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STOP Lying with patch notes


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How many things have been reported and not fixed now. Patch after patch.

And why on earth are people like you still supporting them.......


why on earth are people like you still on the forums if you do not support them?



quit the game..stop paying to come on the forums to complain..if youve canceled your sub no one cares about your opinion anymore since you dont care to support a growing developing game..


so harsh ya..but move on find a game you like and be happy.

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No, it is the community that is causing these issues.


"I want bug X fixed NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!"


"Bug X is fixed days later"


"Some people still experience bug X, but some people do not"


If people would learn to be patient, and realize fixing bugs PROPERLY takes time, the game would be better off. But the devs are constantly rushed with people threatening them by saying things like "If bug X is not fixed by next week, I will cancel!"


smartest person in the forums...congratulations:)

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Sombody needs to look up the definition of a lie......


Just because your experience differs form the patch notes does not nesserially mean that they have lied........


Theres nothing for bioware to gain from lying and alot to lose.


They probably beeived they had. And every major games developer out there makes these sorts of mistakes. Even Blizzard who's teams for QA and bug fixing on wow are likely larger than many developers, makes this kind of muck up all the time. Hell I still get the loot freeeeze bug thats been in since about launch........

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So then as a developer I'm quite sure you understand the need for accuracy in reporting what was actually fixed, so that you're able to build client confidence. I'm sure you know from your experience as a developer that your users will be very frustrated when they are mislead, or when you misrepresent things, especially when your users are paying for the software you're developing.


Making excuses for shoddy communication doesn't buy you brownie points, these guys don't eat the apples guys like you shine up for em.


And I cannot tell you how many times when I fixed a bug, it was fixed by a majority of people. However, fixing such a bug caused another bug to come up that had the same result.


So yes, the testing proved to be a success, and it was noted. The majority of the people no longer experienced this bug, but it still remained for a few other users because it caused another bug.

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- I just Alt-Tab and back to the game - NO SOUNDS



Actually, re-read the patch notes, it states nothing about Alt-tabbing ... it referes to DCing and Logging back and having limited sound issues and other additional bugs. In which i have verified on my machine the limited sound issues was fixed. Your issues is something completely different.


"Players will no longer experience limited audio, black portraits, or the inability to initiate conversations when they reconnect after being disconnected. "

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How many things have been reported and not fixed now. Patch after patch.

And why on earth are people like you still supporting them.......


have you ever thought that if this is your outlook, you should move on? i accept that there are bugs that need to be fixed, some are harder to fix than others. just because I and others suggest that it isn't so game ending is because everyone that rants and raves here about this or that doesn't think about more than a few others that might agree. it's useless to rant and rave and threaten to do something, it's better if you contact their customer support and do what you threaten in here.


Now this post is about 1/2 way decent. what isn't is the thread title, because i doubt this person knows what goes into fixing issues with a program this COMPLEX, what is decent about it is that it lists three things that are at issue. but for me, the one biggest issue would be the sound, i've never had the sound issue this person describes. the other two i have had one of and the other never dealt with. but they aren't that big of a deal.


Darth Freki

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you know this affects everyone how?


you are a fortune teller and have a crystal ball?



This is the part where the so called "fan" of the game demands a signed affidavit from every single owner of the game to prove that there is any form of bug.


It's one of the normal phases of critical posts on these forums.


The last step is the part where people who have any problem with this game are accused of working for Blizzard.

Edited by Quip
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This is the part where the so called "fan" of the game demands a signed affidavit from every single owner of the game to prove that there is any form of bug.


It's one of the normal phases of critical posts on these forums.


The last step is the part where people who have any problem with this game are accused of working for Blizzard.


I honestly cannot believe you just posted this.


You went from someone criticizing an idiot for saying EVERYONE was affected by X, to him demanding proof from every player period that there is a problem at all.


Obviously there is a problem for at least one person, since this thread was made. The person you quoted doesn't even IMPLY that is not the case.


What really has me dumbfounded, though, is that you managed to post something so ridiculously opposite of reality that it may as well be the exact literal opposite...

