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This game has serious Quality of Life Issues and it sucked my will play...My Top 10


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3. Loading screens...why does it take WoW no more than 30 seconds to load into and out of raids (usually 10 seconds) with tons of addons but this game takes 3 minutes to load into a planet?



M8, with ssdisc wow loads in 2-3 sec. SWTOR loads in ... 30 sec? Still hugh difference and i still love the game, but damn its enoying!

Edited by Acke
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What game isnt rushed?


Sorry we all cant live in your fantasy land where everything is done perfect on time.


It's hardly nit picking The game is a country mile away from polished. The MMO part of the game is one of the poorest out there. The worlds are lifeless and dead and woefully under realized.


Players find exploring Star Wars planets boring...? that just isn't right.. and the blame is not with the individual.

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It's hardly nit picking The game is a country mile away from polished. The MMO part of the game is one of the poorest out there. The worlds are lifeless and dead and woefully under realized.


Players find exploring Star Wars planets boring...? that just isn't right.. and the blame is not with the individual.


1 opinion does not equal others,


I have "been around the block" so to speak for mmo's, and this is by far the best mmo I have played.

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1 opinion does not equal others,


I have "been around the block" so to speak for mmo's, and this is by far the best mmo I have played.


I share his opinion.


Are you sure you're talking about the "MMO" part of the game, and not just the leveling/questing that is mostly single player..and not the raids you can complete with 1 tank all the way through, pretty much putting people who want to tank out of what they want to do if their guild has a tank..or maybe the fact that nightmare is the same as hard just with more HP..I mean, the game reeks of design flaws that could have been easily avoided if the developers of the "MMO" Portion of the game could have just looked back and saw what other MMO's had done to make these experiences better.


But, they did not. If this is the Best MMO (Emphasis on MMO) you've played? I'd question your bias. It's the best single player with co-op star wars game I've ever played, that's for sure. But I came here for an MMO. Not co-op.

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I share his opinion.


Are you sure you're talking about the "MMO" part of the game, and not just the leveling/questing that is mostly single player..and not the raids you can complete with 1 tank all the way through, pretty much putting people who want to tank out of what they want to do if their guild has a tank..or maybe the fact that nightmare is the same as hard just with more HP..I mean, the game reeks of design flaws that could have been easily avoided if the developers of the "MMO" Portion of the game could have just looked back and saw what other MMO's had done to make these experiences better.


But, they did not. If this is the Best MMO (Emphasis on MMO) you've played? I'd question your bias. It's the best single player with co-op star wars game I've ever played, that's for sure. But I came here for an MMO. Not co-op.


So, because more health on bosses for different modes is a design flaw?


I have played:


WoW 2 ish years, raided and killed LK 25 hardmode.



Global Agenda

Champions online





None of these games match tor.

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I share his opinion.


Are you sure you're talking about the "MMO" part of the game, and not just the leveling/questing that is mostly single player..and not the raids you can complete with 1 tank all the way through, pretty much putting people who want to tank out of what they want to do if their guild has a tank..or maybe the fact that nightmare is the same as hard just with more HP..I mean, the game reeks of design flaws that could have been easily avoided if the developers of the "MMO" Portion of the game could have just looked back and saw what other MMO's had done to make these experiences better.


But, they did not. If this is the Best MMO (Emphasis on MMO) you've played? I'd question your bias. It's the best single player with co-op star wars game I've ever played, that's for sure. But I came here for an MMO. Not co-op.


Completly agree. This isn't a mmo, its a single player game from 1-49, fp's and op's are so easy you don't even need to concentrate on what your team mates are doing.

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The travel issues for me could be solved by letting me mount up in orbital stations and space ports. I dont really need to run through an air lock, an orbital station, and a space port. Most of them have nothing but basic scenery to offer. Why not let us just buzz through or bypass it completely?
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So, because more health on bosses for different modes is a design flaw?


I have played:


WoW 2 ish years, raided and killed LK 25 hardmode.



Global Agenda

Champions online





None of these games match tor.


