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SOA random aggro P3? (bug)

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My guild was also encountering this same problem. We cleared EV 4/5 up to SOA on nightmare. Got to the third phase and he would lose agro. We tried multiple times on nightmare and then did it on hard mode. We saw the same bugs in hard mode as in nightmare but we were able to down him in hard.
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Hello Bioware,


Please can we have some word on when this will be fixed? I don't think I will be going to back to tank SOA until this threat issue is resolved.


A large number of our raiders have already cancelled their subscriptions due to many night sessions of SOA despawning in phase three.


Why add more bugs? Do you not have any testers working there, this is an obvious P1 bug.

Edited by Rogi-Wan
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Hello Bioware,


Please can we have some word on when this will be fixed? I don't think I will be going to back to tank SOA until this threat issue is resolved.


A large number of our raiders have already cancelled their subscriptions due to many night sessions of SOA despawning in phase three.


Why add more bugs? Do you not have any testers working there, this is an obvious P1 bug.


Nah, Bioware is done with T1 content. They're too busy creating new content with even more bugs.


But I know what you mean. This raiding content is bugged more often than not. It's worse than Rift was - far worse - AoC worse.

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Very frustrating bug.


Soa kept attacking me (sniper) at the start of phase 3. Tank taunts him off and I use my aggro dump but he STILL comes back at me despite me not hitting anything but the mind traps. We tried again several times but the same thing happened. Ruined the end of the raid.

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Had several bugs on Soa hardmode:


1. aggro reset, oh look, new juicy target, forget tank and run away! (our MT was close to breaking his keyboard out of frustration)

2. People getting stuck with the change from P2 > P3, unable to get out, stuck = death and you cannot ress him

3. Not dropping shield when a pylon hits him, literally saw him take the hit, yelled on TS dps Soa and then went **** he kept the shield.


Solve this crap BioWare, SW:TOR is already a PvE game, but it will soon be a PvB (player vs. Bugs) game.

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Had several bugs on Soa hardmode:


1. aggro reset, oh look, new juicy target, forget tank and run away! (our MT was close to breaking his keyboard out of frustration)

2. People getting stuck with the change from P2 > P3, unable to get out, stuck = death and you cannot ress him

3. Not dropping shield when a pylon hits him, literally saw him take the hit, yelled on TS dps Soa and then went **** he kept the shield.


Solve this crap BioWare, SW:TOR is already a PvE game, but it will soon be a PvB (player vs. Bugs) game.


It's already a PvB game. This is the sixth iteration of Soa we have killed. SIX DIFFERENT FIGHTS. LITERALLY. Six changes to the way his mechanics work.. In other news, if you have an assassin tank build heaps of agro on him then he seems pretty content to follow him around during phase 3, however, when I MT as a shieldtech or our jugg tanks, he just wanders aimlessly around

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It's already a PvB game. This is the sixth iteration of Soa we have killed. SIX DIFFERENT FIGHTS. LITERALLY. Six changes to the way his mechanics work.. In other news, if you have an assassin tank build heaps of agro on him then he seems pretty content to follow him around during phase 3, however, when I MT as a shieldtech or our jugg tanks, he just wanders aimlessly around


we are using a Jedi Guardian as our MT, our vanguard gave up his spot for an added dps for us... we aren't using a shadow as tank as I feel mine is just horrible slow with it (might have changed over time but I haven't touched him for over weeks)

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Waking up and seing this post this morning.. has just dropped my blood pressure back down to a norm...


Last night nightmare EV (first time trying it).. we cleared the rest of the raid bosses in no time at all leaving well over an hour to kill SoA for the Infernal title.. (and would be server first on our server).


We spent nearly 4 hours+ wiping on him last night..then had to give up..


I was main tanking and getting the exact same problems with SoA randomly nuking DPS in phase 2.. liturarely had to use taunts contantly to hold aggro.


Phase 3 people were getting aggro whilst i had taunt on the boss and they hadn't even done anything.. liturarly nothing..


By the end of it I was questioning everything I was doing because I could not work out why i was loosing aggro.. Nearly threw my keyboard across the room in frustration at one point..


I have no idea how bioware QA didn't pick this up before deploying the patch? you only have to try the SoA encounter ONCE to see that this is happening..


I have only one thing to say..




I think I speak for everyone that we have been patient enough with SoA's endless bugs.. its not possible to be patient anymore..


If you really can't get this boss to work..remove him for a different encounter imo.. (would be a shame the fight is pretty good when it works..)

Edited by Ashzie
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Yep, SOA is bugged. Randomly switch aggro, VERY irritating. I just love how they "fix" things but break others.


lol a guildie said the same thing during a raid today. . .sometimes i feel biowares fixing of issues is just breaking it more.

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Just adding another report confirming these bugs.

Last night we had:


  1. Raid member picked up right at the end of phase 2 and transported to the bottom level when the floor collapses. Affected player then can't see or be seen by other players, can't be targeted with abilities, registers as falling when trying to use abilities, and rubberbands back to the middle of the room when trying to move.
  2. Missing floor section after wipe.
  3. Phase 3 random aggro/regular aggro table reset making the boss extremely hard to position.
  4. Pylon hits in phase 3 not removing shield.
  5. Boss reset when MT mindtrapped in phase 3.


