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While yes i admit there are problems, u cant give it some time? The game came out a grand total of a month n a half ago, Give them a chance damn.

patches in wow came out in intervals of months, n your getting pissed off cuze its not happening immediately?


I think the issue for me on something like Illum. I'm sorry that's not getting fixed in another month. It's just not happening. I wish all the best in the development of the game.


But it would take one massive undertaking and the support of players to get thru it. Support that won't last 2 months waiting. They might leave and comeback, but staying to actually wait and see..... ehhhhhhhhhhh

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Is there a real reason not to have this?


It's incredibly annoying and makes me get sick of reinviting my friends after about the third wz.



About the regroup after WZ.


It was intended as a joke but there is likely some truth behind it. Sorry for any butthurt.


it may be they just follow the same bug priority scheme as wow devs and it just so happens to go on the back burner for the same reasons but it could be because WOW has had this issue for a long time and if they can live with a glaring useability issue then we should be able as well.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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I have to say I really had hoped Bioware was able to pull this game out of the fire, unfortunately we are now in February and their inability to fix keys bugs has pissed 90% of my guild off they are now playing betas of other games and have unsubbed.


Why the hell are the following still in game:


1. Warzone matches not counting. <--- That should have been emergency fixed the moment it was discovered. I have had 7 straight wins and not one of them count towards a daily. This combined with randomised loot in the Champ bags means the grind is beyond acceptable.


2. The ability for stealth classes to cap turrets while stealthed. Also for most of January stealthers could restealth while placing a bomb in Void Star making it nearly impossible to stop. Void Star also has LOS issues where people can in certain spots and you can shoot them standing in front of them.


I have personally been trying to mention this for the longest. My threads either get deleted or flamed. Players have been stealth capping the turrets for the longest. Instead of investigating this after I send a Bug Ticket...we get more content for those same cheating individuals to exploit. Isn't it wonderful?


3. UI Abilities and cool down. Has taken just too long to fix, how the hell it got past beta and stress tests is beyond me.


4. Having to reform groups after a war front. I havent even seen this appear on the radar.


This one has got to be my favorite!


5. Illum is one of the most poorly conceived end game pieces of content I have seen and really reflects poorly on Bioware. I can only put this down to EA Management forcing this out the door in time for Xmas.


A place where they can start with Ilum is the cotton pickin' LAG! Not just the lag from the Zerg infested Imperials, but the lag that comes right after you capture a point and the quest update. I can't count how many times I have died ONLY because I lagged out when the quest updated. They haven't even responded to this. I guess they don't have a explanation as to why their engine is so bad and can't even process a simple command without Lagging out every player on the freaking server.


6. The fact that there have been a number of valor exploits that have allowed people to farm valor without truly earning valor as it was intended has left most people that didnt abuse it feel that PvP achievement in this game is cheap and means nothing. Topped of with the fact the gap between a fresh level 50 and a Battlemaster 50 is far greater than the difference between a level 10 and 49.


7. Today they patch is another bug that means kill are not counting in Illum.


Could it be possible that this is working as intended? LOL. They did claim that they were trying to implement "safeguards" for the Kill farming. ROFL.


My guild has had over 75% of the guild at level 50 and purely focused on PvP for just over a month. The problems Bioware has had over the month and the fact that things like item 1 cant even be fixed has stretched the tolerance of my guild mates to the limit.


Your guild isnt the only one trust me. Speaking of which, was your guild invited to the Guild Summit? The Guild Summit is also a joke....


Unfortunately we are moving on as its clear that Bioware are struggling to make end game PvP fun and enjoyable. Its a problem when you release a game that is easy to max level on yet you have hardly put any development efforts into the end game features.


As my father taught me: "If your going to do a job, its worth doing once." Bioware should seriously work on their PvE content and stop wasting time and money on PvP. PvP in SWTOR is seriously flawed and broken and will take a mammoth effort to fix. Which wont happen over night.


Cudos for the levelling experience, it certainly was innovative and fun, just a shame the end game was such and abortion.


Thanks for all the fish.



Let the Flaming begin below...or the Thread deletion by the Clean up crew Mods...:cool:

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What has this got to do with anything?


People leveled too fast? No, the game levels it's players too fast.


With how fast it actually is to level to 50, i'm suprised to see most of the end-game content full of problems.


The game has very fast xp and its pretty easy to get to 50 but really everyone whining about this or that when the game is 2 months old are more then likely fairly hard core gamers. No matter what hoops BW jumps through you will get board and move on. So long and thanks for all the fish.


