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Datacrons I Give UP


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So, you click everything? Or are you able to press the 1, 2 and 3 buttons? If you can use your bad hand to press a single button while using the mouse to run, all you need to do is re-bind 1 to jump while getting the datacron.


Or, if you have full use of one of your hands (or just three fingers), you can rebind your mouse wheel (or any mouse button) to jump.


Failing that, you could place your keyboard on the ground, use your two mouse buttons to run and use your toe on the spacebar to jump.


Are you for real?


Omg because Bioware created without due thought a laughably stupid mechanic for accessing the only buff in the game, I have to play with my feet, do you have any clue at all of what rhuematoid arthritis actually is.


Eventually I am going to be locked inside a body that increasingly I am unable to control, it will imprison me.



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So, you click everything? Or are you able to press the 1, 2 and 3 buttons? If you can use your bad hand to press a single button while using the mouse to run, all you need to do is re-bind 1 to jump while getting the datacron.


Or, if you have full use of one of your hands (or just three fingers), you can rebind your mouse wheel (or any mouse button) to jump.


Failing that, you could place your keyboard on the ground, use your two mouse buttons to run and use your toe on the spacebar to jump.


It was not tested, it was not fully or even partially debugged in my opinion, and yes I will be flamed as usual on this thread because I omg dared to venture an opinion, but I will continue to do so.

As to others trolling to say I have asked for things like codexes/datacrons to be handed to me, I say prove it.


When I have repeatedly said they could easily have made the datacrons a challenging quest/mission reward to permanently buff your character, after all they made the enemies for the rakghoul event spawn at your level.


So the enemies required to beat to gain access could easily have been set to scale with the level of the player, and be locked to permit just your character to the phased encounter.


This would result in a level playing field for everyone to have obtained them short of the fleet datacrons in Operations instances, players would still have the sense of achieving them on their own.

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Are you for real?


Omg because Bioware created without due thought a laughably stupid mechanic for accessing the only buff in the game, I have to play with my feet, do you have any clue at all of what rhuematoid arthritis actually is.


Eventually I am going to be locked inside a body that increasingly I am unable to control, it will imprison me.




So you can't press more than three buttons simultaneously with your hand?


Yeah, there's absolutely no way you're be able to PvP or raid competitively, therefore you have no real need for the datacrons.


And you're the one that needs to adapt. If you care that much about getting the datacrons, you'd go so far as to use your feet.


Hell, have you considered paying a sorc to help you get those datacrons you can't jump to?


At this point, I have to ask, are you for real? People have suggested various ways in which you can get to the datacrons despite your disability, but you keep shouting them down and complaining. I'm honestly not sure if you're trolling or not.


Having a disability isn't a free ticket to people liking you or respecting you or feeling sorry for you. You actually have to not treat people like dirt for them to feel anything but contempt. Maybe if you actually tried to do what people have suggested you wouldn't see so much hostility towards you.

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BW only needs to improve on the jumping mechanics and prevent to get stuck in the environment, then all would be fine.


The game was designed by the developers for the developers to play, if you fail to meet the demands of your customers, as a commercial enterprise you will fail.


The subscriptions are falling of, people are not signing up, increasingly desperate marketing to attract customers, but not addressing the core issues of the monumental number of bugs/glitches in the game.


Now before I am flamed again by the elite players who achieve the best items gear, and grats to you all, remember one thing without ordinary and less elite players actually subscribing to play this game, you would not have a game to play.


Money talks the company have shareholders, they will come to rule the games development, and how the game develops, if it does not makle money it will be closed down.


So maybe take a moment to consider that before flaming me when I ask for consderation by the developers in the way people get access to the datacons in a ridiculously flawed and bug ridden game.

Edited by DelTarrant
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While I do not agree completely with Thaed's wording, I somewehat agree with him.

I am sorry you are disabled, but there is no way all things can and should be adjusted to suit every possible disability.

Doing that would require a downscaling of difficulty to an extent where it would be too easy to be a challenge and fun for many players. Sure, the jumping mechanics are not that good, but those are the factor that makes getting the datacrons challenging.


Of course, the bugs and all the stucks are annoying, not intended by game designers and mechanics and should be fixed.

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While I do not agree completely with Thaed's wording, I somewehat agree with him.

I am sorry you are disabled, but there is no way all things can and should be adjusted to suit every possible disability.

Doing that would require a downscaling of difficulty to an extent where it would be too easy to be a challenge and fun for many players. Sure, the jumping mechanics are not that good, but those are the factor that makes getting the datacrons challenging.


Of course, the bugs and all the stucks are annoying, not intended by game designers and mechanics and should be fixed.


I would love to thank all in this thread for their understanding of just how physically disable I am, also the milk of human kindness is overwhelming, you try asking in general for people to give up their time to help you get to datacons, the derision is suitably chastening.


The abuse goes on for days, they add me to friends to wait for me to log in, then start whispering insults as to being put into a gas chamber with all the rest of disabled.


