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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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EX-SWG here...had Master Creature Handler, and I quit in disgust after my class was eliminated. So unlike you, I didn't give SOE any more money to reward them for their poor behavior.


Having said that, your critique of SWTOR as being 'un-star-warsy' is so off base as to be ludicrous. There are many things to complain about in SWTOR, but its lack of Star Wars environment is certainly not one of them!


1). Planets: SWTOR planets feel more like Star Wars than anything SWG attempted. SWG vets will recall the ridiculously poor presentation of Coronet on Corellia, supposedly the capital city on a capital planet of a star system. And it has, what, a dozen buildings? ferchrissake, lol. Pathetic. SWTOR Corellia captures that planet near perfectly. But let's look at the other planets shall we?

  • Coruscant: most brilliant depiction of the capital planet ever. In line with both movies and KOTOR
  • Hoth: Need I say more? How did SWG fare in this regard? Yeah. Not so much.
  • Tatooine: SWTOR has recreated the iconic planet superbly. To be fair, SWG did do a decent job here as well. It was clear SWG spent a lot of time on developing Tatooine. Too bad that work didn't carry over to other half-arsed planets.


I could go on, but you get the idea here.


2). Vehicles. SWTOR gives me access to several iconic vehicles straight away. How many did SWG offer at launch? Zero. How long did we have to wait for 1 vehicle? Ages.


3). Light Side/Dark Side. SWTOR understands this moral interplay. SWG never had it, let alone ever got it (as in understood it). Master classes to unlock your holocron??? roflmao.


4). Ridiculously (and by this I mean awesome) huge military industrial complex. SWTOR (and BW in general) understands this underlying paradigm of the Star Wars Universe: When you've got a galaxy's worth of resources at your disposal, you build super massive structures, super massive weapons, even to an absurd level. This IS Star Wars. SWG never got that. Ever.


5). Diversity of Creatures: While I'll give SWG props for offering a wider variety of playable races (I played a Mon Cal), SWTOR has a larger variety of creatures in world. This is another essential point of Star Warsyness that SWTOR excells at. And the number of unique driods also makes SWTOR superior.


6). Companions. Star Wars has companions. Co-stars if you will. Players are the stars. SWTOR gets this. In SWG, it was always a struggle.



So yeah...I think your premise that SWTOR lacks Star Wars is absurd in the highest.




LOL. Poor creature handler. I couldn't believe when the entire class was in an instance, wiped from existence. The laughing stock of SWG. I know you're mad. It's ok.

Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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re installing wow atm i can live with bug/glitches i can live with spamming lfg i played swg till a year ago to tell you what ill put up with , but i wont put up with **** customer service /dont see anything usefull from a dev unless its their classic heres ur fix list now im closing this thread because we dont want to answer your question we have your money allready ... wow is old but runs smooth an when i open a ticket its answered wow 11 million people an they answer my ticket in under an hour this game has 1.7 mil an they dono *** is going on ....love starwars loved swg but this is just silly all hype no help



so i told this guy hope he gets over being stupid an i get a ticket in under 15 min warning me ...but the ticket i sent in for a bug question is still unanswered total priority clusterfux


gl hf

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SWTOR is a blind copy of WoW's gameplay with a sci-fi theme.


SWTOR's world is dragon age/mass effect with the illusion of playing an MMO. Everything is instanced.


Everything is linear, everything is about aquiring the endgame gear everyone looks the same. You either raid or pvp at endgame all for the sake of gear, no social parts no fun features.


You are not spoiled OP, you were expecting a star wars MASSIVELY PLAYED MULTIPLAYER game. Instead we got KOTOR 3 with the ability to chat with other players.

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I'm content with it. I like how they have the companion system, I am crackhead addicted to the storylines (which is extra bad as I've always been an altoholic,) it's lovely and I can't wait to see what they do with it in the future.


After I max level all 8 toons (1 of each class and each race sans human) I might be bored of it though. By then, I could cancel sub until new stuff is released and play D3 instead.

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SWG was a great game when I look back at it. The only real issue I had was lack of players I mean sometimes it would take hours to get into a heroic instance and a lot of the time there was like 30 - 40 people in the major cities and only 20+ doing open world PvP. It seemed rather empty. I kinda wish they had done a SWG2 but thats the beauty of hindsight.
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I miss being able to craft something better than the next person because of my hard work with obtaining resources.


I miss hanging out in cities buffing people with crazy high buffs.


I miss building a city with community members and all of the pride that went into it.


