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Healers = Alpha Class


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If op is getting hit hard with telekinetic throw then that person is actually more concentrated in telekinetics, not seer. Although they still may have some seer skills, however they will lack healing capability and therefore this conversation is moot.
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I'm constantly interrupting when working a healer, anyone in the 50 bracket should be. Its still not enough.


That is cause interrupts only lock the person out of that spell. In the 50 bracket solo que there is zero coordination and mindless zerging. I can tell you so many times I have fake casted a group of 3+ people just to hear all of them use their interrupt at the same time. Plus you have to know what spells to interrupt on healers. Like sages you keep their big heal interrupted they lose all their burst healing.


So a set up on sorcs that my assault spec vanguard does with my sage healer is: I stun first, he interrupts first, he gets second stun, and then I get last interrupt. Between his dmg and my dmg we can lock down a healer and burn them. And if we don't kill them 90% of the time one of their dps is killed by my other two buddies. If there are multiple healers I will call for another of my dps and we will coordinate CC and knock backs on the one healing our focus target.

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Yes I'm BM ranked and I'm a bad.

BM has nothing to do with skill. A monkey could hit BM by simply Q'ing for a lot of warzones.


Listen I don't like the idea of nerfing anything or any class, I enjoy good balanced PvP, my major issue and complaint has been expertise, which I think is stupid cause it just artificially makes things more difficult to eventually plateau out right back where everyone started before it was introduced.

You need some sort of damage reducing mechanic.


But this is not a case of OMGIRSUKMUSNERFCRY, healers are insanely overpowered. Trooper healers? Not so much, they can be tough, but Sages and Sorc's, Operatives and Scoundrel's are really far more problematic.

So you find it harder to kill an operative healer than a merc healer? lololol


I watched a IA Operative Healer literally walk a huttball from the ramp to the goal line, through a lit fire pit, being stunned and CC'd left and right (Which is why I couldn't grapple them down to the pit cause their resolve bar was full white constantly) with an entire team beating on it and it still scored the goal and had time to dance half a jig before dying.


You can't tell me thats right.

You need to stop grossly over-exaggerating. It takes away your credibility.


And just out of curiosity, which class are you? And link me your exact spec.

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I realize that healers are dealing with a 30% healing reduction in PvP, but when I can double stun a Jedi Consular in a fire pit in Huttball and they can pop their bubble and heal through and somehow survive me, the fire and anything else and keep going, HPS in is heavily outweighing DPS out.


You didn't stun them in the fire pit, there is NO WAY that you can heal through fire pit damage. It does 3-3.5k per .5 seconds.

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You people are cute, play a Marauder/Sentinel. They kind of shut us down.

The only time I am actually not being killed is when the enemy has a stroke and forgets to focus me.

Anytime I am under pressure I have to cut heals to keep myself up, meanwhile other members of my party are likely dieing.

Edited by Cayllara
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A healer should be able to out-heal a pure dps class while that person is attacking someone else. If that dps is attacking the healer and using interrupts, stuns, knockbacks, etc there's no way the healer can keep up assuming equal gear.


Funny that they do then... probably because they have shields, stuns, knockbacks, Mez'es, roots, better defensive CDs, better resource management, etc etc.


If you're just standing there spamming heals, ur bad.

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They should be able to outheal a Tank Not a pure dps class. Sorry.


lol how do you figure? A boss in Operations does 4x the damage one DPS can do. A healer is supposed to be able to heal through that boss, but not that one DPS? Drugs are bad, mmmkay?

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Yes I'm BM ranked and I'm a bad.

BM does not mean skill it only means time or farming/trading in Ilum (not saying that you did).


But this is not a case of OMGIRSUKMUSNERFCRY, healers are insanely overpowered. Trooper healers? Not so much, they can be tough, but Sages and Sorc's, Operatives and Scoundrel's are really far more problematic.


I watched a IA Operative Healer literally walk a huttball from the ramp to the goal line, through a lit fire pit, being stunned and CC'd left and right (Which is why I couldn't grapple them down to the pit cause their resolve bar was full white constantly) with an entire team beating on it and it still scored the goal and had time to dance half a jig before dying.


You can't tell me thats right.


Commando/Merc healers are actually the most durable healer in the short term based on their CDs. I just don't see a lot of Commandos/Merc healers, and very few goods ones. But when you find that good one you should just leave them alone and try to kill something else (while CCing the healer of course).


Your situation is just looking at the IA ballcarrier. Did he have guard? Did he have another healer? If people stack CCs and fill up the resolve then that is on your team being bad. If your whole team was beating on him, it is likely their whole team was there as well, providing guard, taunts, and heals. You know, teamwork.

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Funny that they do then... probably because they have shields, stuns, knockbacks, Mez'es, roots, better defensive CDs, better resource management, etc etc.


If you're just standing there spamming heals, ur bad.



healing specced sorcs has no instant mez, no bubble mez, no lightning root, and WHAT defensive CD?


Keep trying.

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BM does not mean skill it only means time or farming/trading in Ilum (not saying that you did).




Commando/Merc healers are actually the most durable healer in the short term based on their CDs. I just don't see a lot of Commandos/Merc healers, and very few goods ones. But when you find that good one you should just leave them alone and try to kill something else (while CCing the healer of course).


