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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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/ignore fails to work cross server and you are still forced to group with said players if they come up for the que at the exact same time you do. If /ignore actually worked cross server and prevented you from being tossed in a group with that person then yes I could see it. As it stands I am forced to go thru the instance with the player I don’t want to or leave and wait the cool down time to find another group. I am penalized for somebody else being a D-Bag and me not wanting to group with them anymore.

As I have stated many times before this can be fixed with a proper LFG tool.



Actually in wow /ignore does work cross server!

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I used Apple because it didn't need those features when it came out cause the market didn't require those things :) I was equating RIM to SWTOR with their lack of evolution :) The only company close to Apple is Blizzard but that wasn't the implication


Dear god really? Do you people hear yourselves? Why do you think blizzards changes to Warcraft were so *********** innovative? Game have been putting players into groups for years. Hell CS did that a long long time ago. The ONLY innovation I think you can say they made was the fact that at launch they made mmo gaming more accessible for the single player.


It's the same **** with Apple to. Apple and Steve Jobs are soooo god damn innovative but Dennis Ritchie dies in anonymity.

Edited by TonyIommi
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Dear god really? Do you people hear yourselves? Why do you think blizzards changes to Warcraft were so *********** innovative? Game have been putting players into groups for years. Hell CS did that a long long time ago. The ONLY innovation I think you can say they made was the fact that at launch they made mmo gaming more accessible for the single player.


That's the key innovation that made them millions + a superior quality product. Blizzard is a visionary company that's pioneered many things since the launch that's given them the success they deserve and earned. This discussion isn't about company comparisons though.

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It's the same **** with Apple to. Apple and Steve Jobs are soooo gosh darn innovative but Dennis Ritchie dies in anonymity.


There is a lot to be said on that particular issue, most of which cannot be properly discussed in the frame of our conversation in this thread. Being a recognized leader takes more then just the conceptualization and ... (insert 2-3 well thought out paragraphs). That being said it requires the ability to implement your ideas (taken or original) in a method that is effective.


It's the same with the current LFD tool on servers where it can work but doesn't because people won't use it. We can spend all the time in world trying to educate and convince people to use it but at the end of the day the result is still the same, the tool just doesn't work.

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That's the key innovation that made them millions + a superior quality product. Blizzard is a visionary company that's pioneered many things since the launch that's given them the success they deserve and earned. This discussion isn't about company comparisons though.


But they didn't. They just tweaked what EQ did. That's it. They copied what was best in the other game and just made it easier for single players. That doesn't make them innovative in any actual since because NOTHING IS ORIGINAL. Really? I can't believe people are so blind sided by this. Christ GW2 is far more innovative and as tired as I am of people championing the **** out of that game they at least take some serious steps. Instead of copy and paste the previous game with a twist. Even star craft as much as I love the game, is such a massive clone of command and conquer/dune. INNOVATIVE!


Honestly. Name me some things they pioneered that weren't just copies of functionality from other games? LFD? Nope servers have been putting people in groups to achieve obectives for years. Same for cross realm pvp. VISSIONARY!. Let's bring the CS into the mmo genre. Look I like their products, have for years but I'm not blind. They copy whatever they want from other games and pee in the soup to make it theirs. It's not VISIONARY by any means. Just tweaked.

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In marketing we have a phrase "R&D", it stands for Rob and duplicate. Everybody burrows from someone elses ideas and makes them better. That is innovation, inventing something for the sake of something new that won't work isn't innovation. There really isn't much more an MMORPG can offer these days within the confines of budgets and without alienating key demographics.
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In marketing we have a phrase "R&D", it stands for Rob and duplicate. Everybody burrows from someone elses ideas and makes them better. That is innovation, inventing something for the sake of something new that won't work isn't innovation. There really isn't much more an MMORPG can offer these days within the confines of budgets and without alienating key demographics.


Again as much as I don't want to champion GW2, it is adding much and is far more "innovative" then Blizzard ever was or did. Yet we must worship at the pagoda even though the deity was never around to begin with.