The vast majority of players will level 3-8 characters just to watch the story line and play with friends, BW will do just fine with their subs. Yall have good points about stuff being broke but the rate they are fixing stuff is just fine. Do I care that my new 50 gets is ***** handed to him by geared 50s, not really its still PvP with a lightsaber and I find it fun.


Do yall not get that threatening a company with a single or even 30 subs is pretty meaningless. Go play tera and let us know how you like aim'n spells.

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In my signature is a thread regarding what I and many others feel need to happen to save this game.. the outline:


I. Side balance & Companion characters (Post #1)

II. Contested Zone Rules (Post #2)

A. Problems

B. Solutions

a. Automatic Public Grouping

b. Automatic Side Balancing with Companions

C. Sub-Topic Summary (TL/DR)

III. Scaling Dynamic Localized Content (Post #3)

A. Group size matters

B. Rewards

IV. Fleet Wars (Post #4)

A. Multiplayer Opportunity Missed

B. Space Operations

C. PvP Fleet Battles for sector control

V. Objective Based World PvP (Post #5)

A. Case for study - Notum Wars {Anarchy-Online, Funcom, Inc. ©}

VI. Resource Based World PVP for SWTOR (Post #6)

VII. Guild Leader Communication (Post #7)

Edited by Aethyrprime
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Great posts! I enjoyed leveling, (pretty much first time in any mmo), but end game got old fast. Tons of bs bugs.... Ilum... more bugs ... Ilum ... I have lost a lot of respect for Bioware


Edit: Also the pvp group thing is super annoying too. But yea, I have canceled my subscription, maybe I will come back in a month or two if things get better.

Edited by ZaeedFoolz
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Blah people lvled too fast,i know i did and grind grind for gear.


Right now im lvling two alts within a lvl or two of eachother,it's great because one is a healer and one a tank so i can fill roles for most situations.


The people leveling too fast shouldn't have even been an issue, it should have been something Bioware planned for, especially knowing when they released people would have a week or two around the holidays to hammer it.

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I am not a powergamer by any stretch. I have one recent 50 that I've started doing warzones with and it's just an extraordinarily frustrating experience. I get that the geared people should win 1v1 but the grind to get geared when you're nothing more than cannon fodder seems excessive.


I fear the entry barrier for new 50s into pvp is going to continue to rise until all that is left is a small community of geared players battling each other all the time.


Also, I don't know what is up with Ilum, but even doing the first line of quests in the starting zone seems excessively hard. It feels very unbalanced to me.

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Someone had to say this, so I will let you guys crucify me and flame me if you want.


Every MMO has launched with bugs.


To be honest, TOR had one of the smoothest launches I've seen in recent memory. Rift and Age of Conan launched poorly, Aion was a disaster. LotRO had all kinds of problems.


So yes, the game has bugs. Yes, there are things that need to be fixed. If you don't like it, unsubscribe and come back in a few months. If you still don't like it, then I guess we won't see you again.



This is probably the dumbest and most biased post in this thread from an obvious fan boy. I played AOC, LoTro, and Aion and ALL of those games we're 1000 times better at PvP or PvMP at release than SWTOR. This game is a total let down from every perspective. Just think about how dissapointing everything has been, from the space combat, to the crafting system, to the light/dark side choices, to the skins of the armor/gear, and especially the busted PvP systems. The only decent thing in game is the voice acting and the fact that I get to bone my companions but the story for every class aside from a couple of the Sith ones are "yawn" and 95% of time I simply don't care what they're going to say so I just space bar through it all.


I'll consider coming back when it's free to play but probably not. By the time it gets to this point GW2 will be out and I'll be a playing a very well design and implemented PvP MMO.


I just recently canceled my sub. I have a little over 2 weeks left to play.

Edited by xPVTx
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The game has very fast xp and its pretty easy to get to 50 but really everyone whining about this or that when the game is 2 months old are more then likely fairly hard core gamers. No matter what hoops BW jumps through you will get board and move on. So long and thanks for all the fish.


The vast majority of players will level 3-8 characters just to watch the story line and play with friends, BW will do just fine with their subs. Yall have good points about stuff being broke but the rate they are fixing stuff is just fine. Do I care that my new 50 gets is ***** handed to him by geared 50s, not really its still PvP with a lightsaber and I find it fun.


Do yall not get that threatening a company with a single or even 30 subs is pretty meaningless. Go play tera and let us know how you like aim'n spells.


Funny how you mention people leveled to 50 really fast. The fault of that is all on BioWare for making leveling extremely quick. A week or two when there were a few 50's, people like you would say stuff along the lines of "You just powerleveled, that's why you're bored. Leveling is suppose to a month or two." Guess what, as you just pointed out, it's now been almost 2 months and they still haven't fixed stuff that was broken since beta.


