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I just found out why we can't kill companions


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Seriously. I mean how many times does he really need to repaint my cabin "the same color only fresher" or tell me that he has improved drive performance by 0.00008% or something like that? Where is that droid's off switch again?


Would be far less annoying if they gave him a dozen or so lines, instead of repeating the same handful over and over again. That goes for all the companions, really.

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Well-written rant, indeed. Even though I've got the BH lined up as the next character I'm going to level, I read it anyway. I'll probably play it differently from the way you did, anyway.


At the end of the day, I feel as though BioWare may allow people to kill off their companions. A simple solution would be to allow players to collect generic companions to fill in for them--characters more in the vein of your ship droid, who doesn't fight, and just stays back on the ship and crafts, though maybe with the option of actually raising the generic character's affection. Obviously, by "simple", I mean that relatively, in the sense that it's easier than writing entirely new companion characters and arcs and figuring out how to wedge them into the existing storylines.

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In the spirit of this thread, I'll bring up Khem Val.


I'm playing my Inquisitor as a character who's tough as nails, but has a soft spot for slaves and slavery in general. And yet her first companion becomes a slave to her, and there are no dialogue options to reflect the revulsion that she, as a character, should be feeling over enslaving another creature after spending her entire life as a slave.


I guess this is technically true, but I didn't really get that sense from my early experiences with Khem Val. There are plenty of options for showing him the respect he deserves. He's honor-bound to serve you. It's more like indenture than slavery.

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I feel for you OP. Unfortunately I don't think anyone could realize how complicated making not only a fully VOICED MMO could be, but an MMO that actually provides GAME CHANGING options. I for one think the story stuff is one of the best things about the game, but I agree with you that a lot of times it feels forced and artificial.


The problem is, if they actually allowed the choices you make to REALLY affect your character, I think it would cause such a hailstorm of flaming that it would be impossible to deal with, and that is the fault of the community, no one else.


MMO players have become used to a coddling level of attention when it comes to game balance, to the point that it has really become infantile. I myself used to be a fairly regular reader of sites such as Elitist Jerks when I played WoW, I strove to get the most performance from my character, but I have come to realize this whole culture of min/maxing and making a game into something far too serious has had an incredibly detrimental effect on both the development of MMOs and the level of risk the developers themselves are willing to take when exploring new avenues.


I'm sorry for all of you that complain that SWTOR didn't revolutionize MMOs, but you are largely to blame. You cannot have both freedom of style and an inane degree of technical accuracy to details that in the long run don't make the game any more fun.


Does it suck that your X spec Druid isn't overpowered this dev cycle? Sure, but the difference between the attitude old school MMO players had and the one most have nowadays, is that people used to understand that development works in cycles...when their char was gimp they would EXPLORE POSSIBILITIES and find a way to deal with it....very often coming up with incredible ways to beat the odds and have success with the class and spec they actually WANTED TO PLAY.


Now it is like, any little bump in the road, everyone is whining because they can't mash a few buttons and have success. Everyone rerolls when things aren't going well because it is no longer about having fun with a class you actually IDENTIFY with and CARE about, but always being on the +win side of the equation...which doesn't make you a better player, it only makes you a follower.


The underlying problem is that people take these games far too seriously. Instead of viewing them as a way to change the social dynamic from the cut throat a lot of us have to deal with in everyday life to a more social and giving environment(as was the norm and basis for RPGs) the idea of making them into a second job has predominated, and the entire genre has suffered because of it.


People used to admire the player who played an unloved spec well, they knew it was the sign of a true gamer. Now you only get respect if your numbers look good dependent on someones mathematical standard of something that really is about a lot more than numbers and meters. As the saying goes, thank goodness for progress, I guess.

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Damn...this is bad O.o Maybe I shouldn't have read this post - I'm currently lvling my BH and now I'm going to wanna punch myself as soon as I see this guy knowing that I'm gonna have to recruit him!


Maybe I'll just rush through it at light speed and never ever aknowledge him again.

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Good read OP - particular the spoiler section, that almost made me rage with you.


I think the solution is quite simple:


1. Reintroduce behavior kits for all companions so YOU decide what role they are.




I would love to be able to only have Vette around as a healer and get rid of the others.


Yeah, you know, this is the one thing that does sort of bug me about companion characters. I really think companion characters should be able to respec to anything within their base class. So for example, Vette is basically a smuggler, so why can't we respec her to be a healing scoundrel instead of a gunslinger?

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absolutely 100% agree. i *********** hate that BH companion and i pretend he never existed. biggest lapse in BH Story writing (or character writing in general) i have ever seen.


Do you guys have any "functional" problems with your companions? For example, I am playing my Jedi Sentinel as pure Jedi Philosophy as I can, and there is no way I will get any affection with Lord Scourge as he disrespects compassion as a fundamental principle, unless I pump him fill of gifts...


However he is also the only char with a crafting advantage that is useful to me, and I would imagine to a lot of Knights, Artifice...


I mean why the hell do they A) give you your most useful crafting companion as your last(and except for people looking to make creds, a LOT of Knights will take Artifice) and B) make it extra hard to raise his affection level?


