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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Not the issue at all, stop spouting your ignorance.


They new cooldown indicator has taken a step back from the previous iteration, at least for my playstyle and my class.


In the previous iteration (before 1.1.2), abilities that were usable still appeared "lit up", even though they were on CD/GCD. The cooldown indicator still scrolled down the ability, but the ability itself was actually lit up, indicating it is usable the instant it comes off CD.


This was PERFECT for me. It let me actually predict the next ability I would use before I used it. Since I play rage/focus based classes, it's not as simple as knowing the next ability to press and pressing it; I had to know if I even had enough rage/focus to press it, and if I didn't I would have to change my rotation. With the previous iteration I KNEW I could use an ability because the ability was lit up, even if on GCD or CD. For other classes this might not be a big deal, but for a rage base class that needs to build our own rage through abilities, it helps immensely if we know it the split second we look at an ability if we have enough rage to use it.


Now with this new iteration, the ability goes dim (and has a white border around it) if it is on CD or GCD.


This basically means I cannot accurately predict my next ability. I absolutely stinks. Considering now 10 hours ago I was playing with the PERFECT system for my class, it really gets to me that I Have to use this new, inferior system. This means that my ability bar is constantly completely dimmed out because something is always on GCD/CD. I cannot look at an ability and tell if I can use it once the GCD is up. It really hurts my enjoyment of the game.



PLEASE give us the option of using the previous iteration of cooldown watch.


And only apply the white borders to abilities that actually have a CD longer than the GCD, thx.


Could not agree more with this entire comment.

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I have only been playing for about 20 min and I already have a migraine, thx BW. Guess I'll go do something productive instead.


yeah i actually dont feel good after playing one warzone. i have never had epilepsy, but right now i feel dizzy and it seems if i keep playing i will get a massive headache.

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I hope there will be some hot fix in few hours!!I posted a ticket about issue wonder if they will answer probably no.

Currently Jedi and sith ˇwarriors ˇ are unplayable.Each fight I am just looking at my abalities trying to figure out what is gcd what is out of range and what is unusuable because of low rage ,focus.

Dunno how other classes are standing with this retarded thing.It definitly feels like nobody bothered to test it.

ALso the white and blue flashes are horrible makes me feel sick altought it just coulb be me but more ppl sad so. So hopefully they will remove those as well or just make possibility to turn them off.

Also I wonder whose bright idea was that since there was just a small problem with cds.Now makes my class uselless. Also I wonder how healers are standing since i assume they can have same problems.

the toolbars now are feeling more like trollbars!!!

Edited by Feanor_cz
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Usually i dont join the boat of topics after a new patch but i gotta agree on this one.


The new cooldown effects is a giant mindfudge as a rage user (marauder). I just cant get my head around this new GCD flashing, everything looks like its either on cooldown or maybe its not i should click some more.


I already had trouble focusing on combat plus the 40 hotkeys i got, now it just boogles my mind and eyes beyond what it used to be. =/


Might just need to "get used to it", but i dont see that happening overnight for sure.


I healed through a couple heroic 2's with it and there isn't much to get used to, the dang thing wears your eyes out. I literally had to wait for the UI to scan far enough down so I could even tell what would be up and what wouldn't. It literally destroys reaction time, I can't imagine how anyone could be PvPing with it.


I'm honestly scared to let my wife try it. She hasn't had an epiletic siezure in years, but I gotta admit all of the flashing is bad enough that it worries the hell out of me.

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lol mate chill :)


My fault I suppose....I cant see anything wrong with the new look, granted the whole UI needs looking at but all this whine over such a little thing makes me think some ppl will never be happy.


As for not knowing when your ability is off cool down...I just don't understand lol


The thing is it's not minor. For some classes such as juggs it makes it extremely distracting, i mean EXTREMELY.

Also, as you mentioned, they need to fix the actual issues before this cosmetic garbage. So don't support them if they are doing exactly the opposite of what they should be.

Edited by teacherjapan
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maybe if u g t f o of fourms and go do a wz, u will understand what the problem is


Been in 5 wz since the servers came up and cant see the problem...really lol..I can see the gcd and I can see when something comes off cool down....could be my class I suppose.


Seems strange to me that ppl are saying all the flashing lights are giving them sore eyes/head when the whole game is flashing lights.


That being said if this is a real problem and not something that will die down after a day or two then I hope Bioware fix it for you guys.

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Here's a thought Bioware:


why don't you test things before you release




And actually TEST it on people with brains instead of letting fanboys play it for prestige.


As in...


let people play your upcoming patches THAT WANT TO FIND SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE GAME.


^ This. Test before release. I know it's your first MMO bla bla I don't give a ****. FIX THIS CRAP NOW.

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I think the biggest problem with the change is not that the new cool-down effect is bright blue, but that it shades the background icon. This is extremely confusing because shading already indicates non-usability (for example: not enough rage). There's now FOUR levels of icon shading going on as demonstrated by the following image.




For clarification

Icon 1: Off cool-down and sufficient rage.

Icon 2: Off cool-down and insufficient rage.