Yes, it's a design flaw because that is ALL they have. It's a step backwards in encounter complexity. If the fights are so simple you can have one tank just do the entire thing even on Nightmare? You say you've killed LK 25m hard mode. You know that fight required a lot of machination by the raid group especially in Frostmourne's room. You needed ranged to specifically kite ghosts when released, and if anyone messed up it was chaos.


So..How is going Backwards not a design flaw. You can say yes it's teir 1 content, but Teir 1 content on Nightmare mode - is just as simple? Huh?


So, your listing games that have had much smaller budgets, games which are still running well (Lotro), games that are almost a decade old, and yet still have more advanced mechanics than one popped out in 2011?


Nope. It's simple short sightedness.

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You didn't even mention how ridiculously easy the operations are.


Or the PvP imbalances (namely Sorcs and Mercs (and Smuggler/op a little still))


or the very stupid crafting changes


or the lack of crafting patterns for decent gear


or the lack of money sink


or the lack of World PvP (Ilum clearly is a whole other issue)



I dont know if you figured this out yet but yeah you can reverse engineer greens to blues than reverse engineer the blues into purples (there is like 15 different purples you can make off 1 base unit like resolve or might etc. http://www.lonestranger.net/swtor/re/SWTOR_RE_GUIDE.png) and i find the purple level 49 implants very competitive even with the lvl 50 ones you get from the pvp vendor esp when you proc a mastercraft. Im sure a lot of people agree with this because I have no trouble selling these by the half dozen every day. Sooo Just a heads up maybe you don't understand the crafting system.

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There's no perfect game and they all have room for improvement, this one particularly. But it seems as though people seem to forget how fresh and new it is.


I also can't help but question the OPs comment regarding the game "chugging" away. I have a desktop that hasn't been upgraded since 2008 and, while at the time it was a powerhouse, it's rather outdated now, yet it's still capable of playing the game at 1680x1050 with the settings maxed, granting me an average above 60fps. I can hardly justify blaming a developer for your lack of a decent computer for rendering graphics.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though, and say it can be tuned. Particularly the shadows aspect, as when I toggle them off I jump to about 130fps as an average... I can't imagine shadows should be that difficult to process, especially when their appearance comes off as relatively... un-antialiased.

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I dont know if you figured this out yet but yeah you can reverse engineer greens to blues than reverse engineer the blues into purples (there is like 15 different purples you can make off 1 base unit like resolve or might etc. http://www.lonestranger.net/swtor/re/SWTOR_RE_GUIDE.png) and i find the purple level 49 implants very competitive even with the lvl 50 ones you get from the pvp vendor esp when you proc a mastercraft. Im sure a lot of people agree with this because I have no trouble selling these by the half dozen every day. Sooo Just a heads up maybe you don't understand the crafting system.


Going by what he said about OPS being easy (and this is an assumption), i would guess that his gear out levels the stuff he can craft. I know my artifice stuff is next to redundant now that i full have rakata. I dont even use it, as i make more money sending my companions out for low level gems every 5 minutes and selling the mats on the GTN, for people power levelling alts professions. it will be great if you could keep learning past the lvl 49 stuff ... say to columi lvl?

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There's no perfect game and they all have room for improvement, this one particularly. But it seems as though people seem to forget how fresh and new it is.


People need to stop using this bad excuise. It is not the 1940's, it is 2012. There is a huge amount of research they could look at by plenty of different companies out there.

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Yeah I buy fleet passes like crazy just to avoid the loading screens.


How about this, BW? When you click on a shuttle door (especially at level 50), you get the option to port to your ship, or open the galaxy map and port to the planet you choose?


Wow. Best idea ive read on this forum! Been here since the servers went down.. :)

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Game Breaking?


Stop saying it, its enjoyment these people are talking about, and the things that stop it.

People are enjoying themself, but there are massive amounts of minor bugs that will get on anyones nerve, if they dont to you, maybe you need to go have another bong hit.


BUT lets just say...


