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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Worst Excuse Being Used


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this game is an old paper cut-out of other MMOs pasted with Star Wars on the cover.


nothing new, and newer things not even in game.


I like Star Wars the movies, but the game...well...not doing it for me, and yes I will probably leave once Diablo 3 comes out.

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That argument came about when people compared a game thats been running and growing for 8 years to a game that just came out. In the end I just think any comparisons (either of current or vanilla WoW, or any other game for that matter) are pretty stupid, I say judge TOR on it's own merits.
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Wanting something out of this product and demanding/threatening the developer are two entirely different things.



how else do you get your point across? you don't. you use (or don't use) your wallet, and when you are shown the results, you make your decision to stick around or move on.


I'll be moving on. I paid for a new car and I got a 1977 Ford Pinto. So I'm tossing it back and going where there's something to do that's worth my money.


Later on folks!

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Wanting something out of this product and demanding/threatening the developer are two entirely different things.




If you want something out of a product, that's why you buy it.


If you buy it, and it doesn't deliver, why wouldn't you continue paying for it?


At least these people have the decency to come and tell the developers why they're no longer buying.

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Wanting something out of this product and demanding/threatening the developer are two entirely different things.


You feel it is your divine calling to protect poor defenseless Bioware from the mean ole posters?


Well, it isn't. Paying customer one makes a complaint, paying customer two can comment on the complaints validity. To mock the complainer should be a bannable offense. It's why I stated earlier that you hard core fans are the meanest people on the internet. Rather then play the game you love, you would rather and come defend the besmirched honor of your diety (Bioware) by assaulting anyone who dares preform heresy.

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how else do you get your point across? you don't. you use (or don't use) your wallet, and when you are shown the results, you make your decision to stick around or move on.


I'll be moving on. I paid for a new car and I got a 1977 Ford Pinto. So I'm tossing it back and going where there's something to do that's worth my money.


Later on folks!


Like I said, enjoy your Pandas.

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That argument came about when people compared a game thats been running and growing for 8 years to a game that just came out. In the end I just think any comparisons (either of current or vanilla WoW, or any other game for that matter) are pretty stupid, I say judge TOR on it's own merits.


what merits?

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how else do you get your point across? you don't. you use (or don't use) your wallet, and when you are shown the results, you make your decision to stick around or move on.


I'll be moving on. I paid for a new car and I got a 1977 Ford Pinto. So I'm tossing it back and going where there's something to do that's worth my money.


Later on folks!


So you can't get someone to agree with you so you walk away? ;) Bye kiddo

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If you want something out of a product, that's why you buy it.


If you buy it, and it doesn't deliver, why wouldn't you continue paying for it?


At least these people have the decency to come and tell the developers why they're no longer buying.


It's about wording and attitude.

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So you can't get someone to agree with you so you walk away? ;) Bye kiddo


this wasn't a post for you. and i don't care if you agree with me.


a dev will see it, and maybe hopefully will see thousands more and realize he should find a different job because he sucks at this one.


as i said. enjoy your used car.

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I've been seeing this over and over in almost every thread where someone complains a particular feature doesn't exist, and without fail, someone will show up with the excuse that wow didn't have it at launch either.


That was 8 years ago.


It's not a valid excuse. I'm not paying MSRP for a used car and I'm not keeping my sub active for the MMORPG equivalent.


SWTOR is nothing more than an 8 year old used car. I demand features. I demand them now. And I know I'm not alone.


I'll see most of you in the forums of one of those other 2 games soon!


Meh. I am having fun and paying about $.25 per hour for that entertainment.


If at some point I am not having fun, I will unsub WITHOUT announcing it here.

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Adventure seeker on an empty street,

Just an alley creeper, light on his feet

A young fighter screaming, with no time for doubt

With the pain and anger can't see a way out,

It ain't much I'm asking, I heard him say,

Gotta find me a future move out of my way,

I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now,

I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now,


Listen all you people, come gather round

I gotta get me a game plan, gotta shake you to the ground

Just give me what I know is mine,

People do you hear me, just give me the sign,

It ain't much I'm asking, if you want the truth

Here's to the future for the dreams of youth,

I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now,

I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now,


I'm a man with a one track mind,

So much to do in one life time (people do you hear me)

Not a man for compromise and where's and why's and living lies

So I'm living it all, yes I'm living it all,

And I'm giving it all, and I'm giving it all,

It ain't much I'm asking, if you want the truth,

Here's to the future, hear the cry of youth,

I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now,

I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now,

Edited by CeiLican
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Hey is this the place we all pretend arguments on the net matter and try to show who's the top e-dog? Cause I've had a bad day and nothing vents my repressed anger and frustration like acting like the biggest, baddest, smartest most handsome dude on the internet.



Oh wait, 8 people in this thread have that covered? ****.

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Hello all,


Feedback is always important and we always appreciate constructive feedback, whether positive or negative. Allison has a great thread with information on what we are looking for in feedback.


We know that the community is always looking for developer input on issues and one of the best ways to keep up-to-date on developer posts is through the Developer Tracker. Some examples of what you can find on the developer tracker right now:


  • Courtney linked our blog entry on the Guild Summit.
  • Stephen clarified the selection criteria for the Guild Summit invitees.
  • Georg made several comments on crafting changes.
  • Joveth posted our new Q&A Thread where we will be choosing a number of questions direct from the community to answer!
  • Amber took some time out to get specific feedback and information on a bug report involving the Guard ability.


You may also be interested in our blog feature where developers will give their thoughts on aspects of the game, clarification on issues and server related messages like patch notes or maintenance times.


We are going to go ahead and close the thread, but we did want to point out a couple of spiffy threads where you can give us your specific feedback on bugs and suggest features you would like to see in-game:


The Suggestion Compilation Thread

Ultimate Bug List


Both are great threads that are updated regularly so we highly encourage you to add in your feedback to one, or both of those threads.

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