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It's not even healthy anymore


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Nah I still agree with that reply 100% regardless of that mistake, but have fun playing when SWTOR becomes F2P and the servers are dead because everything is fine in your eyes while people are leaving at such a fast rate you'd think this game has herpes.


Naw after SWTOR I'll be done with MMOs for a while. Going back to FPS I think.

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This furthers my point. You play in a organized group that likes to chain cc a target. You know its broken and you are the first to defend the current set up. Just sad


Your argument just failed here. You've made it into a "a better team is using game mechanics smartly - and I call the game broken because my worse play and pug team can't compete."


The problem isn't the CC, the problem is your expectation that you should be able to stand toe-to-toe with a group of people who are in sync, and playing well above your abilities.


Leave faceroll play style to WOTLK.

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LOL yup Imp and five casters,i called earlier lol.


I was actually qued with Liono and Khanji (The sith marauder and merc) the other team had more casters than us and the other just happened to be in the rest of the group. BTW you can't que with more then 4 people at a time so me queing with 5 casters isn't actually possible.

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Nah I still agree with that reply 100% regardless of that mistake, but have fun playing when SWTOR becomes F2P and the servers are dead because everything is fine in your eyes while people are leaving at such a fast rate you'd think this game has herpes.


You say that with no factual evidence to back it up - heck, the most recent news figures fly directly in the face of your factoids (ahem, go look up factoids - it doesn't mean what you think it means).

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again, being stunlocked for a long time by 2/3 the bg is not ridiculous, it's ridiculous you don't want to be stunlocked that whole time. use tactics, teamwork, and don't charge in against multiple players by yourself, you'll find your issues go away pretty fast


your signature is funny.. lol

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CC in this game is not funny.. it is just CCfest.. you can´t control your character even 30 seconds in a row.. Thats pretty bad.


Yesterday in Alderan warzone, i was guarding objective.. an operative was there and saped me 6times.. just used his sap.. and disapier.. after minute.. repeat.. I tried to use stealth scan.. but in fact he was far away in the moment i wake up from sap.


Fights in general are pretty bad, i mean the feeling of the fight.. is not that funny as i have seen.. is too slow, not dynamic.. everything is so static.. so "STUNning" so sometimes i have feeling - its not really PVP im playing.

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I was actually qued with Liono and Khanji (The sith marauder and merc) the other team had more casters than us and the other just happened to be in the rest of the group. BTW you can't que with more then 4 people at a time so me queing with 5 casters isn't actually possible.


Yah but here's the deal that you are not comprehending and i know it is like this on my server and im sure it is on most others.


You imperials geared far faster than Republics,plus due to both heal and damage medals the Sorc's/Inquisitors were able to gear far and away faster than all other classes and guess which faction has a ton of those casters? the Imperial so you also benefitted for just being there,now the gear discrepency is even more apparent,if you dont realize or understand this i dont know what to tell you,like i said four to five casters per a group every group and with better gear is the norm now.


So what any debate you have is just pointless when there is this stunfest and damage being componded,but i believe you do know that and your just,i dunno what it is your trying to prove.

Edited by Sathid
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just so I understand where you're coming from. you're upset you get stunlocked to death when it's 6v1. you're upset the other team is using superior tactics and communication to beat your team. I hate to say it, but you need to L2P.


Seriously this.


In every other serious PvP game (whether FPS or RTS), you are expected to have a working headset to communicate.


When I PUG PvP and get rolled by a well organized team, it's totally fine and I nod in approval. When I PvP with friends/guild, we are ALWAYS on vent, communicating and working out strategy prior to the start of the game. And yes, the PUGs get rolled and usually exit warzone within a minute or two.

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Yah but here's the deal that you are not comprehending and i know it is like this on my server and im sure it is on most others.


You imperials geared far faster than Republics,plus due to both heal and damage medals the Sorc's/Inquisitors were able to gear far and away faster than all other classes and guess which faction has a ton of those casters? the Imperial so you also benefitted for just being there,now the gear discrepency is even more apparent,if you dont realize or understand this i dont know what to tell you,like i said four to five casters per a group every group and with better gear is the norm now.


So now the problem is gear...and not the CC system? Make up your mind.

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Yes, let's use Warhammer as the example of how an MMORPG should be played... the game 80% of the playerbase quit after the free month...


Look, it's simple. The ONLY way to make CC unimportant is to make every class able to function perfectly well while in melee range, even the casters. Champions Online did that, and it just creates a whole new level of whining as the melees whine that casters aren't fragile.


CC in WH wasnt the issue.


IN WH it was the stacking insta death AoE, and the fact that nobody bothered to check if the servers could handle the kind of numbers that wanted to attack citadels.


The knock backs and CC in WH were ok, and in general the class design was very good.

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Seriously this.


In every other serious PvP game (whether FPS or RTS), you are expected to have a working headset to communicate.


