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Every patch that doesn't have a LFG tool is costing you players


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Actually i would say and in lack of better word i will call it "Automatic"


And under that word i will assemble every thing that people want automated will list the most common


1.LFD .

Two press of a button to be able to play a Flashpoint join LFG Join the Group and Auto teleportation there and that is it


2. X-server same as one just faster.


3. Respeccs (Dual,triple,AC)


one button press while no travel time while costing no money



1 button teleport choose location


And here is my thoughts on all this


When things gets to automatic alot of people seem to stop caring about playing the game.

In a way it seems that for every one player that can handle it there are one player that can't.


And this is just in my opinion it is here things go wrong that person that cant handle it turns into a digital leech figuring out how to play the convinience to the fullest.


Using every possible way for him not playing the game as much as possible but while getting the most reward out from it (path of less resistance).


So in my point of view a nice user friendly LFG window

that will leave out automatication as long as possible is enough for now.

Edited by Varghjerta
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Sorry kid, that $15 a month you pay only gives you ACCESSS to the servers. Thats it!


I don't know, I think a portion is but a lot of it has to do with content and content includes LFG, custom UI. If 15 only covered server then every madden and call of duty game would require a sub to play the game.

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If you dont like that they dont have a LFG tool then quit and move onto another game. Isnt that what everyone tells anyone who has a complaint about the game to do? So why dont you.


Also where is any proof that it does? Your making up stories to get what you want, thats all you are doing.

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I thought that is what my 15 dollars a month was for, after the initial $80 so I can beta test a game.


You get what you paid for. If the game is not to your liking, find one that is.


WoW seems to have all the easy mode mechanics you desire.

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On paper the WoW-style LFD system looks good, but I'm not really convinced. It was convenient up until you grouped with a jerk who ruined the experience (and could hold you hostage through your timers). And I don't care what anyone says - as a career tank, I promise you, there are plenty of jerks.


That thing was the beginning of the end of social gaming, effectively. People became disposable, thus no one felt obligated to act as a team (outside of guilds).


that's the price you pay for convenience. and it's a price i'll gladly pay. if it takes me a week to get a HM FP together because my server never has more than 18 people on fleet, i'll happily continue to pay and put up with the jerks in lfg to speed that up.

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Oh, so you changed your point. Cool. Way to go. Ignore anything that was said and say new things.


How did I ignore what I said? Are you really having such a hard time with this that you can't put two and two together?

Edited by XOrionX
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LFD is not a massive fix like everybody is claiming. During my leveling in WoW, I would sometimes have to wait 30 minutes while the tool was active.


Even with the tool, it is not instant. It could take less than 5 minutes, it could take 30 minutes. So the excuse of it will ALWAYS be faster than finding a group does not hold.


isnt that the point? Yes, you might have to wait in que for quite some time, but you can do other things, like questing or Ilum or space missions.


Now? you have to sit in the fleet and spam trade/wait until someone else spams

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LFD is not a massive fix like everybody is claiming. During my leveling in WoW, I would sometimes have to wait 30 minutes while the tool was active.


Even with the tool, it is not instant. It could take less than 5 minutes, it could take 30 minutes. So the excuse of it will ALWAYS be faster than finding a group does not hold.


I sometimes forget about my group quests until somebody says something in chat, then I am like "Oh yeah I have that too, I will join you!".


Perhaps the most wisdom in a post yet.


Start the group. Ask for joiners, not be a joiner yourself. I am on Krayiss Obelisk, a low-mid server and I still get groups for 4 heroics on Taris, BY STARTING THE GROUP MYSELF AND ASKING FOR PEOPLE TO JOIN.


Not directed at you, Nighthawk, but you touched upon it tangentially.

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Are you implying that anyone in this thread is still 1-49?


Are you implying that making it easy for alts to find groups for content, after the initial month of the game where the lower levels are empty and underpopulated, is a bad thing?


Are you implying that the levelling process is more than 10% of the current gameplay?

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that's the price you pay for convenience. and it's a price i'll gladly pay. if it takes me a week to get a HM FP together because my server never has more than 18 people on fleet, i'll happily continue to pay and put up with the jerks in lfg to speed that up.


not to mention the only reason jerks abuse WoW LFD is because of the ridiculous votekick restrictions. If people were able to be votekicked right away, they would start behaving properly and LFD tool would be invaluable, especially if it was server only.

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Oh, so you changed your point. Cool. Way to go. Ignore anything that was said and say new things.


too bad, now people are running gear checks for HM FP, that is another problem without an random LFG you are at the mercy of the elitist jerks.

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You get what you paid for. If the game is not to your liking, find one that is.


WoW seems to have all the easy mode mechanics you desire.


Yeah like swtor is real hard. Lol.


It's hard not to hit 50 too fast lest I get stuck in the purgatory called the "endgame".

Edited by grueber
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isnt that the point? Yes, you might have to wait in que for quite some time, but you can do other things, like questing or Ilum or space missions.


Now? you have to sit in the fleet and spam trade/wait until someone else spams


It is the same for me on either game. I type in Tank LFG for [Quest] and I continue my class quests while I wait for a whisper/chat.


It is really not that different, except you have to type.

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So because you are lucky enough to play on a high population server (and probably play Imperial) means that a LFG tool isn't needed, because those people who play Republic or play on lower population servers (or both) where there are 50 people on the fleet during prime time and 10-15 people on each planet tops don't matter. Got it.


There is already server merg and transfer threads. use the search function.

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that's the price you pay for convenience. and it's a price i'll gladly pay. if it takes me a week to get a HM FP together because my server never has more than 18 people on fleet, i'll happily continue to pay and put up with the jerks in lfg to speed that up.


