking about?


Ranged CC? 10m is only medium range; Flash Bang: Medium range (10m), AOE blind affects up to 5 targets for 8s, breaks on dmg, 1 min CD. That's all.



How does any of this help me when I am knocked off the ramp, and cannot get back up?


The only class (other than Operatives) that does not have a knockback as far as I know is Powertech/Vanguard, but they have a grapple. So if you knock them down, they simply pull you to them.



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Well then you must be unskillful in the first place for trying to attack a merc or sorc on the catwalks. Wait for them to come down.


Operative: Sever tendon. concealment spec will negate force speed. Sever Tendon can negate any chance of an enemy to escape. The duration is as long as the cooldown, and a 2 second root to start it off. The Snares/stuns/whatever Will negate only Force Speed (I know theres a talent somewhere, however not sure which AC or tree, that makes speed remove all movement impairing effects).


Are you kidding me? LMAO ... so I should avoid combat on ramps? Which is what, 80% of the Huttball and leave them to do whatever they want? Get real.


And Sever Tendon does not last for 12s in PVP as far as I've noticed.



How is knockback a "movement" skill? I knock people back. Im not moving.


As a commando I cannot stealth, I cannot sprint, I cant even interrupt, Dont have grapple, rescue or leap. Only utilityskill I got is knockback. Thus the only use i have in huttball is to keep the elevated areas clear. I do it pretty well, and you come here and complain that a class uses the only utility it got? Your job is to stealth around and gib people, my job is to keep you stuck down in the pit.


In a vs, the only counter I got against operatives is knockback. After their opener, even if I break out from the gib and CCs, they will be able to break out and finish the job pretty easily. knockback is my only defense.


If you get a gapcloser, I want an interrupt :p


The game is what it is.


Your knockback is devastating in Huttball. You already have the range advantage and if I manage to get close to you, you knock me back off the ramps and most likely I will be dead.


Since you are mentioning all those things, I may as well list you what you do have:


- A knockback with a 60% slow (Concussion Charge).

- Another small knockback from talented Shockstrike (in Gunnery).

- A ranged hard stun for 4s (Cryo Grenade).

- A long duration soft CC (Concussive Round).

- A 25% damage mitigation bubble for 12s (Reactive Shield).

- Another shield from charged bolts/grav rounds (Charged Barrier - in Gunnery).

- Anti-stealth (Stealth Scan).

- A cleanse (Field Aid) which can remove Sever Tendon as far as I know.

- You can reduce the CD on your CC-breaker (Tenacity) by 30s.

- A 15% HP heal over 10s (Adrenaline Rush).


Shall I go on?


What would you need an interrupt or a gap closer when you already do massive damage from range as a ranged class? :rolleyes:



It's funny because the operative has the greatest amount of CC in the game.


Another misconception from a clueless person. Do you play a sorc by any chance? If not go check them out and come back. lol




If they removed KB's theyd have to buff ranged class defense or nerf melee class damage.


KB's are fine (Im PT). Sometimes a clever player will get me good with one but its all part of the game.


I don't think removing KB entirely is the answer. But I do know that it's stupid for one knockback to remove others from play and do it -repeatedly - by chain knockbacks.

Edited by Treplos
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you would be lying if you said it didn't feel good to CC that player in the Fire vent or to save a team mate cause you got pro CC skills!


It does feel great to do it, but to some extent even I get fed up with it (and I'm that person that pulls guild mates on the same team into fire if they've made me cranky - don't run from my heals people!). To some extent I've learned to deal with it (especially with the extra 200 latency), but sometimes I just want an end to CC. I tend to get my team mates to stand near the ball line and skip the ramps - drop into the bottom area and throw up to them. That way I can skip all the ./throw ./pull ./grapple ./zomgmakeitend.


I will say it was hilarious to watch a team mate in Hutball get thrown/pulled back and forth between the line and the ramp eight or so times. :D

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I would read every page of this thread, but I'm seeing a lot of distress over nothing.


