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Datacrons I Give UP


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I think they're great fun.


They're also "optional," and most are solo accessible.


My only issue with any of them....body type 3.


Still, they're completionist content, falling under those last few percentage points towards 100% completion. They're no substitute for a more lifelike world to explore.

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I don't get it. Jumping is not exactly rocket science. Figure out a pattern where you should jump from and how far you will get. People seriously do not like using their brain and figure out simple puzzles. Only issue so far I had with Datacrons was where my character model was to big. Even then there are solutions.
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The platforming elements are generally garbage for a number of them. The leap of faith invisible bridge in Belsavis is not working and requires a lucky speed jump instead of the intended solution, and the dam in Alderaan which is meant to use the grapple gun is buggy and instead encourages you to make a mounted jump and bunny hopping up the ladder.


The empire +10 was impressive, but the actual layout of having to run on girders that you can fall through and encouraging use of the /stuck command to teleport back up is a crappy work around for bad design.

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Datacron gathering is a side game. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else has to do without. Personally I like the idea of having something tricky to aim for, it's a nice break from repetitive mission grinding. Some of them are mentally insane to reach though, but yet I'm still addicted to hunting them down and reaching them. One datacron in Nar Shaddaa took me 4 hours to reach it. Yes I swore the alphabet several times in the process but once I got the nack of it I've gotten it nearly first attempt on all my other characters.
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Your not another Mod/Dev in disguise posting in defense of the game are you? Already caught 1 of those this week.


Go look at my recent posts in my profile; You'll see I'm definitely not a BW sympathizer. I'm a realist - You, too, should get real.

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what is it with these datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If i wanted a super mario jumping game i would have bought one and if i wanted a search and find game again i would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the codex are class and faction specific.


i agree@

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"They arent necessary"?? If you miss 10 of them, that equals +20 or higher to your stats.


Yes, whether your PvP or PvE, they are necessary.


If min/maxing is your goal, then yes, it becomes necessary. At the same time, +20 to any stat isn't super gamebreaking at max level. It helps, sure, but a being otherwise well geared and skilled will outweigh any amount of datacrons at the end. Again, it's you're choice.


And if min/maxing is really your goal and you can't survive knowing you could have +5 more Willpower, then there's handy guides all over the internet on how to get all the datacrons. I daresay that finding them and figuring out how to get to them is the hardest part, and you can find all of that out with a stroke of the keyboard.


Then it'll be up to you to handle the platforming. But honestly, if you don't have the coordination to do some pretty basic platforming, then you probably don't have what it takes to be the best of the best of the best (sir) in PvE or PvP either. If you're struggling to land on a slow moving crate, then another 10 endurance probably isn't going to keep you alive in any kind of movement intensive fight.


Of course, I platform for freakin' kicks... I got into all kinds of zany places in STO. If anyone (hah, like anyone plays STO...) saw a Saurian taunting them from the rafters of the auction house, it was probably me.




Still, the hardest part is finding/getting to the bloody things. And then, a good chunk of them aren't platforming at all... they're either a straight shot once you locate where they're hidden, or you have to battle your way through baddies. I don't think any of em on Belsavis require any platforming skills. Use your mouse to turn and keep yourself in a straight line, and learn to use the keybind to toggle run/walk. Alot of the people I see falling while trying to platform around are those who are keyboard turning or are trying to sprint the whole way... or hell, trying to ride their freakin' mount nonstop. There's places (Anchorhead) where being mounted can help out (or at least not be a hinderance). But I've seen people trying to ride their mounts up to the datacron in the Justicar area of Coruscant... and that's just full of fail, trying to hit little pipes when you're going that fast.


Absolutely nothing in terms of platforming for datacrons is as hard as some of the crap they throw at you in the original Mario.

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I've found three or four by asking myself where I'd hide one if I were a level designer. Every time I've been surprised... yet somehow not... when I see it.


You do know they have ALL been found and a simple Google search will let you know thier locations?

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I got all 67 and it was the most frustrating BS I've ever had to endure in an MMO. Not because of the challenge, but because some of them could not be obtained the 'intended' way. The very worst was the balloon on Tatooine despawning on me. I ended up spending 5 frickken hours riding and/or waiting for that balloon. I suffered through it, and it certainly wasn't a 'fun challenge'. Rather it was a load of BS like I said. And don't get me started on how SLOWWWWW they set the pathing platforms on a few of em...
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I got all 67 and it was the most frustrating BS I've ever had to endure in an MMO. Not because of the challenge, but because some of them could not be obtained the 'intended' way. The very worst was the balloon on Tatooine despawning on me. I ended up spending 5 frickken hours riding and/or waiting for that balloon. I suffered through it, and it certainly wasn't a 'fun challenge'. Rather it was a load of BS like I said. And don't get me started on how SLOWWWWW they set the pathing platforms on a few of em...


Fyi, there are over 90 of them ingame total and I agree with you.

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There are a lot of things wrong with this game, but i don't think the datacrons are one of them.


Personally i love the datacron collecting and platforming, it's nice addition to the game. Then again i play on a PVE server, i can imagine getting the balloon datacron on tatooine to be extremely nauseating on a PVP server.

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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.

We've heard your complaints, and are in the process of mailing the datacrons to you in-game. We're sorry we didn't just hand these to you when you first installed and logged in.


PS: WoW is easymode.

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