Icon 3: On cool-down and sufficient rage.

Icon 4: On cool-down and insufficient rage.


Icon 4 is actually shading on top of more shading, resulting in an icon so dark you can hardly even identify the ability anymore...

Edited by ColdbringR
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Been in 5 wz since the servers came up and cant see the problem...really lol..I can see the gcd and I can see when something comes off cool down....could be my class I suppose.


Seems strange to me that ppl are saying all the flashing lights are giving them sore eyes/head when the whole game is flashing lights.


That being said if this is a real problem and not something that will die down after a day or two then I hope Bioware fix it for you guys.


Hey, people's eyes are different Good for you your eyes aren't as good as mine but they're giving me a freakin' headache with a 40+ button flash every single GCD.

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If you give it a few days and get used to it rather than coming on the forums to complain...then it might not be an issue for you :)


It is not a matter of getting used to it as many people have stated it is causing actual discomfort physically.

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since bioware felt inclined to close my thread:


The new cooldown indicator has taken a step back from the previous iteration, at least for my playstyle and my class.


In the previous iteration (before 1.1.2), abilities that were usable still appeared "lit up", even though they were on CD/GCD. The cooldown indicator still scrolled down the ability, but the ability itself was actually lit up, indicating it is usable the instant it comes off CD.


This was PERFECT for me. It let me actually predict the next ability I would use before I used it. Since I play rage/focus based classes, it's not as simple as knowing the next ability to press and pressing it; I had to know if I even had enough rage/focus to press it, and if I didn't I would have to change my rotation. With the previous iteration I KNEW I could use an ability because the ability was lit up, even if on GCD or CD. For other classes this might not be a big deal, but for a rage base class that needs to build our own rage through abilities, it helps immensely if we know it the split second we look at an ability if we have enough rage to use it.


Now with this new iteration, the ability goes dim (and has a white border around it) if it is on CD or GCD.


This basically means I cannot accurately predict my next ability. I absolutely stinks. Considering how 10 hours ago I was playing with the PERFECT system for my class, it really gets to me that I have to use this new, inferior system. This means that my ability bar is constantly completely dimmed out because something is always on GCD/CD. I cannot look at an ability and tell if I can use it once the GCD is up. It really hurts my enjoyment of the game.



PLEASE give us the option of using the previous iteration of cooldown watch.


And only apply the white borders to abilities that actually have a CD longer than the GCD, thx.

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While I appreciate the attempt to make it more obvious which spells were on cooldown, I feel the new effects are just making it harder to see which abilities are available. The flashing and washout effects obscure the visibility of the abilities, and the flashing occurs after it has come off cooldown (making it difficult to react quickly as you cannot quite tell if it is available or just part of the GCD flashing).


All that was needed was to add a dark blue or reddish tinge to the abilities which were on cooldown, as the old GCD effect was sufficient and didn't obscure vision.


Is anyone else not liking the new effect?


as a warrior this patch is almost unplayable. I can't tell which abilities I have the rage for, when reactives are available, or when stuff is in range anymore. I might have to play my sorc until this is fixed.

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I've just logged in just to test the new Cooldown indicators. I now logged out with a small headache. I never expected to experience that kind of thing, but yeah... it's too flashy.

If we could tone it down somehow, everything else about the indicators is good, just the flashiness I think. Give it more mat.



And I think that the whole thing with changing the Cooldown indicators was totally pointless.

What we need is an ability to see which so called "opportunity abilities" are available so we can press them right after the were of GCD. Such as Impact Bolt which requires the target to have periodical damage on them. You have to wait for the GCD to go and then see if the ability is flashing, and it would be nice if it was flashing already before coming of GCD.

Edited by Yakito
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It is not a matter of getting used to it as many people have stated it is causing actual discomfort physically.


And it flat out makes the game considerably less fun to play for some classes. It's not a matter of getting used to it, it simply is completely missing the features that will make it fun to play those classes again.

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I remember where my abilities are bound. I remember what abilities I have used. I use my brain to keep a CD list in my head. I don't look at my hotbar. I manage my resources by mental-keeping as well. I don't have time to look at my hotbar. True story.





"Remove Star"

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as a warrior this patch is unplayable. I can't tell which abilities I have the rage for, when reactives are available, or when stuff is in range anymore. I might have to play my sorc until this is fixed.


No almost about it, it is just mash buttons and endure the flash and PRAY you do not die. Use your rage builder everything is dark and or hidden in the blue smear of migraine inducing blob of doom.

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I to would appreciate a rollback on the current UI toolbar. I logged into a pvp game and was immediately overwhelmed by the bright, white boxes around my skills, and the flashing of the UI when the GCD was active. I'm fine with you guys leaving the current noticeable effect for skills that are on cooldown, but please remove the effect when the global is in effect. Thanks.
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as a warrior this patch is almost unplayable. I can't tell which abilities I have the rage for, when reactives are available, or when stuff is in range anymore. I might have to play my sorc until this is fixed.


^ Game breaker for a class, fix this ****.


I tried healing in a warzone and it was a guessing game of who's in range every time the GCD is up.

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