I am enjoying SWTOR. Just remembering :)





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Once my sub runs out I'm just going to play skyrim until gw2 or maybe d3 comes out. I dread hitting 50 because it sounds like TOR nothing more than another Rift nightmare. I hated rift. Not only was the pvp atrocious, but that game was more boring than anything I've ever played online.


Gear grinding is a terrible end game concept. I quit warcraft 4 years ago for the same reason.


The other reasons I'm done with this game are technical. Latency spikes being the huge issue, not to mention a mess of loading screens...etc etc etc. I was so looking forward to spending a long time with this game, too.

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There is a lot to like and I'm not bored per se, my issue is that I came from my beloved extended universe sandbox (Chilly by way of Lowca) to a WoW style themepark game. My biggest disappointment/surprise was that BW had not put in their usual level of attention to detail. MMO development is always work in progress, I just can't believe things like match to chest, same gender, GTN UI, hide companion helmet (just to name a few) didn't make launch. By the time the cool stuff listed in 1.2 and 1.3 make it out people will already have leveled and won't appreciate it as much.


If you aren't offering up massive depth then quality of life and fun factor have to be at 11 to keep folks from wandering.


I've played the trooper story and most of the imperial agent, but I'm probably gone by month 3.


I never connected with EVE for some reason, so I think I'm going to become a F2P tourist for a while (STO, LoTRO, DCUO, etc). They still won't scratch the old itch, but they're the same stuff as SWTOR and there are generally good groups to play with in every game.

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You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?




If those are my only two choices, then content I will pick.


In every MMO I have loved, there have been aspects that meant so much to me that no other game has had. My perfect MMO would be a hodgepodge of other pieces. I would dearly love to have aspects of SW:G here but I bought this game knowing it was not going to be anything like the original SW:G. I had no such expectations so I was no unhappy.


I would love to have the housing and decoration capabilities of SW:G as well as the diversity of classes. I would love to have the character customization of Horizons / Istaria & Champions Online. I would love to have the uniqueness of npcs / mobs that are in Bloodymare: Requiem. I would love to have crafting from SW:G and EQ2 with the crafting customization of Horizons/ Istaria.


This game has problems and aspects I really do not like but the same can be said for every MMO I've ever played. SW:G will always hold a very very special place in my heart but I walked into this not expecting it to be like other MMOs but because it was an MMO set in the Star Wars setting which I love.


The things I will hold fond memories of from here are (for now) the companion system, the voice acted stories and the fact that I can play a force user from the get go without jumping through hoops or massive grinds.


I could go back and forth all day about the things I like and dislike about this MMO and every other I've played. Taking a step back and thinking about it, I'm happy to experience what this game is.

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I was bored of SWG after seven years, because..


  1. doing the same 5 heroics over and over, just for tokens, gets boring after a few months
  2. once you see 8 planets with nothing ever being added over seven years, exploration becomes pointless
  3. there were only so many times you could decorate a house before it became boring
  4. city building was fun, but these became ghost towns and clutter after a year or so because everyone ran to WoW and EQ2
  5. planet control scrimmages were fun until it just became a grindfest and had no real purpose other then to say your faction controlled a planet, which was desultory anyways.
  6. people said cantinas had a purpose, and while that was true, it was also mandatory in both iterations of the game. Many felt it was one too many steps to get out into the playing world
  7. while bounty hunting was fun, the effort itself proved to be plagued from a lot of bounties hiding in their homes, as well as, in the early stages, the temporary enemy flag bug that made attacking one bounty meant that his entire 20 man army that he was grouped with attacked you
  8. while the level and depth of crafting was nice, doing this on hours at a time even tested the patience of the most calm individual. Many a crafter created an alt just so he could go out and enjoy the game world
  9. even though dancers created a social atmosphere, again many did not enjoy the repetitive need to visit one just to do anything in the game. And lord help you if you died within the hour and not a one was to be found, or ignored your tells for assistance


I'll say it again. People look at SWG with rose-colored glasses. I had fun too, but man oh man if it didn't have problems until the end. Even a lack of content was something clamored and complained about constantly in the forums.

Edited by Bryyn
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Honestly, I think if SWG hadn't shut down I would play it after my sub ran out here. I really like being in a Star Wars world that I can make my own and SWG did a much better job at that.


^ This


I'd already have quit this game and gone back to our old metropolis, community, crafting, and friends. After two months this game is just re-rolling multiple alts to do the exact same grind over and over. SWTOR is ok, but there is no depth to any facet of this game and as others have said its just a cookie cutter themepark. Follow the yellowbrick road, grind out gear and start over. Blah.