Seems screwed up to me, how is it with other classes?

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That rant was really well written and 100% justifiable because you are without a doubt right. This really really pissed me off too.



As soon he tried to steal my bounty I no doubt would have killed him if he pressed the issue given his threatening attitude. I am the champion of the great hunt and I'm pretty sure they made me Mandolore, or are at least planing to in the future. I've been nearly 100% LS and honorable and would never ever want this scum who brags about murder on my ship. I am a bounty hunter, I hunt criminals and try to bring them back alive, I don't employ them.


The guy who wrote Skadge is absolutely the worst. IMO his entire interaction needs to be completely re-written. I really hope they give us the option of killing this guy (justice) or at least kick him off the ship.


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If you aren't a complete masochist might I recommend playing a smuggler instead?


By all accounts the main storyline ranges from vaguely acceptable to garbage that contains no actual smuggling. But at least a fair amount of the incidental dialogue lines are genuinely amusing.


Well, it's just harder to rant when something is not painful. It's all for the sake of my dear audience! :t_redface:


Thinking about it, my Jedi Knight had quite a problem with Lord Scourge as well (as it's been mentioned already), but as I was just coming out of the Voss wreck I simply lowered my head and bulldozed to the end like a rabid pitbull, so I didn't rant as I should have.

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Oh, believe you me, it's still plenty painful. Your first pet is an irritating ***** in and out of combat. You get more than the prerequisite number of useless sods hanging around your ship for a while. You get to constantly feel out of character because every quest in the world asks you to constantly do tasks more suited for jedi and such. And I'm not even going into spoilers yet.


Even if by some odd chance you enjoy spending entirely too much time not being a scruffy scoundrel, there's always Voss, Belsavis, and Corellia to look forward to again.

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Totally agree about skadge and let's not forget that he *****es and moans every single time you use him for crating mission...


EVERY profession I've tried has at least one companion I would happily shove out the airlock.


Right now I'm waiting on 3 things for companions:

1) more companions

2) the ability to remove companions (maybe even to not hire them in the first place eg an option just as they're about to become 'guest' "do you want this person as a companion? yes/no"

3) RESPEC, the ability to pick the role you want each companion to be


oh I guess 4 would be: please for the love of everything sane in existence get the ship droid the shut the **** up. the ONLY time I want to hear from it is when I ask it something (ie click it) just like every single other companion on the ship (which btw I will never do :p)


Companions are a cool idea but not only are there things missing but they actually did have the respec in beta and removed it!.. *** were the smoking when they removed respec, the number one most wanted thing for companions??

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Meh, this is Star Wars, why cant we kill a companion if we desire it, and then pay to have a clone of said companion should we decide we need him again?


Because in TOR actions are supposed to have consequences, you can't just do something and expect everything to return to how it was afterwards.

Well except for repeatable quests/flashpoints/operations/etc.. ;)


and ofc in the main storyline the consequences of your actions are that you'll be in exactly the same place doing exactly the same things regardless of which choice you made :p


That sounded harsh.. tbh I like the story I just think they should tone down the 'chose your own path' when there is a single path and the only difference is what you say as travel down it.

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You guys/gals know that there is a Light AND Dark side slider, correct?


Just because your companion does not jive with your playstyle they should be killed? :eek:


Okay, if the devs ever make a gungan companion I will be on your bandwagon, but right now, killing because you don't agree with your companion is wrong on so many levels.


What the devs did W-R-O-N-G is forcing players to follow a certain light/dark choice until they get their appropiate companion. For example, Sith Warriors are mostly forced to follow Light choices until they can get rid of Vette. Every try and follow a dark path on any of the Republic classes?

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killing because you don't agree with your companion is wrong on so many levels.


It's not about disagree with them it's not liking them, even hating them

While we joke about airlocks etc it might be fun to do but the main point is that we simply do not want that companion yet are forced to have them.


Let me put it this way.

You're wandering around town and bump into someone. This person is the most annoying person you've ever met. They then proceed to follow you around, tell you you're his firend and invite themselves into your home

Would you be ok with having no way at all of getting that person to leave? even if you ignored them they would still be there sat on your couch and there is nothing you can do about it.

Unnacceptable right? you wouldn't want to talk to someone who annoys you that much, you wouldn't want them to follow you around and you definately wouldn't want them anywhere near your house


ok so TOR isn't real life but it's the same feeling (it's called getting immersed in the story). some of the companions do actually bring out that sort of feeling and we are forced to have them, we have zero choice about having someone who annoys the **** out of us in our 'house' and in some cases (Warrior springs to mind) we even feel forced to have that companion follow us everywhere because of the role they are.

Edited by Valkanna
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It would be really really nice to be able to smoke or at least get rid of our varied companions. I understand the worry, but this was one of those few examples of an opportunity for actual lasting choices with consequences in the game. Seems kind of crappy that they folded on it.
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Seriously. I mean how many times does he really need to repaint my cabin "the same color only fresher" or tell me that he has improved drive performance by 0.00008% or something like that? Where is that droid's off switch again?


mine offers me foot massages. So I can't complain.

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