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Bioware, Your New UI Is Causing Me To Be Sick. Literally.


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And all the bars up and covered in buttons.

It's like a bad rave.


yeah, i have the 2 bottom ones and the right active.


As of right now, looking straight at the middle of the screen, I can still see the edges of my computer. This means my eyes will still process those fflashy bars no matter their size.

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I didn't even notice that the UI had changed until this morning when I read about it, I'd completely forgotten :o


I don't really mind it, but if it's causing sensitive people actual problems with their health Bioware should look into it...


Yup. All I (and others with the headaches) would like them to do is add an option to revert to pre-patch mode. If people like Disco-funk mode, I'm fine with that.


That's all. That's it. It shouldn't take them longer than a day, perhaps two, to do that. Right?

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Yup. All I (and others with the headaches) would like them to do is add an option to revert to pre-patch mode. If people like Disco-funk mode, I'm fine with that.


That's all. That's it. It shouldn't take them longer than a day, perhaps two, to do that. Right?


I seem to be playing alright now. But, I'm a little doped up on Oxy, so..I'm not really looking at the bar..

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Anyone else getting migraines from the flashes in new UI?


Last two times I tried to play, the flashes hurt my eyes, gave me a headache, and caused minor nausea. Went away after logging and watching TV on laptop.


Here is my log of how I felt when I tried a third time:




T+ 0:00:01- Booted up game. Started playing normally.


T+ 0:10:00- Minutes in, noticed slight headache. Thought it might be placebo.


T+ 0:15:00- Headache worsens. Nope, wasn't placebo after all, was it?


T+ 0:25:00- I feel the need to take Tylenol but resist to try to do my little "experiment" here.


T+ 0:45:00- Headache is moderately bad. Noticed my left eyelid twitching every now and then around this point. Very obvious migraine.


T+ 0:55:00- Slight nausea noticed, headache remains moderate.


T+ 1:20:00- Nausea increasing somewhat. Headache the same.


T+ 1:30:00- I quit the experiment. Obvious enough that something besides the game wasn't causing this. It was the game.







I gain a similar effect to what I went through above by being under bad florescent lighting for any length of time greater than 15 minutes. And YES I was FINE before this patch.


And it makes sense, at least to me, because I have heard that lighting from a peripheral vision angle can start, aggravate, and make migraines and even seizures worse. The UI flashes just so happen to sit in the peripheral vision for me on both my gaming laptop and desktop computer.


Your UI LITERALLY makes me ill. Call me a troll. Call me whatever. I Don't care.


Here is a Screen-Capture of the log I kept where I would alt-tab out and write down how I felt.


http://i.imgur.com/4x4r4.jpg (Date is a day early by typo, did this today on the 7th).


For the group of other people feeling like this and getting similar headaches, dizziness, and nausea that I've seen on the forums: I'm going to try this experiment again soon, and I'm going to mess with the brightness settings and turn it down to see if I can make it better. I'll also experiment with smaller/larger resolutions and moving away and towards the computers. Hopefully they get rid of this. I don't want to use a gosh darned binocular to have to play this game.


Also, turning the lights on in the room help, for those looking to feel better and feeling similar to how I did, try this.


Bioware this is how you fix the problem:


Reduce the flashing. That is probably at the root of this. Perhaps some kind of mellow glow around the action ready to use would be nice? You guys use that elsewhere in the game, right?


Purely for game reasons, please make the GCD blacking-out effect more transparent. Better yet, scrap the effect you have, and go with counters or a "clock/pie" effect. I can't see who is in range and who isn't. Healing is hard. Neither can I see when certain cooldowns go off when they do.


OR allow us to have an option to revert to previous pre-patch settings. I never had any problems I was aware of with those.


Needless to say I'm pissed. You also owe me a few Tylenol. :mad:


Instead of posting here you should seek medical advice in the matter even professional one. Yes the UI is a bit annoying but to get further than that .... it's another story.

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Instead of posting here you should seek medical advice in the matter even professional one. Yes the UI is a bit annoying but to get further than that .... it's another story.


Nah, not really bro.


Another guy ran what you said by me earlier in this thread.


I'm fine. Everyone else is getting it too.


It is simply a form of motion sickness and we would like the option to opt out of the flashes.


Thats about it.

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Anyone else getting migraines from the flashes in new UI?


Last two times I tried to play, the flashes hurt my eyes, gave me a headache, and caused minor nausea. Went away after logging and watching TV on laptop.


You should go see a doctor.

I don't have any problem with new GCD flashes, mabey becouse I'm looking at the cener of the screen where the action is and not on the skill bars :)

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It is actually better. But the whole problem arises with one thing




It seems worse because its TOO grey/black when you can't use em? Does this make sense to anyone else? The reason why it's giving people headaches, and me to a point, until I just looked past it and fixed screen brightness and contrast and stuff, is because the white is too..well..white. It's not because it's flashing too much, it's because of the whiteness being too white. Regardless, they should fix it, keep the cooldown stuff the way it is, because it DOES look better, but they just have to reset the contrast so it doesnt look all grey all the time.


Plus...am I the only one that sees the ui kind of got more blurry to? Like there is bloom on the UI now? Maybe that's what is causing people to get dizzy...

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You should go see a doctor.

I don't have any problem with new GCD flashes, mabey becouse I'm looking at the cener of the screen where the action is and not on the skill bars :)


I can't sleep. Too much studying for me to do. Read through the thread and thought I should respond.


Once more:


I don't need to see a doctor. Lol. Seriously! I really don't think any of the dozens of other people getting this need to go to a doctor either. In essense, what the game is causing is a form of motion sickness. :)


Did I make it seem like I was dying in the original post or something? o.0





What I meant to convey was this:


The game becomes too uncomfortable to play. I'm fine, and I can deal with it if I absolutely have to, but I hate not feeling so great and trying to play the game. Devs, fix it.






I'm fine healthwise. It isn't like I have epilepsy. I'm a 200 pound dude who weightlifts, studys medicine, works a job, and plays videogames. I'm quite healthy. :D

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I dont 'hate it with a passion' and it's not going to cause me to unsub.


But it strikes me as a poor design decision (when I say this, I'm speaking from the position of a graphic designer, not a gamer designer). My main problem with the old effects was not the GCD (I'm familiar with the concept from several years in wow), but rather that all my icons are too similar (blue LIGHT SABER ACTION at slightly different angles).


I'm not sure what was gained through the new effect. It doesn't sicken me or cause me other physical effects. What it does do is takes something that was clear (if I had enough focus for an ability after GCD at a glance), and make it too hard to figure out while trying to react to demanding situations. I'm not sure what Bioware thought I would gain from the change. Obviously it was not meant for me. Could I have the option to revert it maybe?

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When you O_O 2 inches from the screen that tends to happen.


Applying your own physical abilities to other people is really unfair dude. I couldn't sit through 'Cloverfield' in the theater because it made me physically ill. I spent the last 15 minutes of it with my head between my knees because I didn't want to puke and embarrass my friend.


Just because you react differently doesn't mean someone else's experience is invalidated. It just means you're lucky, and lack empathy :)

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The new UI sucks either way.





Calling people 'trolls' because they have sensitivities that you don't is really disgusting anyway.


Like, I'm sorry that the way some people physically react is different dude, but it doesn't seem too much to ask that for $15 a month that we have an experience that doesn't end in illness. I mean, seriously, I wouldn't mock you for eating out and getting food poisoning, and holding a restaurant accountable. Maybe my stomach was stronger than yours, but that doesn't invalidate your actual pain.

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