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Will the patch today keep you playing or from canceling?


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Yea I agree. Its not always gear in a pvp mmo but there is something. Aion had its pvp gear, DAOC had its abiilites, WAR had a bit of both, etc. I think you'll come across no gear or abilities when you are in a pve mmo. Games like those might have pve gear but usually its not pvp based.


THere is a big difference in the way those things are attained though. Which is what makes people want something over another.

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Rushing? I only know of one person in my guild that rushed.


I think that terminally should be flipped around. People should not expect to take their time and go excessively slow to avoid dealing with frustration for a incomplete product. In other words, casually leveling should not penalized by production that has not been finished. Sorry, when people say they are going to intently level slowly, it just really boggles me.


Either way, I agree I hope they fix this all soon.


For those of you that didn't play a certain game at release:


There was once a game where the only EC was a single 40 man raid instance that could be done by no less than 40 people as highly geared as possible for the longest time. The last boss in this instance was all but impossible to tank unless 2 of your tanks had all but 1 piece of their entire set dropped from this instance. The only pvp was an arena in a level ~30 area and lowbie ganking in level 10-30 areas. You could camp bodies all day long if you wanted to and frustrate the piss out of someone to the point of making them log for the night, unlike this cupcake no death pentalty **** we have on SWTOR.


On the first major patch they added another 40 man raid instance, which again, required gear and 40 people playing in sync.


Fast forward 4 major patches later, and you finally get 2 instanced, objective-based PVP zones. Oh but wait, one of those pvp instances normally lasts 2 FULL DAYS for one game, which is normally always full, so forget being able to get into it unless you get really lucky. Talk about a gear grind (they finally fixed that 3 major patches later).


1 major patch after that, oh sweet! Another 40 man raid instance that pretty much requires you to have gear from the first 40 man raid instance.


1 major patch after that, another instanced objective-based PVP zone. Oh and they separated it by level increments, so it was actually feasible after 7 major patches to PvP below the cap level! Oh hey, and a 20 man raid instance with ****** drops, goody goody!


A few major patches later, and they finally revamped the pvp system to the point that you didn't have to quit your job/school and life for 1 month to get the best PvP weapon and a title by being the person with the highest accumulation of pvp honor for the week on the entire server. Praise the LORD, finally an adult with responsibilities (instead of 1 kid that doesn't log off or sleep for a month, or a toon that is played in shifts) can get the PvP weapons!


2 major patches later: Hi players! Go buy the expansion pack that has a level cap raise, 2 new pvp instances, and a few more raid instances that makes all the gear you grinded like a beast for completely worthless. HAHAHAHAHALOLOLOLOLOL (we do dis fur da lulz).



Imagine if the players of that game had QQquit like they do with this one. Then they wouldn't get to put out commercials with Chuck Norris boasting 10 million subscriptions.


tl;dr: WoW sucked WAY worse. This game is leaps and bounds better than WoW was at a comparable age. QQ L2P, noobs.


Edit: Prior to WoW, I played FFXI at NA release, which at the time took about 3/4 of a year to get to cap level regardless of class. 90% of your time past level 10 was spent LFG just to level, and certain classes would be completely unable to level up past 10 due to lack of group viability. Leveling solo past 10 was impossible for all but 2 classes, and only Black Mage was able to access, and defeat the boss of the highest EC zone. PvP sucked, period and technically didn't even exist. WoW was easymode compared to FFXI, and SWTOR is easymode compared to WoW in its infancy.


Seriously, with my history in MMO's I have 0 sympathy for anyone's crying.

Edited by drdarpa
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Imagine if the players of that game had QQquit like they do with this one. Then they wouldn't get to put out commercials with Chuck Norris boasting 10 million subscriptions.


tl;dr: WoW sucked WAY worse. This game is leaps and bounds better than WoW was at a comparable age. QQ L2P, noobs.


You compare WoW, a damn family pve mmo, and you call others "noobs"?


Ha comical. :D


Also, they had chuck norris and other people in their commercials because they had a great marketing team. Not a great game, learn the difference. :)

Edited by DarthHarlem
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I love how theres a long post comparing operations to Wow Raids in the PVP FORUM Sorry fanboys, no amount of comparing to WoW will make the PvP in this game seem acceptable to real PvPers.



You didn't read the post. Your comprehension is as poor as your skill likely is.


Cancel and go back to your non-grind easymode.

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You compare WoW, a damn family pve mmo, and you call others "noobs"?


Ha comical. :D


Also, they had chuck norris and other people in their commercials because they had a great marketing team. Not a great game, learn the difference. :)



I didn't say WoW was a great game. You lack the ability to comprehend a single sentence.