Your situation is just looking at the IA ballcarrier. Did he have guard? Did he have another healer? If people stack CCs and fill up the resolve then that is on your team being bad. If your whole team was beating on him, it is likely their whole team was there as well, providing guard, taunts, and heals. You know, teamwork.


Exactly. That healer didn't do everything on his own. A healer is only a good healer if they have good support from their team.

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BM has nothing to do with skill. A monkey could hit BM by simply Q'ing for a lot of warzones.



You need some sort of damage reducing mechanic.



So you find it harder to kill an operative healer than a merc healer? lololol



You need to stop grossly over-exaggerating. It takes away your credibility.


And just out of curiosity, which class are you? And link me your exact spec.




Thats my spec and I'm not grossly over-exaggerating, its possible that the Operative had a second healer on them at the time, from up on a catwalk or down in the pit, but I wasn't focused on that I was focusing on trying to stop them and all I saw was a ridiculous amount of orbiting healing droids and having to listen to the person laugh every 3 seconds as their tac advantage proc'd.


I don't have as many problems with merc healers granted The Harbinger isn't running a lot of merc healers in the 50 bracket currently, the most active PvPers that are merc spec'd are Arsenal or Pyrotech, so the few merc healers I do see, they don't seem that hard to take down so they might not be very good. Trooper healers aren't that hard to drop either, its not a cakewalk by any means but its not impossible.


Sage's are especially bad, Scoundrel's and Operatives are especially bad. Sorcerers can literally heal through three people DPSing them and I've seen it constantly.


Trooper healers are bad if they get in a chain heal situation but otherwise not that troublesome. Merc healers, as stated, least on the Harbinger so far, are few and far in between in the 50 bracket. And the ones I do deal with in Huttball are not that hard to put down....maybe they're just bad.

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I'm not entirely sure but healing Sages are far more dangerous with Project and Telekinetic Throw than Healing Sorc's are with Force Lightning and Electrocute thats just plain out obvious.


Is lightning considered energy damage and project kinetic? Cause the differences in PvP resistance for those two damage types are night and day actually. But if they're both considered "force damage" then they should be relatively equal given a mirrored spec between a Sage and Sorceror but they're not.


I hope you're joking...


Energy and kinetic damage are mitigated the same. If you don't believe me look at your damage reduction on your char sheet.


I honestly don't know how so many people can get this wrong when it's right out in the open.

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I hope you're joking...


Energy and kinetic damage are mitigated the same. If you don't believe me look at your damage reduction on your char sheet.


I honestly don't know how so many people can get this wrong when it's right out in the open.


Then why can I ignore Force Lightning but I can't ignore Project? I can have two sorceror's hitting me with lightning and not panic at all. But one Sage hitting me with Project can make me start blowing mitigation CD's.


Somethings not right with that. I realize the mitigation stats are right there, but I'm telling you the difference between the two is night and day.

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I dont even attack them most of the time - I have seen sorcs do 200k + in damage AND healing - ***? - It is the big issue with PvP, you cannot kill healers that know how to play - Troopers are the worst of them - I have seen 3 people on one guy and he is just healing himself and then attacking us lol - its stupid
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Then why can I ignore Force Lightning but I can't ignore Project? I can have two sorceror's hitting me with lightning and not panic at all. But one Sage hitting me with Project can make me start blowing mitigation CD's.


Somethings not right with that. I realize the mitigation stats are right there, but I'm telling you the difference between the two is night and day.


I already explained it. It's because those sages are specialized in telekinetics, not so much seers. Also Sorcs are generally geared towards the madness skill tree making them less dps dependant and more cc. Madness is equivalent to a balanced sage, but I suspect the sages attacking you aren't balanced or seers if they are hitting you hard. They are telekinetics.

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I already explained it. It's because those sages are specialized in telekinetics, not so much seers. Also Sorcs are generally geared towards the madness skill tree making them less dps dependant and more cc. Madness is equivalent to a balanced sage, but I suspect the sages attacking you aren't balanced or seers if they are hitting you hard. They are telekinetics.


So....Tank Sages....which takes me back to the OP.

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So....Tank Sages....which takes me back to the OP.


No, you got nothing from what I wrote. Read it again, and carefully look at the consular skill trees, then the sorcerer skill trees. Compare them and contrast them, then reread what I wrote.

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sighs so many people need to learn 2 play maybe they should let people have instant lvl 50's on the test server so they can test out how "op" this classes are from the actual class player's point of view


Oh I fully intend to investigate this. I'm on my 3rd level 50 right now but I haven't played a healer as yet. One Tank, One DPS/Off Tank, One full DPS.


I mean its not like I need to L2P, I just PvP'd all day, got my weekly WZ done, both dailies, swapped over to my 50 Juggernaut, MT'd EV Hard Mode then went back and PvPed a few more matches to buy a Chump bag from converted WZ tokens. I obviously know how to play...now, healers? I'm more than willing to admit that they are something of a mystery to me.


But then again anyone standing there with three people beating on them and not dying is pretty mysterious in general.

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A healer should be able to out-heal a pure dps class while that person is attacking someone else. If that dps is attacking the healer and using interrupts, stuns, knockbacks, etc there's no way the healer can keep up assuming equal gear.


Funny that they do then... probably because they have shields, stuns, knockbacks, Mez'es, roots, better defensive CDs, better resource management, etc etc.


If you're just standing there spamming heals, ur bad.

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