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Honestly, I think if SWG hadn't shut down I would play it after my sub ran out here. I really like being in a Star Wars world that I can make my own and SWG did a much better job at that.


I would have played both: SWG for it's awesome RP environment (Storyteller was just amazing, guildies even built a corvette out of cooling units, stages and other props), open space roaming, decoratable housing, player cities...... no point continuing the list, you all know them.


In it's last couple of years, a lot of good stuff had been added to SWG, Teesquared and his team worked hard on fixing a broken game and making the game far better than it had been in years.


I would have played SWTOR for new content, but not for RP. Perhaps BW will improve that, but they will have to do it soon.


If EA hadn't slapped an exclusivity clause on the IP (or so the rumour goes), I believe SOE would have kept SWG running on reduced servers for as long as the TCG covered the costs. I would have happily carried on playing.

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SWG was a terrible game for the last 4 years. If you are talking about pre-nge SWG that you miss then shut up it was gone over 6 years ago. As for post-nge this game in 1.1 released more content and updates than SWG did in its last 4 years.


I played SWG for 7 years and I'm glad it finally died I can actually enjoy star wars again.

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SWG was a terrible game for the last 4 years. If you are talking about pre-nge SWG that you miss then shut up it was gone over 6 years ago. As for post-nge this game in 1.1 released more content and updates than SWG did in its last 4 years.


I played SWG for 7 years and I'm glad it finally died I can actually enjoy star wars again.


I'm curious as to why you played so long if you hated it so much? It wasn't even F2P, so you were actually paying to play a game you hated?

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SWTOR is a blatant rip off of WoW with Voice Overs. SWG was an awesome sandbox game with all kinds of neat features. The only similairities between the two is the IP.


ArcheAge will be like what SWG was. Its an open world sandbox with 130 class combinations and player housing and all kinds of cool features you never see anymore.


Sandbox with unique features > casual themepark.

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I'm curious as to why you played so long if you hated it so much? It wasn't even F2P, so you were actually paying to play a game you hated?


I played it because all of my friends played it and they all played it because we all played it. We all found it equally boring but it was better than going to WoW so we spent several hours a day jumping in circles and chatting. We basically payed for a chatbox game.


There was nothing to do in SWG. I had over a 30billion credit net worth, over 300 badges, had completed every instance over 200 times both musty and heroic while 2 manning every instance other than EK which I 3 manned and solo'd ISD and DF1. I mastered every class and completed all 9 piloting. I had led and been a part of every type of guild I had obtained almost every rare item I had become a BMotM (beast master of the month) I had created over 100 mutants. I had PvPed PvEed and RPed. I got like 20 server firsts. I served first almost every Invasion collection on Bria and The primary nyms on on SS. I had obtained several sets of BF armor and about 100 sets of mando. I had an AT-AT house a republic gunship a jedi temple and a bespin house all before they became tradible. I was a master weapons crafter with the best resources in the game from dead servers and my first weapon core went over cap in a 1/1000 craft.


The last 2 years of the game I had actually beaten SWG. There was nothing else I could have done that was new. I was paying for two years for a game that had a TWO MAN DEVELOPER TEAM and could only put out one content patch a year. The content patch would contain content that was completable in a couple hours and then that was it for the rest of the time. I liked the game for the social aspect but my friends and I have now come to this game and we LOVE it! Not only are we here together but we actually get content patches! Updates! New things to do!!!!


I won't deny SWG had a LOT of nice life improvement features and the crafting was superior but the game was easy boring devoid of life and just plain sad. This game is infintetly better.


For those of you who are crying about the NGE being gone I feel sorry for you. For those of you who have come to TOR and still cry that the CU and pre-cu are gone then I feel even worse. It's been nearly 7 years. It's time to move on with your life the world is running out of tissues.

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SWTOR is a blatant rip off of WoW with Voice Overs. SWG was an awesome sandbox game with all kinds of neat features. The only similairities between the two is the IP.


ArcheAge will be like what SWG was. Its an open world sandbox with 130 class combinations and player housing and all kinds of cool features you never see anymore.


Sandbox with unique features > casual themepark.


The thing is is that SWG was a failure. It lost players everyday and only got new ones a couple times a month who then quit because it was dead. It only had one big server on the entire game two mediums and the rest were all dead.


People beg for the things SWG had but the sad thing is is that after one month TOR already had more players then SWG had the last few years so really your the minority now and not to mention SWG proved that these things fail and do not bring in crowds.


