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No Knockback Ability


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1. Walk to target; use force camo if you are worried about getting shot along the way

2. Attack soon to be dead victim.

3. They attempt to knock you off, but you use force leap in mid air and get right back in their face.

4. They stun you; you use resolute.

5. They are now screwed; completely, totally screwed.

6. Kill them.


Resolute 2min CD. Knockback - 18-30?

Did you realize, that resolute is to weak and sits on too long CD to be taken in attack pattern?


Or better go and L2P.


Me -> Sentinel, that leaves this game...and I'm happy because i don't have feel those rubbish design errors anymore.

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I've been attempting to be polite on these forums, but push back, really?!?!?!

All these people complaining about classes pushing them around. How on earth would having one of our own help?

If we were talking force pull you could have a point, but even that I do not think is required.

So what you asking for is to be able to play ranged games in warzones?

I ask you, apart from guardian how many other classes can crowd control FIVE people in a fire pit?


A lot of knockbacks can be completely negated by using positioning well. Place yourself between them and a physical object.

Even placing yourself with your back to a ramp will massively cut down the distance you are thrown.

If you blindly sit there smashing them and let them run to your side to knock you off the ledge then really you deserve it. You can literally see them jumping up in the air. The knockback doesn't happen until they land.


Force camo is awesome. It'd be nice if it lasted longer, but it is long enough to escape or to close. It's WAY better for escaping than a knockback would ever be. When I play my sage I miss that ability more than any other.


I do not think we need any more toys, but there is a massive list of things that would be more useful in more situations, than joining in the gimpy knockback crowd.


Force pull.

Sabre throw.

A fairly long CD ability to reset the CD on leap.

A knock back/root immunity skill.

Another CC break ability that breaks roots.

Make stasis an instant cast fire and forget ability.

Give us a proper CC usable on humanoids. Mind trick or whatever. Casted. 1min CD. Lasts 8s on players or 1min on NPCs. Just like loads of other people have.


I do not think we need any of those things, but I would happily take any of them over a knockback...

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I've been attempting to be polite on these forums, but push back, really?!?!?!

All these people complaining about classes pushing them around. How on earth would having one of our own help?

If we were talking force pull you could have a point, but even that I do not think is required.

So what you asking for is to be able to play ranged games in warzones?

I ask you, apart from guardian how many other classes can crowd control FIVE people in a fire pit?



Force pull.

Sabre throw.

A fairly long CD ability to reset the CD on leap.

A knock back/root immunity skill.

Another CC break ability that breaks roots.

Make stasis an instant cast fire and forget ability.

Give us a proper CC usable on humanoids. Mind trick or whatever. Casted. 1min CD. Lasts 8s on players or 1min on NPCs. Just like loads of other people have.


I do not think we need any of those things, but I would happily take any of them over a knockback...


First of all , melee remains gimped in this game - even tought most of melers doesnt realize this. Skill on skill - (if it was not a gank) and we have same circumstances ( even gear and so on) Ranged will win over melee. Simple as that. And Asking for knockback was not to improve surviability - but to get fun toy to play with in crowded areas. It doesnt break any possible balance.


Rest of yours proposition are considerably better then what Sentinel has right now and will be falt and plain IGNORED by developers, because they are most lazy adn want touch anything until it's too late :)


Ability to keep enemy in melee distance is what every melee need. And Sentinel/Arguably marauder need it badly.


As far as DPS increase since there atleast 2 Healclasses that can with even gear plain and stupid outheal Sentinel damage. Yes, 6 sec break will not stop them doing this.

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Seriously tired of people moaning, if you dont like it, PLAY A CLASS WITH A KNOCKBACK ABILITY. We have certain things other classes dont, especially defensive utility, i.e. pacify, guarded by the force, saber ward etc etc.


You just picked a class which requires a brain, either deal with it or go jump on the sage bandwagon.