When people come across things that dont work or are simply strange.. then its annoying, and are forced to find a work around? the enjoyment dries up.. all thats left is the games story line and videos..


All of what the person posted in the first post is all true, its simple, its fact, everyone knows it.



Iv put many tickets up about things like this ingame, sometimes i get told to go email my bug to the support people.. like huh?


I have seen many bugs playing in my past 1month and a bit.. not major ones like the storyline bugs that you need to fly to other planets and exit the phase and spam reset phase and then fly back to continue doing the class quest..


These are my current list of minor bugs that are very very very annoying.


Patch Notes.. how can you put the wrong thing in patch notes?

Targeting.. how many times do i have to hit tab.. gcd on tab?

Camera.. do i have to scroll out every time i use an elevator or walk thru a door way? yes.. not cool, very annoying

PVP.. The Voidstar is the only one i have found now that does not record my wins..

-also the objective rewards are broken, i capped all the doors and go to the terminal, still i have less objectives than a guy who just followed the zerg going for kills.. derp

-also The Voidstar.. do we have to take that bike ride every danm time?

-also Alderaan, that bike you use to get to the battlefield.. is on your cooldowns, you cannot use it if you just used a spell.. lol its part of your gcd.. ***.. /castspeederbiketopvp

-Illum.. derp

50 PVP.. grind grind grind (the gear ratio is so very very large if you just hit 50, next month you might do a little better after getting 3shot constantly)

Vendor Sorting.. usable oh wait no i cant use any of this let me sit here for 20mins looking for stuff i can actually use

-also having to open and close my window after selecting "sort level" on things is irritating

-also buyback can nothing be sorted into chronological order or atleast in any order?

Crafting.. companions say "oh i failed" but give things, or say "i did awesome this time check out my leet loot" and give nothing

-also 1hour to go pick something up for me? why coz my crewskill level is 400? and companion is 9k affection?

-also why bother with the multiple options to sort stuff in your crafting menu? Difficulty option a dot with a color? when you can just sort by "level" and it still has the level number with the difficulty color in it...

-also gathering on world.. soooo many bugged nodes without the letters thing above them

Traveling.. Loading screens upon loading screens, never! play with game in full screen window mode.. you will have the longest loading times ever experienced,

-also whenever your computer goes into screensaver, your game needs to reload the zone(not always but most of the time), i put up a ticket about this and i got a reply "because the game system is trying to kick afk people to help server queue, screensaver helps kick people who afk" even tho the game kicks someone after 30mins of afk anyway... fullscreen window mode is broke and they cant fix it.

-also why.. just why.....

-recall 30mins.. kinda in a hurry.. no wait its still on cooldown.. sigh

-Fleet travel pass or whatever its called... 18HOURS!!! ... lol really? i have my own ship.. i should be able to go there whenever the hell i choose

Guild.. right clicking member.. with no actual options to do anything with like "invite" or "view crewskill/schematics"

-also no real point to be in a guild other than to chat, coz everyone just spams general chat for LFG anyway

Ticketing.. my tickets all have the -4589723594027 after them now, kinda like how i know a mod or gm has read them, or they are now closed, but sometimes they dont read and close them with a reply, so this bunch of number with the dash infront of it shows me they atleast took a glance

Light & Dark.. 7800.45763457872 awesome maths here to determine how light or dark i am, gets right into the deep decimals, pretty sure i got this from crewskill diplomacy, had a companion come back a few times with a strange bunch of numbers


think thats all of them, there are so many, i have submited a ticket for all of them, i have only once ever had a customer support person contact me ingame, and that was todo with the fullscreen window mode screensaver reloading my zone.


These are not game breaking, but you can imagine how annoying they are when you come across them since your paying to play and are reporting them, along with alot of other people, and not seeing them in the need to fix pile of bugs.