For the last few years SWG had such a small space community that every pilot who wanted space pvp had to create a level 5 on SS and xfer their parts because there weren't enough pilots for space 2 exist on two servers. Yet JTL was released a year into SWG which means it existed for 7 years.


It existed for 7 years and did not bring players to the game. Yet you still expect TOR to think that doing the same will magically create players to do it???

Edited by TeH-DeVa
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I played on Bloodfin and Starsider. I really wanted to love this game. I was sooo exited when I got the "your saga begins" email a couple months back. Today I unsubbed so my saga ends in 4 days. I'm gonna check out the TOR website from time to time to see if there are any improvements and I don't rule out coming back.


Just my opinion, not stating this as a fact. I'm not trying to offend anyone who loves SWTOR but this game as it is now just isn't for me.

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7 year SWG vet, as well... stuck with it thru thick and thin for all of the same reasons. TOR doesnt feel as star warsy to me, and I've been gaming alot more casually with it than i did with SWG...for some unknown reason my addictive personality hasnt ticked with this game yet.
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I was bored of SWG after seven years, because..


  1. doing the same 5 heroics over and over, just for tokens, gets boring after a few months
  2. once you see 8 planets with nothing ever being added over seven years, exploration becomes pointless
  3. there were only so many times you could decorate a house before it became boring
  4. city building was fun, but these became ghost towns and clutter after a year or so because everyone ran to WoW and EQ2
  5. planet control scrimmages were fun until it just became a grindfest and had no real purpose other then to say your faction controlled a planet, which was desultory anyways.
  6. people said cantinas had a purpose, and while that was true, it was also mandatory in both iterations of the game. Many felt it was one too many steps to get out into the playing world
  7. while bounty hunting was fun, the effort itself proved to be plagued from a lot of bounties hiding in their homes, as well as, in the early stages, the temporary enemy flag bug that made attacking one bounty meant that his entire 20 man army that he was grouped with attacked you
  8. while the level and depth of crafting was nice, doing this on hours at a time even tested the patience of the most calm individual. Many a crafter created an alt just so he could go out and enjoy the game world
  9. even though dancers created a social atmosphere, again many did not enjoy the repetitive need to visit one just to do anything in the game. And lord help you if you died within the hour and not a one was to be found, or ignored your tells for assistance


I'll say it again. People look at SWG with rose-colored glasses. I had fun too, but man oh man if it didn't have problems until the end. Even a lack of content was something clamored and complained about constantly in the forums.


About the rose colored glasses...I don't believe that anyone thinks SWG was the best game ever. Heck, I played that game untill the end and i can honestly agree that game was far from perfect. (still had trouble with "you are already on the highest floor")


The SWG forums before release of this game were full of hope that we could get a proper Starwars game. Getting to see Korriban while playing a sith was an awesome idea. KOTOR was an awesome game. So expectation was high.


We can all deal without player housing or entertainer buffs, I can even accept that my sullustan did not make the crossover. This did not have to be SWG 2.0 but it also should not have tried to be WoW 2.0 either.


But i can't just jump on my speeder and cruise the deserts of tattooine or hoth, instead its some hallway style game with as much exploration as force unleased.


The end game gear looks ridiculous.


No chat bubbles, no sitting in chairs, very few emotes, no macros.


No herds of bantha or weather changes or life day.


SWG provided a universe to live in, this is just a video game. Its fun, but why do i care. I had the same 3 toons over 8 years in SWG. Here in 2 months i have alts of every class.


I don't care about my characters in this game. They dont reflect me or my gameplay, they are just moveable objects pushing me through the storyline.


So, your points are valid. I just think we all expected more from TOR. I think the SWG community wants TOR to do well, because we want to play Starwars not goblins and elves.

I think many feel left down and worried. This could be the last Starwars MMO and i dont have a "reason' to really log in.

Edited by kirorx
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SWTOR is a blind copy of WoW's gameplay with a sci-fi theme.


SWTOR's world is dragon age/mass effect with the illusion of playing an MMO. Everything is instanced.


Everything is linear, everything is about aquiring the endgame gear everyone looks the same. You either raid or pvp at endgame all for the sake of gear, no social parts no fun features.


You are not spoiled OP, you were expecting a star wars MASSIVELY PLAYED MULTIPLAYER game. Instead we got KOTOR 3 with the ability to chat with other players.



I think you should win an award for this post. The only thing I would of added was the disgusting space part of a "STAR" wars game.

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