Mindtraps breaking automatically at the end of P2 is all very well, but you're still doomed if you're mindtrapped on the opposite side of the ring to the descent platform, you don't have time to get your bearings and rejoin the group before the outer ring collapses. This means you still have to juggle dps to trigger the end of the phase with everyone in position for the descent and no one in the air in the brief window between mindtrap and picking up a raid member. It's basically fixed nothing, unless you are lucky enough to randomly get someone mindtrapped near the descent when the boss is nearing the end of P2. If this mechanic was considered bugged before, it's still bugged now, as you have to use the exact same technique as before, except they've introduced a random 30% ish chance of easymode positioning on the last mindtrap of the phase.


Putting a delay in the middle of the fight, where you have to stop DPS and wait quite a long time for an uninterruptable boss mechanic to play its long scripted animation and put your raid member back down (e.g. Boss picks someone up when at 32% health.) seems particularly harsh when you're working against a timer.

It wouldn't be so bad if the affected player was targetable on the floor, and could be combat revived when the rest of the group got to the bottom.


As it is, it seems quite obvious that this regularly occuring set of circumstances simply didn't occur to the people designing this encounter, and they failed to code anything in for what should happen to players in the air during the P2/P3 transition. There's no scripted warning so you can stop DPS before he picks someone up, just a bit of audio telling you it happened after the fact. Affected players don't die, they don't really fall, they just get locked out of the rest of the fight.


Also don't know if we were just unlucky, or if the AOE lightning in P1 is now significantly more likely to occur where your healers/ranged are standing. On two of our attempts we were pushed well away from the spot where the first platform ends up, leading to a pretty desperate run for it before the perimeter collapsed. This was perhaps more noticeable in our group after the significant nerfs to sage AOE heals.


As it stands, this particular boss is WAY off the difficulty curve of the rest of the instance, and badly needs fixing.

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Putting a delay in the middle of the fight, where you have to stop DPS and wait quite a long time for an uninterruptable boss mechanic to play its long scripted animation and put your raid member back down (e.g. Boss picks someone up when at 32% health.) seems particularly harsh when you're working against a timer.


Just so you know, at this point you are not against a timer, you can happily take a relaxed P2 end to get everyone into P3 alive and well.


Also don't know if we were just unlucky, or if the AOE lightning in P1 is now significantly more likely to occur where your healers/ranged are standing. On two of our attempts we were pushed well away from the spot where the first platform ends up, leading to a pretty desperate run for it before the perimeter collapsed. This was perhaps more noticeable in our group after the significant nerfs to sage AOE heals.


Not sure if they have adjusted this, but you can just split the raid and have them start from the sides, having them being pushed back towards the entrance for a smooth transition.

Edited by Azranos
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We were able to rekill tonight again after some difficulty. His aggro swapping behavior in ph3 seems to happen when the tank leaves his melee range.


You sure about that? Iam usually way ahead of him since he moves so slowly but will try this next time and see if he stays on me then.

I was starting to doubt my own abilities yesterday when SoA suddenly started going after random people which never happened to me before. Makes you look like you screwed up big time as a tank >_<

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We were able to rekill tonight again after some difficulty. His aggro swapping behavior in ph3 seems to happen when the tank leaves his melee range.


Which would be super retarded, since the tank runs away to get SoA benath a Pylon and SoA decides to cast something -> agro loss.


I REALLY hope they did at least test it. They should just enable level 50 premades or char copy for test servers or give some guilds who already cleared the encounters the possibility to test the operations on NM.


These bugs would never go unnoticed then...

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We were able to rekill tonight again after some difficulty. His aggro swapping behavior in ph3 seems to happen when the tank leaves his melee range.




I had him switch aggro on me several times while he was in my melee range, usually when waiting for a spike to drop. He's still killable with judicious taunt spam whenever a pylon is up, but man is this one annoying bug.

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Hey greetings from a german server!


Yesterday evening we wanted to get the title "Infernal One". We had our 8 Nightmare SOA kill last week. After wiping our asses off, we finally killed him.

The problem was Phase 2, where espescially the sith sorcerers were "onehittet" (2-3 ticks) by some orbs.

The second big problem was that some players got instantly into the tornado ( don't know the english word, is use the german client which has a lot more bugs than the english one) after destroying an orb.


Our Setup:


2 tanks

4 dds

2 heal


We had two tanks because in phase 3 the MT could get into a mindtrap and the boss disappeared... But with two tanks it worked. Sometimes his shield could not be deactivated, even if you put him under a pylon... So we had to do it again and had to hope that the next time we come to phase 3 the boss won't bug...


With our Setup, you need a lot of DPS in phase 3 so nobody mustn't die in phase 2... Ok you've got one battle rezz.


So we went into Eternity Vault and i had a good feeling. The raidmembers were motivated and all bosses were killed in 35min without wiping. But then:


1 Phase: no problem

2 Phase: we have mastered phase 2 pretty well and had 4-5 trys with 8 players alive

3 Phase: Tank: "Ok i pull him under the pylon. Where is he going?" to our second tank: "Have you spotted him?" "No i didn't"

So we had one good try, when we got him to 6%. But in every try we "missed" one pylon because of that ********.

I'm so disappointed. I mean, i'm no betatester. Does bioware even test the bosses before they patch and make things even worse. The game has a good potential. But my patience is exhausted and i'm angry. 2 month have gone by but the raidboss from the first raid is still buggy! I've read the whole thread and no blueposter... Ridiculous

Nobody from my guild has ever talked to gm. What a crappy support. If things won't change quickly i will quit my account. And i'm pretty sure other players will do the same.


P.S. Sorry for my bad english. :)

Edited by Drixxx
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