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No Knockback Ability


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We need something that helps us escape tight situations, especially in PvP, where Sentinels are picked off left and right. An AoE knockback, or giving us a longer Force Camo that actually drops aggro, allowing us to escape, is desperately needed.


LMAO seriously SENTINLES get an aoe stun to escape if your being pounded hit that use camo and run the hell away, Operative doesn't have knockbacks but instead of weak *** camo they get a real stealth the fact is camo is only for the right situation

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Geez... Yeah give us also a knockback. We're already highly useful in every part of the pvp, big damage, high survivability without even relying on gear that much, alot of cc/interrupts, leap (or even 2 if you playing focus). I think we're doing quite fine without knockback, thanks.
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Don't get why everyone who plays a sentinel wants a knockback just like consular/trooper/gunslinger. Go play those classes and you will really start to appreciate the force leap you have.


Ofc it can suck in huttball, but we're one of the few classes that can leap back up immediately.


so stop your qq'ing and accept that each class has it's strong & weak points

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Can't even count the times ive used force leap to jump to someone standing beside the ledge of the enemy goal or even standing at the goal line for me to just leap them while I have the ball for an easy goal. I would NEVER trade my force leap for a crappy little knockback. If u don't know by now which classes have a knockback then learn. If u do then u should know by now to save ur force leap until they use that knockback to get back into the fight without worryin about climbing back up to them. And for those that want a knockback because ur getting ganged by 4-6 guys learn to awe force camo and trancendance ur butt out of there. And if that wasn't enough to get out just take ur deafeat and be happy u distracted all those guys long enough for someone in ur team to plant a bomb, defuse a bomb, take a turret, or score.
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I have read alot of the earlier posts.


As a Endgame Infiltation Shadow, who has a level 37 Sentinel, its all greener pastures on the other side fo the fence.


Roll a Consular or a Inquisitor and you will find out Knock back aint all that.


As a shadow, It can give you a 1.5 to 2 seconds of breathing room if you are in a "tight spot" ie outnumberd. in a warzone. in PVE knockbacks can screw you just as easily as they can help you squeek by. especially if you knock back a mob into a gathering of fresh enemies.


Yes in Hutt ball you might be able to knock some one into flames, but it takes luck, it dosent always work, hell you dont always knock someone off a ledge, sometimes you use it and they land right on the edge.


And barring some immobilization abilty, anyone knocked into acid can just walk right back out.


I one hutt ball match republic against republic i faced down a gaurdian in one on one, he kept chasing me. And in the fight he knocked me into a wall...or a block or something. and in the end I still killed him.


Why? gear...luck...whatever. But it wasnt won or loss on a knock back we were fighting on the far edges on the arena. A knock back will lead to an opponents death less than 5% of the time you use it. And thats coming from a shadow with an AOE knock back.


Franky I get better use of Force Wave, after useing whirling blow to stop someone from Caping a Door or Pylon then forcewaving to get them back so after the focus fire me they have to walk 3 to 5 steps back to the Door or Pylon.

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1. In ANY PvP, you are almost never in one-on-one situations. I can count on one finger the amount of times that I've managed to get another player in a one-on-one situation, and it amounted to nothing but a kill....FOR THE OTHER PLAYER!


I stopped reading here. I figured out your problem for ya. You are just bad at pvp. If you can't beat someone 1 on 1 with what is arguably the best or at least top 2-3 1v1 class in the game, you are just not very good. Sorry to be blunt, just speaking the truth.


In a 1 on 1 situation, the ONLY times I lose are to imperial agents that get me from stealth, or shadows that gear properly. Even then it's a 50/50 shot based on what I have on CD's. For instance, if I still have resolute and rebuke, I can almost guarantee I won't lose.


Oh, and for those who are confused about how force camou works... it DOES in fact shed all hate and forces enemies to retarget you, which I'm not even sure if they CAN target you while invis. Let's also not forget that we have guarded by the force for damage resistance, awe, force stasis, saber ward, rebuke, 6s CD stun, crit heals and an automatic 12% health restore for every 30 stacks of centering.


If you really think that after all that we still NEED a push, you need to re-learn how to play the class because clearly you're doing it wrong. Yes, getting pushed is annoying as hell. But in the grand scheme of things, sents have FAR more annoying abilities combined than any other class. We are like gnats on the wall... only instead of just buzzing around, we beat the living sh*t out of you before you can blink.

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The push is a jedi guardian specific move...meaning you'd have to give something up in order to receive it


If marauders/sents want to trade one of their defensive cool downs for force push im sure no guardian would argue with that lol

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We dont have a knockback for a few reasons-


1- Knockback is counter intuitive to the sentinel play style (needs as much melee up time as possible)


2- In addition to leap, we have the ability to permentantly Snare oppenents, no matter what spec we take. Legslash has no cooldown, and lasts 15 seconds. Further we get a Centering buff for a 50% move speed increase. On top of that ALL specs have Force Camo for a speed boost and untargetability. From there, each spec has its own extra gap closers, snares, roots, and mobility tools. We are mobile, and thus our "knockback" is the ability to easily recover from those abilites as well as our ability to close in or retreat more easily.

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sentinel is a class by itself and has so much defensive abilities the guardian would go crazy about. why keep saying bulls instead of actually playing a heavy armor class and see how much soft it feels?


leave the sentinel alone, atm its the best pvp class in the game.

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I would love to either have force pull or force push and sents get neither, i can think about plenty of pve and pvp times when one or the other would be extremelly usefull


yup also force lightning would be extremelly usefull. and since we started, id love for ambush/backstab and a permanent stealth ability ffs! giefmoah... :confused:

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Why is everyone complaining that if you're knocked away from target you can't get to them. Wouldn't you knocking them back produce the same effect?


How about instead of a knockback, we just get a second leap. So when they blow their kb, we can jump right back up?


Oh wait, it's in Rage/Focus...one of the best specs.

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1. Because the Sentinel is a melee class and there is little point in giving melees a knockback. They tend to want to stay in MELEE range afterall.


2. Not every class has or needs a knockback. There's already way too many in this game. No need for more.


In pve terms Ill agree, but in pvp yes...sents very much have a need for a KB

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Thank you for proving my point. Jedi Guardian and Sith Warrior are a melee class and they HAVE knockback.


Either give Sentinel a knockback, or lower the amount of classes that have a knockback. I can't stand constantly playing PvP, and being knocked around like some ping pong ball.


This is not a PVP game... Besides even with a knockback you would get owned because you dont understand your class. You actually think if you knocked back a ranged class you could still get away ? LOL!!!


The tank classes ( Guardian/Juggernaut ) Have a force push.


Youre another perfect example of someone who would rather nerf others because of your handicap. Learn to play your class, or choose something else.

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Sentinels/Marauders are unlikely to EVER get knockbacks.....



Cry more.

Cry MUCH MUCH more.


Call Juggernauts/Guardians OP while you're at it....


Ignorance man...





What is the POINT of playing a Juggernaut/Guardian in pvp if Marauders/Sentinels get a knockback?

As it stands right now you get better defensive CDs, you deal SO MUCH MORE damage...

Now you want a knockback?




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Sentinels/Marauders are unlikely to EVER get knockbacks.....



Cry more.

Cry MUCH MUCH more.


Call Juggernauts/Guardians OP while you're at it....


Ignorance man...





What is the POINT of playing a Juggernaut/Guardian in pvp if Marauders/Sentinels get a knockback?

As it stands right now you get better defensive CDs, you deal SO MUCH MORE damage...

Now you want a knockback?





+1 for the over-sized LOL

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