The only thing your post does is confirm you have no valid argument and have already resorted to claiming someone is a fan to discredit them.


Circular logic is not actual logic, no matter how much you would like to believe it, and no intelligent person will actually agree with it...


Because you likely won't understand what I am talking about:

Posting something positive about X makes you a fanatic.

Fanatics only post positive things about X.


And then you just finish your argument with the equivalent of "Fanatic's opinions are invalid because they just blindly love anything about X."

Edited by Necroclysm
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I honestly cannot believe you just posted this.


You went from someone criticizing an idiot for saying EVERYONE was affected by X, to him demanding proof from every player period that there is a problem at all.


Obviously there is a problem for at least one person, since this thread was made. The person you quoted doesn't even IMPLY that is not the case.


What really has me dumbfounded, though, is that you managed to post something so ridiculously opposite of reality that it may as well be the exact literal opposite...

The only thing your post does is confirm you have no valid argument and have already resorted to claiming someone is a fan to discredit them.


Circular logic is not actual logic, no matter how much you would like to believe it, and no intelligent person will actually agree with it...


Because you likely won't understand what I am talking about:

Posting something positive about X makes you a fanatic.

Fanatics only post positive things about X.


And then you just finish your argument with the equivalent of "Fanatic's opinions are invalid because they just blindly love anything about X."


you know i was going to post on that guys post..but i think you summed it up perfectly...



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Yes, the same with "fixed" companion conversations and ability to abandon bonus quests. Simply lies in patch notes.


you are unable to drop a quest that gave you xp while picking it up, otherwise you would pick it up, drop it, and pick it up again until you gain 5 levels and it no longer gives you xp. why is this hard for people to understand?

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you are unable to drop a quest that gave you xp while picking it up, otherwise you would pick it up, drop it, and pick it up again until you gain 5 levels and it no longer gives you xp. why is this hard for people to understand?


That....actually makes sense. I did not realize I got XP from my gray quests in my log, but now I realized I did. I am level 40, never abandoned a gray quest, and never went back to do them, and I only have 2 low level quests that I cannot abandon. How do people have more than 10 like they claim? Unless they do not quest and only do the group stuff to level.

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And I cannot tell you how many times when I fixed a bug, it was fixed by a majority of people. However, fixing such a bug caused another bug to come up that had the same result.


So yes, the testing proved to be a success, and it was noted. The majority of the people no longer experienced this bug, but it still remained for a few other users because it caused another bug.


For an example. My 'invalid schematic' problem was fixed after this patch. I still can't abandon some quests that have been said to be fixed in another patch but I know that others can.


That's not saying that the OPs wasn't fixed. Only an example of what you are saying here.

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You also know, I'm a iOS developer aswell and I made a serious research on every version/test after release and most of all, say that have been fixed, and we're just a team of 3.


Common sense, please.


I hope you don't think that any iPhone app you wrote is even remotely close to being as complex as swtor is.

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So then as a developer I'm quite sure you understand the need for accuracy in reporting what was actually fixed, so that you're able to build client confidence. I'm sure you know from your experience as a developer that your users will be very frustrated when they are mislead, or when you misrepresent things, especially when your users are paying for the software you're developing.


Making excuses for shoddy communication doesn't buy you brownie points, these guys don't eat the apples guys like you shine up for em.


And I am sure you realize that just because it is not working for some does not mean it is not working for others or that the developers didn't test it and saw it working for them so they made a patch note stating so? Just because it isn't fixed for someone doesn't mean they lied in the patch notes. They may have thought they fixed it and maybe they didn't fix it for all involved.


That has happened a couple times to me, but our customers and their data are a lot more important as it involves millions of dollars per account. They get irritated but even their attitude is better than some on here. Lot of people on here love to jump to conclusions and conspiracies.

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Oh, yes, another biodrone. How come that other companies can make a test and release a valid patch notes?


And no, these things we have mentioned here affect EVERYONE, just not everyone goes here and complain.


have you ever played other MMO's? I played WoW for 7 years and there were countless times that they "fixed" something and broke many other things.