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Seriously tired of people moaning, if you dont like it, PLAY A CLASS WITH A KNOCKBACK ABILITY. We have certain things other classes dont, especially defensive utility, i.e. pacify, guarded by the force, saber ward etc etc.


You just picked a class which requires a brain, either deal with it or go jump on the sage bandwagon.


Most of this refers to the pvp aspects of the game, pve and the story mode I had no issues with anything - It's a month in when everyone started these stupid bridge tactics with knockbacks that made Sentinel useless.


I don't feel like writing a book but Sent's need something, that coupled with the REDICULOUS effort Reps give make my lvl 50 worhtless - I'm making an alt and shelving this worthless pvp class

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Let me put it to you plainly.


On my team are 5 sentinels. On the enemy position are 2 Sorcerors.


Since Leap is our focus opener, standard procedure is to LEAP into the fray, to close the distance because, hey, while we're RUNNING to the target, we're useless. 100% useless. (Meanwhile, the sorcs can pound us at range.)


But suppose we don't. Suppose we take YOUR advice and use Leap as a "reverse push", meaning, let's save it for AFTER we get pushed.


AOE pushes us off. One spell incapacitates ALL FIVE of us sentinels. But that's okay, we remember your immortal wisdom: We all leap back, close the gap 100%...assuming we can each resolve Line-of-Sight in 0 seconds (unlikely).


The other Soc then burns his aoe knockback. We're all knocked off again.


Two pushbacks versus 5 closers. Who wins?


Meanwhile, both of them are ranged. All of us are melee. Who wins?


Outnumbering the enemy by > 200% our closer is STILL worthless. Savvy?


No, of course you don't.




You really do need to learn how to play your class. Learn to use your situational abilities properly. I can 1v1 any class easily, and when it's 3v1 i cant at least take 1 or 2 of them down before i die. They're not going to change the class or give us new abilities just because you people are bad at it.



Improvise, adapt and overcome. If not, reroll and start firing off grav rounds.

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To the other guy: Why would you need stealth and 100% dmg reduction to close distance? 4 seconds isnt enough to close a gap unless someone is sitting at a point and you would still have to force leap to get to them before they saw you.


In most instances force camo to close distance is a waste of a great tool. It is best used to stay alive by shaking so you can re-engage in a fight.


I agree with you, actually, except that I do use force camo as a closer on snipers in cover. In most other situations, I wouldn't do this.


I mentioned it as a possible tactic to avoid damage until you are in killing range, that's all, not necessarily as the ideal tactic to use in all situations.

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On my team are 5 sentinels. On the enemy position are 2 Sorcerors.


AOE pushes us off. One spell incapacitates ALL FIVE of us sentinels. But that's okay, we remember your immortal wisdom: We all leap back, close the gap 100%...assuming we can each resolve Line-of-Sight in 0 seconds (unlikely).


The other Soc then burns his aoe knockback. We're all knocked off again.


Two pushbacks versus 5 closers. Who wins?


OK, flip it around, the first sorceror uses a knockback ability, but the second also uses it at the same time, they've both burned their ability. You FIVE sentinels jump up and put a tooling on both sorcerors.


It's all part of playing the game.


And anyone who says Rebuke is a junk ability leaves themselves open to being told to L2P.

Edited by AceOfHertz
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Seriously tired of people moaning, if you dont like it, PLAY A CLASS WITH A KNOCKBACK ABILITY. We have certain things other classes dont, especially defensive utility, i.e. pacify, guarded by the force, saber ward etc etc.


You just picked a class which requires a brain, either deal with it or go jump on the sage bandwagon.




Pacify doesn't work in pvp, nice try, barely now works in pve

Guarded by the force 5 sec of almost imunity to damage altho takes 50% hp to use and doesn't prevent snares etc.., usefull in a very few situations.

Sabre ward 25% damage reduction 3 min CD


We picked a class that requires a brain shame you never engaged yours before writing that post.