Since you can't read, I'll break it down for you. I was comparing game progression (specifically pvp progression, with a little bit of PvE), moron.

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=/ the only thing that this patch made was made me feel like a fool for opening lots of bags in the past and getting nothing, yesterday i had 83 centurion comendations wich mean i nearly opened about 28 bags bags and i got some ear pieces some implants a hand and my main hand saber twice, with this change i would have 420 centurion comendations and 196 champion comendations wich would have let me get a full set of pvp gear and be competitive again in the pvp world.


so i feel like a chump. GG pvp, eventually ill return to you.

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Although I don't disagree with your analysis of WoW there is one big difference.


I quit WoW within the first two months because the game was unplayable due to the server lag, disconnects, and long queue times to get back in plus it had the pvp issues you talked about.


I didn't come back for at least 2 months or longer waiting for the changes to kick in. Once they fixed their server stability issues I can back for a while.


Maybe SWTOR will be the same way. Maybe a number of us will leave because of the PVP issues and will come back once the Dev team figures out just what they hell they are doing.

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I didn't say WoW was a great game. You lack the ability to comprehend a single sentence.


Since you can't read, I'll break it down for you. I was comparing game progression (specifically pvp progression, with a little bit of PvE), moron.


Kid, your statements lead up to that. Don't play dumb and really going to insult because you made yourself look like a fool? Why post then? What are you 12?

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Although I don't disagree with your analysis of WoW there is one big difference.


I quit WoW within the first two months because the game was unplayable due to the server lag, disconnects, and long queue times to get back in plus it had the pvp issues you talked about.


I didn't come back for at least 2 months or longer waiting for the changes to kick in. Once they fixed their server stability issues I can back for a while.


Maybe SWTOR will be the same way. Maybe a number of us will leave because of the PVP issues and will come back once the Dev team figures out just what they hell they are doing.


And I don't doubt that people will return once things are fixed. It just seems like people cry about a miniscule grind substantially more with each new mmo that comes out.


All I'm saying is that I have no sympathy for the QQ'ers. Simply because they have not seen what I define as a "Grind" or a "difficult playing situation". It's almost as if some of these new MMO players (I can only assume that they are with the level of butthurt evident in this thread and others like it by the cryers) feel a sense of entitlement. As if they don't have to work to get rewarded. Furthermore, this is what's wrong with America in general......


But I digress.

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Kid, your statements lead up to that. Don't play dumb and really going to insult because you made yourself look like a fool? Why post then? What are you 12?


Insults. Hypocrisy. U mad bro?


Again, it's not my fault you can't read, or are too lazy, or whatever the reason is that you didn't read the post before responding. I read your posts before I responded. If you feel the need to respond, you should at least read mine in its entirety.


You claim to be an EQ vet, where a death was met with a real penalty - an EXP deficit. I assume you played long enough to understand what a real grind is, as opposed to the piddly almost-month "Grind" for gear in SWTOR. Certainly you aren't crying about some minor problems of a game in its infancy.


On that note, I started playing DAOC in spring of 2002, when exactly did you start playing DAOC. We can compare SWTOR's infancy issues to DAOC's if you'd like. It wasn't so long ago that I don't remember some of the problems I ran into with that game.

Edited by drdarpa
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And I don't doubt that people will return once things are fixed. It just seems like people cry about a miniscule grind substantially more with each new mmo that comes out.


All I'm saying is that I have no sympathy for the QQ'ers. Simply because they have not seen what I define as a "Grind" or a "difficult playing situation". It's almost as if some of these new MMO players (I can only assume that they are with the level of butthurt evident in this thread and others like it by the cryers) feel a sense of entitlement. As if they don't have to work to get rewarded. Furthermore, this is what's wrong with America in general......


But I digress.


New? You mention WoW and you call others new?


Hahahahahah! Come on man. Most of us have played many pve and pvp mmos which is why we have standards along with limitations. Its clear this is probabbly your first leap beyond wow but to say you know how to grind. Ha that cracks me up. I would try to explain it further but you can just read the thread. Its not hard to comprehend.


Aion was a grind.

DAOC had some grinds.

Eve online had some grinds.


Random drops is not a grind, its just frustration which is why they are at least attempting to fix it.

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They just don't know what they have to do:


- Fix ability delay

- Fix mirror classes animations.

- Faction cap ilum so it's not a one sided zergfest.

- Objectives giving something worth aside buff so people spread more around the map on ilum.

- Bugs on warzones.

- Warzones not counting toward daily.

- Ilum's kills not counting toward valor/daily.

- Buggy boss mechanichs on PvE.

- True progression feeling on pvp (they did a step forward, but battlemaster is still a RNG ****fest), it isn't about being faster or slower, it's about when you do something, you know you are going somewhere, not a "well let's hope for better luck tomorrow".