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have you ever played other MMO's? I played WoW for 7 years and there were countless times that they "fixed" something and broke many other things.


At least WoW got a decent costumer support and hundreds of lines per week of comunication with the playerbase. And they don't have problems rolling back some fix's cause it broke other stuff.


People like to compare SWTOR to WOW when we talk about bugs and problems... "wow had this, wow still got this.." but then they refuse to compare SWTOR to WOW about stuff WOW is doing good while SWTOR is doing terrible.


And I'm freakin freaked about people saying to support a game that is under develop... while paying a monthly fee cause its needed to fix the game and make it better.


Do you buy a house incomplete? Go live in it and pay monthly so they can keep building it?


Fkg hilarious MMO's communitys.. we are *********** doomed to keep having **** games cause people developed this mentality that is cool to pay monthly to help develop something that isnt complete.


Thanks for providing devs the cash they need to keep making broken and incomplete games. Hey "...we sell anyway"

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I honestly cannot believe you just posted this.


You went from someone criticizing an idiot for saying EVERYONE was affected by X, to him demanding proof from every player period that there is a problem at all.


Obviously there is a problem for at least one person, since this thread was made. The person you quoted doesn't even IMPLY that is not the case.


What really has me dumbfounded, though, is that you managed to post something so ridiculously opposite of reality that it may as well be the exact literal opposite...

The only thing your post does is confirm you have no valid argument and have already resorted to claiming someone is a fan to discredit them.


Circular logic is not actual logic, no matter how much you would like to believe it, and no intelligent person will actually agree with it...


Because you likely won't understand what I am talking about:

Posting something positive about X makes you a fanatic.

Fanatics only post positive things about X.


And then you just finish your argument with the equivalent of "Fanatic's opinions are invalid because they just blindly love anything about X."


I satirised the inevitable, upcoming debate. An argument that is currently rolling nicely through the same course as all the others. I'm sorry if the concept of satirical evaluation is too complex for you. I will try to abandon my mocking amusement with these forums and join you in your rage in order to avoid any future confusion.


Needless to say, as with your post as a prime example. Instead of attacking the post in a debate, pointless people attack the poster. It quickly descends into mindless insults as you'll please note it has "why on earth are people like you still on the forums if you do not support them?"...

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Some of you are correct that it may be working for 95% of people and 5% of people are affected by this lingering bug; however, every patch that Star Wars puts out has this issue, and it is getting very old quickly.


You can reasonably say anything you would like to in order to defend bioware as a company, but the lack of actually being able to patching anything once and be done with it is very unprofessional. Every patch has to have another patch to either fix the current patch, or reapply what the current patch was suppose to incorporate.


I have played quite a few MMO's, currently I invest time into rift and star wars. Star Wars has some great ideas for PVP, while Rift has the end game, the player base, and Trion cares for its player base unlike any other game developer out there.


With that being said trion, rarely, releases a patch which does not do exactly what it was intended to do. To me the 95% affected / not affect would prove true with trion; however with Bioware, I do not feel this is true. In fact, I feel they put things in the patch notes which they know are not fixed simply to make it appear as they are working on something, which they are not.


To you fanbois who would like to defend this game with the 1.7 million people. They don't have that any more. Sadly the hardcore players find this game boring, and uneventful. The casual players loved the story line, but the end game offers nothing for them to stay entertained at all. So yeah 1.7 million, is a false number, but then again you would believe anything Bioware says. They could say 3.7 million and you people would think that is true.


Face it after this game is a year old the only people who will be playing this game are you, the fanboys. Everyone else would have moved on to guild wars 2, tera online, or return to the games in which they used to play. WoW, Rift, EQ2 so on and so forth.


So, defend away. But, while you are defending ask yourself, better yet, see the game from another perspective. When you hit 50 what can you honestly do? Flashpoints? Operations, or PVP. You may say that you can do space missions, but they are the same ole missions with new skins. Not to mention, you have been doing space combat since lvl 15?