Really supportive community exists in on line games? Yes if your an elite player, but if your an ordinary bloke asking for help and you say why, they are like the above comments or people go deaf dumb and blind.


I have learned my lesson in this thread, that basically mmo players (not all) but an overwhelming majority are selfish greedy and just plain nasty and abusive to people not as skilled at pressing buttons.


Forgive me but I do not see that as skill, the surgeon able to perform life saving surgery is skilled you guys are not.

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Please reconsider what you wrote, and I do not think I deserve this .. well, hatred.


Turn around and look at what you wrote: You want the game adjusted to YOUR needs and disregard the needs of others, who form the majority, and as things as games and government can't be made to suit everybody, they need to cater to the majority, that is a fact of life.


We all have to come to terms with the fact that we will never be allowed or able to do anything. Datacrons are such a small part of the game, and I really see no reason for you to get upset about them if you can play the rest of the game just fine.


Btw, I do not consider myself elite, a competitive player or whatever, but I DO want to have a game that is not too easy. Playing, t me, is only fun if I can get a sense of achievement out of it.

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Ive not gotten them all yet, but the one giving me the most trouble is the strength datacron on Hoth,

When ive been there, i can never get a grp to kill the droid, ive tried soloing it a few times, tried

to pull it over the mines etc, but not beat it yet.


As a type3 body, i managed to get the one behind the door on alderaan by facing the gap, running at it, jumping

at it and hitting the key that brings up ur skill tree at the same time, got thru it eventually.

dunno if its been fixed since 1.2 tho.


The Presence one on Correllia has been fixed so all can get it now.


but yes the most annoying ones are the jumpy ones, the one on Nar Shaadar, jumping the girders

had me screaming, even though ive done on a lots of chars, its still a ***** to get ;p


ofc the tat balloon bugging out is a ***** to, cos the waiting is soo long!

Edited by cerveau
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Can't really see the problem. Can't get datacrons? IGNORE THEM.


You don't NEED them anyway to enjoy the game!


Then why put them in?


Because they were intended to improve the abilities of your character, your companions and the play of the game.

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No its the leaps and pulls method. IF you really do want them you can find someone that can jump because there are people that can that can pull you or you can leap to. But the point is you dont have to jump you just have to find someone to help you that can.


Oh god I remember having an amazing time trying to get to the last Belsavis datacron surrounded by lava ;D. I (consular shadow) was hunting for datacrons with my Vanguard friend and we had difficulty jumping onto the island high enough to reach the datacron, so I had an idea. I told him to stand on the edge of the cliff towards the datacron and then I challanged him to a duel. I used force wave to get him onto the island and right to the datacron :D! THen he simply graplerhooked me to him, WIN!.


Whenever we did anything in heights we'd be in combat so that he could save me if I failed. I was always the first to jump so he can pull me back up in case I miss and when I managed he jumped to me :). Hunting datacrons was cool, especially since I am afraid of heights and no clue why but I seem to be horrified by looking down in a game as well haha call me weird. But definitely loved the whole process.


Try to get a friend to do it with you its a ton of fun. Though I agree some of the datacrons (such as the str one on tattooine with the balloon) is just a waste of time taking way too long :( but the majority of them were a blast to get!

Edited by lovefool
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Please reconsider what you wrote, and I do not think I deserve this .. well, hatred.


Turn around and look at what you wrote: You want the game adjusted to YOUR needs and disregard the needs of others, who form the majority, and as things as games and government can't be made to suit everybody, they need to cater to the majority, that is a fact of life.


We all have to come to terms with the fact that we will never be allowed or able to do anything. Datacrons are such a small part of the game, and I really see no reason for you to get upset about them if you can play the rest of the game just fine.


Btw, I do not consider myself elite, a competitive player or whatever, but I DO want to have a game that is not too easy. Playing, t me, is only fun if I can get a sense of achievement out of it.


And you would not have a felt a sense of achievement over them being a reward for beating a tough enemy your level in a phased encounter?


And how was my post hateful to you? If it was read that way it was not intended or aimed at you, so I apologise for that.

Edited by DelTarrant
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Then why put them in?


Because they were intended to improve the abilities of your character, your companions and the play of the game.

They put them in the game as another option to make your character stronger and to encourage exploration.


BUT in no way you can argue that they MAKE you get all datacrons. It's completely optional.

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And you would not have a felt a sense of achievement over them being a reward for beating a tough enemy your level in a phased encounter?


Sure. But I am also greatly fond of versatility. Everything in this game is related to killing mobs and bosses: Levelling, gearing, story. I'm glad they implemented something different for datacrons.


Perhaps you could restate (I am sure it was posted somewhere) which datacrons you can't access. I am sure strategies can be worked out or help gotten to enable you to get them - unless your character is generous around the belly area....

Sith sorcerers, who run rampant on EVERY server, I am sure, have the ability to pull friendly targets, and I have pulled many a guildy to a platform with a datacron.

