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Empire - Republic Ratio : Cmon guys, dont make the faction fiasco happen again.


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In every faction based MMO ever, there has always been a strong initial influx of players to the "evil" side. Things even out after the first month, and eventually the "evil" side becomes terribly underpopulated compared to the overwhelming zerg on the "good" side.


This has happened in Warhammer, Aion, and WoW, just to name a few. (Although blood elves in WoW threw everything out of whack.)


Ahem, that didn't happen in WoW for years actually.. (Unless Alliance = Evil!)

I was there on day 1, playing my undead warrior in PVP Lightning's Strike. That whole 0-60 was the toughest MMO lvling I ever did.


Jerking around to see what's behind me, is now part of my MO in any MMO I play..


(Watch out, solo undead warrior leveling - quick 5 man party wipe him, camp his corpse, and talk &*&*$%$ Alliance players!)


Guess now, Empire=Alliance? (Lawl!)



Edited by Dreadicus
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If the kids we are talking about are no older than eight, sure. However as any parent can tell you, a child approaching pre-teen and long after will always, always choose the 'evil' option whenever it is presented to them. As such the most immature minds will flood the 'evil' faction any time it is available to them.


So you have the kids going Empire, the emo's going Empire, the early 20's kids still trying to be 'individuals' by all choosing Empire, and every jack-*** on the internet going Empire as well. Just based on the population of jack-***'s on the interwebs, that gives a notable numerical advantage of the Empire alone.



I don't see what being an "individual" has anything to do with this... because in this situation, if one wanted to express their "individuality" they would choose Republic because clearly.. that's NOT what everyone else is doing.

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Basicly from what i have seen on several servers is that there is an Alarming number of players on the empire, i did a couple of /who's and got some really disturbinb numbers.


on most servers the numbers of the Sith Inquistor players are higher then of all Jedi Classes combined.


Roll repubilc guys, i want good competitive World PvP that dosent require BW to scale people atributes on those zones to make it up for it



PS: you can be EVIL as an Jedi (this seems to be why people roll empire)


From the sounds of it, you're playing for the Empire. So you are contributing to the "fiasco".


Your blatant hypocritical opinions matter as much as the crap I flush every other day.

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If the kids we are talking about are no older than eight, sure. However as any parent can tell you, a child approaching pre-teen and long after will always, always choose the 'evil' option whenever it is presented to them. As such the most immature minds will flood the 'evil' faction any time it is available to them.


So you have the kids going Empire, the emo's going Empire, the early 20's kids still trying to be 'individuals' by all choosing Empire, and every jack-*** on the internet going Empire as well. Just based on the population of jack-***'s on the interwebs, that gives a notable numerical advantage of the Empire alone.



yup and thats why im 15 and going republic i was 100% horde in WoW i hate playing with the kids so they can all go sith idc 10 dumb people will still lose to 5 good people so BRING IT ON

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I can maybe lend some credibility to Republic players if, they are getting overwhelmed but, the Imps are on some pretty weak ground. If you don't like your situation (especially if you are in the dominant side) be part of your own fix instead of whining over the problem you are part of. The premise seems to be that "Other players should fix it so I can have what I want.".
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ALSO, Numbers aren't everything in PVP.. I've seen Shadows/Assassins take on multiple players at a time. Coordinate.


Well it's not just that, it's that open world pvp in this game is a joke, so having one sides faction skewed doesn't matter. The main problem for the empire side I'm sure we'll be seeing on alot of servers is longer que times for warfronts however with the ratio being way off, with almost instant ques for republic.

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Same ole issue every MMO.


The kids rush to the scary bad guy faction.






Nothing new. Luckily I enjoy playing as the underdog.


uummmm wow horde were not bad in WoW you freakin clown they were both just sides dump small brained people just think becouse they were not the humens they were bad they were not any more of less evil then the ally i was 100% horde but im going to be 100% republic in this i hate the side with more people so meany dumb people on the larger side, my realm horde were not the biger side i know on some realms they were tho

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@TheHarmless, for me it is more the Jedi Code is morally reprehensible to me. Enslaving species to the will of some bacteria living in your body, forgoing attachments and denying romantic love, taking children from their parents so they won't care 'too much about them.' The Sith code, at least the short version, doesn't necessitate you being evil and kicking puppies. You be true to yourself.
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I do think, though, that the propensity for playing the "bad guy" faction arises from a desire to be alternative and to break the norms.


People who play videogames are edgy.


But... according to everyone else's arguements. Rolling the "bad guy" faction is the norm.

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ooooo forums sometimes they are good get info out help game makers and people learn stuff but most the time its a bunch of dumb ***** that dont know what they are talking about when they say **** in them haha i just wanna play haha dam dec
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In every faction based MMO ever, there has always been a strong initial influx of players to the "evil" side. Things even out after the first month, and eventually the "evil" side becomes terribly underpopulated compared to the overwhelming zerg on the "good" side.


This has happened in Warhammer, Aion, and WoW, just to name a few. (Although blood elves in WoW threw everything out of whack.)


that never happened in Warhammer. What happened was that Mythic nerfed the hell out of destro and buffed Order likewise to try and "entice" people to play order.



even today you can ask any veteran WAR player that is maining an order char and he will tell you the same


"dude, I hate this side, but I prefer to play the OP side than the cool looking side"

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