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What Planets Do You Want to See in Expansions?


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A couple of my guildies and I were talking about what planets we'd like to see in any upcoming expansions. At the moment there are already a lot of planets unfamiliar to the casual Star Wars fan, so we were hoping they'd add some more familiar ones. Particularly ones with the potential for a great story line.






Yavin IV





What do you guys think?

Edited by TheCoug
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A couple of my guildies and I were talking about what planets we'd like to see in any upcoming expansions. At the moment there are already a lot of planets unfamiliar to the casual Star Wars fan, so we were hoping they'd add some more familiar ones. Particularly ones with the potential for a great story line.






Yavin V





What do you guys think?



Yes to Kashyyk, with Zaalbar there as the ruler I think (wookiees have long life spans).

I could take or leave Naboo. Perhaps having it recently colonized and having issues with the natives.

I don't see much use in putting in Endor. Don't get me wrong, I love Ewoks. I just don't see any real use for it. I can say the same for Mustafar and Bespin.

I'm all for Geonosis though. Some nice arena pvp there could be worth while.

I definitely want to see Dantooine. The ruins of the Jedi Enclave, the caves, Khoonda. All of this would make my day. Yavin IV to, with perhaps the spirit of Naga Sadow or Exar Kun asking for you to unseal it and help you fight the Sith Empire.


My picks, beyond that would be Onderon, home of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, Kessel, complete with energy spiders and reasons why there are tombs there, and Arkania, reconquered by the Sith.

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I was surprised to see Dantooine wasn't in the game, so I'd like to see that implemented.


One I disagree with is Naboo, what most people don't know is that during the time of this game Naboo was only recently colonized by humans. There was no capital city or big city for that matter. Most inhabitans were Gungans who, most of the time, held a hostile nature towards the humans. I don't see how Naboo would add to the current story/game. It's a small human colony with no significance whatsoever.

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Well, I kinda dig Geonosis, but really, it's just another red rocky desert; after Korriban it'll feel like 'same old, same old'.


I'd like to see Mustafar, it's an environment we haven't had in the game. Maybe Utapau as well, it'd be interesting to see the deep canyons and the vertical, built into the cliffs, cities of the naties. Yavin IV would be perfect for an expansion with stories centered around the Sith tombs there.


Other worlds I'd randomly like because they'd be fresh and new as far as environment goes... Saleucami, Felucia and Haruun Kal.

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I would LOVE to have Dantooine!! Or any planet that isn't so monochrome like Korriban, Hutta, and Hoth.


One I disagree with is Naboo, what most people don't know is that during the time of this game Naboo was only recently colonized by humans. There was no capital city or big city for that matter. Most inhabitans were Gungans who, most of the time, held a hostile nature towards the humans. I don't see how Naboo would add to the current story/game. It's a small human colony with no significance whatsoever.


Supporting for leaving Naboo out!! At least as a leveling zone. It would be just a quest hub of Gungans telling you what to do or doing stupid errands for new colonists. It is a very pretty planet and would be nice to roam around in-game, but I don't want it there just for the "sake of it."

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Well, I kinda dig Geonosis, but really, it's just another red rocky desert; after Korriban it'll feel like 'same old, same old'.


I'd like to see Mustafar, it's an environment we haven't had in the game. Maybe Utapau as well, it'd be interesting to see the deep canyons and the vertical, built into the cliffs, cities of the naties. Yavin IV would be perfect for an expansion with stories centered around the Sith tombs there.


Other worlds I'd randomly like because they'd be fresh and new as far as environment goes... Saleucami, Felucia and Haruun Kal.


I've heard some SWG people complain about Mustafar though, since apparently it was in the last expansion. I forgot about Utapau. I think that environment would be REALLY cool and that was one of the only species I liked that was introduced in the prequels. "They are here. We are being held hostage. Thousands of battle droids!"


Dantooine, Kashyyk and Yavin seem like no brainers and I admit I was very surprised that they weren't included to begin with.


As a KOTOR fan I I'd love to see Manaan (Kamino would be cool too). I loved the Selkath. Underwater aquatic environments would be awesome. Bioshock style.


Bespin I think would be cool just for how it could be set up. Different city zones separated on various floating platforms that you could travel to via sky taxi. Gas Mines/Miner strike storylines too.

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bleh. sick of seeing planets from the movies or earlier kotor games, way overdone. Its annoying from a lore perspective seeing the same planets over and over being used. theres 1.8 million planets that are considered full worlds, lets see something else for a change
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Yavin 4 should be in it, because it plays a very important role for the early sith and the Massasi are a real sith offspring species.

Also, Onderon and the Empress Teta-System (with a real twisted, non-Sith-dark side cult, the Krath) are interesting.

I also would like to have a planet with big space shipyards, and I think there should be a Mandalorian home planet.

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Augh! no one has mentioned it yet!




No one said Dac! (Mon Calamari)




I mean... come on! who deosn't want to see them walk around saying "its a trap!" all day?


Would be funny if it was included in some quest! :D


Kamino! Also Manaan!

Atleast some kind of waterplanet, and make us able to swim.

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Yavin 4 should be in it, because it plays a very important role for the early sith and the Massasi are a real sith offspring species.

Also, Onderon and the Empress Teta-System (with a real twisted, non-Sith-dark side cult, the Krath) are interesting.

I also would like to have a planet with big space shipyards, and I think there should be a Mandalorian home planet.


Yeah you'd think Corellia would have this at least.


And how could I forget Mon Calamari! I think the only game I've played that I was able to travel there was Star Wars Rogue Squadron for N64.

Edited by TheCoug
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Dathomir- yes as the witches there would probbaly be a thing the republic may ask for help and the nightsisters something the sith would want as well


Geonosis- makes sence as from the timeline we know the arena was there, and geonosins are in the game allready, probbaly an empire planet thougth.


Dac- the mon cals and quarren would choose opisite sides (since they seem to have in both the clone and GCW and legacy era)


Csilla- thats the chiss homeworld for those who dont know, thougth it may be hard as the asscendcy have more or less banned the empire from there unless stated otherwise.


Kuat-for such an important industrial world its not in many games.


Bothan- they home was given to the empire in the peace treaty what happend to them hum?

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Kashyk=It would be a nice place and a good storyline with Bowdaar and Qyzen Fess.

Dantooine=previously stated

Yavin IV=Sith tombs and the massai

Honestly,I can`t see bespin.In the TFU holo records it says Cloud City was still under construction.

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