If you say so. I don't pay $15 a month to put up with jerks tho. I *get* paid to do that at work. Maybe if I can see some accountability in place, beyond 'oh well he can't kick someone else for an hour! all fixed!'


Because the only thing more painful than tanking an instance in WoW (especially now that everyone expects things to be easy for them) is stepping on legos.

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The word you're looking for is 'MMO'. It means you share the game world with us. Hope that helps.




I think the attitude behind Question 1 answers Question 2 well.



And you did not answer the question. People ask this but no one answers.


How does the actual process of forming a group change the behavior of people?


I take 3 hours to spam chat and find 3 people. Or the tool finds those same 3 people for me in 20-30 minutes. How does our behavior change and how is that dependent on the actual process of forming the group?

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1.LFD .

Two press of a button to be able to play a Flashpoint join LFG Join the Group and Auto teleportation there and that is it


2. X-server same as one just faster.


3. Respeccs (Dual,triple,AC)


one button press while no travel time while costing no money



1 button teleport choose location


And here is my thoughts on all this


When things gets to automatic alot of people seem to stop caring about playing the game.



Your post does not describe the action of 'playing the game', you are describing a barrier that impedes people trying to play the game - the process of finding people to play it with. Playing the game is what happens when your group has formed and you actually get into the instance.

Edited by TeoHTime
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I agree with this , I have a toon on both sides , on my republic character lvl 41 Knight , I have not been able to find a group in fleet in almost 15 lvl's , I get bored standing around I have limited time to play we need LFG tool IMHO.
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Last night, Republic fleet on my server never goes over 60-65 players. For two hours I try to form a PUG for a hard mode flashpoint (I am a tank) with absolutely no luck. In that time I found two DPS (but not at the same time), each of who eventually gave up. How is this considered good for the game? I know people will scream that a LFG kills the community. Do you know what kills the community for than a LFG tool? People quitting the game because it is impossible to form groups to do the content. It isn't any better (probably worse actually) at lower levels also. Last week I was trying to form a group to help my brother with The Red Reaper, and we ended up having to do it with companions. Luckily I am completely overgeared for a level 45 flashpoint so we were able to do it that way.


I'm sure for Imperial players finding groups is easy when there are 200+ people on your fleet, but right now it seems like the only option until they add a LFG tool for Republic players is to reroll to the more populated faction.


Last night, Imperial fleet on my server never goes below 100-165 players. For two hours I formed PUGs for a hard mode flashpoints (I am a healer) with tons of luck. In that time I found several DPS (almost always at the same time), each of who were patient and good players. How is this considered bad for the game? I know that i will scream that a LFG kills the community. Do you know why an LFG tool kills the community for a game? People quitting the game because it is impossible to form groups competent groups to do the content. Just look at that other game with its LFG tool. Trolls, AFKers, Griefers, Ninja's and people wanting to be carried. It isn't any better (probably worse actually) at lower levels also. LFG allows people to forgo any form of responsibility and just do what ever they want because there is no consequences. If you form groups from your own server at least you have the ability to "discipline as a community" or blacklist the truly horrid players with bad attitudes. People will become known for their behavior, good or bad. Last week I was trying to form a group to help my friend with The Red Reaper, and we ended up having spectacular group and ended up adding the PUGs to our friends lists!. Luckily I am completely under-geared for a level 45 flashpoint and the group was understanding and willing to help, so we were able to do it that way.


I'm sure for Republic players finding groups is easy on my server as well when there are 100+ people on their fleet since population imbalance is grossly exaggerated in most cases, but right now it seems like the best for all players players is toenjoy the game and continue building a strong community on their servers. Server specific forums would defiantly help more then a LFG tool.

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They DO!!!


Go into game. Press O. Type in "50" at the top of the box. Use eyes to scan the people LFG. Invite.


The tool exists. But like any tool, it's worthless if people are too lazy to pick it up. The first thing I do upon logging in is setting a LFG message with pertinent information, then talking to friends where my majority of groups originate. Sometimes I get hijacked out of the LFG tool before that occurs.


- Not 50 yet

- Not everyone plays on a heavy server

- If you play on a light/standart server you can see max of 100 ppl in fllet at prime weekend time

- Almost no one uses the LFG tags, so you would have to ask each person of your level if they would be interested to join you - yes you can make friends that way, but it is really time consuming

- a lfg global channel could go a long way to solve this issues, are you interested in creating/joining a fp, just join the channel and see what's going on. You're not interested? Leave the channel.


You can blame the people laziness all you want, if the tool exists, but nobody uses it as they could, the tool SUCKS!!! The pvp tool works really nice thou, you can queue solo and everything - the horror, it's killing the community *sigh*

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They didn't have those tools when I played WoW and even when they did I didn't use them so I don't know what all the hubbub is about. How do these tools ruin the game or make you miss content. From what I understand, it would allow you to see more content since you can play while waiting instead of being on fleet waiting the whole time. Is this not correct? I guess I don't understand the real arguments.
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Are you implying that anyone in this thread is still 1-49?


Are you implying that making it easy for alts to find groups for content, after the initial month of the game where the lower levels are empty and underpopulated, is a bad thing?


Are you implying that the levelling process is more than 10% of the current gameplay?


No, what I am saying is that a LFD tool would destroy 1-49 at the very least. Why do missions at all when you can just sidetrack them and run FP's for exp and gear?


Try not to reduce a person's statement to just a couple words and instead look at thier entrie statement. That way we avoid un-needed rehashing of crap that has already been said.

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