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  1. I would suggest this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800rfRRodcdkqZMco.1 - 2 points to spare Kolto Residue - I find useless as you'll rarely take advantage of ever healing more than one target with the residue bonus MedZone - I don't find worth the two points as it's situational as well, Treated Wound Dressings is better use of these points. Ironsights - A must have as mentioned by another because the more AIM the more heal and crit you'll have.
  2. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800rfRoodcdkZMIkMR0z.1 I would do something like this. Concussive force is a must have imo.
  3. Yeah, the issue is getting stupid. Full Auto for me now will either be delayed animation or not even fire at all so I'm just standing there like a retard for a good 10seconds. Mortar Volley has never worked correctly.
  4. Assault cannons you come across are geared towards Commandos so that basis alone I would not use a blaster rifle.
  5. I haven't tested since the patch today, but my experience prior to the patch has been the following: Mortar Volley : Cast time is way off to the animation so you'll sit there a lot longer than you need to waiting for the damage to tick. I seen another post of someone stating the damage will still tick if you move after the cast timer has finished but I haven't tested myself. Full Auto : This has been working a lot like Mortar Volley since they claimed to fix channel delay back in 1.1.1 . The cast bar will go right until the end then go off. Sometimes it won't even go off at all and I'll just sit there doing nothing for 10 seconds.
  6. That's good to know. I'm still having issues with Full Auto either not going off at all or being just as delayed as Mortar Volley .
  7. As it stands right now slow and root don't contribute to your resolve meter but knockbacks do. The problem I see with this is if you get stunned twice and then use your CC breaker because you have a full bar of resolve you'll still end up dying because you have no way to get into a better position if you're slowed or rooted. I just wanted to see what other people's thoughts we're on this and possibly get some developer feedback.
  8. I'm more disappointed when it goes to a cutscene and you shoot someone with this magic pistol that appears off your belt rather than using the massive BFG on your back.
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