More and more people are hitting 50 and starting to realize that BioWare has no real plan for anything after their leveling experience. They fix stuff at a slow rate (compare to Rift if you want), the stuff they fix doesn't even fix anything or just breaks other stuff, and they ignore the pressing issues and continue to fix and change worthless random things (was the ability cooldown really in need of changing back when it would just grey out what was on cooldown?)


There really is no excuse at this point for BioWare's continued screw ups.

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take the servers down......fix the game test your patches....before the game goes down in flames.....I never wanted to admit it...but after today even I am considering not renewing until some of these things are fixed....Back to battlefield 3 if my 60day card runs out and this stuff isnt fixed...my second post today...do something someone...this is crazy.....make a statement DO SOMETHING before the game I was looking forward to since the day the website came up goes down in flames....
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Someone had to say this, so I will let you guys crucify me and flame me if you want.


Every MMO has launched with bugs.


To be honest, TOR had one of the smoothest launches I've seen in recent memory. Rift and Age of Conan launched poorly, Aion was a disaster. LotRO had all kinds of problems.


So yes, the game has bugs. Yes, there are things that need to be fixed. If you don't like it, unsubscribe and come back in a few months. If you still don't like it, then I guess we won't see you again.



You lost all credibility when you said lotro had all kinds of problems.... Prolly best smoothest Mmo launch in history and incredibly polished and well done and beat bioware to the 4th pillar voice story ... Bioware seems to flaunt all over the place


So your simply blind if you do not see the extreme incompetence by devs so far and / or work in Austin

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Stroy is the 4th pillar


who cares about the first 3..amiright?


so much time and money invested into the the parts of the game I spacebar through.....

and i believe I'm in the majority here.


and so little time polishing the game, removing the bugs, and creating compelling end game progression mechanics for PvE and PvP........



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Funny how you mention people leveled to 50 really fast. The fault of that is all on BioWare for making leveling extremely quick. A week or two when there were a few 50's, people like you would say stuff along the lines of "You just powerleveled, that's why you're bored. Leveling is suppose to a month or two." Guess what, as you just pointed out, it's now been almost 2 months and they still haven't fixed stuff that was broken since beta.


More and more people are hitting 50 and starting to realize that BioWare has no real plan for anything after their leveling experience. They fix stuff at a slow rate (compare to Rift if you want), the stuff they fix doesn't even fix anything or just breaks other stuff, and they ignore the pressing issues and continue to fix and change worthless random things (was the ability cooldown really in need of changing back when it would just grey out what was on cooldown?)


There really is no excuse at this point for BioWare's continued screw ups.


Its not hard to level up, your right. But at the same time people HAVE rushed to 50 (there were 50s in the first few weeks). I have played religiously since early access and not yet hit 50. Why? Because if there’s anything I’ve learned from playing MMO’S a GREAT deal of the fun is to be had before 50, once you hit max level you cant go back short of rolling an alt.


Since it sounds like endgame needs work, Im very glad I took the slow and steady path, by the time I get to 50, it may be cleared up just in time.

Edited by Kalliadies
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Its not hard to level up, your right. But at the same time people HAVE rushed to 50 (there were 50s in the first few weeks). I have played religiously since early access and not yet hit 50. Why? Because if there’s anything I’ve learned from playing MMO’S a GREAT deal of the fun is to be had before 50, once you hit max level you cant go back short of rolling an alt.


Since it sounds like endgame needs work, Im very glad I took the slow and steady path, by the time I get to 50, it may be cleared up just in time.


Very doubtful... If they havent fixed the major issues by now after people complaining so long about them, i have no hope for BW in the future.

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Very good post!


I'm shocked at the grind for pvp gear. Even if the non-counting wins bug were fixed it would still be a brutal grind given the inconsistent and repeat tokens, but with the bug (and the new Illum disaster) it is not acceptable. Especially if you go into a WZ as a new 50 against the people who exploited to get their BM gear, you just explode. I had a better fighting chance as a level 38 fighting a level 45 than I do given the gear disparity. This is particularly funny since BW went out of their way to say the gear difference at 50 wouldn't make a huge difference.


I did a 3 month sub so I may still focus on pve until it's run out, but I really did want the pvp to be better in this game. It's a shame.



They just made the PvP grind easier for bads like you. Stop whining and put some work in like the people who actually worked for their gear.

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Very doubtful... If they havent fixed the major issues by now after people complaining so long about them, i have no hope for BW in the future.


Ill remain hopeful for now (its not like they dont have the money). I still have plenty of stuff to do before 50 even comes to mind. Ill just extend my time in the lower bracket.

Edited by Kalliadies
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