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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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So, I saw the trailer for patch 1.2, hoping to see something about a lfg tool (which is already in the game for pvp, so why not for pve?), but I got nothing. BS legacy and more laggy warzones. Thanks a lot, ****tards.


This is the main reason why I have no motivation at all to play endgame, because it takes too *********** long to get a *********** group for *********** FP's.


"unununu it destroys the immersion" - ToR Dev.


No it doesn't. Does it brake the immersion for pvp to get ported instantly to a wz? At least I don't hear dev's whining about that, so I assume it doesn't.


So get your *********** **** together, unbelievable.



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So, I saw the trailer for patch 1.2, hoping to see something about a lfg tool


They already said in the guild summit earlier in the week that an improved LFG tool won't be in until at least 1.3. Which I'm thinking will probably come out June/July. Also it's gonna be same-server only.

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They already said in the guild summit earlier in the week that an improved LFG tool won't be in until at least 1.3. Which I'm thinking will probably come out June/July. Also it's gonna be same-server only.


We'll have to work harder than before to convince them of their mistake and how they have time to rethink their ideas for the best.

Edited by Orisai
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Now when it comes to LFG, perhaps they will have some other mechanic we haven't thought of to keep same-server group queue times low (if there will even be a queue system). Something maybe like a bolster system (someone else suggested) so anyone can play 10 through 50 normal/story-mode Flashpoints together. And maybe when you kill a boss you don't roll for loot, you roll for a bag that gives you level appropriate loot or some such system. Or each boss has a quest update that gives the player level appropriate loot. Also maybe when you reach a certain point in your story progression they put it in the player's face to queue for Flashpoints, so people will keep being reminded of this cool system they are missing and should queue for to help their server/fellow-players out.


Either way, they've made up their mind for it being same-server so I'm trying to help. :rolleyes:


Honestly that idea would genius. That is probably the only way some servers could do leveling group content if it was intra-server. Although it's a bit silly getting PvE gear with it having no effect on your dungeons, it'd be a good stop-gap solution.

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We'll have to work harder than before to convince them of their mistake and how they have time to rethink their ideas for the best.


The problem with a LFD tool it'll piss a lot of hardcore gamers off who believe rerolling on another server is the solution. So it's spend development time on something that'll piss a chunk of people off while the people who are demanding a X-LFD are paying anyways, so it's really about how many people will come back if a X-LFD gets added versus the people who would leave if they implemented one. Run on sentence aside, with the latest sub numbers that show the game isn't growing in NA/EU anymore, combined with a potential "nose dive" in activity, I would really hope Bioware would get off their arse and fix these lower population servesrs. I'm willing to bet 7000 bro points that the majority of sub losses are on lower population servers, any takers?

Edited by Touchbass
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I've cancelled my sub until they add an automatic LFG system. By the sound of it, the arn't developing one of those and the inferior system they think will be effective isn't even coming out until 1.3 which is months away. Who knows how long it will take before BW figures out we need a WOW - esq LFG tool. Spicing up the current tool isn't going to work. It won't allow me to que for a flashpoint while questing and it will force me to travel to the fleet and interrupt whatI was doing. And it will require players to be proactive and actually use it which is a long shot. No thanks. 'm not going to stick around for future group forming frustration. Edited by Moricthian
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We'll have to work harder than before to convince them of their mistake and how they have time to rethink their ideas for the best.


I am done trying to convince them to add a xlfg.

Instead i am voting with my wallet.


As you can tell by my join date i have been hopeful for the game for years.

But i can not go on financially backing a game company that has such a large difference on how i feel a game should be done.

Seem to me that BW has chosen to listen to the wow hate club and imo that is a failed path to take.


Honestly after listening to some of the guild summit i feel some of the top devs dont even play their own game.

When asked about when we would get a ready check ability the dev answered with what we dont have one in game?

Edited by Nitewolfe
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Sub cancelled until there is a Group Finder.


So long, and thanks for all the fish.


Same reason I cancelled. I told them too in the survey I filled out. 1.3 is May at the soonest, which is FAR too long for me to wait. I'll play a game that I can enjoy until GW2, not interested in spamming chat just to run a dungeon.

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My biggest fear is that BioWare may be hanging their hat on that "50% of players play warzones daily" statement.


They need to understand that it's simply easier to get a group for warzones.