All in all this game gets a 3 out of 10 from me. It has great single player action, and good pvp with the potential to be great, but it lacks a developmental team that knows what it is doing, it lacks content, fluff, and the since of adventure once you finish your class quest.

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Because this game is still young. Look back at WoW's patch notes when it was first released. Wasnt it like a few weeks before the first patch was released, and we only got half a dozen fixes in that patch.


BW is trying to give us as many fixes on a weekly basis.


I get so tired of this excuse. Look back and WoW you say? You mean back when MMO's where a new thing?


This excuse does not fly today. MMO's have been out a long time now, so there is NO excuse for some of the crap we are seeing. For instance, you pick up Armormech, look to see what you can make, and decide you don't like it. Drop it and go pick up Cybertech. Now look at it, and you see it as well as the Armormech stuff still at the trainer. Hit CTRL-U-U, problem solved. Why did I have to do that to fix it? It should not never been a problem to begin with. The list goes on and on.


I like the game, and can deal with some of the issues, but the "Look at WoW at realese" excuse is just fan boy nonsense.

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Some of you are correct that it may be working for 95% of people and 5% of people are affected by this lingering bug; however, every patch that Star Wars puts out has this issue, and it is getting very old quickly.


You can reasonably say anything you would like to in order to defend bioware as a company, but the lack of actually being able to patching anything once and be done with it is very unprofessional. Every patch has to have another patch to either fix the current patch, or reapply what the current patch was suppose to incorporate.


I have played quite a few MMO's, currently I invest time into rift and star wars. Star Wars has some great ideas for PVP, while Rift has the end game, the player base, and Trion cares for its player base unlike any other game developer out there.


With that being said trion, rarely, releases a patch which does not do exactly what it was intended to do. To me the 95% affected / not affect would prove true with trion; however with Bioware, I do not feel this is true. In fact, I feel they put things in the patch notes which they know are not fixed simply to make it appear as they are working on something, which they are not.


To you fanbois who would like to defend this game with the 1.7 million people. They don't have that any more. Sadly the hardcore players find this game boring, and uneventful. The casual players loved the story line, but the end game offers nothing for them to stay entertained at all. So yeah 1.7 million, is a false number, but then again you would believe anything Bioware says. They could say 3.7 million and you people would think that is true.


Face it after this game is a year old the only people who will be playing this game are you, the fanboys. Everyone else would have moved on to guild wars 2, tera online, or return to the games in which they used to play. WoW, Rift, EQ2 so on and so forth.


So, defend away. But, while you are defending ask yourself, better yet, see the game from another perspective. When you hit 50 what can you honestly do? Flashpoints? Operations, or PVP. You may say that you can do space missions, but they are the same ole missions with new skins. Not to mention, you have been doing space combat since lvl 15?


All in all this game gets a 3 out of 10 from me. It has great single player action, and good pvp with the potential to be great, but it lacks a developmental team that knows what it is doing, it lacks content, fluff, and the since of adventure once you finish your class quest.


Your point about the patches is very valid. They do tend to have issues with each patch they bring out even though they fix a lot. You have to realize though that these "fanboys" you are talking about defend because they do not have issues or the issues are small enough to be ignored, like most other MMOs I have played. If the issues do not affect you and you are enjoying yourself, then it gets harder to understand what the others are complaining about. The louder or more obnoxious they complain, the harder they fight back.


In truth, both sides have a point. If the game is great for you, wonderful. If you are having problems, fine. Write tickets. Keep writing them. If you want the game to improve, you need to write tickets and complain on the Customer Support forum. The general forum is not really the right place but I would assume it does get some attention. Just not as much as the CS forum.

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So if you have a bad service, you just think, okey the shop were full,they could not attend me fine but I have to pay anyway.


For people whi claim to be senior developers, the most simple pieze of software, even the physics system of Angry Birds can be hard as you wish to get the fina product, dont **** aroubd with unknow theory.


And finnaly for the rest, games survive with bugs, BUT they cant advertise in official release pr patch notes a feature that simply does not work. If you agree with things done this way, I hope never encount any of your services.


Its just a game? Then you don't undersand at all what is a mmorpg about, move along.

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