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Option to turn off the Protocol droid voice in ship please?


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It's getting annoying to hear him talk about senseless things each time you pass right next to him.


I understand that it's to catch the essence of C3P0 in a Star Wars Game, but COME ON. This is a computer game, and I don't give a crap about protocol droids.

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Agreed. Just this morning I was pondering the merits of altering game files just to shut him up. I'm close to thinking it is worth risking a ban. (I think it is unlikely that Bioware checks or cares about non-combat files, but I'm just theorizing and don't know dodoo.)
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=-) This abiliity is already in game..


Its called.. Turn your speaers off or reduce your voice effects volume. ;-).


If it annoys you that much then follow one of those. Id rather developers fix other problems than something just irrates you 2-3 times a day.



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To me it may not have been so bad if he just had a wider range of comments. But hearing about Alderaan Nectar, seat cussions, reserving escape pods and thanking the Maker constantly got on my nerves real fast.


If we can't have the option to disable his voice, can we at least tuck him in a remote corner of the cargo hold?

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The voice doesn't come 'from the robot' as it were. Even if he is not there the game still plays the commentary. Basically whoever set up the events and triggers on the player ships needs to redo their work.


From a user perspective it would be better if the droid could be fitted with a part that disables speech or even changes their voice.

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=-) This abiliity is already in game..


Its called.. Turn your speaers off or reduce your voice effects volume. ;-).


If it annoys you that much then follow one of those. Id rather developers fix other problems than something just irrates you 2-3 times a day.




Depends how long it would take to fix ... I hate him, I curse everything I approach the door on my ship anticipating the future.


I can't see how something like this would take a long time, but then I can't understand how they have failed to fix mortar volley yet so perhaps I have no idea about programming (which I don't).

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Yes please. It would be even more better if you could shove it out of the airlock and shoot it with a proton torpedoes while it floats in the vacuum repeating its lines... But it'd probably would come back somehow to increase the annoyance.


Edited by Beansoup
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I'd love options to turn off all my companion's voices.


The droid doesn't bug me khem val does every time I click on him cause he's all up in my biz'niz.


Not just Khem, I hate when a lot of the Taller Companions get in the way of Datacrons, Chests, NPCs, etc

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I hate going to my ship because of him, his voice is little clearer or higher not sure of which, but i hate it that much that i turn of my speekers every time i about to board my ship


This is a good solution, if you also add a thick door


If we can't have the option to disable his voice, can we at least tuck him in a remote corner of the cargo hold?

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