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Horrible targeting system explained.


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Today first time i have played Warzone with one of the top CPUs out there so i have eliminated the low fps factor which pleases me very much. That however allowed me to check whats exactly so uncomfortable with swtor targeting system excluding of course broken tab-targeting mentioned here:



While tab-targeting is totally useless in current form (explanation in the thread mentioned above) we are forced to click for our targets, and here comes another failure of developer(s) responsible for this...

Its the exact same broken targeting system i have noticed in warhammer online before i quitted it. It have 2 major flaws:


1. It select target at mouse button 'release', insetad of mouse button 'press' action. That creates problems when targets are fighting with each other or just moving. Becouse you need to click on target and release button also on target - you must catch the target the way that it stays on those very pixels while you press and release the button... Plenty fo times you have really little frames range within a second to do that correctly, and it ends up with spamming the button in hope it will finally select the freaking target in time.


2. Targets dont have their selectable area extended to be easily clickable, so when you try to target skinny target in the distance you must click exactly at their body, or it will not select it.


Some developers never learn from others example... They will insist of reinveting the wheel or they are just incapable of comprehending basic things - or the third option: they never played similiar games they are now working on and force players that buys that game to go trough all the horrible, uncomfortable feature for the time the developer is learning how to create features properly


Bioware, why? Why do we need to endure particular devs' incompetence? Are we test subjects and teachers for some developers you are hiring and we pay them for their learning? I thought we are paying so you can hire the best and most competent developers that knows how to do things the best possible way, insetad of cutting corners and learning on players expense.


Ahh.. so that's why clicking targets feels so awkward in this game. Not only is it slower and harder for us to switch targets, clicking is difficult too because of everything in this game being smaller in size (compared to the other MMO).


I wonder why they didn't just increase the target's selectable area, or why didn't they just make targeting "on press" instead of "on release"? There's probably a game-mechanic or combat reason.

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WoW got the targeting system right, I agree, but also other elements. Like when you have someone targeted and are moving it was easy to maintain the target even without "click terrain to deselect" enabled.


In TOR pressing both mouse buttons to move, for example, makes you lose target unless you have that option enabled. Frankly, it shouldn't have to be enabled as evident in WoW. The option is really only there for people that are "fat-fingered" or the "I R mashing buttons!" type.

Edited by fretropolis
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This thread is just... full of win.


But seriously, I agree with the OP and a lot of you others. I mean I get by and I deal with what I can to make things easier for myself but these changes listed would be VERY welcoming.


Tab wasn't doing it for me, so I resorted to keybinding "E" for "nearest target", and any other time I just click when they are in the distance. I got really good at pinpointing those exact clicks for targeting (a skill you would hope to not need) as like others have said, the click box is so damn tiny sometimes. But this works well for me.

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WoW got the targeting system right


Did it really? Or is that just something that's been habitually programmed into your subconscious?


Getting used to the 'rules' of tab targeting for one game over another can take a while. Especially if you've been playing WoW for years.


I'm not gonna lie and say that Tab Targeting works flawlessly for me. But the issue barely crops up for me. Maybe once a day in a 3-4 hour play session. It's nothing horrendous. And usually if I see this happening, I will deselect my targets and start tab targeting over again and it's typically the first thing I tab target to. . .if not the second.


Many of you have been playing Bioware games for years, from KoToR, to Mass Effect, and even Dragon Age. This never was an issue for me before. It was only until I got so used to the tab targeting in my old MMO(DDO), that I started seeing this issue in this one.


And again, I'm not saying there isn't any room for improvements, but it's certainly not making me click on character models instead of using Tab to target.

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Did it really? Or is that just something that's been habitually programmed into your subconscious?


Getting used to the 'rules' of tab targeting for one game over another can take a while. Especially if you've been playing WoW for years.


I'm not gonna lie and say that Tab Targeting works flawlessly for me. But the issue barely crops up for me. Maybe once a day in a 3-4 hour play session. It's nothing horrendous. And usually if I see this happening, I will deselect my targets and start tab targeting over again and it's typically the first thing I tab target to. . .if not the second.


Many of you have been playing Bioware games for years, from KoToR, to Mass Effect, and even Dragon Age. This never was an issue for me before. It was only until I got so used to the tab targeting in my old MMO(DDO), that I started seeing this issue in this one.


And again, I'm not saying there isn't any room for improvements, but it's certainly not making me click on character models instead of using Tab to target.


Story of your tolerance is really charming. Still: game mechanic is flawed as hell and unacceptable for PvP.

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Story of your tolerance is really charming. Still: game mechanic is flawed as hell and unacceptable for PvP.