I would spend the majority of my time in flashpoints, if given the tool to do so.

Edited by mdob
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Will probably drop the game until such time they introduce a workable LFD. Life is just too short to spend hours on the fleet spamming the general chat (when it's even there in the first place, had to do the whole of Quesh on the Empire side without seeing a single white message).
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From the Guild Summit 2012 event this past Monday (3/9/2012):


We already know that, and I'm pretty much sure it will be like the one Blizzard tried during Burning Crusade and the first two major patches of Wrath of The Lich King. It failed miserably, because it complicated a manual process that was being done just spamming Trade chat to form groups.


As someone said, Bioware sided with all the WoW haters. There will be no real combat logs, no macros, and it seems that there will be no third party addons too. Instead of learning from others experiences, they just took the wrong way.

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Likely to unsubscribe until x-svr LFD tool as well...I know that there is a lot of content that I am not experiencing because I refuse to spam in chat for a group. Guess if I was a tank or healer I'd never have to spam....
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Guess if I was a tank or healer I'd never have to spam....


Not sure that being a tank or a healer will make that much of a difference. Like I said... you have 80 people of all levels and classes in fleet at any given time. You have to stop what you're doing to go sit and spam... odds are pretty thin you're going to find 3 other ppl of the right class and level to do what you need to do.


It's just poorly thought out. Things like this will bring this game down very quickly. BW is going to get one shot to fix this and if all they do is put some icing on the existing tool, then I'm out. Too many other options for my money. Hope you're listening Bioware.

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Yeah im tending to agree more and more with the LFG finder. Even if it is server only it would be a huge improvement over sitting on fleet. yeah I could go do my dailies but then I might miss out on the one other person trying to find a FP. A galaxy wide LFG channel would work as well. I could be on my alt leveling and see a FP from fleet. 40 whole people on fleet today (various levels) and i had one bite in an hour. Great way to spend an hour lemme tell you.
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We already know that, and I'm pretty much sure it will be like the one Blizzard tried during Burning Crusade and the first two major patches of Wrath of The Lich King. It failed miserably, because it complicated a manual process that was being done just spamming Trade chat to form groups.


As someone said, Bioware sided with all the WoW haters. There will be no real combat logs, no macros, and it seems that there will be no third party addons too. Instead of learning from others experiences, they just took the wrong way.


Your first paragraph is pure speculation because no one knows exactly what is going to happen in 1.3 other then BioWare's design and development team.


The second paragraph I partially agree with you on though. I have yet to understand why BioWare didn't go the route of taking the successful parts of other MMO's and improving upon them. Instead they chose the route of making themselves different in a few areas (like voice-over missions with interactive radials) but the rest of the difference was a complete omission of features from the game.


I mean yeah, not including features does make you different then the other MMO's out there. But not in a good way. And I think something that rubs me the wrong way is how proud they act when they tell us things like "OMG OMG OMG, we are adding Guild Banks".


I wish I could talk to their Development team and say something in Han Solo fashion... "What an incredible smell you've discovered!" but more like "What a novel idea you have discovered?". I mean for $300 million you would think we would have those very standard parts of an MMO.


Ability to move your UI around, guild halls, guild banks, shared <insert whatever> between characters, etc. Instead in my eyes they delivered a very watered down single-player MMO that grabs you at Star Wars. But once inside it is rich in content but lacking in features.


I'll stop being negative though and move along. :cool:

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I'll stop being negative though and move along. :cool:


That's not negative. These things have been done before in other VERY successful franchises. BioWare should have learned from these lessons. The question now is, do I want to stick with a VERY incomplete product and wait for the Dev team to learn these lessons all over again as I have done in the past, or do I move on because I am tired of wasting what little spare time I have?

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Levelling up is becoming so incredibly dull now, I'm only at level 30 but already I find myself uninterested in logging in now because I'm feeling the grind. The voiceovers and story only hide the grind so much but now it's glaringly apparent in my face.


I fear I may too end up unsubbing until a decent LFG Tool is implimented.


As for the solution of joining a guild, that would be fine if it weren't for the fact a majority of the guilds on my server at least are all level 50's wanting to do Ops and Hard Modes. There are very few if any guilds who have enough plays still levelling to run Flashpoints with.


The fact that Bioware launched the game without this, and are taking so long to impiment it and the amount of other major features they neglected to add at launch really worries me as to how much they've thought through the lasting chances of this games future.