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20% damage reduction for 6 seconds is useless in PvP, especially when you are getting ganged by two or more players. Make it 50% or more, and we'll talk.


Rebuke + Saber Ward = time for me to get my setup of Force Sweep done on my Focus Spec. 3500 damage to all surrounding enemies.


When I'm doing PVP with my Sentinel, I'm looking for healing classes and causing them grief. I don't normally leap into an attack, I use Force Camo and run up to them. Then when I get knocked back, I use my Leap to get right in the fray. I use Leg Slash to ensure that even if I get stunned, the enemy has little time to get anywhere that a Zealous Leap won't hit, giving me time to set up a Stasis and then hitting them with a Force Sweep for 3500 damage.


The Sentinel doesn't need a knockback, however, I'm all in favour of having an ability that prevents knockbacks for 6 - 8 seconds.

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You really do need to learn how to play your class. Learn to use your situational abilities properly. I can 1v1 any class easily, and when it's 3v1 i cant at least take 1 or 2 of them down before i die. They're not going to change the class or give us new abilities just because you people are bad at it.



Improvise, adapt and overcome. If not, reroll and start firing off grav rounds.


LOL maybe in all Battlemaster gear, try being a newly hit 50 and going against 3 other 50's with 3x the gear you have on...you aren't taking down 2 of the 3 50's and until you post video, I call BS on this one. Sent's are built to be operation healer shield...

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Its not that jedi knight dont have a knock back ability that bugs me...

Jedi knight should have a chance to resist being knocked back.. meaning knock-back ability should not be 100% chance vs a Jedi knight.


Infact each class should have some level of potential resistance to being knocked back, but Jedi Knights having the most resistance.


The knock-back ability in my opinion as it is now is a bit over powered and in many cases is an instant kill button, to potentially several simultaneous targets .. this is somewhat unfair as there is no defense against it nor do jedi knights have an instant kill button.

Edited by Lostpharoah
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Pacify doesn't work in pvp, nice try, barely now works in pve

Guarded by the force 5 sec of almost imunity to damage altho takes 50% hp to use and doesn't prevent snares etc.., usefull in a very few situations.

Sabre ward 25% damage reduction 3 min CD


We picked a class that requires a brain shame you never engaged yours before writing that post.


Pacify does work in pvp, on melee and ranged abilities.


Guarded by the force is useful pretty much ANY time youre just about to die to give you another 5 seconds to tear up, apply dots etc. With only a 90s CD this ability is amazing.


And sabre ward increases melee and ranged defense by 50% and reduces dmg taken from force and tech attacks by 25% for 12 seconds.

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Ok so first of all. I'm not here to complain about Sentinels, while they could use some extra perks, I find it to be fine in most situations usually. Sentinels will take a bit more brain to use than other classes, and everything we can do and do is always based on scenarios. I am a watchmen build.


Force Leap ( Or use Force Camo to run-up) --> Leg Slash --> Zealous Strike --> Valorous Call --> Zen --> Cauterize (make sure to have Overload Saber running at ALL possible times) --> Blade Storm --> Leg Slash --> Zealous Strike --> Stasis --> Uhmm Kill target?


Use other abilities when needed of course, ex. Force Sweep, Awe, Merciless Slash,etc.


Number one thing I see no one here mentioning is the use of Leg Slash, use that...always 1st or 2nd thing you do, if they push you back it guarantees they can't run away to far, you either use camo and run back or if you saved your leap use it. Save Resolute for when your under 60% hp, use Rebuke within the first 20% of your total hp, once you get around or near 70% health use Saber Ward ( Or use both together at around 80%, depends on how many people you are dealing with). Once you are around 20% of your total HP, use your Jesus mode and use a stimpack/pot.



Edit: I do feel that Bioware ignored a couple things of what is said to make Sentinels what they are in the Star Wars Universe. All of these are quotations from wookieepedia.