As with all thread here, it is obvious you don't want dissenting opinions. Forums used to be about that sort of thing, you know.

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As with all thread here, it is obvious you don't want dissenting opinions. Forums used to be about that sort of thing, you know.


So when there is a discussion with topic about car accident and road safety, you praise people's stories of how OK it is for them that car accidents happens and they are not bothered? What does it bring to discussion? Absolutely nothing but an information that mr.x is content with situation. Its not a freaking poll, its discussion.

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So when there is a discussion with topic about car accident and road safety, you praise people's stories of how OK it is for them that car accidents happens and they are not bothered? What does it bring to discussion? Absolutely nothing but an information that mr.x is content with situation. Its not a freaking poll, its discussion.


In which it is either agree with you, or shut up. I get it, I really do. Just like every other PvP complainer post on the Internet, really.

Edited by Jederix
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if you f up, and cycle past your target, that's your fault. The tab target isn't perfect, the one and only issue I have with it, and literally this is the only one, is that you don't usually get a target on the closest target to you. Which is usually the criteria i'm used to for most tab systems. but besides that one minor detail which I'm pretty sure, theyll fix not too far in the future, for me, a 50 gunslinger who relies on tab targetting to switch between mobs in just about every single encounter, it works pretty darn ok.


A big thing you have to remember is that with tons of targets on the screen the tab is gonna have an issue with pulling out the right target. If say in a crowd of people you start with the left enemy, and use him as the starting point by clicking on him with your mouse, I think you'll find that it actually works pretty decently. What i've seen of it, and that's quite a lot, the system works from left to right. So you have to set yourself up for that kind of encounter, if you do, it works just fine. Trust me, I use it 50-80 times a day, at least.


As stated above, the only thing I would change, because I honestly think it's a good system, and let me reword that, I wouldn't change it. I would add something to it. And that something would be to be able to target the closest target to you and strafe left/right. <--- (which it does currently) But besides that one flaw there's completely nothing wrong with it. It's one small thing, not a horrible broken system heh. if you use it the way it's intended it will work for you.

Edited by Macabakur
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did someone tell him to go change the targeting option in preferences yet?


Yes, he said that wasn't a solution. Typical. In fact, I agree with the guy that targeting could use some work. I just don't see the sky falling because of it.

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Blizzard got it right with targetting indeed.


1. characters are selected on button press - it coudlnt be easier to target by mouse this way

2. characters have extended areas on which they can be "clicked" and selected (not just their models are interactive, but an area around them aswell

3. they have close to perfect tab-targetting, seelcting targets under a cone area in the center of the screen.


This way while playing their game people are not struggling with stupid interface/targetting flaws and are allowed to simply play the game and struggle with enemies, not the game interface and targeting mechanics.

That's how it should be based on.

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Have you ever received a buff from a random player and could not reciprocate no matter how hard you tried because they were moving? :(


haha. yes.



edit; oh and OP is spot on. WoW targetting was great. Give me nameplates, at least!

Edited by Stupiddrummer
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Have you ever received a buff from a random player and could not reciprocate no matter how hard you tried because they were moving? :(


this would be adressed with the thing I said, the ability to target the closest pc, to you. or npc I guess too. but you could shuffle between those with the current system. It'd be a mix of the two. They, should add this type of functionality, i'd think. Not, knowledgable of how difficult it would be to make an addon to the existing targetting system to allow you to get to the closest target, just so they don't full on scrap what they have now, because it's good, and it works. maybe not to buff some random, but if you wanna do a quick charged shot from one mob to trickshot on 2 mob, it works pretty flawlessly.

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haha. yes.



edit; oh and OP is spot on. WoW targetting was great. Give me nameplates, at least!


WoW made it easier to click on someone, but most would not be clicking on someone, they'd be tab-targetting to them (enemies, at least). In this regard, WoW did not do very well either.

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Honestly my only gripe with this game is the inaccuracy of tab targeting. But I haven't had a problem with click targeting. When I PvP I use both and have had good success. But I would like an improvement to the accuracy of tab. It is annoying to try and target the person in front of you and it targets some one who is off screen.
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After killing a large elite droid in a flashpoint (for example), it's nigh on impossible to select anything else until you've moved about 10m from its corpse. The hitboxes for clicking too big for these and cover a good deal of empty space you can see through, but can't click through.
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I have trouble buffing people but usually because their companion blocks them constantly.

In my case I have a similar issue being ending targeting their companions.


Thing is while targeting a player you're buffing both the player and the character but when targeting the companions you can't buff any of them. A LotRo/Rift/Wow polish would have make both method work.

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