When I PUG PvP and get rolled by a well organized team, it's totally fine and I nod in approval. When I PvP with friends/guild, we are ALWAYS on vent, communicating and working out strategy prior to the start of the game. And yes, the PUGs get rolled and usually exit warzone within a minute or two.

seriously.. what do you call a strategy?

Im playing warzones in premade most of the time, and i win most of them.. and the only strategy we have is.. stun - focus fire - next target


please tell me what other strategy i can use?

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CC in this game is not funny.. it is just CCfest.. you can´t control your character even 30 seconds in a row.. Thats pretty bad.


Yesterday in Alderan warzone, i was guarding objective.. an operative was there and saped me 6times.. just used his sap.. and disapier.. after minute.. repeat.. I tried to use stealth scan.. but in fact he was far away in the moment i wake up from sap.


Fights in general are pretty bad, i mean the feeling of the fight.. is not that funny as i have seen.. is too slow, not dynamic.. everything is so static.. so "STUNning" so sometimes i have feeling - its not really PVP im playing.


Well, you have a point- the 4 second stuns that you can chain two together make for far longer CC periods than you'd ever get mezzed in DAoC, the god of pvp gaming.


They should have kept pvp similar to DAoC, where stuns/sleeps lasted far less than 4 seconds and you could only do one before they became immune to it.

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Players use CC abilities to CC... News at 11.


You ever think that YOUR fun (running up to and mauling people) isn't fun for them?


The problem is, is that CCs should either give a tiny offensive advantage or a big evasive advantage. When all the DPS classes have loads to choose from it becomes a nightmare.


If a healer CCs me to get away - fine. But when they have a dual heal/DPS spec and CC me so they can heal up and match my DPS then that's an issue.


There's no tactical element in CC spamming.


CC's should be given pretty much solely to support classes.

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CC in WH wasnt the issue.


IN WH it was the stacking insta death AoE, and the fact that nobody bothered to check if the servers could handle the kind of numbers that wanted to attack citadels.


The knock backs and CC in WH were ok, and in general the class design was very good.


It was the issue as well after start, but later on they added immunity system which is working till now and is actually great !

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I stopped reading it when he claimed WoW didn't give ranged classes stuns, when actually all of them have it. I figured his post wasn't worth reading after a mistake like that.


Wrong. The stuns on RANGED classes require a proc or setup or don't last as long as kidney shots/melee stuns. Try 2-3 seconds instead of 5-6.


Also polymorph has a cast time, as do many of the soft CC's in the game on RANGED classes. They can be interupted.


I mean seriously. What do you think a sage/sorc is...


It is a vanilla shadow priest dumbed down, that doesn't have to shift in and out of shadow form to heal, and who procs instant mindblasts from spamming mindflay with no cooldown.


Even the grip is stolen from a priest lol.


I played the stupid class in beta led dps by 2 to 1 every game (being bored out of my mind) and gave feedback that it was the most stupidly op, dumbed down class (when hybrid specced) I have ever played in a game.


Want to know what happened? I was harassed every time I gave feedback by people like you whom I outdps by 200 k on a sentinel.


Not cus sentinel is OP, cus I can do even more on a sage/sorc using half the buttons, but because people like you are bad and can't even play a faceroll class right.


I don't even know why I bother trying to get through to the thickheaded developers. We told them sith would be overpopulated so what do they do?


Add same faction warzones which is what led to them being even more overpopulated. This design team is almost as clueless as you are.


Whatever have fun when all the sorcs/sages/commando/mercs hit 50. You can stun eachother and spam your 2-3 button rotations at eachother (where you are spamming one key the majority of the time).


Cus you know, playing a class that I mastered in vanilla WoW (cept easier) with a stun (LOL) is really fun. So is playing an arcane mage in plate who can heal themselves.


Such fantastic game design. Wonder what game Gabe will ruin next.

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So now the problem is gear...and not the CC system? Make up your mind.


It is both Sherlock,you know it,you guys have been having easy train mode with your abundance of casters and now you have all your gear too,well many have atleast some BM gear,and hell yah the stunfest with that gear makes a big difference and you know it.

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again, steps to avoid stunlock:

1.) don't charge in 6v1

2.) keep behind the enemy, they can't attack what they can't see

3.) co-ordinate with your group, let them know if a 2+ on 1 occurs

4.) use whatever DoTs you have (all melees have them) to keep damage up on the stun that will occur

5.) use your own root/stuns

6.) manage your 2min cd


do these things and I personally guarantee half your problems will be solved.

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seriously.. what do you call a strategy?

Im playing warzones in premade most of the time, and i win most of them.. and the only strategy we have is.. stun - focus fire - next target


please tell me what other strategy i can use?


Which Warzone? Different strategy for Huttball or Voidstar.


Also, need to improvise on the spot quickly depending on skill/ability of other team.

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