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[Video] New Ability cooldown effects


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They're just making the game more and more visually difficult. It was bad enough that so many specs were created to be dependant on procs, so you have to spend your time staring at your buffbar (seriously... give procs a sound).


My eyes can't sort out this new white-washed and constantly flashing change. I'm pretty much just button-mashing in combat at this point. That's bad enough in PvE, but in PvP it means losing every time. I guess some people like the new change. But for me it isn't a matter of preference, it's an inability for my eyes to handle it.


Hate this. I want to play, and until they change it I'm stuck with chatting and crafting.

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This game is being run like it's a free to play game and it's honestly embarrassing even from the outside. Patches are going out without critical testing, servers are being taken down more often than they need to be and whoever is in charge of approving UI elements needs to be re-evaluated.


It's strange to me that extremely critical issues like item, currency, valor and equipment exploitation can be handled with an allowable level of loss. While non-critical issues that are purely speculative are being handled hastily by a the UI team that has more important things to do. (like getting us an adjustable UI!)


These type of changes are going to be what makes or breaks this game. You've gone and made something that was a non-issue for 80% of your players into a major issue.



To fix:

Use GCD from last patch. (Black)

Use CD timer for this patch (White) on skills with CD's longer than 4 seconds.

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LOL, BioWare.


So when are they going to fix group frames, a real problematic issue (health not displayed correctly, characters missing)? A year from now, can we expect a fix on that finally? And will it actually fix anything, or will you just swap some colors around?

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This game is being run like it's a free to play game and it's honestly embarrassing even from the outside. Patches are going out without critical testing, servers are being taken down more often than they need to be and whoever is in charge of approving UI elements needs to be re-evaluated.


It's strange to me that extremely critical issues like item, currency, valor and equipment exploitation can be handled with an allowable level of loss. While non-critical issues that are purely speculative are being handled hastily by a the UI team that has more important things to do. (like getting us an adjustable UI!)


These type of changes are going to be what makes or breaks this game. You've gone and made something that was a non-issue for 80% of your players into a major issue.



To fix:

Use GCD from last patch. (Black)

Use CD timer for this patch (White) on skills with CD's longer than 4 seconds.


i like your suggestion, but i would prefer they remove the white borders and have CD's greater than the GCD be white. The blackened colour of GCD post patch was great ..

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LOL, BioWare.


So when are they going to fix group frames, a real problematic issue (health not displayed correctly, characters missing)? A year from now, can we expect a fix on that finally? And will it actually fix anything, or will you just swap some colors around?


At this rate, I would rather wait a year and have it done right than to have them attempt another "fix" and have it worse than before.

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I like the new (original?) cooldown animations. With the prior version, you couldn't tell what long-cooldown abilities were available and which ones had just a single pixel or two left "covering" the icon. This is closer to the way it was originally at release that many people cried out for Bioware to bring back. Kudos to them.


I also like the new flash to let you know when an ability is ready. It's not much different than what WoW (blasphemy!) does when your abilities come off cooldown.


And yes, I'm a hotkey user.

Edited by Giolon
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They're just making the game more and more visually difficult. It was bad enough that so many specs were created to be dependant on procs, so you have to spend your time staring at your buffbar (seriously... give procs a sound).


My eyes can't sort out this new white-washed and constantly flashing change. I'm pretty much just button-mashing in combat at this point. That's bad enough in PvE, but in PvP it means losing every time. I guess some people like the new change. But for me it isn't a matter of preference, it's an inability for my eyes to handle it.


Hate this. I want to play, and until they change it I'm stuck with chatting and crafting.


hehe...ya I tried it and it's offensive to the eyes. I put in a petition and logged. I can't play like that. I'm doing the same thing; just logging in to craft and logging back out. Guess I'll have alot of rested xp time though once they fix it. :)

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There is no reason to show every ability on the GCD. I just logged on and was like OMG why. This is the worst of the 3 options we have seen in the last month+.


I love SWTOR, but these kind of things really make you scratch your head.


If I quickly look at abilities mid GCD it now tells me NOTHING about what is on CD or not.


It is really horrible.

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I still don't understand what's wrong with a numerical countdown for longer CD's. Ones comming off GCD don't need a 1.5 second cooldown number. For most of my WoW career I used Bartender to organize my hotbars - exactly how I wanted them, configured with proper numerical countdowns, followed by a small flash.


I could also use another addon to give a sound queue when an ability was off cooldown.


Example: Lava burst. Playing as elemental for some fights I had it give a gentle "ping" whenever it would come off cooldown, via proc or natural. It would "ping" and I'd cast Lava Burst. Never had to look at my hotbars for it.


Why are we not doing this?

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Graying out all icons during the global cooldown is not a fix, it further hinders the players ability.


wanna know the best part?


Patch Notes 1.1.0


*The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met.

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i think the new ui is better than the old one


in the old one it was difficult, on long cd skills, to tell if something was up or not as the only portion of the icon grayed out was the one below the "cd bar"


with this ui at least we can clearly see if something is up or not, even if i agree that there are way too many effects going on and it could cause some distraction.



hopefully with the new and more customizable ui there will be options to tune down these ui effects

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please bioware


i play a lvl 50 scoundrell with the new cooldowneffect it´s imposible for me to see the procs correct, and after 30 minutes playing i´m become strong headache :mad: from the ligh blue flashing icons.


please give older players a chance to enable this!




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Ive lived with all the other bugs and not whined while others have,giving this game all the chances i could,but after today and these new abilty cd changes i really am not sure bioware actually have a clue what they are doing,i mean before this wasnt even much of a problem,why even change it and ok you changed it but its a total MESS now,seriously whatever knobhead came up with this idea/look needs to be handed his p45 tommorw.
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