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This class is Overpowered


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I play a Trooper as my main character and this class is just retardedly OP. Looking ay my character sheet, raid buffed I have AT MINIMUM a 43% crit chance across all my shots. 43%!! Charged Bolt/Grav Round is 52 with the PvE 2-piece and I'm not even fully decked out in Rakata yet.


Where is the class supposed to go from here? Those are pretty much end of an expansion stats right there and we're only a month into this thing. Really no point in going over 50% crit and Haste does jack-all. Since it doesn't boost ammo regen, its really only good for running dry faster...who wants that?


Speaking about that set bonus...Honestly, no one is ever going to give up a 15% crit chance to their spam ability no matter what kind of new gear or bonuses you come up with. It's just too strong of a bonus and we all know it.


Are all the other classes this broken?

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Relax. Apart from working on bugs and new content, at least some people will be working on balance. This will result in some classes being nerfed, other becoming overpowered and some being balanced. After a while the classes will end up ebing fairly balanced.

The bad news for the current OP classes is that they will first be nerfed into the ground. Unintentionally, but still.

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I don't know about OP, but from my experience Gunnery is currently the highest sustained DPS in raids. It gets even better if there is more than one Gunnery in the group since grav rounds stack for bonus damage on Demo Rounds.


Here is why I think gunnery is the best DPS right now, since we lack damage meters. When I raid I have to hold back on my DPS so I don't pull aggro, and when I go all out I am consistently pulling aggro off the tank. I have even become the de facto off tank for the Jarg/Sorno fight in Karagga's Palace because I hold aggro on Jarg the entire time without ever losing aggro to the other ranged DPS (unless it is another gunnery trooper). For the counsel fight in EV I consistently beat out the other equally geared DPS classes, and not by a little bit.


Is Gunnery OP? You might as well ask if Arcane Mages are OP in that other MMO since they consistently top the damage meters. Personally, I think troopers are designed to be narrowly focused DPS demons.

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I levelled with my dps mando (grinding pvp out now) and so started a few other "alts" ,one is a smuggler gunslinger and I have noticed that this is far more overpowered than the commando AND the companion I have is so amazingly good it puts all the ones commandos get to shame.
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I don't know about OP, but from my experience Gunnery is currently the highest sustained DPS in raids. .


I don't think so. They do a lot of damage for sure but gunslinger and sage can pump out stupid damage as well. And the fact you are pulling aggro constantly says I don't know how to use my threat reducer. On my Gunslinger I can pull aggro all day if I want in columni gear if I full burn all the time. But I don't instead I use surrender a lot when I can and have a solid rotation that keeps me at 60%+ energy all the time. Until we get a damage meter this is a grey area and no one can claim top DPS on what little information we have.

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