- They nerf annhi/watchman dps (and they have the balls to say it is not).

- They nerf hybrid shadow/sin.

- They nerf operatives/scoundrels

- They add new bugs to sum up with later bugs.

- They lie on patchnotes

- They don't seem to playtest what they are going to implement. IE: We realized at 20 minutes on being on ilum it was bugged. So we are not worth 20 minutes of playtesting it seem.

- They keep trying to pump out new content instead fixing.


I am a customer. I pay serious people, and not ********s who only try to go for the easy stuff. Nerfing classes at this state of the game is just plainly wrong.

Edited by Keldaur
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Insults. Hypocrisy. U mad bro?


Thank you. That phrase alone, confirmed your a kid or teen. I never insulted you by the way, just stated a good observation.


If your happy with the game young one, why post here? This thread is about people's expectations going forward after this recent change.

Edited by DarthHarlem
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I already unsubbed - why they make nerfing things their priority over the tons of bugs and issues the game has is beyond me - This is not beta, they should not be making extreme changes to classes and to crew skills as they are - I do not want to pay to be a part of the beta testing team
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Thank you. That phrase alone, confirmed your a kid or teen. I never insulted you by the way, just stated a good observation.


If your happy with the game young one, why post here? This thread is about people's expectations going forward after this recent change.


Oh the irony!


This thread is about crying. You have yet to prove otherwise. And if I am a teen or child, as you observed, you should be ashamed of yourself that your grammar is so poor that a child is pointing out your mistakes.


On that note, I must have been playing MMO's and have a deep understanding of the contents of patch notes since the age of 8 to have played FFXI since release or DOAC since 2008 to currently be under the age of 18.

Edited by drdarpa
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They just don't know what they have to do:


- Fix ability delay

- Fix mirror classes animations.

- Faction cap ilum so it's not a one sided zergfest.

- Objectives giving something worth aside buff so people spread more around the map on ilum.

- Bugs on warzones.

- Warzones not counting toward daily.

- Ilum's kills not counting toward valor/daily.

- Buggy boss mechanichs on PvE.

- True progression feeling on pvp (they did a step forward, but battlemaster is still a RNG ****fest), it isn't about being faster or slower, it's about when you do something, you know you are going somewhere, not a "well let's hope for better luck tomorrow".





- They nerf annhi/watchman dps (and they have the balls to say it is not).

- They nerf hybrid shadow/sin.

- They nerf operatives/scoundrels

- They add new bugs to sum up with later bugs.

- They lie on patchnotes

- They don't seem to playtest what they are going to implement. IE: We realized at 20 minutes on being on ilum it was bugged. So we are not worth 20 minutes of playtesting it seem.

- They keep trying to pump out new content instead fixing.


I am a customer. I pay serious people, and not ********s who only try to go for the easy stuff. Nerfing classes at this state of the game is just plainly wrong.


Can't argue with this list. Good post.

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Just Waiting for TSW (The Secret World) then this game is history for many players including me..


ROFL, Funcom.



GL with that holmes!


Lighting $60 on fire and shoving it up your colon will be less painful than that POS.

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I think it's not. I log my bags and currently get hit ratio of about 23%. So acceptably close to claimed value.

People that discuss this topic are mostly people who got unlucky. 99% of people who got they gear acceptably quickly never pop up in such topics or discussions.


Correct. I hit BM at about 50% til I rerolled to pubs

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For those of you that didn't play a certain game at release:


There was once a game where the only EC was a single 40 man raid instance that could be done by no less than 40 people as highly geared as possible for the longest time. The last boss in this instance was all but impossible to tank unless 2 of your tanks had all but 1 piece of their entire set dropped from this instance. The only pvp was an arena in a level ~30 area and lowbie ganking in level 10-30 areas. You could camp bodies all day long if you wanted to and frustrate the piss out of someone to the point of making them log for the night, unlike this cupcake no death pentalty **** we have on SWTOR.


On the first major patch they added another 40 man raid instance, which again, required gear and 40 people playing in sync.


Fast forward 4 major patches later, and you finally get 2 instanced, objective-based PVP zones. Oh but wait, one of those pvp instances normally lasts 2 FULL DAYS for one game, which is normally always full, so forget being able to get into it unless you get really lucky. Talk about a gear grind (they finally fixed that 3 major patches later).


1 major patch after that, oh sweet! Another 40 man raid instance that pretty much requires you to have gear from the first 40 man raid instance.


1 major patch after that, another instanced objective-based PVP zone. Oh and they separated it by level increments, so it was actually feasible after 7 major patches to PvP below the cap level! Oh hey, and a 20 man raid instance with ****** drops, goody goody!