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or the lack of World PvP (Ilum clearly is a whole other issue)

-The questing zones are separated which is insanely lame. I rolled PvP server to have PvP happen..there is NO world PvP





THIS .. holy **** how bad an idea was this? I roll a pvp server , after tantooine me and my mate get in a little 2v2 we enjoy it look forward to the next world ... then it dawns on us that thequesting zpmes are COMPLETLY seperated and not just a little bit either , the OTHER side of the maps, its really stupid :(


Like this dude i rolled a pvp sever , if they made the 2 factions share quest zones , heck even quest mobs and items it would promote world pvp and make us feel we are in a universe on the brink of war ! Would of been a much more exciting lvling experience ( even though it was already great)if it was peppered with skirmishes the whole way through.

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So...the game has caused you to suffer how?


How did SWTOR affect your ability to do the basic motor functions?


How did SWTOR cause you to be on a machine to help you breathe?




Quality of Life.....you guys make me laugh so hard.


never thought I would see that day that a MMO causes quality of life issues....rofl


So pathetic.

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I agree with a couple of points, pretty minor issues really. If it upsets you enough to leave have a good time.


Why do you defend this game? Tell me now, its not that good but you cling to hopes that it will be because of "OH STORYTELLING" its a **** novel and a bad game.

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I dunno, this game strikes me as a lot more casual than WoW. It will probably not suit no-lifers, ie. people who expect to spend 12-16h a day on it. For someone looking to do 1-2 PvP matches in the evening and maybe an OP at the weekend I'd say it's fairly ok.


The whole game needs another 6 months or a year of beta testing, you can see that the release was forced by EA in order for the game to appear before Christmas and boost the revenue for 2011. It's a pity though, if they gave it another few months it would have been better for everybody involved.

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oh and just to be clear:


Or the PvP imbalances (namely Sorcs and Mercs (and Smuggler/op a little still))

- not an opinon (my main is a sorc, its so dumb how strong they are)


or the very stupid crafting changes

(making purples < blues ?, really, what are they thinking ?)


or the lack of crafting patterns for decent gear

- every crafting profession should have a learn able item that is competitive in the market


or the lack of money sink

- many people are rich. Even after spending money on VIP and mount....


or the lack of World PvP (Ilum clearly is a whole other issue)

-The questing zones are separated which is insanely lame. I rolled PvP server to have PvP happen..there is NO world PvP


your post clearly states your a warrior and want everyone nerfed. sorc 1v1 is the saddest thing in the world. sure u get the BIG overall damage... yeah great im so happy... 2 bad my 31 point talent ticks for 150 dmg which is even less then agony... on a 20k folks with heavy armor. sure i got more roots then any other class... so what. if your a melee there are skills to ignore cc shorty if u cant use your abilities you should start using your brain instead of whining.

now getting killed in a single stun where u break first instantly and still die with 450 or so expertise in a single knockdown... thats stupid. where someone can spam grav round/tracer missles for a stable 5k spam... yeah thats stupid.

sorcerers/sages.... as group pvp goes yeah it may look funny since its easier to get big over all number. but any sniper thats not brain dead or asleep can still spew out 600k w/o bothething with trinkets/adrenas/pvp buff.

that said if i wanted to play full madness... the ONLY way for me to get 2.5k damage medal is to chug down either pvp buff... or pop adrenal+power relic. and here you whine about sorc being op.... wrath/chain lightning is a hideous spec that relies on mashing 2 tops 3 buttons... i hate it and ill never use it. i also find it amusing that people keep saying if you dont you suck/n00b/l2play/(insert w/e random uncreative raving). point is... for damage we have a choice of specing into a horrible lightning tree which gets you stuck standing around waving your hands... which is pretty bad for pvp.... or specing madness with 0 burst damage and very slow and very low ticks.

if you have complain... how about making a constructive list of things with names and numbers that you find unbalanced... cant do it?... congrats you are just another worthless forum whiner.

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Why do you defend this game? Tell me now, its not that good but you cling to hopes that it will be because of "OH STORYTELLING" its a **** novel and a bad game.


This isnt a flaming post mate, get back in yer box.


people posting things they dislike and are annoyed at is whats happening, and also ppl trolling, no need to hate on something that obviously is a work in progress due to the early forced release

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