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I do love hunting out the datacrons but I do agree with the OP that the amount of jumping is a bit exsessive on some of them.


they do go from the extremes of being so easy to find and get to being very very hard to get(not impossible)


and YES they arnt really needed as some have then flamed him with those words but thats the exact reason why they shouldnt be so darn hard to get at the same time.


IF the datacrons were big stats hits like the +10 for all stats one then yeah it should be difficult but individual ones for +2 etc should be normal .. niot easy nor hard to find and get too.. Hidden yes.. but not a troublesome endevour either.

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I would think they were put in the game to encourage players to actualy get out into the enviroments and explore, instead of mindlessly plowing through the quests in an area and abandoning it for the next hub. They made some beautifull landscapes and viewpoints, the Datacrons were an incentive to go out and actualy see the sights.
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They put them in the game as another option to make your character stronger and to encourage exploration.


BUT in no way you can argue that they MAKE you get all datacrons. It's completely optional.


You just answered the why as to why I seek to improve my characters, you did it to improve yours, but, again I will ask why not make them a scaling quest/mission reward for defeating a tough enemy, not one person has said this would still not have been a challenge or achievement.


I suspect Bioware thought lets put a buff in the game, oh yeah good idea, how do we make em achieved?


Dunno, let some junior dev make em a Mario jump game, maybe.


Kind of lazy thought process if that is even close to what happened. but then again the laziness of fixing all the bugs is huge in this dev team, hence the complete mess they made of landmark legacy patch.

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Sure. But I am also greatly fond of versatility. Everything in this game is related to killing mobs and bosses: Levelling, gearing, story. I'm glad they implemented something different for datacrons.


Perhaps you could restate (I am sure it was posted somewhere) which datacrons you can't access. I am sure strategies can be worked out or help gotten to enable you to get them - unless your character is generous around the belly area....

Sith sorcerers, who run rampant on EVERY server, I am sure, have the ability to pull friendly targets, and I have pulled many a guildy to a platform with a datacron.


No hatred but have you read my earlier posts people are deaf dumb and blind when asked to help, or as I have also said I get whispers saying all people like me should be gassed.


So now I do not bother asking in general, am tired of such comments, really tired, I often wonder if some of the people who play this game have any shred of humanity,


This is not intended to reflect what you have said, but just shows how I get responded to.


From today I will be abandoning all my existing characters and re-rolling on an empty server, and will just play the game my way, helping no one, asking no one for help, because in on line games intolerance is rife, so from now on I am intolerant will not help anyone, and laugh when they die, instead of assisting,


Only thing I have learned about on line communities selfishness rules and wins.

Edited by DelTarrant
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Nobody in this thread ha made any comments in the like you indicate, and those are really... no words. I am really sorry for that, but immature people will always be around, and while it is certainly grating to hear such comments, it is vital not to be defined by the opinions and words of other people.

But no poster here can fix that and does not deserve to be treated like that because you had bad experiences with OTHER players/people in RL.


And let's get that straight: You do not want help because you had too many bad experiences, but instead you want the game changed to suit your needs and get a thread of 30+ pages going? That is where I stop having an inkling of compassion, sorry. This is a mulitplayer game, or should be one, and player interaction is crucial. Get FRIENDS. Get a GUILD. And let those people, not randoms, help you.


Edit: And oh yeah, can I have your stuff? :D

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Nobody in this thread ha made any comments in the like you indicate, and those are really... no words. I am really sorry for that, but immature people will always be around, and while it is certainly grating to hear such comments, it is vital not to be defined by the opinions and words of other people.

But no poster here can fix that and does not deserve to be treated like that because you had bad experiences with OTHER players/people in RL.


And let's get that straight: You do not want help because you had too many bad experiences, but instead you want the game changed to suit your needs and get a thread of 30+ pages going? That is where I stop having an inkling of compassion, sorry. This is a mulitplayer game, or should be one, and player interaction is crucial. Get FRIENDS. Get a GUILD. And let those people, not randoms, help you.


Edit: And oh yeah, can I have your stuff? :D


I wrote in an earlier post that I knew nothing would be done about changing access to or getting to datacrons but maybe I have given Bioware some food for thought about how they make a similar buff available to people in a) a future expansion, or b) a future game.


Also going back to what people have said about the datacrons not being required I think you are wrong imagine a years time if the game lasts that long a plus 20 datacron comes out, or it is made a requirement for accessing certain future content that you must have accessed a lower level item.


By the way Cran, no your just to greedy to get all my stuff, its getting vendored and the cash stored on a level 1 character.

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I'd probably go after them more if they were just hard to get to because they were challenging. But several of the datacron's are in places that require a party member, or an hour worth of waiting in one spot. Thats not challenging, that's just annoying. Furthermore are the ones where if you just miss the jump by a few seconds moments, due to lag, and miss, you have to wait an hour again. That can make getting some datacron's take several hours - days.


See Bioware, this is the difference between hard, and annoying. Hard things are challenging, they require skill, timing and intelligence. They don't require hours worth of time wasted, or require finding additional players which probably won't help because they have no idea what your talking about, or the importance of datacrons.

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