You're completely forgetting the rules of Huttball: “Weapons, name-calling, and cheating are all encouraged!”


I find knockback hardly to be cheating, but if it was, Lord Giradda would approve.

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I would read every page of this thread, but I'm seeing a lot of distress over nothing.


You're completely forgetting the rules of Huttball: “Weapons, name-calling, and cheating are all encouraged!”


I find knockback hardly to be cheating, but if it was, Lord Giradda would approve.


Lol @ justifying class imbalance by referring to the "cheating" part, so you don't disagree that having push/pulls is cheating against a class without any of it in huttball.


We scoundrels/ops need an efficient gap closer in huttball a la WoW-shadowstep, nuff said. Right now it's too easy to score using classes like sages/inqs and shadows/assassins. I call ******** since it has practically nothing to do with skill and everything to do with the fact that other classes lack counters to push/pulls in huttball.

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There's a reason Rogues in WoW get closers like shadowstep and sprint. Getting kited/thrown back endlessly with no way to get back to your target quickly makes you useless. I find knockbacks mildly annoying as a Juggernaut, but at least I have ways of getting back into the action. Powertechs/assassins can pull people down with them at least. What can operatives do? Nothing.
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Are you kidding me? LMAO ... so I should avoid combat on ramps? Which is what, 80% of the Huttball and leave them to do whatever they want? Get real.


And Sever Tendon does not last for 12s in PVP as far as I've noticed.




If you really want to use your class to its best extent in huttball. If you really want to help your team win, and not just farm kills. Stop trying to run up the ramps to kill people. Stay on their scoring side of the ramps, sit in stealth, watch to see which ramp they come from then stun the **** out of them and kill them before they score. If your team is halfway decent they will be wounded already and you can finish them off.


Play your class to it's strengths and stop looking at other classes thinking "I should be able to do that too!" I would love to be able to stealth, but I can't, because I can't have everything, and that's fair.


You want to run in an swing your weapon around in people faces roll a marauder. Learn your class, stop crying to the devs to make it easier for you.

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Fine as is (and I play one of the few AC's with no knockback - Powertech).


Here, here!


If you go up against a class you know has knockbacks - most do - expect them to use them and make sure you have something behind you that'll block it, or just more gang-way.


Problem solved.


Stop crying, all melee/ CQC classes have to deal w/ it.

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Lol @ justifying class imbalance by referring to the "cheating" part, so you don't disagree that having push/pulls is cheating against a class without any of it in huttball.


We scoundrels/ops need an efficient gap closer in huttball a la WoW-shadowstep, nuff said. Right now it's too easy to score using classes like sages/inqs and shadows/assassins. I call ******** since it has practically nothing to do with skill and everything to do with the fact that other classes lack counters to push/pulls in huttball.


Like I say to all Ops/Sins/Slingers ... give up the stealth and then I'll listen to what you have to say :)


Good day, SIR!

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There's a reason Rogues in WoW get closers like shadowstep and sprint. Getting kited/thrown back endlessly with no way to get back to your target quickly makes you useless. I find knockbacks mildly annoying as a Juggernaut, but at least I have ways of getting back into the action. Powertechs/assassins can pull people down with them at least. What can operatives do? Nothing.


They can stop whining and use their stealth.


Who said you guys should be able to burst damage someone down to 0 hp from full??


Jeez, they should have nerfed the Ops' egos more than anything :p


I'm a PT and have 'Heavy' Armour. If I don't catch an Op/Slinger before they strike out of stealth then that's usually me down to 30% health from full ... L2P!

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I love all this bad player good players garbage when their is no way to gauge real pvp skill. Game is clearly in beta and I for one cannot wait for its live release. However, I won't be playing cause the game is disgustingly bad. As for the imbalances....wow all over again. QQ time ppl. Get your tissues rdy.


- The bloom has quickly fallen off the rose.

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