Edited by chaosdefined
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Honestly after listening to some of the guild summit i feel some of the top devs dont even play their own game.

When asked about when we would get a ready check ability the dev answered with what we dont have one in game?


That totally pissed me off, too. The whoops we forgot about ready-check and whoops we forgot about guild tax. It's not even that they don't play their own game, it's that they don't play WoW or any MMO's in their current state. Maybe they stopped playing after 2006 when they began the design of SWTOR.


All any SWTOR designer needs to do is play WoW for a day and write down all of the main features...hell ALL the features, put it in the SWTOR design doc, add a little SWTOR/Bioware flair to it, then prioritize. Scares me if those weren't on the list, what else isn't on the list.



My biggest fear is that BioWare may be hanging their hat on that "50% of players play warzones daily" statement.


They need to understand that it's simply easier to get a group for warzones.


I would spend the majority of my time in flashpoints, if given the tool to do so.


Couldn't agree more. Only reason I played PVP as much as I have is because it takes a minute to get into a game. And it sounds like they are giving PVP even more resources because of this ******** 50% number. If FP's had the exact queue and bolster systems as PVP I'm sure they would be singing a different tune.


I mean yeah, not including features does make you different then the other MMO's out there. But not in a good way. And I think something that rubs me the wrong way is how proud they act when they tell us things like "OMG OMG OMG, we are adding Guild Banks".


I wish I could talk to their Development team and say something in Han Solo fashion... "What an incredible smell you've discovered!" but more like "What a novel idea you have discovered?". I mean for $300 million you would think we would have those very standard parts of an MMO.


Love your Han Solo quote!


Yeah and the applause they got from the guild summit each time they mentioned a feature that's been in MMO's for years just frustrated me even more. It's totally like they are in a bubble and refuse to look to see what state the MMO market is currently in. And their hardcore fans are just as delusional.

Edited by BlueSkittles
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Love your Han Solo quote!


Yeah and the applause they got from the guild summit each time they mentioned a feature that's been in MMO's for years just frustrated me even more. It's totally like they are in a bubble and refuse to look to see what state the MMO market is currently in. And their hardcore fans are just as delusional.


Yeah. The self-praising about stuff that exists already everywhere else and you just now decided to implement half-baked versions of it. Come on guys and gals...


The MMO market in general is saturated. It isn't like it was years ago when you had like 3 to pick from. You know what I mean? A lot of people pissed me off the other day by saying that the "customer isn't always right". Oh really... Tell me that as you witness my finger click "Cancel Subscription" on your web site and click "Register Account" on the next guy's site. And there are PLENTY of other MMO's out there. Ironically when I cancelled my account the exit survey says "Do you play any of these other games?" and the list is massive. :D


I really hope BioWare gets their **** together and straightened out in the next few months. I would love to re-subscribe.

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Yeah. The self-praising about stuff that exists already everywhere else and you just now decided to implement half-baked versions of it. Come on guys and gals...


The MMO market in general is saturated. It isn't like it was years ago when you had like 3 to pick from. You know what I mean? A lot of people pissed me off the other day by saying that the "customer isn't always right". Oh really... Tell me that as you witness my finger click "Cancel Subscription" on your web site and click "Register Account" on the next guy's site. And there are PLENTY of other MMO's out there. Ironically when I cancelled my account the exit survey says "Do you play any of these other games?" and the list is massive. :D


I really hope BioWare gets their **** together and straightened out in the next few months. I would love to re-subscribe.


There is no relief in sight for at least 6 months, and that is being generous. Yeah, loved the comment about warzones, so true.

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Completing Daily Heroics in Belsavis has become a JOKE now.


Start looking for a group at the beginning of the daily tours, and still cannot get a group after an hour when you finished all of them. Waited another hour and still you can't get any. This is happening almost everyday, even happens in US peak hours.


Some classes can solo it so they just solo it. Most of others seem to be tired of keep shouting in the general chat and being left with the feeling of "I AM IGNORED BY THE WORLD AGAIN AND AGAIN" so they all stop shouting now. Even if you manage to get one to come to you, again very frequently, it ends up nowhere to another one or two member joining even after another 30 minutes. Depends on whoever joining you, sometimes it is possible to 3man or 2man, but usually you can't because most people doing them are still gearing and there are also many fresh 50s who can't even play their class well.