While they possessed adequate combat skills and had somewhat extensive knowledge of the Force, Sentinels blended both schools of teaching and amplified them with a series of non-Force skills, such as in the fields of security, computers, stealth techniques, demolitions, repair or medicine. These skills tended to take the forefront in their middle-road approach to problems; while a Guardian might bash down a locked door and a Consular simply knock, a Sentinel would instead use equipment available or ingenuity to pick the lock. While the role of the Sentinels within the Jedi Order had remained largely consistent throughout its history, the branch of study was first documented by the Sentinel Jedi Recruiter Morrit Ch'gally in the text, The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.


Known for practicing more specialized Force-techniques, a form of Force Immunity was favored amongst those in this class. Crossing Force-based training with increased mental conditioning, this ability allowed them to better withstand outside mental influences, including Force-based attacks.


Force Immunity was the stronger version of Force Resistance. While Force Resistance offered limited protection from Force attacks for a duration of time; Immunity rendered the user virtually invulnerable to any Force powers. The user could not be harmed or manipulated by the Force while using Force Immunity.

Another version of Force Immunity, practiced by Jedi Sentinels, provided protection from fear, stun, and paralysis effects.





So If you want to look at it from a RP point of view, we don't fit our roles and we need a buff to fulfill those roles.


Pretty funny that what we lack is actually a KEY trait to all Sentinels throughout the Star Wars universe.

Edited by ImmortalsReign
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Its not that jedi knight dont have a knock back ability that bugs me...

Jedi knight should have a chance to resist being knocked back.. meaning knock-back ability should not be 100% chance vs a Jedi knight.


Infact each class should have some level of potential resistance to being knocked back, but Jedi Knights having the most resistance.


The knock-back ability in my opinion as it is now is a bit over powered and in many cases is an instant kill button, to potentially several simultaneous targets .. this is somewhat unfair as there is no defense against it nor do jedi knights have an instant kill button.


This would be a good idea. Add a 6-8 second CC resistance to our resolute ability, and then cut the CD down to 60 secs (I may even take 90 sec) would go a long way towards improving PvP play.

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Okay. So I've read quite a bit now, tried some suggestions and maneuvers that people have recommended.


How about a couple things get changed around on.


1. Force Camo gets bumped to 8 seconds, instead of 4 seconds.


2. Resolute's CD gets cut in half to 1 min, plus, it gives 100% resistance to knockbacks and ALL styles of CC (snares, slows, stuns) for 8 seconds.


3. Allow our CC to work in the game. Yes, Awe works. Why not Force Sweep? Force Sweep in PvE stuns surrounding NPCs for 4 seconds. Why shouldn't that be allowed in PvP? Pacify should also be able to work.


4. Master Strike should ROOT the player you are attacking, period, unless of course, they use their version of Resolute.

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2. Resolute's CD gets cut in half to 1 min, plus, it gives 100% resistance to knockbacks and ALL styles of CC (snares, slows, stuns) for 8 seconds.




U don't see how overpowered this would be in hut ball. would make us the best ballcarriors.


forceleap. + trancendance + guarded by force and saber ward, and onto of that 8 sec of cc immunity.


i would like to see a spell with 100% knock back immunity ONLY but no longer than max 4 sec.

something u hit in to counter that knocback you know will be incoming after force leap.


you might even chain those two together force leap now gives 3 sec of force immunity or something.



on a little side note, i do not think it is as bad as its made out to be, yes knocback can be a pain, but you can work around it with good positioning. And yes if they have 3 people with it, you are ****ed and must have your team to assist you.

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Being given a knockback doesn't help if you have been knocked off?


Instead, how about giving a knockback resist based skill/talent, after all, we can't knockback but are Melee based.


I've been saying this all along, give sentinels a reactive, short cd, anti knockback ability. Like unshakable or steadfast or some ********. I mean we micromanage like *********** crazy anyway what's one more cooldown.

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