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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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We need an emergency patch to remove this hotbar update.


seriously bioware, the most important thing to learn is if its not broke dont fix it, there was nothing wrong with the previous hotbar so focus on the actual bugs and not some cosmetic fluff you want to fudge up.

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Just to add my voice here, I agree that the new Hotbar is unusable. As a Marauder, its all about cooldown management. With the new system, I can never tell if I have the resources for a skill if its on CD. I appreciate that the icons change color when you have the resources available to use it (enough rage), but when the cooldown timer is in front of the icon I can't tell whether or not I have the resources.


This system is by far the worst so far. I can now tell when my skill is going to come off CD, but I have to stare at it until it does come off CD to see if I have the resources available.


Please fix!

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We need an emergency patch to remove this hotbar update.


seriously bioware, the most important thing to learn is if its not broke dont fix it, there was nothing wrong with the previous hotbar so focus on the actual bugs and not some cosmetic fluff you want to fudge up.


I couldn't play (read: I had a lot of troubles playing) with the previous one. The first one, the one included in release was better and it is still better than this one.


I'm not in love with the one we have now, but it is far better then the previous one, for me.


I believe numeric counters would do the trick without the need of more graphic efforts.

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I hate the new look, and everyone I've talked to in my guild agrees that it's made the game completely unplayable. The new look completely disregards individual ability cooldowns, and the animation takes longer than the cooldowns do, leading to nothing but frustration.


And as if that weren't bad enough, it's SO BRIGHT that EVERY time I do anything, the flash is so distracting I can't keep track of anything.


Apparently, though, others think (somehow) that it's an improvement.



Is it too much to ask to just add a preference in the quickbar settings for those of us that prefer pre-1.1.2? I don't think that's unreasonable, unless you just don't want all of us that dislike it to play this game anymore, which is, unfortunately, going to happen if this isn't fixed quickly.



Pre-1.1.2 :D

1.1.2 :mad:

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Maybe this UI is separating two groups of players - I don't want to say good or bad players.


As a pure PvPer I want/need to look everywhere but my quick bars, looking at my QBs has to be at an absolute minimum


I.E. Opponent casting a devastating spell - is my Interrupt up?

My Dot landed, is my follow up ability up?

My opponent is running, do I have to snare him or can I pull him back?


All these decisions are happening in a split second - I need/want/must see if my ability is ready to be fired or not.


I hate to post it again - but look at this and you know, you won't see if your ability is available or not, or are you in ranged, out of ammo or whatever...it is just MADNESS!



Darn, do I have to become a clicker to play this game???



Slowly I think I need to see a doctor. How can anyone look at this and tell me that's how it suppose to be? I don't get it, sorry.

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Greying out abilities due to GCD was a bad design, especially given the fact that when you are in battle you should be using abilities constantly.


If they just left the stuff actually on cooldown(non GCD) greyed out and left the rest the alone so we can actually see what abilities are available, it would be much better imo. Current state forces you to wait at times, which stinks.

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I must say I don't like it at all. While playing I was actually trying to avoid looking at the new effects at all cost as they were hurting my eyes.


It was just to much movement and causes you to get distracted.


Just throwing in my two cents :D

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While I appreciate the attempt to make it more obvious which spells were on cooldown, I feel the new effects are just making it harder to see which abilities are available. The flashing and washout effects obscure the visibility of the abilities, and the flashing occurs after it has come off cooldown (making it difficult to react quickly as you cannot quite tell if it is available or just part of the GCD flashing).


All that was needed was to add a dark blue or reddish tinge to the abilities which were on cooldown, as the old GCD effect was sufficient and didn't obscure vision.


Is anyone else not liking the new effect?


I find myself spamming my abilities more because the new design leaves me unsure about what is or is not up (and it's worse for abilities that rely on procs).


Rather than the new greying-out that we're faced with, I like your idea about adding a dark blue (for Republic) and dark red (for Empire) tinge to abilities on CD.

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Well i hate it. I logged in yesterday and immediatly went to the options to change some things.. when i got out of them and went to play i thought i had messed up the bars cd effect. but seems it was patched after i hit the forums :)


I Dont like it, change it back or give us the option to switch between them.


And for those that mentioned they opend another thread cause the last reached 1000 and they dont do anyting about it. @ the start of this post some gm said they would pass this on to the developers or not ? lets wait and see.

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Yeah, I tend to agree... I am not a fan of the new UI GCD changes. I would love an option to revert back. I seem to have less of an ability to tell what is on cooldown. The problem, for me, was never identification -- it was abilities glitching out and the icon showing that it is on cooldown when it really isn't. This still exists, even with the changes.
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And for those that mentioned they opend another thread cause the last reached 1000 and they dont do anyting about it. @ the start of this post some gm said they would pass this on to the developers or not ? lets wait and see.


We are going on 24 hours since that response. When something causes your customers harm, so that they cannot partake in the product they are paying for, I would expect more transparent and consistent communication. Otherwise, it is negligence and we need to begin to consider other avenues of being heard.

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We are going on 24 hours since that response. When something causes your customers harm, so that they cannot partake in the product they are paying for, I would expect more transparent and consistent communication. Otherwise, it is negligence and we need to begin to consider other avenues of being heard.


No we aren't. That response came much later in the day. They need rest too ya know. Give them time to look into it. I still think its being blown out if proportion.


And yes I am a marauder and have no problem with my abilities.

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We are going on 24 hours since that response. When something causes your customers harm, so that they cannot partake in the product they are paying for, I would expect more transparent and consistent communication. Otherwise, it is negligence and we need to begin to consider other avenues of being heard.


This and I do find this unacceptable in any fashion from a customer standpoint. This from a customer service standpoint is a disastrous lack of feedback and communication on BW part.

So we have two options since the feedback option is being ignored...

Play and show them that we are willing to accept this level of bs..

Or stop playing and stop paying.


I waited till end of business yesterday with no answer or additional feedback I canceled. Seems the company got our money and that is all they care about. So with that being how they want to proceed maybe they will listen up and give us some form of feedback instead of we are looking into it.... The old MMO hamster on the wheel excuse to placate the masses into accepting a poor choice.

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