A few major patches later, and they finally revamped the pvp system to the point that you didn't have to quit your job/school and life for 1 month to get the best PvP weapon and a title by being the person with the highest accumulation of pvp honor for the week on the entire server. Praise the LORD, finally an adult with responsibilities (instead of 1 kid that doesn't log off or sleep for a month, or a toon that is played in shifts) can get the PvP weapons!


2 major patches later: Hi players! Go buy the expansion pack that has a level cap raise, 2 new pvp instances, and a few more raid instances that makes all the gear you grinded like a beast for completely worthless. HAHAHAHAHALOLOLOLOLOL (we do dis fur da lulz).



Imagine if the players of that game had QQquit like they do with this one. Then they wouldn't get to put out commercials with Chuck Norris boasting 10 million subscriptions.


tl;dr: WoW sucked WAY worse. This game is leaps and bounds better than WoW was at a comparable age. QQ L2P, noobs.


Edit: Prior to WoW, I played FFXI at NA release, which at the time took about 3/4 of a year to get to cap level regardless of class. 90% of your time past level 10 was spent LFG just to level, and certain classes would be completely unable to level up past 10 due to lack of group viability. Leveling solo past 10 was impossible for all but 2 classes, and only Black Mage was able to access, and defeat the boss of the highest EC zone. PvP sucked, period and technically didn't even exist. WoW was easymode compared to FFXI, and SWTOR is easymode compared to WoW in its infancy.


Seriously, with my history in MMO's I have 0 sympathy for anyone's crying.


QFT...I can't believe the sense of entitlement of some of the kiddies on these forums. I've been PVPing since UO launched...not that anyone cares. Not sure why everyone feels the need to list the MMORPG's they've played at all. I laughed my *** off earlier when I heard people mentioning Southshore/Tarren Mill PVP wistfully as if there was some sort of nostalgia factor there. That wasn't "back in the day", and that was the birth of all training-wheels PVP, love it or hate it. That game and its PVP are who you have to thank for what you're playing now if you don't like it.


WoW was HORRIBLE at launch in terms of PVP and continued to be for a YEAR - And still sold double-digit millions of copies and subs. As much as the PVP fans like myself want the focus of the game to be that, it's not. And if we expect good content, we have to wait for it. Patience is a virtue. Kids don't have it anymore.


News flash - all EA cares about is making money on this, just like any other game. Tons of people unsub for a month or two and come back. The fact that you're even bothering to post on the forums about it shows that you care, and you probably will be back if peer pressure brings you there, just like all the other people (like me) that hated WoW and still played it for a few years.


Most of us are having fun with the game right now, and know that features like PVP will only get better and better with time. If you want to stick around for it or not, that's on you. I'm pretty sure we'll see all the people posting about unsubbing right now back at a later date when they run out of games to hop to, and if not, good riddance. Rage Quitters don't build a good community.

Edited by AstralProjection
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Your post makes no sense or has me wondering if this is your first or second mmo. Unless you've just never been in a pvp mmo. To us pvpers, it is very important. Which essentially is the only reason why we pay and play. It really confuses me why you or anyone else would actually actually expect anyone to pay for something they are not enjoying. Which makes your own question reflect back at you. Any consumer should know when to not buy a product again or ask for a refund. Unless you are a kid or a teenager, I'm not sure how you missed that lesson.


If its PVP you want then there are certainly better platforms than a trilogy system based MMO platform. The trilogy sytem of combat wasn't designed for pvp and quite honestly it doesn't work very well at all.


You ask if this is my first foray into MMO pvp. No its not. It would be my third. I played Warhammer, and Rift before this. Warhammers PVP was atrocious and Rift was essentially boring. I at least find TOR to be somewhat enjoyable although the trilogy system, like i mentioned before is not designed for this type of game play.


You can never have balance in a game like this and that is why MMO pvp is always being pinged on. The only people who are happy are those who are OP and everyone else is left to whine and moan. Then the inevitible nerfs come then the the former OP people will gripe about being nerfed.


There is no way to balance out the classes because the classes perform entirely different functions. Lets face it, nobody really plays pvp like they do an instance. There is no real team work for the most part so you have to be able to 1v1 and MMO pvp just cant provide that on an equal basis and in reality it shouldn't because of the class based system.


If you want PVP then I would suggest you play shooters where it is more condusive to balance and one ability.


complaining about PVP in an MMO is kind of silly in my estimation. Its a bonus fringe capability that nice to have but in no way is it essential and to tell the truth it just a side mini game.


If that is the ONLY reason why you are playing this game then perhaps MMO's shouldn't be your genre of choice b/c you are clearly missing out on 95% of what the genre is REALLY about.

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