Another problem is, all the logs (xp gains and item loots) would scroll your window so you will overlook whoever shouting in general chat very easily if you are questing. You will need to create a separate tab to filter them but not many players are doing it. Besides, the current selected tab is not saved so you will have to switch every time you log in again, which means you are going to miss all the LFG general chats easily.


If you don't have means to help us getting group easily, DON'T ADD THOSE GROUP CONTENTS YET! And please don't add any H4 dailies into the upcoming new dailies in Corellia until you give us a LFG UI. They are nothing but DAILY FRUSTRATION.

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If you don't have means to help us getting group easily, DON'T ADD THOSE GROUP CONTENTS YET! And please don't add any H4 dailies into the upcoming new dailies in Corellia until you give us a LFG UI. They are nothing but DAILY FRUSTRATION.


There is a reason why WoW chose to abandon world group quests


1) Some servers/factions don't have the people available online to do them consistently


2) People don't bother doing them cause of the annoyance involved which leads to 1)


3) Once they've been out for a while the playerbase eventually moves past them so 1)


4) People start finding another method of accomplishing their goals when 1) happens frequently enough that it causes even more 1) :(

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There is a reason why WoW chose to abandon world group quests


1) Some servers/factions don't have the people available online to do them consistently


2) People don't bother doing them cause of the annoyance involved which leads to 1)


3) Once they've been out for a while the playerbase eventually moves past them so 1)


4) People start finding another method of accomplishing their goals when 1) happens frequently enough that it causes even more 1) :(


Unfortunately the devs at Bioware determined at some point that their game would be different. Either because they are Bioware, or because they're using the Star Wars universe, but they forgot that we players are the same population as all the other games where all those group quests and archaic grouping mechanisms failed. It's a shame that it will take the devs so long to come around, and they will, just like Blizzard did in WotLK after trying to force the manual LFG tool on the population. It didn't work there, and mark my words it won't work here.

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Levelling up is becoming so incredibly dull now, I'm only at level 30 but already I find myself uninterested in logging in now because I'm feeling the grind. The voiceovers and story only hide the grind so much but now it's glaringly apparent in my face.


I fear I may too end up unsubbing until a decent LFG Tool is implimented.


As for the solution of joining a guild, that would be fine if it weren't for the fact a majority of the guilds on my server at least are all level 50's wanting to do Ops and Hard Modes. There are very few if any guilds who have enough plays still levelling to run Flashpoints with.


The fact that Bioware launched the game without this, and are taking so long to implement it and the amount of other major features they neglected to add at launch really worries me as to how much they've thought through the lasting chances of this games future.


This. 3 bars off 50. But I just can't face another mission :eek: so yeah. and i know that 1 single flashpoint will take days to get. And at the moment I'm happy living with the hope that at 50 they might be easier to get. People still run daily flashpoints, right??? oh, I hope so.


Hey anyone remember this phrase: "Can you run me through ...? Please???" Or this one: "Guild recruiting. Max level only."


Cross-realm LFG was invented for some very good reasons and there are reasons why it's become a standard feature in most MMO's and why games that do have more active players than ones standing around trying to get something done and feeling like they're harrassing ppl by spamming and wasting time


Edit: I hate pvp. I thought this game was going to be equally divided between pvp and pve. Ironically after spending literally hours trying to get flashpoints and failing I have pvp'd. I think I've done more wz's than fp's. and this wasn't by choice, no way. Now they want to further develop PVP and ignore pve? This is not the game I signed up for. I love the game itself, but the shortcomings and omitted features are rendering my play experience unenjoyable. And with the game being as good as it is, that takes some serious failure. I can't believe they managed to do it. But having said that, while the game, like the scenery and landscape and graphics etc is good, so are other games.


If the game is going to be what it is, all group quests and LFG spam instead of actually finding groups and getting something done, we really need addons ASAP and sound in background. When it does take literally hours (then funny enough runs fall apart because someone has to go, they're late already for what they were supposed to be doing) we need an addon to scan chat and give us a sound warning when something comes up we're looking for. And alt-tabbing out of the game when you're looking for a group is out of the question. Literally locking people into a game where you can't even do anything else online or go AFK in case you miss what it is you've spent all those hours trying to do.


But really, this is horrible. the only thing you can do solo productively is PVP.

Edited by Darnu
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