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Again as much as I don't want to champion GW2, it is adding much and is far more "innovative" then Blizzard ever was or did. Yet we must worship at the pagoda even though the deity was never around to begin with.


We also need to worship that cave man drunk on mammoth mead that invented the fire for us :)

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So in effect you’re taking the stance that we can’t come up with a system that takes care of those concerns while actually still providing the functionality of the random LFG?
ofc not


by the same reason why you (anti_lfg crowd) cry-loud about "people feel free to ninjaloot, jerkiness and rude behavior" chance that you met this same person again is near zero

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ofc not


by the same reason why you (anti_lfg crowd) cry-loud about "people feel free to ninjaloot, jerkiness and rude behavior" chance that you met this same person again is near zero


What terror-inspiring behavior has anyone really had to deal with in a RDF that this complaint keeps coming up over and over again. What can a "Jerk" player possibly do that requires anything more than /ignore? I am in awe that it's such a massive worry.

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What can a "Jerk" player possibly do that requires anything more than /ignore? I am in awe that it's such a massive worry.

never used ignore on LFG players (in that_game)

so my question: What can a "Jerk" player possibly do that requires /ignore at all?

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Would be inclined to log in a lot more other than to do story stuff if X server LFD was added. As it is now there just sort of isn't enough to do in between questing and I'm not big on PvP. LFD would add the variety I am looking for.:)
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never used ignore on LFG players (in that_game)

so my question: What can a "Jerk" player possibly do that requires /ignore at all?


I can certainly see not wanting to group with someone who's obnoxious or childish in general, but /ignore certainly solves that, and I've yet to come across anyone in-game that's ruined my day to the point I needed revenge. Seems obsessive to want to "punish" them further than /ignore.

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I haven't heard anything official since the design phase comment. But today I found another bone in a podcast transcript of an interview with Stephen Reid:


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?

SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.


Source: http://toroz.com.au/2012/02/stephen-reid-qa-summary-transcript/

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I can certainly see not wanting to group with someone who's obnoxious or childish in general, but /ignore certainly solves that, and I've yet to come across anyone in-game that's ruined my day to the point I needed revenge. Seems obsessive to want to "punish" them further than /ignore.


Just because you have the tool to silence them, doesn't mean it fixes the problem. Besides, you can't go around ignoring absolutely everyone who's being a dick, that's just dumb.

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I have one big problem with the LFD system. The cross server LFD system. It really just adresses the sympton rather than the problem. The problem is that server populations, or some server populations are low. The symptom of this is grouping declines. Should fix the real issue. Then worry about lfd.
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Just because you have the tool to silence them, doesn't mean it fixes the problem. Besides, you can't go around ignoring absolutely everyone who's being a dick, that's just dumb.


Why can't I? I've ran into 3 or 4 serious jerks in the 2 months I've been playing, and I ignored them. What's dumb about that?

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I'm all for a lfg tool as my post history will indicate, in every of the many threads in general I've been there.


Having made my first toon on empress teta a near dead server even emp side I've felt how hopeless and how abruptly the game suddenly ends at the level cap for low pop servers.


Not even mentioning those that need to make there own schedules not run by a servers prime time.


And after experiencing the difficulty of finding a group on harbinger a high pop server my conviction is only strengthened, ten fold.


Mmo's need cross server lfg tools. It's as simple as that, it's just the way the genre has evolved.

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Mmo's need cross server lfg tools. It's as simple as that, it's just the way the genre has evolved.
That's true. It is over the time according to which MMOs were mainly played by nerds. The genre attracted much more categories, many profiles, and much more flexibility is needed. A cross server LFG tool is a step towards that more flexibility - schedule wise.
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A cross-server tool is not the fix-all for all issues. People think it's some kind of magic solution that will fix everything. It's not. It can fix some issues, but it will not fix others.


If the problem is lack of healers/tanks across all servers, then it will not help at all. If the problem is lack of tanks on one server, and surplus of tanks on another, then it would help. So it depends what issue they want to fix.


I would prefer BW starts simple. Implement a simple LFG tool with some functions, and then add functions AS NEEDED. Adding a bunch of functions randomly in the hope to fix something can break more things than intended...

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