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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Needs an option to revert back to the pre patch style. Within the first few mins of testing combat I logged out because my eyes were actually hurting. I don't need to add a strobe light effect to my gaming. Ironicly I cancelled my account last night guess I made the right choice more changes like this without even a thought at properly testing there effect on the community.
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This really speaks to a bigger problem. BW can do all they like to fix the UI and not everyone is going to like the changes. Best to let people pick what add ons they want. This proves that custom UIs is the only way to go with MMOs. I like the change but you may not. Who is wrong? Its all preference. Its right for me and wrong for you. BW unlock this UI and let us players do it right.


It is not a question of liking it or not...it is unplayable for me now...as it probably is for some other people. Now I die cause I can not see what I can use in a fight...awful implementation !!!

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Completely killed gameplay for me. Both Sentinel and Assassin have become nearly unplayable. Can't see what's what with the stupid GCD animation, especially assassin wiith all icons reddish and lightnings.


Was it too hard to let people choose between the new and the old?

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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It is not a question of liking it or not...it is unplayable for me now...as it probably is for some other people. Now I die cause I can not see what I can use in a fight...awful implementation !!!


But others say they like it. So it does come down to how you like your UI to function. Custom UI would fix this.

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I very much agree that this new thing they have done to the actionbar / abilities really sucks. What the hell? Totally ruined the game for me. Let me know when it's gone so I can play some more again.


^ Right there with you dude.

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Learn what buttons do what.

Map buttons to convenient keys.

Learn where keys are on keyboard.

If the "flashy" animation bothers you, you must really hate cable.


Doctor please explain to me how vision works so I can stop getting dizzy when I try to play the game now.

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Learn what buttons do what.

Map buttons to convenient keys.

Learn where keys are on keyboard.

If the "flashy" animation bothers you, you must really hate cable.


Get a clue.


Not everyone wants to become a hotkey fanatic and learn everything by heart, then put everything on muscle memory, especially not in a slow paced 1.5s GCD MMO.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Some of us get physically ill due to the constant bar flashing. I do not have epilepsy. I've never gotten sick from flashing lights in any video game before. But the way these are flashing I literally cannot play without becoming ill.


Right.... all the other flashing on screen from grenades, lightsabers and blasters have no effect BUT THESE GOSH DARN FLASHING SPELLS.

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Right.... all the other flashing on screen from grenades, lightsabers and blasters have no effect BUT THESE GOSH DARN FLASHING SPELLS.


you can turn down bloom and other effects.


again if you are a doctor i will ask why the new ui makes me dizzy when nothing else in a video game ever has. but otherwise just because its not making you dizzy doesn't mean its not a problem. I cannot play the game right now without feeling car sick.

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Can't tell if posts are serious...or trolling. I like the change but I can understand if some people could be bothered to some extent but c'mon...calling for a rollback? There is no way the people in this thread are serious. If you quit a game over something like this...wow.


It's not so much quitting the game over the change as much as not paying for something we can't play when it gives us a headache or makes us dizzy. The flashing when you use a lot of spells definitely has a physical effect on some of us.

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Someone at Bioware should read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(symptom) before they decide to play around with the visual aspect of the UI. One of the major triggers for these is a flash of light in the peripheral vision (which is what your current ui does). It's likely the major reason so many people are posting about feeling dizzy, nauseated, sensation of numbness, headaches, etc...


Wow, that article explained so much. I've had problems with headaches for most of my life, but they were never diagnosed as migraines. At some point I just stopped thinking about it as something to mention to a doctor, I just live with them. But after reading that, I get several of those symptoms on a fairly regular basis as well. So I guess maybe I should talk to my doctor about it at some point. :) lol

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I am one of the ones who gets physically ill from the flashing quick bars. I put a ticket to see what they would say and here's the response


I advise everyone who gets ill from the effect to put in a ticket. Maybe if they get enough they will tell someone and fix it....



I am Protocol Droid K8-F5 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission regarding your issue with the UI effects.


I'm afraid to inform you that you cannot turned these effects off at the moment. We apologize for the inconvenience and the frustration this may have caused.


We hope that you find this information useful.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...




Protocol Droid K8-F5 aka Jasper

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service

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Learn what buttons do what.

Map buttons to convenient keys.

Learn where keys are on keyboard.

If the "flashy" animation bothers you, you must really hate cable.


Sure unless you are one of the majority of classes that have a reactive, proc based cooldown reset, or proc based resource booster.

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Some classes require you to look almost constantly at the hotkey bar instead of the game. Well, maybe only two, Sentinel/Marauder.


Even not having to stare at your hotbars this is extremely annoying to have constantly flashing during a single fight, raiding will be terrible.

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The new GCD UI is horrid. Take away the greying out option. You wanna grey out something on CD fine, but leave the other buttons alone.


My only issue is, while GCD is in effect EVERYTHING is greyed out and there is a delay on the greying out, it makes everything confusing. Now we have black, grey, blue, flashing, why don't you add a chicken noise, 4 different bells, a foghorn, rainbows and purple horseshoes while you are at it?


If it isn't broken don't fix it. How about you fix the million other things wrong with the game before tackling something that isn't broken.



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Right.... all the other flashing on screen from grenades, lightsabers and blasters have no effect BUT THESE GOSH DARN FLASHING SPELLS.


If the ability animation graphics cause an issue we can at least adjust it, but the entire bottom, left and right side of the screen flashing every time we use an ability is painful for some and we cannot turn it off or adjust it.

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