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45 Minute Queue - Really!?


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I'm seriously hoping that the 45 Minute queue to get on my server is a pre-launch issue only, What happens on the 20th when the general public join SW:TOE?; 2 day waiting list?



When Rift launched, the queue wait times on some servers were hours long. It died down after several days.


Im sure the mad flood of people will cause queues to fill up but i really dont think this will be consistent.

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It was meant to reduce it...not eliminate it.

More than that...Staggered launch was to give people a chance to level a little bit so not everyone is in the starter areas at the same time. To that degree it worked.


No it didn't... because I haven't been able to log in at all. "Working" would mean allowing everyone who hasn't played much yet the chance to level in peace the same way the day oner's did.


Right now, I'm waiting to graduate from the day long "stagger release" queue, to the regular 30-50 min queues.


To that degree, yea... awesome..

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I SAID THIS WOULD HAPPEN and nobody listened to me. The logic is so amazingly simple.


Say there are 15 servers when game is released...any major guild gets 1 or 2 players in on prerelease day 1 they aren't waiting they are establishing that server as their guilds server. Now regardless of how populated that server is the day 4 etc players HAVE TO GO THERE to join their friends and guilds.


Therefore the first 15 servers from day 1 will be completely unplayable. Its crazy short-sighted on biowares part.

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I've been on my assigned server since day one. I haven't had any que times or problems completely quests. Every heroic area I've encountered I just ask anyone I see (always people around) to party up and we finish no prob.


Honestly doesn't feel like a launch at all.

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You can roll on a different server as well. There are servers available on the East and West coast which are not even listed as having a heavy load. Que times are worth it to stay with a guild on one server or your characters just saying there are other servers still available that are lightly populated.
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Just so people know, the two servers with the worst queue times are the unofficial Oceanic PvE and PvP servers (The Harbinger and The Swiftsure). Since there aren't official servers, whoever unlucky enough to roll on those servers thinking they are just another US West server is going to enjoy some nice queues.


We told BioWare about this "launch day chaos". They didn't listen and provide Oceanic-tagged servers. Now we shall experience the full glory of Blackrock. Game is great though, and I'm fortunate to have all the spare time to wait in a queue.

Edited by GhoXen
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For those just starting out or waiting to roll their toon, DO NOT roll on Swiftsure or Harbinger for West Coast. East Coast you will want to stay away from Fatman or Jung Ma servers. I know you can flame me and say you can do what you damn well please but my point is fair warning that your que times for these servers will be in the hours.


If you roll on these servers when they are light, please do not start threads later and cry about hour ques since I gave you fair warning to stay away.

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Just like to point out that some of us were auto-seeded on particular servers and we don't really have a "choice" where we are placed.


Imo Bioware should locks some of the more populated EU servers now. It's just ruining things for us all.


What about the people are waiting to join their guilds but who wern't on the roster?

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all you people tell us people who are angry about the Q's need to stop...we can be angry and we have the right to be angry...we pre ordered when it was available, and we got in on the first day WITH NO QUEUES.


that was bio/EA's way of saying thanks for having faith and pre-ordering early.


im upset i have to wait 45 mins to get in my server...when i first made my character 2 DAYS AGO, there wasnt a queue...please open up more servers or lock the FULL ones thanks Bio/EA

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I feel like Bioware did a terrible job with their guild placement. It seems like they placed WAY too many guilds on "The Harbinger" server. In some great cosmic coincidence many friends of mine's guilds were placed on the Harbinger despite not being allied with each other.
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all you people tell us people who are angry about the Q's need to stop...we can be angry and we have the right to be angry...we pre ordered when it was available, and we got in on the first day WITH NO QUEUES.


that was bio/EA's way of saying thanks for having faith and pre-ordering early.


im upset i have to wait 45 mins to get in my server...when i first made my character 2 DAYS AGO, there wasnt a queue...please open up more servers or lock the FULL ones thanks Bio/EA


You were promised early access not how much yadda yadda yadda, will be worse come release.

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Had no wait and reasonable play time up until 1400 pst today, tried to log in for guild establishment meeting at 1500 and now we have a 40 min que. BS.... was looking to SWTOR as a change to EQ.... going back to EQ.... either get your act together or go away.
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The only ones to blame here are BW itself.


Not releasing the game in 1 day they only made it worse. It is normal for ppl to pick the servers that are populated instead of the empty ones. No one wants to join an empty server.


If I am to speak about the administration of the servers there has been pretty poor.


They should have locked all the servers to standard while most of them had become equally filled, then increase the slot numbers.


I've seen live streams and heard from friends that are actually playing, especially on the EU side that the severlist was heavely divided by heavy to light servers. It is simply a server management failure.

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Servers REALLY need to be locked. Quit letting people into already full servers and open up the rest of the server's that have not even been turned on for use yet.


The whole reason for this "wave" BS was so that we didnt have to have this stuff going on.


We still have the entire month of December pre-orders coming, and this is a weeknight!

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